Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Session Prep

Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Session Prep
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Whether you’re new to game mastering or have been running the same campaign since 1974, Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master’s Guide to Session Prep will help you prepare for games faster, avoid common pitfalls, and have more fun in the process. To our knowledge, this is the first book entirely devoted to the process of prepping for tabletop RPGs.

Never Unprepared breaks game prep down into its component phases — Brainstorming, Selection, Conceptualization, Documentation, and Review — and provides the tools you need to make the most of each phase. If you hate prep, you’ll find ways to make it more enjoyable. If you already have a great system for doing your prep, you’ll learn how to make it even better.

Ten years in the making, Never Unprepared is award-winning author Phil Vecchione’s epic rock ballad to game prep. A project manager and veteran game master, he draws on extensive experience to present flexible systems for developing or optimizing your own unique approach to game prep. Phil’s work has previously appeared on (2012 gold ENnie Award winner for Best Blog, and silver ENnie winner for Best Blog in 2010 and 2011) and in Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters and Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game (2012 ENnie winner for Best Aid/Accessory).

Within Never Unprepared you’ll find prep techniques, utilities, and tips that are applicable to any RPG:

* An in-depth look at each phase of session prep, from brainstorming to review
* Templates for sessions, scenes, NPCs, and combats that you can modify to fit your gaming style
* Practical advice on selecting prep tools, putting them to good use, and scheduling enough time to prepare for every session
* How to identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as tips for preparing when you’re short on time — and what to do if everything goes horribly wrong
* A comprehensive index to make it easy to find what you need

132 pages, 6″x9″ (digest)

Written by award-winning author Phil Vecchione

viivakoodi 9780983613329

Engine Publishing
EGP 42003
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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