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Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations
Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations

“Searchers after horror,” wrote H.P. Lovecraft, “haunt strange, far places.” Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations gives you a guidebook to those places, and to places still stranger and farther yet … places shudderingly close to home. Kenneth Hite guided readers through Lovecraft’s plots and themes in his earlier book Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales. Now, expanding on his “Lost in Lovecraft” essay series in Weird Tales magazine, he takes you on a sight-seeing tour of Lovecraft’s settings: from Arkham to Antarctica, and from New York City to Hyperspace. For Lovecraft the setting was everything, and his legendary locations still hold meanings and secrets for today’s readers. Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations drives the hidden routes connecting seemingly unrelated tales. It follows the tracks of Lovecraft’s predecessors and models, stops to get its bearings in the real world, then plunges back into mystery, deciphering and explaining the symbols and signs on the Master’s map. Kenneth Hite climbs the crags of Kingsport with you, and shines a light in the shadows of Innsmouth. Don’t stray far from the group in the Dreamlands, and while in Vermont, please keep your head and hands inside the bus. With Hite as your guide and Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations as your guidebook, you can’t get lost in Lovecraft even in the loneliest parts of the planet... unless you want to... So that's what Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations is all about. Now let's talk about the content. Modern Cthulhu Mythos master Nick Mamatas provides a Foreword to start the tour. As part of his "Lost in Lovecraft" series for Weird Tales magazine, Ken has already written 14 of the 19 essays that will comprise the basic version of Tour de Lovecraft: The Destinations. Those are: * The Woods, Arabia, Arkham, the Dreamlands, The Pacific, New York, Antarctica, Antiquity, Dunwich, Pnakotus, Kingsport, Boston, Hyperspace, and Vermont. A further 5 essays are still to be written, but Ken already has them plotted out. They are: * The British Isles, Underground, Innsmouth, the Apocalypse, and Providence.

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32.50 €
Tournament at Avalon
Tournament at Avalon

Tournament at Avalon takes players to the land where Excalibur was forged, building on the innovative mechanics of the original with new characters, cards, and mechanics, allowing players to focus on informal diplomacy or alliances alongside the standard combat of the original game. Its a deep, challenging experience all on its own, with extra depth and complexity for players who own both games! You play as a legendary character, battling opponents with weapon cards Arrows, Swords, Deception, Sorcery, and even Alchemy. The more you injure your opponents, the better you fare in the tournament. However, even the most injured characters can make a complete comeback with the grace of Godsend cards and the aid of their special Companions. This trick-taking game ends when one opponent has been injured to the point of death. The player with the most health is then declared the Tournament victor! In Tournament at Avalon, you'll also have cards representing the legendary enchantress Morgan Le Fay, and a new set of Location panels, which grant additional advantages to a player when they are the host of a tournament round. And if you also have Tournament at Camelot, you can mix and match your favorite cards, playing with either ruleset or combine the two games to play an epic Chaos of Battle tournament with seven or eight players! Components: * 60 Basic Weapons cards * 24 Godsend cards * 15 Alchemy cards * 12 Health cards * 10 Protagonist cards * 10 Companion cards * 8 Special Weapons cards * 5 Tokens * 5 Location Panels * 1 Rulebook Components subject to change.

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32.50 €

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