Orphan Age 1

Orphan Age 1
20.40 7.10 €
Tuotteen alin hinta 30 päivän kuluessa ennen nykyistä alennusta oli 20.40 €.
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri


One day all the adults died, all over the world, at the same time.

Now it's twenty years later, and the children, all grown up, are still rebuilding the world. Horses and caravans are the only thin lines connecting tiny, scattered settlements, little sparks in the great dark night. Gasoline is gone, phones long dead, television a memory. The only power in America is the New Church, the religion of the angry children, that blames the destruction of the old world on the dead adults.

In the settlement of Dallastown, a stranger comes riding in, telling a story of escape from the New Church's unstoppable Firemen. The Church is on the march, and the world might burn again, and the only hope might be a scared teenage girl, a gunslinger keeping his secrets, and a woman of few words and long knives. Welcome to the Orphan Age.

Written by Ted Anderson (MOTH & WHISPER, My Little Pony, Adventure Time) with art by Nuno Plati (Alpha: Big Time, Marvel Girl), this volume collects issues #1-5.


viivakoodi 9781949028270

Aftershock Comics
Käsikirjoitus: Ted Anderson
Kuvitus: Nuno Plati
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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