Space Cadets: Dice Duel

Space Cadets: Dice Duel
65.00 €
Saatavuus: yli 2-4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

It's your lifelong dream – to join the Star Patrol and be part of the crew of an interstellar Starship. You've worked hard, graduated from the Academy, and received your first assignment as part of a team of young recruits, confident in your training and ready to be put to the test.

Nothing can possibly go wrong...
You've been prepared for anything...
You are the Space Cadets.

Space Cadets is the highly-anticipated cooperative game from the famous Engelstein Design Family (Brian, Sydney, and Geoff Engelstein). It is your first voyage aboard one of the best starships in Star Patrol. Taking control of one of the bridge stations, you are sure that this mission will be an easy one... where nothing can go wrong... yeah... right...

In Space Cadets, 3-6 players take on the roles of Bridge Officers of a Starship. Each officer must accomplish his specific task in order for the team to successfully complete the mission. You might be the...

* Helmsman, plotting the ship”s course through asteroid fields and nebulae.
* Engineer, using dominoes to get enough power to each system.
* Weapons Officer, completing puzzles to load the torpedoes and flicking a disc down a track to launch them.
* Shield Officer, using tiles to form poker hands to get the strongest shields.
* Sensor Officer, using your sense of touch to scan and lock on enemy targets.
* Captain, setting the plan and making sure that everyone stays focused and does their job.

If your crew can work together to accomplish the mission goals, you just might make it home in one piece.

“Space Cadets” contains all of these great components:
• 8 Officer Displays
• 10 Map Tiles
• 152 Small Cards
• 18 Standard Cards
• 94 Station/Enemy Tokens
• 32 Station Tiles
• 24 Puzzle Piece
• 1 Wooden Disc
• 1 Cloth Bag
• 1 Timer
• 5 Dice
• 1 Rulebook

Players: 3-6
Ages: 8+
Time: 90 minutes
Complexity: Medium

Stronghold Games
SHG 2007
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

summittainen saatavuus liikkeissä

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