Battletech: Strategic Operations -Advanced Aerospace Rules

Battletech: Strategic Operations -Advanced Aerospace Rules
48.00 €
Saatavuus: heti
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Forces In System

Liftoff planet and conquer an entire solar system! Deploy kilometer-long WarShips as escorts, first for JumpShips bridging the gulf between stars, then for detaching DropShips that burn in system to drop troops onto any battlefield. New aerospace tactics will allow you to gain air supremacy to match your grasp of ground tactics. Yet the war for a star system is more than a single battle and a commander that utilizes his supplies and personnel with skill will survive the numerous battles to come.

Strategic Operations is the one-source rulebook for advanced rules aerospace assets that open the entire conquest of a solar system. It includes new aerospace movement, combat and advanced aerospace unit construction rules, as well as comprehensive maintenance, salvage, repair and customization rules. Finally, a complete game system–BattleForce–allows players to use their existing miniatures and mapsheets to play quick, fast-paced BattleTech games, from companies to battalions and even regiments.

Tactical Operations is recommended for enhanced play.

* A complete game system—BattleForce—allows players to use their existing miniatures and mapsheets to play quick, fast-paced BattleTech games, from companies to battalions and even regiments
* Includes new aerospace movement, combat and advanced aerospace unit construction rules
* Comprehensive maintenance, salvage, repair and customization rules allows players to map out extended campaigns
* Includes miniature rules for playing without gridded map sheets, in a way that is familiar to MechWarrior: Age of Destruction players

viivakoodi 9781941582428

Catalyst Game Labs
CAT 35004V
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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