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Genesys: A Narrative Dice System Core Rulebook (HC)
Genesys: A Narrative Dice System Core Rulebook (HC)

Blast hordes of reanimated skeletons with holy fire, explore new worlds in a steam-powered zeppelin, match wits with alien warlords, or invent your own entirely unique world. Unlimited adventure awaits you in a new roleplaying system limited only by your imagination!

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Genesys, a new roleplaying game system compatible with any setting, and featuring the critically acclaimed Narrative Dice System.

The Genesys experience begins with the Genesys Core Rulebook, which features an explanation of the narrative dice system and core mechanics of the game, an overview of five different settings in which to place campaigns, and advice for Game Masters to craft a myriad of adventures with unparalleled freedom.

A Dynamic Dice System
Genesys utilizes the Narrative Dice System which allows for creative storytelling that goes beyond success and failure, and allows every dice roll to impact the story in dramatic ways.

Every challenge your character faces will have them rolling some combination of Ability and Difficulty dice, known as a dice pool, to determine the results. Ability dice come from your character’s unique skills and characteristics, and provide Success and Advantage symbols. Difficulty dice come from the difficulty of the task your character is trying to achieve, and provide Failure and Threat symbols. Lockpicking an old, rusty door may only provide one Difficulty die, while hacking through a hi-tech firewall designed by a master codesmith may provide many more Difficulty dice. To succeed in whatever task your character is trying to accomplish, a player simply must roll more Success symbols than Failure symbols.

While this may seem simple, the addition of the Advantage and Threat symbols make the results far from binary. Rolling more Advantage symbols yields some positive side effect, regardless of success or failure of the task. This can include things like finding unexpected cover in a firefight or remaining unnoticed while hacking a computer. Meanwhile, rolling Threat means some negative side effect has occurred. Maybe your character drops their weapon after a successful attack or takes longer than expected to track their quarry through the wilderness.

When your character is an expert in the field, or when a task is truly difficult, Ability dice and Difficulty dice can be upgraded to Proficiency and Challenge dice, respectively. Proficiency dice, like Ability dice, feature Success and Advantage symbols, but also include the Triumph symbol. The Triumph symbol not only represents a Success, but also provides a massive side benefit to your action. This might be inflicting a critical injury on a foe or triggering a powerful ability on a weapon. Inversely, the Challenge die features Failure and Threat symbols, but also includes the powerful Despair symbol. Rolling this icon not only counts as a Failure, but indicates a significant bane or side effect to your action. Your character may fall off the rope they are trying to climb, or run out of ammo in the middle of a gunfight. These effects can drastically impact the course of your game, and make every dice roll an exciting event.

Your dice pool can further be modified by Boost and Setback dice. Boost dice feature Success and Advantage symbols, and are added to your roll when the circumstances around the task you are trying to achieve are beneficial. Maybe your character has hacked a computer like this before, or they have ample time to complete the task; your GM will likely add Boost dice to your pool. Setback dice, on the other hand, feature Failure and Threat symbols, and represent complications to the task at hand. Maybe your character is trying to act in the dark, or they don’t have the resources they need.

With the variance provided by these clever Advantage and Threat icons, the possibilities of results are limited only by you and your GM’s creativity.

Unlimited Adventure
From science fiction to fantasy to steampunk, the Genesys Core Rulebook features everything you need to both craft and partake in adventures of all kinds. Providing character templates, equipment, and foes for five wildly different settings, the Genesys Core Rulebook is a pathway to any roleplaying adventure you can imagine. The settings detailed in the book are as follows:

Magic, monsters, heroic warriors, and evil overlords—fantasy has all the makings of a good adventure. There’s a reason it’s the basis for so many games and central to the roots of roleplaying.

Despite being instantly recognizable and familiar, fantasy is an incredibly varied genre, with numerous subdivisions. However you decide to style your fantasy game, Genesys’ customizability makes it perfect for tailoring to the game you want.

Although the term "steampunk" originated in the 1980s, the foundations of the genre go back much further. As is often the case when it comes to defining and categorizing fiction and its genres, opinions differ. But a strong argument can be made that the origins of steampunk lie in what are more commonly considered the earliest science fiction stories. The fantastic science and contraptions shown in the works of Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, and Mary Shelley are based in the technology of the 1800s, but go far beyond what was possible at the time. This advance beyond this historical realism is the core of steampunk.

