Cafe Kichijouji De 1

Cafe Kichijouji De 1
16.90 €
Saatavuus: noin 2+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

"Irasshai!" Welcome to the most unruly cafe in Kichijouji and its charming staff of five who have absolutely nothing in common. When tempers rise, so do mop handles, giant boulders and repair bills. Meet Jun, a mild mannered high school student with a sharp tongue and superhuman strength. Tarou, a clean freak with a deadly aim in the art of mopping. Maki, a sloppy, lazy woman chaser. Minagawa, a talented pastry chef equally skilled in the arts of voodoo, and the impulsive, cheerful, though desperately unfortunate Tokumi. A feast of comedy based on the popular Japanese radio drama.

The staff at Café Kichijouji are a wacky bunch. When five guys of wildly different personalities get together, every day is a day full of raucous mayhem. Even the most menial activities are fraught with disaster and weirdness when these five are around. Look behind the scenes at what no customer has seen before at the Café Kichijouji

The young staff at the Café Kichijouji are a colorfull bunch. There's the neat-freak chief waiter, Taro Kurihara; The total slob, Maki Okubo; The soft spoken yet super-strength-wielding Ju Ichinomiya; simple light-hearted Shuta Tokumi; and the creepy pastry chef of the dark arts, Hifumi Minagawa. They're the source of continual headache for the poor café master who oversees them all. From disastrous shopping excursions to dealing with demonic scone batter, the wackiness at the café Kichijouji never ends.

viivakoodi 9781569709498

Digital Manga
Käsikirjoitus: Kyoko Negishi
Kuvitus: Yuki Miyamoto
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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