Moebius Library: Doctor Moebius & Mister Gir

Moebius Library: Doctor Moebius & Mister Gir
39.00 €
Saatavuus: heti
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Working closely with publisher Casterman and Moebius Production, Dark Horse brings you Numa Sadoul's landmark interviews with Jean ''Moebius'' Giraud.

The master reflects on his many lives as an artist and man, from his Heavy Metal breakthrough era to a year before his untimely passing. Numa Sadoul--whose exclusive fourteen-hour interview with Herge in 1971 was the basis of the 2003 documentary Tintin and I--is known for his book-length conversations with such major comics figures as Jacques Tardi, Andre Franquin (Spirou), and Albert Uderzo (cocreator of Asterix). Edward Gauvin, translator of over three hundred graphic novels, brings us Sadoul's English-language debut.

Format: FC, 248 pages; TPB; 8 3/8" x 10 7/8"

viivakoodi 9781506713434

Dark Horse Comics
Käsikirjoitus: Numa Sadoul, Moebius
kuvitus: Moebius
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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