Weird War
Weird war settings are alternate-universe historical settings where one or another of humanity’s global wars spun out of control and changed history as we know it. Rooted in historical fiction and war stories, weird war settings combine real-world history and alternate history, liberally sprinkling them with horror and sci-fi elements to create unique and exciting stories.

Weird war settings can take place in any historical era. You can fight werewolves with the Roman legions, chase ghost ships during the Napoleonic Wars, or protect villagers from packs of ghouls in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Modern Day
Modern day settings are a catch-all that encompass several sub settings including, but not limited to, modern horror, spy thrillers, detective stories, and military adventures. These settings are home to countless action movies, video games, spy novels, and a host of police procedurals and hard-boiled detective stories. In modern settings, hard men and women battle against crooked bureaucrats, vicious killers, terror cells, and the mob as a departure from elves, zombies, and aliens.

Science Fiction
Science fiction is, as the name implies, a genre that merges scientific theory and accuracy with fictional stories. People often use the term to describe so-called “hard sci-fi” and “soft sci-fi” interchangeably. Hard sci-fi focuses more on grounding the story with scientific realism, while soft sci-fi worries less about scientific accuracy and generally has many more fantastical elements.

One thing you should keep in mind about hard and soft science fiction is that these aren’t rigorous denotations. Each is one end of a broad spectrum, with most works of science fiction falling somewhere in between. Most of the science fiction you read or watch will have elements of realism alongside fantastical inventions, but will probably trend toward one end of the spectrum or the other. Fantasy Flight Games' own Android setting is the perfect example of grounded sci-fi. If you choose to explore the Android Universe in Genesys, you'll enter a not-so-distant future where mega-corporations run sprawling cities, and runners explore the digital frontier of a network linking every electronic device on the earth.

The science fiction setting found in the Genesys Core Rulebook is further broken down into more grounded science fiction and space operas, offering a wide swathe of tropes, equipment, and adversaries.

The Genesys system isn't limited to the settings found in the core rulebook, either. Keep your eyes out for future supplemental material that will provide in-depth guides to additional settings!

Choose Your Path
Race into a blazing inferno as a firefighter, fight demons on a space station, or stop a mystical ritual—with Genesys, any story can be told. One book, unlimited adventures.

• The narrative dice system allows for dynamic skill check results
• A broad system allows game masters to use Genesys in any setting they can imagine
• Five example settings provided in the Genesys Core Rule Book make perfect starting point to craft your own world

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56.30 €
Genesys: Android -Shadow of the Beanstalk (HC)
Genesys: Android -Shadow of the Beanstalk (HC)

An Android sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System!

In the not so-distant future, humanity has spread across the solar system, unlocked the frontiers of cyberspace, and created millions of intelligent androids in its own image. At the heart of this progress stands a ladder leading to the riches of the stars—the massive space elevator called the Beanstalk. And at its base sprawls the biggest, meanest, and most exciting city on Earth: New Angeles.

Enter a cyberpunk future and take on the roles of cops, con artists, roughnecks, and escaped androids trapped between greedy corporations, corrupt officials, and vicious street gangs. Outwit your foes, uncover their conspiracies, flee their retribution, and maybe you’ll survive. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even get rich...

Shadow of the Beanstalk is a 256-page sourcebook for use with the Genesys Roleplaying System. In this book, you’ll find new rules for character creation, new weapons, equipment, and adversaries, new rules for running the net, a guide to New Angeles, and advice for Game Masters running a campaign in the cyberpunk future of Android. Even better, all of this comes accompanied by beautiful art and elegant mechanics that can be used in any science-fiction setting for the Genesys Roleplaying System.

Escaping the Shadow
Shadow of the Beanstalk starts by redefining character creation in the Genesys roleplaying system, giving it an unforgettable neo-noir tinge. In the first part of the book, you'll be introduced to new rules as well as unique talents and skills to tailor your character to the Android setting.

