Star Wars: Complete Visual Dictionary Updated Edition

Star Wars: Complete Visual Dictionary Updated Edition
52.00 €
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Packed with more than 1,500 stunning images, Star Wars The Complete Visual Dictionary showcases major and minor characters (such as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker), creatures, vehicles, weapons, props, and items of tech in unparalleled detail.

Beautiful photography and engaging text written by Star Wars experts examines the finer points of Padme Amidala's costumes, displays Boba Fett's array of weaponry, studies Darth Vader's armor, and reveals the lesser-known background stories to many of the characters. Fully updated to include the latest installments of the Skywalker saga, The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, this invaluable reference guide incorporates all the latest stories and characters.

Reference Book, HC, 9x12, 352pgs, FC

DK Publishing

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