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Haun tulokset 1 - 24 / 134

Boardroom Backstabs 2: Sacrificial Limb
Boardroom Backstabs 2: Sacrificial Limb

In 2072, Roger Soaring Owl, CEO of Knight Errant, resigned. In 2073, Roger Soaring Owl was attacked on the streets of Denver. Witnesses were not clear on just what attacked him, but most say it was meaner, stronger, and faster than any metahuman. Now it’s 2074. It’s time to find out what Roger Soaring Owl learned. Corporate machinations don’t get any meaner than this. Rivals of the megacorporation are certain it’s hiding some dark secrets, and they’re willing to spend significant nuyen to uncover this information. Runners are going to have to infiltrate an Ares subsidiary and gain the corporation’s trust if they want to discover the secret—and if they do, they will have to find a way to survive with what they have learned. Sacrificial Limb is the second in the Boardroom Backstabs series of adventures for Shadowrun. It has plot information, NPC details, player handouts, and everything needed to throw players into the depths of corporate espionage, digging for the paydata the megacorps want to keep hidden. Requires Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition; offers the character statistics, setting information, and plot points needed for gamemasters to take players on the second in a series of adventures that develops one of the classic Shadowrun themes—corporate machinations and double-crosses that present both danger and opportunity to the player characters. This adventure also brings back bug spirits, one of the classic Shadowrun adversaries. Can be played alone or as the start of the boardroom backstabs series, which will have ramifications in the ongoing Shadowrun plotline. 56 pages

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18.00 €
Boardroom Backstabs 3: Battle of Manhattan
Boardroom Backstabs 3: Battle of Manhattan

TO: Willing recruits FROM: The people who can pay you. Come to Manhattan. We will pay. We won't bother with appeals to patriotism, or to your best instincts, or to anything the least bit noble. Come to Manhattan because there is a fight breaking out. Fighting is what you are paid for. Fighting is what you were born for. Come because there is money to be made. Come to Manhattan because the corporations are spoiling for a fight. Most of the time, we're good at keeping our spats clean and civilized. We lie, we cheat, we steal, but we do not engage in anything as vulgar as open street fighting. Sometimes, though, we can't help ourselves. Sometimes, the tension gets to be too much, and it breaks, and it bursts into the open. That time is coming. Battle of Manhattan is the third in the Boardroom Backstabs series of adventures for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition and Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Offers the character statistics, setting information, and plot points needed for gamemasters to take players on the third in a series of adventures that develops one of the classic Shadowrun themes—corporate machinations and double-crosses. This adventure presents both danger and opportunity to the player characters as corporate intrigue spills into open fighting in the streets of Manhattan. • Brings runners to Manhattan and involves them in ever-increasing corporate tensions that threaten to erupt into violence. • Puts the runners in situations that will test the limits of their abilities, including a daring mid-air extraction. • Ratchets up the tension of the first two adventures in the series and tests the runners’ ability to succeed in a hostile setting. • Builds on plotlines, characters, and situations covered in previous books such as Corporate Guide and the Missions living campaign while developing plotlines that will be expanded on in future books. • Can be played alone or as the start of the Boardroom Backstabs series, which will have ramifications in the ongoing Shadowrun plotline. • Provides complete non-player character statistics, player handouts, and all other information needed to let players dive into the adventure immediately. Requires Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition

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18.00 €
Clutch of Dragons
Clutch of Dragons

Claws At Your Throat Never, ever deal with a dragon. Shadowrunners have heard that dictum so often, they frequently say those words in their sleep. But what the aphorism forgets to tell you is this—what if you don’t have a choice? The tension between dragons has been growing, and the big lizards are throwing every weapon they have at each other, including shadowrunners—especially shadowrunners. Extractions, industrial sabotage, theft, wetwork—there's plenty of jobs in all those areas, and dragons are finding ways to get reluctant runners to work for them. Maybe they’ll hide their involvement in the run, or maybe they’ll bribe the runners with large piles of nuyen or blackmail them with their past activities. Or maybe they’ll just tell the runners they have a simple choice of working for them or being eaten. Whatever tactics they choose, the dragons are going to be active and aggressive, and if runners want to survive, they better be on their toes. They need to know who the draconic players are, what they’re up to, and what might happen to them if they fall into a dragon’s grip. They need to be ready for anything, because when dragons go at each other, the world shakes, the earth beneath them burns—and far too often, shadowrunners die. The Clutch of Dragons provides the information gamemasters and players need to involve draconic plots in their games, from profiles of individuals dragons, their plots, and their lairs to information about the latest efforts to build anti-dragon weapons. This is a critical reference for any players who want to test their skills against the machinations of dragons—or who want to see just how much trouble they can survive. • Updates metaplot events in the Sixth World and provides dramatic new developments in the conflict between dragons. • Provides information on some fan-favorite NPCs, including Lofwyr, Ryan Mercury, and Nadja Daviar. • Details several geographic areas where dragons have a strong influence so that runners can have a variety of experiences running in the shadows of dragons’ wings. • Presents plot hooks and other ideas that gamemasters can use to easily adapt the elements of the book into their game. • Describes groups and individuals working to take advantage of the higherlevel events so that gamemasters and runners can see how those events play out on the streets. • Presents fiction that will help immerse gamemasters and players in extreme environments and the ongoing Shadowrun plot. Requires Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition

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36.00 €
Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy Theories

The Tangled Web of Truth War rages in Central America, tensions between dragons are on the rise, and the Watergate Rift has been closed in a display of power that shook the city of DeeCee to its core. To many, the world is becoming more disordered and unpredictable -but there are those who look underneath the surface chaos and see order, or even a plan. They see people and organizations who pull the strings and make the world shake, and they wonder if they can find out what these people are up to before it's too late. Conspiracy Theories is a deep dive into the underbelly of the Sixth World, a place filled with crackpot theories and insane ideas that would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that some of them are most assuredly true. If they want to stay alive, shadowrunners need to know this information to keep them a step ahead of the forces that may be massing against them behind the scenes. If they want to do more than survive -if they want to prosper- they really need to know this data, because any runner worth a damn knows that manipulating people based on what they believe to be true is a great way to make a few nuyen. Bringing together plot elements from War!, Spy Games, and the Dawn of the Artifacts series, Conspiracy Theories adds a twisted element to Shadowrun games. Conspiracy Theories is for use with Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition. • Looks at the intrigue and paranoia spreading across the Sixth World in the wake of the Aztlan-Amazonia war, the renegotiation of the Treaty of Denver, and the pursuit of powerful ancient artifacts. • Provides details on London, giving a look into this legendary city at a level Shadowrun has not offered since the game’s first edition. • Revisits some of the legendary shadowy organizations from Shadowrun’s past, including the Universal Brotherhood. • Offers a look at the powers behind the curtain and the crazy theories about who really controls things in the Sixth World and what they are trying to accomplish. • Introduces new plot elements that tie into Shadowrun’s past while opening up new avenues for future developments. • Presents plot hooks and other ideas that gamemasters can use to easily adapt the elements of the book into their game. • Includes information on new magical gear, spells, and reagents that will enhance the options players have for how magic is used in the shadows. • Presents fiction that will help immerse gamemasters and players in the setting and the ongoing Shadowrun plot. Pages: 208 (softcover)

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36.00 €
Corporate Intrigue
Corporate Intrigue

The Big Time You could dabble in organized crime. You could do some smash-and-grabs. You could find all sorts of ways to pick up a few nuyen here and there. But everyone in the Sixth World knows that if you want to make a play for the big bucks, the real high-level stuff, you’ve got to get in bed with the corps. The corps have the money, and they’ve got all the power that comes with it. If you want to have some of that cash and some of that pull for yourself, you’re going to need to stay alert, move quickly, and remember that while corps are willing to pay for things that help them, deep down they really hate sharing what they’ve got with anyone. Including shadowrunners. Especially shadowrunners. Corporate Intrigue provides a wealth of plot points and adventure ideas to allow gamemasters to develop corporate-centered campaigns, including plotlines that lead to the discovery of a secret one megacorporation is struggling to contain. Building on information provided in Corporate Guide, Corporate Intrigue provides the story information, location details, and NPC statistics to make running a corporate-themed campaign as easy, fun, and brutal as you want it to be. • Takes the wealth of information presented in Corporate Guide and turns some of the critical plot points into adventure seeds and campaigns for players. • Provides detailed locations that can be dropped into different Sixth World settings, minimizing the work gamemasters have to do to prepare for a session or for a longer campaign. • Details dozens of non-player characters that can be used either in campaigns based on plot points provided in this book or in any other campaign, especially those with a corporate-centered plot. • Builds on existing plot elements in the Sixth World and incorporates them into playable campaigns. • Presents fiction that will help immerse gamemasters and players in the setting and the ongoing Shadowrun plot. Pages: 160 (softcover)

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30.00 €

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