In Shadow of the Beanstalk, you play a (nearly) normal character living out their life in New Angeles. As a citizen of the largest and most metropolitan megalopolis on three worlds, you probably live somewhere between the ultrawealthy in their kilometer-high arcologies and the homeless, penniless disenfrancistos who live in the city’s seedy underbelly. You may have been an average person struggling to get by, a wealthy ristie fallen on hard times and looking for a big score, a roughneck working to build civilization in space, or a hard-nosed private investigator who makes their living dealing with the worst society has to offer. You may even be a criminal trying to cheat the system, or a veteran working hard to forget the war you fought in just a few years ago.

Shadow of the Beanstalk gives you plenty of ways to develop a character with a storied background, but that’s just the beginning of your journey. You’ll have to select a character archetype next. Shadow of the Beanstalk offers a full set of tailored options, including Clones, Naturals, Bioroids, Soldiers and more. Each of these archetypes has access to a variety of new skills and talents that set you apart from the swarm of other citizens living in the shadow of the Beanstalk. After all, in the world of Android, having deep pockets and corporate connections are just as valuable as combat training and heightened awareness.

But extraordinary skills can be exploited, and in the near-future, everyone owes something to someone. Shadow of the Beanstalk also introduces a new mechanic called the favor economy, allowing you to boost your starting credits or XP during character creation at the expense of owing a favor to one of New Angeles’ factions. Various factions constantly engage in a silent war in New Angeles, from biomedical cloners Jinteki, to artificial intelligence juggernaut Haas-Bioroid, to the NAPD just trying to hold it all together. While taking favors may provide an initial boost of power, they'll always weigh on your mind, and you never know when one of these factions may show up on your doorstep, looking to cash-in on their previous generosity.

As your campaign progresses your character may even find themselves owing favors to several factions, becoming embroiled in the corporate war engulfing New Angeles.

A Dark and Brilliant Future
In the second part of the book, the focus shifts to fleshing out the Android setting, including complete rules for running the net! In the future, the successor to the internet helps define every aspect of daily life, linking the world to a web of data. Manipulating this network opens up great benefits, and Shadow of the Beanstalk can guide you on exactly how to do that.

You’ll also find a detailed section breaking down New Angeles' various locations. Look for an example of a typical New Angeles neighborhood, as well as the various districts that make up the megalopolis, ripe with challenges and adventure hooks. You'll even get a breakdown of Heinlein, humanity's foothold on the Moon!

While this gives a great background to New Angeles, the world of Android is so much bigger. If you're interested in running a campaign set in the Android universe, an unmissable supplement for Shadow of the Beanstalk is The Worlds of Android hardcover book, which offers a complete overview of the Android setting. While The Worlds of Android does not have mechanical rules for the Genesys Roleplaying System, it still provides an in-depth look at every aspect of the Android universe, even stretching out to the far-flung colonies of Mars.

Behind the Curtain
The final section of the book the Game Master, providing a vast wealth of resrouces for your games, such as a list of adversaries appropriate to the setting. As a nexus of trade, culture, and politics, New Angeles draws all sorts of people from all over the worlds. From Principled Runners to Megacorp Executives, over 70 adversaries are statted for your use in campaigns.

Alongside these NPCs to populate your games, you'll hack into a whole section detailing how to run a campaign in the Android setting. Running a Shadow of the Beanstalk game can be very different from running a “traditional” RPG, where wandering bands of heroes roam the countryside, cutting down monsters with swords and taking treasure. The Android universe is grounded in a certain amount of realism, and the struggles of your players' characters aren’t too far removed from our own. The characters need money to survive, and many campaigns can center around just trying to survive in a megalopolis. Within this section, you'll find advice on how to develop a living world, and how to present complex and interesting challenges to your player.

Finally, the book offers a complete “Adventure Builder” that can help even the newest Game Masters to develop an exciting adventure for their players. With modular hooks, escalations, and climaxes that can be combined in any way, it's easy to produce an adventure dripping with theme and excitement. A job may start with your party hunting down an escaped clone, but may escalate when the media picks up on the story, and reach a climax when your employers decide to cover up the mess by eliminating everyone involved. Or maybe your employer becomes dissatisfied with your investigation and hires a rival gang to complete the job, only to leak the story to the press, blaming your party and your rivals for any negative consequences.

