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Strange: Cypher Chest
Strange: Cypher Chest

Created as game aids to easily randomize and track transient items for The Strange, the Cypher Deck, XP Deck, and Creature Deck are now available in a single, easy-to-shelf package! Creature Deck 99 Strange, scary, dangerous, and just plain weird creatures from the Shoals of Earth! Build encounters quickly and easily, or create them randomly on the fly. Then give your players a look at their foes before plunging into combat. The Strange Creature Deck contains 99 of the most commonly encountered creatures from the shoals of Earth, drawn from both The Strange corebook and The Strange Bestiary. When you need to build an encounter (either when prepping your game or at the gaming table), simply draw a card from this deck. You’ve got basic stats (with a reference to the corebook, for full stats and info) on one side, and an image to share with your players on the reverse. Even if you don’t choose cards randomly, you can still pick out the ones you need when prepping for your game–you’ll be astounded at the time you save! The Strange Creature Deck saves oodles of time when prepping for your game sessions, and even more time when you need to create and run an encounter on the fly. And who couldn’t use a bit more time for the actual gaming? Cypher Deck Save time at the game table and in prep with these super-handy cards! In The Strange, a cypher is a small device that can create a single, often spectacular effect. A cypher may look ordinary, but each one is something special—a manifestation of the Strange that we don’t fully understand. Players will regularly use cyphers to accomplish their missions. Hoarding cyphers is imprudent and a waste of needed resources; replacement cyphers are always around the next corner. This deck of 120 full-color cards allows GMs and players to randomly generate cyphers on the fly. Twenty item cards describe the physical form the cypher takes, depending on the laws of the recursion in which it appears, while each of the 100 power cards offers multiple power options to match the device. Skip rolling on the tables and save time and effort, at the game table and while prepping your game, by simply drawing a card, which you can then hand to your player to keep until the cypher is used! XP Deck Track and trade XP without wearing a hole in your character sheet! In The Strange, exploration and risk are everything. Players earn experience points not for killing monsters, but for making discoveries and facing unexpected challenges. You might rack up your XP between sessions, but most commonly you receive experience points during play, when events take an unexpected turn or you make a remarkable discovery. And XPs are a sort of currency, often changing hands between players. The Strange XP Deck gives you a set of tangible tokens to represent experience points. They’re great for granting, tracking, and trading XP, and the card format makes your tokens easy to slip into your book alongside your character sheet between sessions. This 30-card deck is a useful, elegant tool at the game table.

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36.00 €
Strange: In Translation
Strange: In Translation

Character Options for The Strange I’m a Meticulous paradox who Builds Robots I’m a Jovial spinner who Pilots Starships I’m a Sharp-Eyed vector who Channels Sinfire Translating to a new recursion? It's not just about visiting, it's about becoming a part of it. About becoming a different version of yourself. The Cypher System has one of the most graceful and imaginative character generation systems ever brought to roleplaying games. Focus, descriptor, and type create a sentence that elegantly descibes your character and lays the mechanical foundation for your abilities. Now players have new options for character generation. In addition to new descriptors and foci, In Translation: The Strange Character Options offers new moves, twists, and revisions, the signature abilities of vector, spinner, and paradox characters. With the game’s world-hopping, character-altering setting, The Strange players are always in the market for new character abilities. In Translation: The Strange Character Options gives them what they want! Players want options, especially in The Strange, where their character: foci can shift with each new limited world they visit. Character options are what In Translation delivers! This book provides a bounty of new material and new choices to help make character creation, and translation, even more fun, more interesting, and more varied. In Translation: The Strange Character Options gives you: * More than fifty new abilities for the three character types. Explore new moves for vectors, new revisions for paradoxes, and new twists for spinners. * New descriptors, bringing the total number to more than thirty. Choose from options like Addicted, Crazy, and Slacker (because sometimes a character is best defined by a negative trait) as well as many standard descriptors like Introverted, Kind, and Jovial. * Dozens of new foci, bringing the total to more than sixty available as characters translate between recursions. New foci include Builds Robots, Calculates the Incalculable, Casts Spells, Grows to Towering Heights, Pilots Starcraft, and more. * Options for advancement beyond the sixth tier. Softcover, 8.5” x 11”, full color, 96 pages

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30.00 €

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