Star Wars RPG Force and Destiny: Core Rulebook (HC)

Star Wars RPG Force and Destiny: Core Rulebook (HC)
65.00 €
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Experience the power of the Force in the Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game!

As a Force-sensitive outcast struggling to survive under Imperial rule, you can bring justice to the galaxy, search for the lost remnants of the Jedi order, or fall victim to the dark side’s temptations. Whether you choose the light side or the dark, a powerful destiny awaits you in Force and Destiny.

The Galaxy Under the Empire
For decades the Empire has governed the galaxy. From bustling Coruscant to the deserts of Tatooine, stormtroopers mercilessly enforce the letter of harsh Imperial laws and oppress the weak. The Jedi Order was abolished when Chancellor Palapatine became Emperor, and the Jedi themselves are dead. As a Force-sensitive living under Imperial rule, you are also an outcast, whether you were once affiliated with the Jedi Order or have grown up completely unaware of its existence. You must either keep your power secret from Imperial discovery at risk of imprisonment, torture, and death, or else perpetually fight for survival.

How you use the Force and engage with the Empire are up to you. Your adventures in Force and Destiny may compel you to protect the downtrodden on a planet in the Outer Rim, give you a prominent role in the growing Rebel Alliance, or lead you on a quest to find a lost holocron containing the diaries of a legendary Jedi master. In Lessons from the Past, the adventure included in the Core Rulebook, players race the Empire to search the wreckage of a lost Jedi starship that is rumored to contain priceless artifacts. What you find in that starship might inspire you to resurrect the Jedi Order, guide you towards a greater understanding of the Force, or launch your fall towards the dark side.

Find Your True Character
The power of the Force coursing through your mind and body makes you capable of extraordinary feats and binds you to a great destiny. Yet the destiny of every Force-sensitive is unique. All six Careers featured in the Core Rulebook offers a set of incredible abilities and a specific approach to life guided by the Force. As a compassionate Guardian you might use your lightsaber to aid the helpless and oppressed. Or, become a scholarly Consular and follow the Force’s guidance as you play dangerous games of Imperial politics. You might find your calling as a Seeker, fighting the dark side throughout the galaxy, or as a Sentinel, enforcing justice in the shadows of a city’s seedy underworld.

In addition to your species, Career, and Specialization, you select skills to help you along your journey and a few talents, perhaps some rooted in the Force. Above all, you determine your character’s Morality – that is, their internal balance between good and evil. You may begin with a neutral morality and gradually show your colors, or lean towards light or dark from the inception. Every choice you make in the game is a chance to either prove your commitment to the light side or to fall victim to the dark side’s allure. The path from light to dark is quick and easy to tread, but the path from dark to light is steep and challenging.

The Ways of the Force
As in our other Star Wars roleplaying games, Age of Rebellion and Edge of the Empire, the core mechanic of Force and Destiny is a skill check in which you roll a pool of dice to determine whether your action succeeds or fails. Custom storytelling dice not only let you see easily if you have succeeded or not, but provide opportunities to gain advantages despite a failure, or experience a setback even when the immediate action is successful. Every skill check contains countless dramatic possibilities that can change the shape of your story.

Central to the action of Force and Destiny is the Force die, covered in easy-to-interpret symbols representing the light side and the dark side of the Force. If you remain on the light side, you’ll need to roll light Force results to succeed when using the Force – but you always have the option to use dark side results to generate additional Force points. Every time you choose to do so, however, you descend a little towards the dark side.

Discover Your Destiny
In Force and Destiny, you can take part in the epic conflicts of the Galactic Civil War as a young Twi-lek seeking to develop her Force powers, or a seasoned Zabrak Warrior who remembers the Clone Wars. You might even play a force-sensitive Ace Pilot using specializations and species from Age of Rebellion, or a Scoundrel from Edge of the Empire who has joined up with a group of Force users for his own personal gain. All three roleplaying systems are fully cross-compatible, allowing you to fly starships from Age of Rebellion as you flee from Imperial pursuers, or use the Force to help you smuggle valuable contraband out of Hutt space. Together, Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny open up the vast expanses of the entire Star Wars universe for your exploration.

Your destiny lies ahead. May the Force be with you.

The Stuff of Legends
The heart of every Force and Destiny campaign is the 448-page Core Rulebook, beautifully illustrated with original art to immerse you fully in the Star Wars universe. In the Core Rulebook’s thirteen chapters you’ll find everything you need to play the game, from instructions on creating complex Force-sensitive characters to a thorough guide to the game’s narrative dice system. Entire chapters are dedicated to skills, talents, gear and weapons (including lightsabers), vehicles and starships, and of course, the Force itself.

For game masters, the Core Rulebook includes a chapter with helpful suggestions about running game sessions, developing a campaign, and handling your PCs’ ever-shifting Morality. You’ll also find detailed information about galactic geography, a history of the Jedi and Sith Orders from their ancient past until the Galactic Civil War, a catalogue of NPC adversaries, and a complete, stand-alone adventure, Lessons of the Past, to begin your Force and Destiny campaign.

The beautifully illustrated, 448-page Core Rulebook details everything from using the narrative dice system in combat and creating Force-sensitive characters to the mythology of the Jedi order and locations inside Sith space. It is the fundamental book and launching point for any Force and Destiny campaign.

The Force and Destiny Core Rulebook features:
* An introduction to roleplaying in the Star Wars universe
* Focuses on Force-sensitive characters living as outcasts during the Galactic Civil War
* Clear and concise rules for skill checks, combat, and using the Force
* Six careers, eight species, and eighteen specializations for Force-sensitive characters
* Detailed background information on galactic geography, politics, and the Jedi and Sith orders
* Descriptions and data for numerous starships, vehicles, weapons and other gear
* A catalogue of NPC adversaries to thwart players during your campaign
* A complete introductory adventure, Lessons from the Past
* Helpful advice for GMs about running games of Force and Destiny
* Fully cross-compatible with Age of Rebellion and Edge of the Empire

viivakoodi 9781633441224 / 8435407637122

tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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