Shadows of the Beanstalk gives you the tools to run a successful campaign in the Android setting—but you don't need to stop there. The information in Shadow of the Beanstalk can easily be extrapolated to your own cyberpunk setting or even stranger brands of science fiction.

To the Stars
The citizens of New Angeles live in the shadow of the Beanstalk. While humanity has stretched its reach to the stars, most just struggle to get by. You may have exemplary skills, but in this world, standing out can get you killed. Do you have what it takes to survive the crowded streets of New Angeles?

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50.00 €
Genesys: Expanded Player's Guide (HC)
Genesys: Expanded Player's Guide (HC)

The Expanded Player Guide contains a wealth of knowledge for players eager to equip their characters with interesting new gear, vehicles, and spells as well as Game Masters designing their own settings. This is the first expansion book that is for Genesys as a whole, rather than focusing on a specific setting.

This 112-page book features three exciting new example settings, a step-by-step guide that makes creating your own settings easier than ever, new rules for creating your own vehicles, quick rules for creating your own adversaries, and new spells and talents for the Genesys Magic System to further customize your games.

Some of these systems will assist players, others will help Game Masters, and others will be useful for everyone! Basically, the Player's Guide expands on key concepts from the Genesys Core Rulebook, making them easier to implement in your own games.

The first section of the book introduces the three new settings for use in your games. Game Masters can utilize this section to help create their own world, while players can take a look at the new character creation options, equipment, and skills found in each setting!

From the time of humanity’s first words, we have told stories of epic heroes, magic swords, dire monsters, and treasure hoards. Real-world mythology provides richly detailed settings filled with exciting characters ranging from superpowered demigods to quick-witted tricksters. The Age of Myth setting brings these classic tales to your tabletop, bringing in tropes and legends from around the world to thrill your players.

Horror has been a part of human storytelling since the time of cave paintings. In the 1800s, a new form emerged featuring a series of monsters whose legacy has echoed across the years, most importantly in film. Today, nearly everyone is familiar with these terrors: stitched-together corpses reanimated via chemicals and electricity, beings neither dead nor alive and damned for eternity to drink blood, shapeshifters cursed to dread the coming of the full moon, and many more. These are the horrors your players face in your Monsterworld setting, facing their darkest nightmares in a world where just surviving is a monumental achievement.

The post-apocalyptic genre is a setting in which a world’s society has collapsed, and the remaining populace must survive in a strange and dangerous new world. One of the oldest fiction genres, post-apocalyptic stories can be found throughout the founding myths and religious stories of various real-world cultures. As far back as the Babylonians and the ancient Judaic cultures, people were telling tales of the end of the world. Can your players survive in a world that has already ended in your Post-Apocalyptic setting?

Each of these profiles introduces new setting-specific adversaries and player options, as well as general advice regarding the tone of these three unique settings. Play as a Demi-God in a world of heroes, hunt vampires in a campaign focused on the horrifying creatures of Monsterworld, or gear up with a crossbow and whatever you can scavenge in a Post-Apocalyptic wasteland! If none of these pre-made setting appeals to you, the Genesys Player’s Guide also contains a guide on creating your own setting!

Creating your own setting is challenging but enjoyable, as you decide exactly what kind of game you want to play. While you do, there are many factors to consider. What does your world look like? What items can players find? What elements and situations will you and your players have fun using and exploring? This can range from building your world completely from scratch to taking an existing setting and modifying it to better match your vision. This section breaks down what can seem to be an overwhelming task into smaller steps, guiding you on your way to setting creation.

The second part of the book has rules for creating your own vehicles and an extensive list of premade vehicles for you to use. It also has quick rules for building adversaries that work with our new challenge level system and an extensive list of adversaries for your game. This expands on the rules found in section III of the Core Rulebook, giving you more options to populate your setting with various characters and vehicles, ranging from chariots to rocket ships.

