
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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Solusek's Eye
Solusek's Eye

Journey to the Center of the Earth What has lured the gnomes of Ak'Anon from their home in the Steamfront Mountains, across Faydwer and the vast Ocean of Tears, to create an outpost in possibly the most unforgiving and dangerous environment on all of Norrath? The region of caverns and lava-filled tunnels known as Solusek's Eye is in the heart of the Lavastorm Mountains near its namesake, a gigantic caldera of lava whence Solusek Ro himself is said to sometimes gaze upon the world. It's here that the gnomes and their clockwork minions defend a small portion of the caves from kobolds and goblins, as well as from seemingly unnatural predators like stone spiders and sonic bats. Did the gnomes come for the enormous mineral and gem deposits, or is the Solusek Mining Company just a cover for a more ambitious undertaking? And the mystery deepens: Why, unbeknownst to the gnomes, does the mighty red dragon Lord Nagafen demand that his servants -- fire giants, goblins, and kobolds alike - stay their hands from exterminating the tinkering intruders? This sourcebook details the history and present circumstances of the complicated environment in and around Solusek's Eye, including complete settlements of goblins, kobolds, and gnomes, as well as the Citadel of the Krombral, a city teeming with fire giants who avoided the ancient curse of idiocy that affected many of the giant race. In addition, for the first time anywhere, this sourcebook offers a true sneak-peek at some fo the new material that will appear online in EverQuest II. For instance, what part do the gnomes really play in the politics of Solusek's Eye?

      heti saatavilla
20.00 €

Hakusivu: 1

