Ardenne Offensive: German Forces in Lorraine and Ardennes, Sep 1944 - Feb 1945 (HC)

Ardenne Offensive: German Forces in Lorraine and Ardennes, Sep 1944 - Feb 1945 (HC)
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The Ardennes Offensive provides Flames Of War players with the German forces needed to recreate the battles on the German frontier from September 1944 to February 1945.

You can field the forces battling the Americans in Lorraine as you hold back the American drive to the German border. Launch the great Ardennes Offensive to divide the British and Americans and strike into their rear. You can also fight the Nordwind winter offensive into Alsace-Lorraine.

You will be able to field troops from Germany’s new Panzer Brigades. These units had tremendous firepower thanks to some of Germany’s best equipment, such as the Panther medium tank and new StG44 assault rifles.

This book contains German Intelligence Briefings and Warriors from the following Divisions and Kampfgruppen:

* 106. Panzerbrigade Feldherrnhalle
* 111. Panzerbrigade Panzerkompanie
* 111. Panzerbrigade Panzergrenadierkompanie
* SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper
* SS-Kampfgruppe Hansen
* SS-Schnellgruppe Knittel
* 150. Panzerbrigade Kampfgruppe
* 116. Panzerdivision
* F?hrerbegleit and F?hrergrenadier brigades
* Volksgrenadier Divisions
* 5. Fallschirmj?gerdivision
* Nordwind Panzergrenadierkompanie
* Schwere Panzerj?gerkompanie
* Gebirgsj?gerkompanie

The Battle of the Bulge: Allied Forces on the German Border, Sep 1944 – Feb 1945 and The Ardennes Offensive: German Forces in Lorraine and the Ardennes, Sep 1944 – Feb 1945 are the two newest hardback compilations for Flames Of War.

They take the forces from Blood, Guts, and Glory, Devil’s Charge and Nuts, update them and compile them in two useful volumes. To this we have added new content, some of which is familiar from digital and PDF Briefings, while the rest is entirely new.

New Content in The Ardennes Offensive
The new German compilation, The Ardennes Offensive: German Forces in Lorraine and the Ardennes, Sep 1944–Feb 1945, is full of exciting new content. We have added a Gebirgsj?gerkompanie, which covers 2. Gebirgsdivision and 6. SS-Gebirgsdivision. As the Germans needed more men to fill the gaps in their lines, troops like the Gebirgsj?ger were deployed as normal infantry. Both these veteran divisions had seen hard fighting on the Finnish front and were moved to the German-French border as US forces threatened to break into Germany.

The popular Panzers to the Meuse PDF Intelligence Briefing has also been included. You can field a Panzerkompanie, a Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie, Gepanzerte Aufkl?rungsschwadron, and a Panzergrenadierkompanie. These have options to field them from 2. Panzerdivision, Panzer Lehr Division, 9. Panzerdivision, or 116. Panzerdivision.

These divisions represent the armoured power of the German Heer (Army) concentrated in the west for the Ardennes Offensive. Topped up with the latest equipment if available, none of these divisions would be as powerful again for the rest of the war. Panzer IV, Panther, StuG, Panzer IV/70, and Jagdpanthers all fought to make the Ardennes Offensive a success. These formations are all well supported with infantry, artillery, armoured cars, anti-tank, anti-aircraft, and engineer platoons.

The other armoured formations committed by the Heer were the F?hrer Brigades: the F?hrerbegleitbrigade and F?hrergrenadierbrigade. From these you can field a F?hrer Panzerkompanie, F?hrer Panzerf?silierkompanie, F?hrer Panzergrenadierkompanie or F?hrer Grenadierkompanie. These troops come in a variety of ratings, from Confident Veteran to Reluctant Trained, reflecting the hasty nature of their formation. However, they have some excellent equipment and troops.

We have added a Fallschirmj?gerkompanie to represent 5. Fallschirmj?gerdivision.
Unlike 3. Fallschirmj?gerdivision who operated with SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper, 5. Fallschirmj?gerdivision fought on the southern flank of the 'Bulge'. The 5. Fallschirmj?gerdivision was mostly made up of recently transferred Luftwaffe ground crew, though many of their Officers and NCOs were hardened Fallschirmj?ger.

They are rated Confident Trained and have access to a good selection of support, including the support of the Fallschirmj?ger’s own 11. Fallschirm-Sturmgesch?tz-Brigade.

To expand on SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper, we have added two additional 1. SS-Panzerdivision Kampfgruppen: KG Hansen and KG Knittel. SS-Kampfgruppe Hansen covers the group formed around the motorised SS-Panzergrenadiers of the division with the division’s Panzer IV/70 tank-hunters attached as their armour.

They can also be supported by the K?nigstiger heavy tank, as they absorbed a number of these as they followed behind SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper.

This force can also be used to field the other motorised panzergrenadier group SS-Kampfgruppe Sandig.

You can also field SS-Schnellgruppe Knittel. This group was form around SS-Panzeraufkl?rungs-Abteilung 1 and was equipped with Sd Kfz 250/9 and Sd Kfz 234/2 Puma armoured cars. This group initially took a more southerly route, but was eventually forced on to the same roads as Peiper, who they eventually fought alongside.

Changes to Existing German Forces
We’ve take the opportunity to review the Panzer Brigade briefings that first appeared in Blood, Guts, and Glory.

106. Panzerbrigade had a relatively long career for the panzer brigades, and we though it worth representing it with improved ratings as its troops became more experienced.

To reflect this we have added an option to take a 106. Panzerbrigade FHH Panzerkompanie as Confident Veteran (in addition to the original option of Reluctant Trained). We done the same with the brigade’s other fighting companies (FHH Panzersturmkompanie and FHH Panzergrenadierkompanie).

111. Panzerbrigade has also gained another option. Although 111. Panzerbrigade didn’t last as long as 106. Panzerbrigade as a separate entity, they did gain some confidence after their initial engagements. So, as well as their original Reluctant Trained rating, we have also given them a new Confident Trained option.

We have also updated the painting guides for the Colours Of War painting system. Inside both books you will also find terrain guides and optional weather rules.

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