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Ticket to Ride (suomeksi)
Ticket to Ride (suomeksi)

Katso pelin esittely Youtubesta.

Mainion lautapelin "Ticket to Ride" suomenkielinen versio.

Kilpailuhenki saa ihmiset tekemään kummallisia asioita - kuten vaikka kiertämään Pohjois-Amerikan kaupunkeja junalla. Tällaisen tehtävän eteen pelaajat kuitenkin joutuvat Menolippu pelissä. Pelin on suunnitellut aikaisemminkin junapelejä tehnyt Alan R. Moon, mutta Menolippu muistuttaa ehkä kuitenkin enemmän Trans Americaa kuin Moonin pelejä.

Menolippu voitti vuoden 2004 Spiel des Jahres -palkinnon. Palkinto oli ensimmäinen Days of Wonderille ja jo toinen Alan Moonille (Elfenland voitti vuonna 1998).

Junayhteyksien halkoma Pohjois-Amerikan kartta on monelle tuttu näky. Menolipun iso kartta on tuttuudestaan huolimatta miellyttävä ja selkeä näky. Kartalla oleville yhteyksille pelataan muovisia junanvaunuja, jotka tuovat mieleen Union Pacificin (Alan R. Moonin toinen junapeli). Vaunujen kirkkaat värit erottuvat toisistaan selvästi, vaikkakin värisävyt ovat hieman epätavallisia.

Erittäin tärkeä osa peliä ovat kortit, joita on kahdenlaisia. Erivärisiä vaunukortteja käytetään yhteyksien rakentamiseen - värit vastaavat kartalla olevia värejä. Reitin pituus kertoo, montako samanväristä korttia sen rakentamiseen tarvitaan. Mitä pidempi reitti, sitä työläämpi se on kerätä, mutta toisaalta sitä enemmän kertyy pisteitä.

Pisteitä saa myös matkalipuista. Jokaisessa lipussa on mainittu kaksi kaupunkia ja pistearvo. Jos yhdistää kaupungit yhtenäisellä reitillä, saa pelin lopussa kortin pisteet. Lippuja saa pelin alussa muutaman ja niitä voi kerätä pelin aikana lisää - hommassa on vain yksi pikku juju: jos reittiä ei saakaan valmiiksi, menettää pisteitä sen, mitä onnistuessaan olisi saanut. Rannikolta toiselle ulottuva pitkä reitti on houkutteleva pistelähde, mutta myös suuri riski.

Pelaaja voi vuorollaan joko nostaa kortin tai rakentaa rataa. Menestys edellyttää oikeanlaista tasapainoa korttien keräämisen ja rakentamisen välille. Liian aikainen rakentaminen paljastaa suunnitelmat muille pelaajille, odottaminen taas kostautuu tärkeiden yhteyksien menettämisellä. Useimmat reitit voi kiertää pidemmällä reitillä, mutta kiertämiselläkin on rajansa. Aika voi loppua pahasti kesken.

Suunnitelmia rajoittaa myös pelimerkkien määrä. Jokaisella pelaajalla on 45 nappulaa ja peli päättyy, kun jonkun pelaajan nappulat loppuvat. Pelin päättymistä voi siis jouduttaa, jos omat tavoitteet ovat kunnossa ja muilla näyttää olevan vielä rakentaminen kesken. Tässäkin vaiheessa ajoitus on kaiken ydin. Onnellakin on pelissä merkityksensä, matkalippujen muodossa. Hyvällä tuurilla pakasta saa matkalippuja, joiden reitit on rakentanut jo kokonaan tai melkein valmiiksi. Huonolla tuurilla taas saa aivan väärällä suunnalla olevia reittejä. Onneksi pakasta saa nostaa kerralla useamman kortin, joista voi pitää osan tai kaikki.

Menolippua on kehuttu paljon, eikä suotta. Peli on hyvä perhepeli ja sopii myös kokeneempien pelaajien ajanvietteeksi. Peliä voi pelata enemmän tai vähemmän ilkeästi, mikä sitten onkin peliporukan mieleen. Kohtalaisen tuurielementin vuoksi huonompikin pelaaja saattaa joskus voittaa - se on erityisesti perheen parissa tai peleihin vähemmän fanaattisesti suhtautuvien kavereiden kanssa pelattaessa hyvä ominaisuus.

Pelaajamäärä: 2-5
Ikäsuositus: 8+
Peliaika: 45 min

Säännöt suomeksi, ruotsiksi, norjaksi ja tanskaksi.
Suunnittelija: Alan R. Moon

      loppu varastosta
46.60 €
Ticket to Ride Europe
Ticket to Ride Europe

Katso pelin esittely Youtubesta.