The final section of the book contains alternate rulesets to help you further customize your games. This includes new talents and spells designed to work with our magic rules, some alternate rules for character advancement and social encounters, and new tones. This section can be used by either Game Master’s or player to expand your options in Genesys like never before!

      loppu varastosta
45.40 €
Genesys: Foes of Terrinoth Adversary Deck
Genesys: Foes of Terrinoth Adversary Deck

Terrinoth is filled with diverse denizens that truly bring the realm to life. These Elves, Dwarves, wizards, and more await adventurers in the land of heroes long past. But danger also lurks around every corner. Monsters haunt the land of Terrinoth, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Will you be prepared?

Foes of Terrinoth Adversary Deck offers you a convenient and portable way to track the allies and adversaries found in the Realms of Terrinoth supplement for the Genesys Roleplaying System. If you're taking on the role of a Game Master, the perfect enemy or future friend is only a moment away with these two Adversary Decks.

A Land of Danger The Foes of Terrinoth Adversary Deck focuses on the terrifying creatures that adventurers might encounter on their journeys. Ghastly undead creatures, ravenous monsters, ferocious dragons, and horrific demons lurk in the darkness of the land. Adventurers must always be prepared when exploring forgotten treasure vaults and castle ruins, for it's a certainty that they won’t be alone!

These decks feature fully statted non-player characters included in the Realms of Terrinoth supplement, and they allow you to keep these characters' stats easily in front of you in the form of cards. These cards give you everything you need to run an organized campaign, no matter how many NPCs your players encounter—and every card also features thrilling artwork, bringing the world of Terrinoth to life in your mind and the minds of your players.

Be Prepared
Each Adversary Deck includes twenty cards that detail an adversary's skills, talents, abilities, spells, equipment, and more, keeping your adversaries close at hand and combat moving fast. The realms of Terrinoth are at your fingertips!

This deck requires the Genesys Core Rulebook and the Realms of Terrinoth supplement to use.

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9.10 €
Genesys: KeyForge Secrets of the Crucible (HC)
Genesys: KeyForge Secrets of the Crucible (HC)

A new sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System set in the KeyForge Universe!

In the center of the universe hangs the Crucible, an enormous artificial world created by the enigmatic Architects and home to countless beings and cultures. Here, impossibly advanced technologies mix with arcane powers to make for a setting unlike any other. Uncovering the secrets of this mysterious, artificial world will take all your skills—but the possible rewards are boundless...

This 272-page sourcebook allows you to undertake fantastical adventures and uncover the Crucible’s many wonders and dangers. Lost civilizations, cryptic conspiracies, bizarre environments, mutated monsters, and more await!

Secrets of the Crucible contains new character creation options, unique weapons and armor, new skills revolving around the mysterious Æmber permeating the world, bizzare adversaries, and a new adventure builder that puts all these aspects together!

Are you ready to discover a world where anything is possible?

The Keys of Discovery
The first portion of Secrets of the Crucible introduces new character creation options. The Crucible is a diverse landscape full of uncountable species. This book contains 11 of these species to choose from when creating a character, including Giants, Martians, and Robots. But Secrets of the Crucible also features a full set of rules for creating your own species, making your character creation options truly limitless! Traverse the land as an aquatic horse-type species or roll through the Crucible as a giant rock; the choice is always yours!

Of course, selecting a species is just the beginning, Secrets of the Crucible also contains a set of fresh new careers for players to explore. Battle for æmber and glory as a mighty VaultWarrior, or acquire wealth and fortune as a mercurial Trader! Each of these careers has access to a wide variety of new skills and talents introduced in Secrets of the Crucible, including the powerful new Æmbercraft skill, which invites you to learn the secrets of the mysterious substance permeating the Crucible.

Of course, you're characters history and future will inevitably be intertwined with the various factions of the Crucible. Given the enormous number of beings on the Crucible, it is no wonder there are untold millions of groups, factions, houses, associations, and other ways for them to band together. Referred to as organizations, these groups range from congregations of belief systems followed by thousands of species to a singularly immortal hive mind linking a multitude of small protoplasmic blobs. Wherever there are beings who share beliefs or desires, organizations are formed. Does your character hail from the fierce legions of Brobnar, or from the scientific minds of Logos? As always, your character is yours to craft.

