Shadows of Eldolan (HC)

Shadows of Eldolan (HC)
21.60 €
Saatavuus: yli 4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle!
Lue lisää täältä

A short distance down the coast from the mighty city of Horizon, the town of Eldolan has its own problems.

Students of the town's three rival wizard schools constantly feud and create trouble for the town guard, the Silver Shields, who must clean up the wizards' messes. The Council of Mages - who truly rule the town - involve themselves with stints of political one-upmanship that keeps any true political progress from moving forward. And rumors of people going missing have been on the rise, keeping the common folk close to the magically lighted streets when they go out at night. But a darkness has been growing in Eldolan, and those who seek old power have set plans in motion to remind everyone what true fear is.

Shadows of Eldolan is an introductory 13th Age adventure for 1st level heroes that provides a GM with a partially fleshed-out town setting full of intrigue. Whether you use it as a location to base adventures out of, or simply as a starting point for a campaign, it contains plot hooks and adventure options for any style of play.

Pages: 72 page perfect bound

Author: Cal Moore
Artist: Joshua Calloway

viivakoodi 9781908983633

Pelgrane Press
PEL 13A05
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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