From Edinburgh to Constantinople, Lisbon to Moscow, Ticket to Ride - Europe will take players on a train ride to the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe. More than just a new map, Ticket to Ride - Europe features brand new gameplay elements including Tunnels, Ferries, and Train Stations, plus they've upgraded you to First-Class accommodations with larger cards, new Train Station game pieces, and a lavishly illustrated gameboard.

From the craggy hillsides of Edinburgh to the sunlit docks of Constantinople, from the dusty alleys of Pamplona to a windswept station in Berlin, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on a new train adventure through the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe.

Will you risk a trip through the dark tunnels of Switzerland? Venture aboard a ferry on the Black Sea? Or erect lavish train stations in the great capitals of the old empires? Your next move might just make you Europe's greatest train magnate!

The newest installment in our best-selling Ticket to Ride series of train adventures, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you across the Ocean into the heart of Europe. More than just a new map to play on, Ticket to Ride Europe offers you brand new gameplay elements including Tunnels, Ferries and Train Stations. We've also upgraded you to First-Class accommodations with larger cards, new Train Station game pieces, and a lavishly illustrated gameboard.

Like the Spiel des Jahres winning original that has sold over 320,000 copies worldwide, the game remains elegantly simple, and easy to learn. Ticket to Ride Europe is a complete, new game that does not require the original version. It is guaranteed to offer you hours of enjoyment.

If you have not jumped aboard the fast moving Ticket to Ride express yet, and have never had the opportunity to play the original Ticket to Ride boardgame, we recommend you discover that classic first. If you are a veteran train traveler eager for some new adventures, the whole of Europe awaits you!

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52.90 €
Ticket to Ride Europe 15th Anniversary
Ticket to Ride Europe 15th Anniversary

From beneath the shadow of London's Big Ben to the towering arches of Rome's Colosseum, from the brilliant onion domes of Moscow to the delicate Eiffel Tower in Paris, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on new train adventures through the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe. Will you brave a ride through the long Alpine tunnels or undertake an arctic ferry ride? Will you construct extravagant train stations across the old empires or attempt the fabled European Express? Your next move could seal your place as Europe's greatest train magnate!

Pack your luggage, hail the porter, and climb aboard!

This deluxe and oversized version of Ticket to Ride Europe celebrates years of thrilling train adventures for many families and friends.

Featuring finely detailed plastic trains and stations coming in gorgeous tin boxes, this version is a spare no expense definitive edition of the classic Ticket to Ride Europe: oversized board, all the destination tickets published to date along with a set of beautiful new artwork.

Contains material from the Ticket to Ride: Europe base game and the Europa 1912 expansion for a total of 108 destination ticket cards.

* 1 Giant Board map of European train routes with all new illustrations
* 5 Tin Boxes, each with 45 finely sculpted wagon cars
* 15 Colored Train Stations
* 5 Scoring Markers
* 1 Rules booklet
* 110 Train Car Cards
* All 108 Destination Ticket Cards published to date
* 1 European Express Bonus Card
* 1 Big Cities Reference Card

2–5 Players
30–60 Min
Age: 8+

  !   tilattava tuote
114.50 €
Ticket to Ride Map Collection 5: United Kingdom
Ticket to Ride Map Collection 5: United Kingdom

Kehitä teknologiaa, jolla voitat vastustajasi viktoriaanisen aikakauden Englannissa. Mukana myös Pennsylvanian kartta.

Karttakokoelmalisäosiin tarvitaan itsenäisen Ticket to Ride- tai Ticket to Ride Europe pelin junat ja junakortit.

Place the first rails of the glorious train adventure that all started in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in the Victorian Era. Learn to master the power of steam and develop your technologies to build trains that go faster and farther, and reach the far cities of Scotland and Ireland before your opponents...

Or invest in the most profitable companies of Pennsylvania to develop your rail network in this state full of railroad history!

This double-sided map features the United Kingdom and its new technology system on one side and the Pennsylvania and its railroad companies on the other.

The United Kingdom map comes with a complete new Train cards deck including additional Locomotives, and Technology cards such as the Mechanical Stoker or the Thermocompressor that will allow players to develop their Technology level and build faster trains and claim long routes. The Pennsylvania map comes with 60 “Stock Shares” cards representing the great railroad companies of Pennsylvania. On this map, claiming a route also allows a player to invest in a company – having a majority of shares in a given company allows to score extra bonus points at game end.

Ticket to Ride United Kingdom includes a double-sided map: the United Kingdom map is designed for 2-4 players and includes 116 new Train cards, 57 UK Destination Tickets, and 47 Technology cards. The Pennsylvania map is designed for 2-5 players and includes 50 Tickets and 60 “Stock Shares” cards. Both of these maps require the trains from either Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride Europe.

      loppu varastosta
42.30 €
Ticket to Ride Map Collection 6: France + Old West
Ticket to Ride Map Collection 6: France + Old West

Rakenna reittejä ja luo oma imperiumisi Ranskan kehittymättömään rautatiejärjestelmään. Mukana myös enintään kuudelle pelaajalle tarkoitettu Old West -kartta.

