Kings of War: War in the Holds -2 Player Starter Set

Kings of War: War in the Holds -2 Player Starter Set
100.90 €
Saatavuus: noin 2-4+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

This new two-player starter is the perfect introduction for Kings of War – the mass fantasy battle game. War in the Holds tells the story of the brutal battles between the evil goblins and equally wicked Ratkin. Includes an exclusive Ratkin Warlock and exclusive Goblin Wiz!

Kings of War is a mass-battle fantasy wargame set in the world of Pannithor. Rank upon rank of soldiers marches into bloody combat, while winged demons battle fiery dragons overhead. From launching devastating bombardments of artillery, to tactically out-flanking your opponent’s forces, Kings of War is a game of exciting, expansive fantasy battles.

This starter set contains two great plastic starter armies for Kings of War – the foul Goblins and the wicked Ratkin – a book with the full game rules and complete army lists for 14 different factions, plus a getting started booklet to help you with your first games.

* 40 Goblin Infantry
* 40 Ratkin Infantry
* Exclusive Goblin Wiz
* Exclusive Ratkin Warlock
* 3 Goblin Trolls
* 1 Ratkin Night Terror
* Gamer's Edition Rulebook
* Getting started guide

viivakoodi 5060469666105

Mantic Games

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