Strange: In Translation

Strange: In Translation
30.00 €
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Character Options for The Strange

I’m a Meticulous paradox who Builds Robots
I’m a Jovial spinner who Pilots Starships
I’m a Sharp-Eyed vector who Channels Sinfire

Translating to a new recursion? It's not just about visiting, it's about becoming a part of it. About becoming a different version of yourself.

The Cypher System has one of the most graceful and imaginative character generation systems ever brought to roleplaying games. Focus, descriptor, and type create a sentence that elegantly descibes your character and lays the mechanical foundation for your abilities.

Now players have new options for character generation. In addition to new descriptors and foci, In Translation: The Strange Character Options offers new moves, twists, and revisions, the signature abilities of vector, spinner, and paradox characters. With the game’s world-hopping, character-altering setting, The Strange players are always in the market for new character abilities. In Translation: The Strange Character Options gives them what they want!

Players want options, especially in The Strange, where their character: foci can shift with each new limited world they visit. Character options are what In Translation delivers! This book provides a bounty of new material and new choices to help make character creation, and translation, even more fun, more interesting, and more varied.

In Translation: The Strange Character Options gives you:
* More than fifty new abilities for the three character types. Explore new moves for vectors, new revisions for paradoxes, and new twists for spinners.
* New descriptors, bringing the total number to more than thirty. Choose from options like Addicted, Crazy, and Slacker (because sometimes a character is best defined by a negative trait) as well as many standard descriptors like Introverted, Kind, and Jovial.
* Dozens of new foci, bringing the total to more than sixty available as characters translate between recursions. New foci include Builds Robots, Calculates the Incalculable, Casts Spells, Grows to Towering Heights, Pilots Starcraft, and more.
* Options for advancement beyond the sixth tier.

Softcover, 8.5” x 11”, full color, 96 pages

viivakoodi 9781939979315

Monte Cook Games
MKG 050
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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