Karttakokoelmalisäosiin tarvitaan itsenäisen Ticket to Ride- tai Ticket to Ride Europe pelin junat ja junakortit.

Dive into thriving French culture during impressionism and the Industrial Revolution - street cafes, `Starry Night`, Paris Boulevards, and Notre-Dame. The French railroad system is a blank canvas just waiting for your masterful strokes with this Map Collection for Ticket To Ride!

However, before you can start claiming routes, you`ll need to lay the track! Watch for your opponents, though, because they might claim the route you just spent so much time building!

This double-sided board also features a map of the "Old West" - the western half of the United States - where up to six players can develop their railway networks starting from their Home Cities.

• Expand your games of Ticket to Ride with two new maps
• The France map challenges players to lay tracks before claiming routes
• The Old West map invites players to develop a network that begins with their Home City
• Two completely distinct new ways to experience a classic game

Ticket to Ride: France includes an oversizeed, double-sided map:
* The French map is designed for 2-5 players and includes 58 Destination Tickets cards, 2 Bonus cards, and 64 Track Pieces.

* The Old West map is designed for 2-6 players and includes 50 Destination Tickets cards, 2 Bonus Cards, 40 White Train Cars, 18 City Markers, and 1 Alvin the Alien Marker.

Both of these maps require the trains and the train car cards from either Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride Europe.

      heti saatavilla
47.90 €
Ticket to Ride Map Collection 6.5: Poland
Ticket to Ride Map Collection 6.5: Poland

From the sea to the Tatra Mountains, like long and wide Poland, there are beautiful areas that are just waiting to be discovered. Do you want to observe the bison in the shadow of the Bialowieza Forest? Or maybe you prefer to stroll around the charming streets of Wroclaw?

Ticket to Ride Map Collection 6.5: Poland will take you on a unique journey into the past, during which you will play the role of a railway magnate from the previous century and contribute to the development of the rail network not only in the country, but also in neighbouring countries.

Ticket to Ride Map Collection 6.5: Poland is an add-on designed for 2-4 people. The game takes place on a board with a map of Poland, and the participants' goal is to complete as many routes as possible. By building connections between cities, as well as connecting individual neighbouring countries with each other, players are trying to gain a monopoly in the public transport segment. The earlier they manage to communicate two countries, the more points they will receive.

What makes this add-on different?
Each map in the Ticket to Ride series has its own rules that influence the course of the game and the planning of moves. In the case of the map of Poland, it is the improvement of communication between neighbouring countries. In addition to connecting cities, our routes can also reach border crossings, and thus connect neighbouring countries. If we manage to create such a combination in our turn, we choose the top cards from the special stacks of both countries. Their point value is arranged in descending order, which means that players who are the first to pick cards can count on a higher point bonus.

* board with the map of Poland
* 35 ticket cards
* 20 country cards
* instructions

English & Polish rules included

      heti saatavilla
34.80 €
Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam
Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam

Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam features the familiar gameplay from the Ticket to Ride game series — collect cards, claim routes, draw tickets — but on a map of 17th century Amsterdam that allows you to complete a game in no more than 15 minutes.

You are in the middle of the Gouden Eeuw, the Dutch Golden Age. Amsterdam is the beating heart of global trade and the wealthiest city on Earth. Goods from around the world are piling up on the docks, in ship holds, in warehouses, and on the banks of its countless canals. You mean to profit from this!

Each player starts with a supply of 16 carts, two transportation cards in hand, and one or two trade contract tickets that show locations in the Amsterdam market. On a turn, you either draw two transportation cards from the deck or the display of five face-up cards (or you take one face-up wild card, which counts as all six colors in the game); or you claim a route on the board by discarding cards that match the color of the route being claimed (with any set of cards allowing you to claim a gray route); or you draw two trade contract tickets and keep at least one of them.

Whenever you complete a route that has carts depicted on it, with these primarily being on the perimeter of the city, you claim a merchandise bonus card.

Players take turns until someone has no more than two carts in their supply, then each player takes one final turn, including the player who triggered the end of the game. Players then sum their points, scoring points for the routes that they've claimed during the game, the trade contract tickets that they've completed (by connecting the two locations on a ticket by a continuous line of their carts), and their standing among those who hold merchandise bonus cards. Whoever holds the most cards collects 8 points, with other players collecting fewer points. You lose points for any uncompleted contract tickets, then whoever has the high score wins!