Master of the Vault
But Secrets of the Crucible isn’t for players alone. Game Masters are offered plenty of advice for running adventures in the world of KeyForge! Games set on the Crucible can be as divergent and expansive as the world itself, and it may feel a bit daunting to craft adventures. The wild mix of species, super-science, and fantastical technologies may seem too large to handle, but its beings have motivations and needs that everyone can understand—and thus adventures on this world can be both fun and familiar for players as they explore the Crucible with their characters.

Much of the chapter focusing on the Game Master is devoted to exploring the Science Fantasy genre, depicting life on the Crucible, Introducing NPC templates, and working Æmber into your adventures. The rest of the chapter offers a way for you to quickly create adventures featuring prominent or common elements of the Crucible with an adventure builder template. The adventure builder uses a modular format, allowing segments of the adventure types to be reused to create different combinations each time. The resulting framework may include unexpected twists, moral quandaries, and some of the general weirdness inherent to the Crucible.

These modular adventures are similar to the encounters found in Shadow of the Beanstalk, but with a Crucible twist. The adventure builder contains three categories: Hooks, Escalations, and Climaxes. By combining one of each, you can create your own story full of adventure, twists, and a satisfying conclusion.

Hooks are the initial enticement and incentive for your players to get involved in the adventure. These work best when they are clearly presented, so the players don’t spend a lot of time wondering what the possibilities are. Hooks can be quite cliché, which is great for telegraphing the basic intent of the adventure and can help set up unexpected events later on. Perhaps an Æmber Hunter needs you to fight off a Martian scouting party, or the PCs find a hot lead on a valuable artifact.

An escalation raises the stakes or difficulty of the adventure. Sometimes it challenges the morality of the situation as the PCs decide how far to go in their pursuit of their ultimate goal in changing conditions.

Climaxes are more open and nebulous compared to the hooks and escalations. They represent broad categories of possible resolutions that can always be greatly impacted and even circumvented by PC actions. We’ll take a look at each of these aspects in-depth in a future preview!

Unlock the Secrets
The world where anything is possible is colliding with the roleplaying system of boundless adventures, what adventures await you when Secrets of the Crucible releases

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53.80 €
Genesys: Keyforge: Secrets of the Crucible -Mutant Invasion!
Genesys: Keyforge: Secrets of the Crucible -Mutant Invasion!

A Genesys roleplaying supplement pack, designed to expand the content first introduced via the Secrets of the Crucible sourcebook!

The Crucible is filled with strange and wondrous creatures, belonging to many disparate Houses. And if that inherent variety wasn’t enough, the introduction of mysterious dark æmber has welcomed in a flood of mutation, as once-familiar giants, thieves, demons, knights, and others become forever changed. Some rejoice in the changes, while others see them as heresy and fight to eradicate the dark æmber and its effects. Which side of the conflict will you take?

Within this pack, you’ll find 40 oversized cards stuffed with information for players and Game Masters alike. You’ll encounter a brand-new playable species, rules for incorporating the mutative dark æmber into your own games, adventure builders, locations, and over 30 NPC adversaries to populate your adventures. If you’re planning to take your Genesys adventures to the Crucible, the Mutant Invasion! supplement pack brings even more of the diversity and wonder that makes the Mass Mutation set of KeyForge decks so compelling.

New Horizons Await
The Mutant Invasion! pack begins by introducing a new playable species to your games: the proximan. This species has been seen on the Crucible for at least several millennia and is thought to hail from the Alpha Centauri system. Proximans have a symmetrical, largely humanoid appearance, and evolved neuro-accelerant glands within their twin cranial protrusions, allowing proximans to quickly process sensory information and determine the best way to react when prey or deadlier predators are detected. While they are not as strong as other species due to their homeworld’s lower gravity, proximans are true survivors and not to be underestimated.

If you’re a player who wants to excel at detecting and dealing with dangers, the proximan might be the perfect species for you!

Of course, the bulk of this roleplaying supplement pack is devoted to over 30 NPCs that Game Masters can use to fill their adventures, drawing on the weird and wonderful creatures of the Crucible and the dark æmber mutations introduced by the Mass Mutation set for KeyForge. You and your fellow players may be out doing a job and discover that Bad Penny is after the same item as you. Or, you may find Fandangle the witch seeding dark æmber to cause mutations in the local wildlife. Your explorations may even lead you across a tribe of niffle apes, a niffle queen, or the gigantic, mutated Kong. These NPCs may work with the players, or they may stand in their way, but either way, they bring new life to the allies and adversaries on the Crucible.

