Batman: Urban Legends

Batman: Urban Legends
32.50 €
Saatavuus: noin 2-4+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Two of Gotham City's edgiest heroes, Red Hood and Grifter, cross paths with Batman himself in this collection of stories from the new anthology series Batman: Urban Legends.

Two top comics writers, Matthew Rosenberg and Chip Zdarsky, enter the world of Gotham City with new tales of Batman, Red Hood, and Grifter in the first volume collecting stories from the thrilling new anthology series Batman: Urban Legends.

First, writer Chip Zdarsky and artist Eddy Barrows chronicle Red Hood's investigation of a new drug in Gotham City called Cheerdrops. But this night will NOT go as planned--and as a result, he will end up back in Batman's crosshairs!

Then, writer Matthew Rosenberg joins forces with artist Ryan Benjamin for a new tale of Cole Cash -better known as Grifter. Picking up story points from recent Batman issues, readers will learn why Cole is in Gotham to begin with. Plus, discover the truth about the mysterious organization known as HALO, and witness round two of Batman versus Grifter.

This title collects stories from Batman: Urban Legends #1-6.

264 pg, FC

viivakoodi 9781779512178

DC Comics
Käsikirjoitus: Matthew Rosenberg, Chip Zdarsky
Kuvitus: Ryan Benjamin, Eddy Barrows

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