2-4 Players
10-15 Min
Age: 8+

  !   tilattava tuote
23.00 €
Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912 (suomeksi)
Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912 (suomeksi)

Eurooppa 1912 lisäosa lisää peliin varastot ja varikot matkatessasi Euroopan suosikkikaupungeissasi. Lisäksi käytössäsi on aivan uusi valikoina menolippuja, joten hyppää kyytiin ja nauti uusista elämyksistä Menolippu Euroopan parissa!

Lisäosan sisältö:
* 5 varastoa
* 25 varikkoa
* 101 menolippua Ticket to Ride Euroope:n joista 55 uusia
* sääntövihko

Ticket to Ride Europa 1912 on LISÄOSA Ticket to Ride tuoteperheelle, EI KOKONAINEN peli. Tarvitset jonkin Ticket to Ride pelin voidaksesi käyttää uusia Varasto- ja Varikkosääntöjä.

Uudet menoliput toimivat vain Ticket to Ride Europe -version kanssa.

Pelaajamäärä: 2-5
Ikäsuositus: 8+
Peliaika: 60 min

Kieli: suomi, englanti, ranska, ruotsi, saksa
Suunnittelija: Alan R. Moon

This new expansion adds extra destination tickets for the Ticket to Ride Europe, as well as new rules and gameplay that can be added to any version of Ticket to Ride.

Europa 1912 introduces warehouses, which accumulate train cards, and depots on the game board map. Players completing routes to cities that host a depot can claim the train cards in the warehouse. Warehouses and depots can be added to any Ticket to Ride game. The expansion also includes 55 new destination tickets usable with the Ticket to Ride Europe map in three different gameplay variants. A Ticket to Ride game is required to use this expansion.

Ticket to Ride Europa 1912 includes:
* 5 warehouses
* 25 depots
* 101 destination tickets (55 new)
* rules in nine languages

      loppu varastosta
18.00 €
Ticket to Ride: First Journey (US)
Ticket to Ride: First Journey (US)

Ticket to Ride: First Journey takes the gameplay of the Ticket to Ride series and scales it down for a younger audience.

In general, players collect train cards, claim routes on the map, and try to connect the cities shown on their tickets. In more detail, the game board shows a map of the United States with certain cities being connect by colored paths. Each player starts with four colored train cards in hand and two tickets; each ticket shows two cities, and you're trying to connect those two cities with a contiguous path of your trains in order to complete the ticket.

On a turn, you either draw two train cards from the deck or discard train cards to claim a route between two cities; for this latter option, you must discard cards matching the color and number of spaces on that route (e.g., two yellow cards for a yellow route that's two spaces long). If you connect the two cities shown on a ticket with a path of your trains, reveal the ticket, place it face up in front of you, then draw a new ticket. (If you can't connect cities on either ticket because the paths are blocked, you can take your entire turn to discard those tickets and draw two new ones.)

If you connect one of the West Coast cities to one of the East Coast cities with a path of your turns, you immediately claim a Coast-to-Coast ticket.

The first player to complete six tickets wins! Alternatively, if someone has placed all twenty of their trains on the game board, then whoever has completed the most tickets wins!

2–4 Players
15–30 Min
Age: 6+

  !   tilattava tuote
34.10 €
Ticket to Ride: Germany
Ticket to Ride: Germany

Ticket to Ride Germany is a stand-alone game in the Ticket to Ride series. Over the course of the game, players collect cards in order to then claim routes on the game board between two cities. There are also passengers, positioned in cities before the start of the game. Ideally the players create a network of routes that connect the cities shown on their secret ticket cards, trying to also collect as many passengers as possible. Players score points for claiming routes and for completing tickets, with incomplete tickets counting against a player's score and for having the most passengers in given color. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.

• The newest addition to the award-winning Ticket to Ride series
• Build a network of trains across 19th century Germany
• Players must compete to build routes and deliver passengers
• Short and long Destination Tickets give new elements of choice to the elegant classic

The game includes:
* 1 game board
* 240 colored plastic trains (45 each in five colors)
* 202 cards
* 110 train cards (12 each in eight colors and 14 locomotives)
* 91 destination cards (56 short routes worth 3-11 points and 35 long routes worth 12-22 points)
* 1 bonus card for the player who completes the most destination cards
* 5 scoring markers
* 60 wooden passengers (meeples) in 6 colors: black, green, blue, red, yellow, white,
* 1 cloth bag
* Rulebook

This edition will come with the passenger meeples variation that was introduced in the 1902 expansion for Zug um Zug - Deutschland. It is an easier and more dynamic (than T2R Märklin) passenger system.

2–5 Players
30–60 Min
Age: 8+

      loppu varastosta
52.90 €

Hakusivu: 1 2
