D&D 5: Elemental Evil 1 -Princes of the Apocalypse (HC)

D&D 5: Elemental Evil 1 -Princes of the Apocalypse (HC)
49.50 €
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Details a super-adventure for the Elemental Evil story arc. Intended for Dungeon Masters, the book details an adventure that sets heroes against the four corrupt prophets of the Elder Elemental Eye, who are constructing four elemental temples linked to the power of the elemental princes. The adventurers must locate each prophet’s hidden source of power, and destroy it before the evil forces can enter the Realms.

Four apocalyptic cults of Elemental Evil are building secret sanctuaries and outposts throughout the North, bringing terror and destruction to the Forgotten Realms. Each cult is devoted to one of the Princes of Elemental Evil (godlike entities embodying air, earth, fire, and water) and is led by a nihilistic prophet, corrupted by power. The cruel elf princess Aerisi Kalinoth speaks for the air Cult of the Howling Hatred, while Marlos Urnrayle, a fierce male medusa, leads the Cult of the Black Earth. The Cult of the Eternal Flame scars its followers at the behest of the beautiful and deadly tiefling Vanifer, and the mutilated sailor Gar Shatterkeel plots to drown the world with his Cult of the Crushing Wave.

The cults use devastation orbs, forged of raw elemental power, to ravage Faerûn with horrifying earthquakes, typhoons, tornados, and other disasters. Independently, the cults are terrible adversaries, but now they have secretly begun transforming a long-lost dungeon into a huge subterranean temple dedicated to an alien entity known as the Elder Elemental Eye.

To prevent this union of the Elemental Evils into one catastrophic force, heroes must expose the prophets’ true agenda. The cults’ agents are everywhere and their power is immense. When you don’t know whom to trust, knowledge is your only weapon. Unearth the Deception.

viivakoodi 9780786965786

Wizards of the Coast
WOC B24360000
5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons (Fifth 5. 5e) DnD5 DD Next
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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