Silver Age Classics: Tales of Mysterious Traveler 2 (HC)

Silver Age Classics: Tales of Mysterious Traveler 2 (HC)
58.50 €
Saatavuus: noin 2+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

Courtesy of the Traveler's creator, Steve Ditko, this title beats pretty much everything else on the old creaking metal comicbook spinners, way back then - these comics appeared from Charlton in 1957/8 - and now. What it may have lacked in the comic book equivalent of $100M SFX budgets, the Mysterious Traveler made up for it with sheer class, style and out 'n out pizzazz and charm. A clear inspiration to Marvel's hugely popular Amazing Adult Fantasy, the Traveler is surely the original 'adult' comic and the one that's certainly held its quality and is worth its weight in gold.

Aside from Ditko, artists include Maurice Whitman, Bill Molno, Rocco Mastroserio, Paul Reinman and Charles Nicholas.

Collects issues #6-10 (December 1957 to November 1958).

HC, 7x10, 184pgs, FC

PS Artbooks
Kuvitus: Steve Ditko, Maurice Whitman, Bill Molno, Rocco Mastroserio, Paul Reinman, Charles Nicholas

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