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Age of Treason: Iron Companion
Age of Treason: Iron Companion

Sooner or later every wandering Adventurer finds his way to Sorandib, whether the aim is to hide out from authority, find work as a sell-sword or simply to loot its treasures.

Sorandib is an ancient city in catastrophic decline. While there are districts where law and order hold sway, no single force exercises control over the whole city and outside its walls there is near anarchy to the West, while Taskan soldiers maintain some order in the East to keep the road to the imperial heartlands open.

Sorandib has been kept alive by two things: its control over the trade in Fengo, a drug harvested from the weeds that choke lake Barur to the North; and the creations of the Guild of Artificers, a centuries-old association of sorcerer-scientists who are famous for their inventions, feats of engineering and practical devices – many of which are built into the very fabric of the city.

Just as the Emperor owes his immortality to magic provided by the king of Sorandib, the city will surely play a role in his final ascension to the heavens. The cult of Thesh in Taskay has its eye on direct control not only of the Artificers but of the fire-demon Sorantar who is the city’s god. The Iron Simulacrum himself looks to Sorandib as the place he will discover his fate when the Emperor departs the physical plane, where he might be unmade in such a way as to find the key to a continued existence as an independent soul. Sorandib could be the scene of Treason on a world-shattering scale. Age of Treason: The Iron Companion provides a comprehensive view of this famous city, including maps, floor plans, NPCs, cults, scenarios and rules for creating Artifice.

Also in this book are new spells, price lists, new rules for training, henchmen and hirelings, running a business and using Passion traits in the setting. Comprehensive Spirit Magic rules synthesise the Legend rules and the Setting rules into a single document and statistics are provided for Elementals, including the bizarre Flesh Elemental, the Blemmye.

In addition to the fully detailed scenarios set in Sorandib, the Companion describes six major treasonous plots to form the backdrop for further adventures, as well as suggested plotlines for scenarios set on the wild frontiers of Marangia and Kitan.

Pages: 128, black and white, Softcover
Author: Jonathan Drake

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa syyskuu 2012
27.50 €
Cities of Legend: Skarr -City of Orcs
Cities of Legend: Skarr -City of Orcs

Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa välittömästi sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle!
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Home to over 25,000 rampaging orcs, Skarr is a city of pure brutality, a place of nightmare that even the bravest Adventurer will fear to tread. Built from the ruins of an ancient dwarven stronghold the orcs themselves destroyed, the hordes of Skarr range for miles in every direction, bringing slaughter and misery to any community unfortunate enough to be within range of their predations.

Inside You Will Find:
* City History: Discover how the dwarves of Ironhallow Hall lost their home in a dramatic battle with the orc hordes.

* Government: Despite being run by orcs, Skarr has a convoluted government with several factions all vying to wrest control from the warlords and City Master.

* Daily Life: For most of the orcs and goblins that dwell within Skarr, life is a misery beset by poverty and brutality. Yet they continue to thrive, posing an ever present threat to every civilised nation within range of the rampaging hordes.

* Religion: The gods of Skarr hold sway over vast segments of the unruly population, their priests guiding the hordes into predetermined paths to serve an, as yet, hidden purpose.

* Tour of the City: Walk the burnt out streets and dank caverns of Skarr, avoiding the most dangerous regions in an effort just to survive in this most violent of civilisations.

* Movers and Shakers: Full details are given on the inhabitants of Skarr, from the barkeep Gireous Phlog, through to the infamous City Master, Cylus Groon and the Demon Lord Kharkus. Watch orcs rise through the ranks of the Silver Tusks and spread throughout the Disciples of the Asphibyiex or the Mended Ones.

Pages: 128, black and white, Softcover
Author: Wil Upchurch

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22.00 €
Cults of RuneQuest: Lunar Way (HC)
Cults of RuneQuest: Lunar Way (HC)

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I believe in the Red Goddess, Mistress of Life and Death

Cults of RuneQuest: The Lunar Way is the player’s guide to the deities of the Red Moon. Each cult dives deep into the mysterious and misunderstood Lunar gods, and provides mechanics for each of their cults to create your RuneQuest adventurer.

* 15 brand new cults, including Jakaleel the Witch,the Goddess of Youth Teelo Norri , the Chaos demon known as the Crimson Bat, and the Red Goddess herself—all playable for the first time!
* An expanded treatment of the cult of the Seven Mothers.
* Rules to create brand-new RuneQuest adventurers belonging to these cults, detailing the skills, passions, spirit magic, and Rune magic each cult offers.
* Details of the unique organization, history, and nature of each cult.
* A new and unique Lunar magic system, plus expanded rules for Lunar sorcery, and the unique way Lunar Rune spells are affected by the phases of the Red Moon.
* Rules for how your adventurer can grow into a God-talker, Rune Priestess, or even a mighty Rune Lord.
* The history of the Lunar gods, the Lunar Empire, the Red Emperor, and details for adventuring on the surface of the Red Moon itself. ‌

This supplement can be used with the RuneQuest core rules, or combined with other Cults of RuneQuest books to create a RuneQuest adventurer belonging to multiple cults.

160 pages, Hardcover

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48.00 €
Deus Vult: Shadow Societies
Deus Vult: Shadow Societies

Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa välittömästi sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle!
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Most creatures that come to the attention of the Order are lone predators or members of a small pack or cult. They may be dangerous adversaries – red in tooth and claw, or wielding foul sorceries – but they tend to be isolated threats. They lack the co-ordination and resources guardian priests can bring to bear. Such enemies are dealt with swiftly and without mercy.