Finally, Game Masters will uncover a host of adventure seeds in this pack. An easy adventure builder takes Game Masters through a simple process of developing an adventure, from the hook, through the escalation, to the climax of the plot threads earlier established. As an added bonus, three location cards help Game Masters bring some of the most common locales on the Crucible to life with additional plot seeds, special rules, and examples!

Mutate Your Adventures
The onset of dark æmber is about to change the Crucible forever. Unlock the next chapter of your adventures with the Mutant Invasion! roleplaying supplement pack for Secrets of the Crucible

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14.80 €
Genesys: Realms of Terrinoth (HC)
Genesys: Realms of Terrinoth (HC)

A new campaign sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System!

Terrinoth is a land of forgotten greatness and lost legacies. Once ruled by the Elder Kings who called upon mighty magics to perform great deeds and work marvels, the land has suffered greatly at the hands of its three great foes: the undead armies of Waiqar the Betrayer, the demon-possessed hordes of the bloodthirsty Uthuk Y’llan, and the terrifying dragons of the Molten Heath. Many of its great cities have been cast down into ruins, and many wondrous secrets and powerful artifacts have been lost.

For hundreds of years, Terrinoth slipped into gloom and decay. But heroes arise just when their lands need them the most. Courageous adventurers brave the ruins of past ages and the foul creatures within to uncover the treasures of their ancestors. The Daqan Barons, inheritors of the ancient kingdoms, rebuild their walls and muster their armies, while the wizards of Greyhaven gather runes of power to awaken guardians of stone and steel. These preparations come none too soon, for the ancient enemies of the lawful races are stirring again, and Terrinoth needs champions of courage and cunning to stand against the rising darkness.

Realms of Terrinoth explores the world of Mennara featured in Runewars Miniatures Game, Legacy of Dragonholt, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, and Runebound. As a fantasy campaign setting for your games of Genesys, Realms of Terrinoth also features many races, weapons, gear, careers, and more—all of which can be found in the world of Terrinoth and expanded to any fantasy setting you create as the Game Master.

A World of Adventure and Magic
The Realms of Terrinoth book is split into three sections, opening with a dive into the history of the world of Mennara. From the earliest history of the known species to the Age of Courage, from the primordial fall of the Elves to the fiery invasion of the Dragonlords, Realms of Terrinoth not only gives you a full view of Mennara across the ages—it can also inspire you with morsels to populate your own adventures.

The second piece of the book introduces a variety of new and expanded mechanics that you can add into your Genesys adventures. While the Genesys Core Rulebook provides archetypes and careers for fantasy characters, Realms of Terrinoth adds substantially more options. Not only are races like Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs represented, but the book even gives sub-classes that allow you to become a Deep Elf or a Dunwarr Dwarf, giving them unique starting abilities and skills.

For instance, you may choose to dive into the role of a Sunderland Orc. While the species of Orc is present in the Genesys Core Rulebook, taking on the role of the Sunderland Orc gives you a deeper understanding of where your character comes from and a new set of skills to supplement their history. Living in small, secret villages, studying magic and medicine with equal diligence, the Sunderland Orcs’ skills at potion-making are famed throughout the world of Mennara. Because of this, starting a game as a Sunderland Orc lets you begin the game with one rank in Alchemy, and adds a boost die to your combat checks against characters that you have already hit with a successful combat check.

While many of the races found in Realms of Terrinoth are featured in the fantasy section of the Genesys Core Rulebook, Realms of Terrinoth expands the resources available to characters for these species while introducing brand-new ones, like cat-folk and gnomes. New careers like Mage and Scoundrel bring a true fantasy flavor to your Genesys adventures, alongside rules for mounted combat and Heroic Abilities that let you perform singular, wondrous feats! Realms of Terrinoth also introduces a full armory of new gear, weapons, skills, talents, and more for your fantasy setting. Everything from crossbows to halberds to great axes are introduced in this book, and each of them can be used in a variety of settings. Look for a deeper look at these customization options in future previews of Realms of Terrinoth!

