Leaving Richard's Valley (HC)

Leaving Richard's Valley (HC)
42.90 €
Saatavuus: noin 2+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

Richard is a benevolent but tough leader who oversees everything that happens in the valley. When Lyle the Raccoon becomes sick, his ragtag group of friends take matters into their own hands, breaking Richard's strict rules. Caroline Frog rats them out to Richard and they are immediately exiled from the only world they've ever known.

DeForge's tale expands from a bizarre hero's quest into something more: they make it out of the valley and into the big city, and we see them coming to terms with different kinds of community: noise-rockers, gentrification protesters, squatters, and more.

480 pages

viivakoodi 9781770463431

Drawn & Quarterly
Käsikirjoitus/kuvitus: Michael DeForge

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