In recent years, however, it has become apparent to the Masters of the Order that other forces are at work in the world. These are not just mindless monsters or heretical rabbles but organised and purposeful groups whose powers are not to be underestimated and whose goals are dark and fathomless.

As always, the Order must respond. It must adapt and counter these new challenges, in order to see His Will done and Christendom protected.

But can the truth be uncovered in time? And even then, can mortal man hope to stand against such ageless adversaries when, for so long, they have gone about their work undetected?

Presented within this book are details of some of the mysterious groups whose activities threaten not just Christendom but the world itself. Many of these organisations are centuries old, with schemes and ambitions set to play out in the years ahead. They can provide even experienced guardian priests with new and diverse challenges – and move the events of a Deus Vult campaign far beyond the relative safety of northern Europe to the Holy Lands and beyond. For, just as the Order is increasingly aware of these shadowy groups, so they too are taking a greater interest in the warriors of the Mont St. Michel.

These include Malik Dhukan, the exiled King of the Djinn; strange were-races of the Scions of Zeus; and mysterious eastern sorcerers from far Cathay.

But fear not brothers and sisters, for ours is a divine calling and we shall not be alone. Strike out into the darkness.

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24.00 €
Elric: Secrets of the Steppes
Elric: Secrets of the Steppes

North, beyond the vast, arid wilderness of the Sighing Desert lies a distant land that is usually only referred to by boasting merchants seeking to add to the price of their wares or else tellers of tall stories in the taverns of the Young Kingdoms cities. Secrets of the Steppes gives details on the geography, flora and fauna of the Dakwinsi Steppe and the regions which border this vast tundra land. In addition, the unique histories and customs of the nations and tribes who inhabit these areas are provided.

Shad is a civilized Ilmioran City-State whose harbour is often the last port of call by those who chance sailing further up the coast into the colder reaches of the Pale Sea. These northern waters are home to huge whales and colossal icebergs, whilst the bleak coastline of the steppe itself is the realm of the Alofians, a savage tribe of hermaphrodites. Inland, the Bastan nomads roam across the countless leagues of wind swept plains which stretch towards the Unknown East, hunting seals and mammoths. Although snow covers most of the region through its long winters, the margins of the steppe have milder climates and are home to primitive tribesmen. The Limnissi people dwell in the mazelike marshlands whilst the elusive Arbanni are a ghostlike, unseen presence in the tall, silent woodlands of their mountain range.

Rules are presented for the creation of adventurers from the lands described in this volume and also include several new background professions for Young Kingdom characters. Game statistics are given for a variety of animals, men and monsters. Finally 10 scenario seeds, tailored to the locations in this book, are written for use by Elric of Melnibone Games Masters.

Pages: 128, black and white, Softcover
Author: John White

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa toukokuu 2012
22.00 €
Gloranthan Kultit
Gloranthan Kultit

60 kulttia RuneQuestiin.

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17.00 €
Legendary Heroes (HC)
Legendary Heroes (HC)

Throughout the teeming masses of lives that are born, live and eventually die in the spanning worlds of this reality there are a handful of shining beacons of hope that show the rest what they are capable of. These brilliant stars of life are far and few between, making their appearance in the tides of normal lives something truly special. They walk amongst their fellows like giants of deed and duty, a living reminder that the world is shaped by the actions of the bold and powerful.

They are the legends of this world.

Legendary souls that have carved a niche in history through their actions, these heroes are what the stories are written about and how epic tales are born. From the stalwart hero standing in the path of a hundred rampaging savages, to the lonely wanderer who one day overthrows a corrupt king � legendary heroes walk this realm in many forms. One universal rule, though, is that they seem to change the very pattern of the world wherever they go.

These powerful and influential beings are often responsible for performing great deeds and services for others on a grand scale. Unlike the common hero who might champion the cause of a single mistreated servant, a legendary hero would likely champion the cause of the kingdom that would allow such mistreatment to go on unchallenged. They are a bane of evil and wickedness, raising their weapons against their foes no matter the odds or the possible cost. True legends are made from unquestionably strong stuff, with the results cascading down through future generations as folklore and fable.

Anyone can hope to eventually count themselves amongst the small number of proven legendary heroes. It takes dedication to a cause, the willingness to set aside personal goals in lieu of a higher purpose and more than a little luck in the day to day struggles of an adventuring hero. It takes years' sometimes decades' to have the stage set to turn a veteran hero into a legend. It seems to happen when the hero is least expecting it; a legendary act performed out of need rather than want. Sometimes the hero does not even wish to become a legend, but wears the heavy mantle on broad shoulders. Not because he wants to, but because he has to.

While rare, the movements and choices of these select few are felt universally across their worlds. The common man wants to be them, the forces of good wants to recruit them, and the forces of evil fear and despise them. These are the adventurers that affect their worlds on an epic scale

and now you can join them.

This book is a guide to how to aspire to be, creating and play as Legendary level heroes in the Runequest game setting. It will explain what it takes to count a character amongst the ranks of the legendary, and what it takes to survive there. We will give both players and Games Masters the tools they will need to add Legendary Heroes to their existing chronicles, or even to create a Legendary Campaign that should even challenge the previously unmatched characters of this level.

Format: 96 Page Hard cover book, black and white

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25.00 €

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