Another new addition to the Genesys system found in Realms of Terrinoth is rules for crafting and alchemy. Assuming you have the proper tools and equipment, your character can make a mechanics check to craft a new item. Surrounding circumstances—like suprior materials or crafting under pressure—may add boost and setback dice, and a chart within the Realms of Terrinoth book details the various effects of Triumphs and Failure symbols. Alchemy can be used in a similar manner to prepare elixirs, poisons, salves, unguents, and other concoctions detailed in the Realms of Terrinoth book.

Realms of Terrinoth also greatly expands on the magic options already present in the Genesys Roleplaying System. While the Core Rulebook gives an overview of magical skills, Realms of Terrinoth delves deeper into these concepts and introduces the runes skill. To cast a spell using runes, a character must use a runebound shard (powerful artifacts spread across the realm of Terrinoth) as their implement. This is an important difference from other magic skills, for which the use of an implement is optional. Of course, runes have their own distinct power that can outweigh the need for an implement if your character is prepared to take advantage of it.

A Larger World
Terrinoth is just one land of many in the vast world of Mennara, and all across the realms, good and evil muster for battle once more. To the south, the Elves of the vast Aymhelin forest call forth the spirits of the trees and the powers of light and air to fend off the demonic hordes that would despoil their woodland realm. In the Dunwarr Mountains of the north, the Dwarves muster to face their hated nemeses, the great wyrms who nearly destroyed them twice before. And to the east, the Orc tribes of the Broken Plains prepare to honor their ancient pacts and fight alongside the armies of humanity once more.

The rest of Realms of Terrinoth takes you on an engaging tour through the world of Mennara, from the towering trees of the Aymhelin forest to the cold darkness of the Mistlands. Each individual entry gives you a full breakdown of the area as well as a list of NPCs that can be found there. These characters call Mennara their home, but could be extrapolated to any fantasy setting, giving you plenty of ways to populate your adventures in Terrinoth or your own setting.

The Age of Courage
Realms of Terrinoth gives you all the tools you need to create or dive into adventures set in the world of Mennara. Between unique character options, a hoard of new gear and weapons, and enough background information to populate any play session, no one can say for sure what awaits the brave adventures who dare enter the realm of Terrinoth!

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50.00 €
Genesys: Roleplaying Dice
Genesys: Roleplaying Dice

Genesys is a roleplaying game that utilizes the critically-acclaimed Narrative Dice System with a ruleset that can be used in a wide variety of settings. Take to the skies in a Victorian airship, slay an ancient dragon, or explore unknown planets. All this and more is possible with the Genesys system, which uses the specialized dice found in this pack to propel adventures!

Adventure in Your Hands
The Genesys Roleplaying Dice Pack features three Ability dice, three Difficulty dice, two Setback dice, two Boost dice, two Proficiency dice, and two Challenge dice. These dice, combined with the Genesys Core Rulebook, give you everything you need to run a game with infinite possibilities.

These specialized dice provide dynamic results to every skill check, allowing players to succeed in their task while experiencing a massive setback, or finding some advantage in a critical failure. Not only that, but the dice are easy to interpret, keeping the flow of the game steady and smooth as players and game masters apply the results of the myriad of skill checks.

Buying multiple copies of the Genesys Roleplaying Dice Pack will ensure you always have the proper amount of dice you need to roll even the most difficult of skill checks.

The Genesys Roleplaying Dice Pack features three Ability dice, three Difficulty dice, two Setback dice, two Boost dice, two Proficiency dice and a Challenge die, giving you everything you need to run your own game of Genesys.

These specialized dice provide dynamic results to every skill check, allowing players to succeed in their task while experiencing a massive setback, or finding some advantage in a massive failure. Not only that, but the dice are easy to interpret, keeping the flow of the game steady and smooth as players and game masters check skill test results with ease.

Always Be Prepared
With the Genesys Roleplaying Dice Pack, adventure is in your hands. Craft your own journey with all the tools you need close by!

• Innovative dice allow for a wide variety of skill check results
• The Genesys Roleplaying Dice Pack gives you all the dice you need for Genesys
• Additional packs allow for the convenience of additional dice

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20.60 €

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