Quick Shade Soft Tone

Quick Shade Soft Tone
26.50 €
Saatavuus: heti
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Vaalea lakka miniatyyrien nopeaan sävyttämiseen.


This Quick Shade is the lightest of the 3 types and is usually applied on lighter colours as a consequence. Especially light flesh colours, pink, yellow and white will get a perfect finish.

If you do not necessarily want a sharp and dark shading on your miniatures, but instead prefer the lighter look - the SOFT Tone is your choice.

The famous and ground-breaking Quickshade is a pigmented varnish which will shade your miniatures perfectly and still let the colours come through. Painting armies of miniatures to fantastic results has never been easier - especially if you combine this high quality product with the revolutionary Colour Primers.

This product has been specifically designed and engineered to work with 10-28mm. miniatures and should not be confused with the many dodgy floor varnishes, shoe polishes and the old FAP out there.

This products sole purpose is for use with miniatures ONLY, and although it could possibly be used on a floor or a pair of shoes as well, we do not recommend it!

The technique of dipping is not new. Shading your miniatures with a single dip is old, especially within the historical scene - but finally, a product which will shade your army perfectly and is fantastically easy to use - just have a look at every single Gallery on this site - you will not be disappointed!

viivakoodi 2510011111117 / 5713799100114

Army Painter
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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