Roll the Deck!

Roll the Deck!
18.70 €
Saatavuus: yli 2-4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

A small booklet of 11 dice games designed for use with Steve Jackson’s Pick a Card Dice and standard playing cards. Roll the Deck! is an A6-sized booklet of 11 different games, every single one of which you can play with friends and family.

We've packed this new book (approximately A6-sized) with rules for 11 different games!

* Poison the Well - Influence the value of your cards, but the dice may wreck your plans! (3–4 players)
* Grumble, Grumble - Help your opponents against your will! (3–6 players)
* Hot ‘n’ Cold - Your strongest cards keep changing in this unpredictable trick-taking game! (4 players in teams of 2)
* Diamond Mine - Push your and your opponents’ luck at the same time! (2–4 players)
* Splat - Go big or go SPLAT! (3–4 players)
* Texas Draft ‘Em - Make the best of tough choices in this twist on a classic! (2–4 players)
* Loose Cannons - Sink ‘em all or be sunk yourself! (2–4 players)
* Purge - Do you tread carefully, or trust that the dice will help you score big? (2–5 players)
* Contamination - Keep your hands clean and infect opposing score piles! (3–4 players)
* Scraps - Can you build a winning hand from everyone else’s scraps? (3–4 players)
* My Way or the Highway - Scramble to get rid of your cards before the dice force you to take them all back! (2–5 players)

NOTE: The games in this book are built around the concept of generating a series of random draws from a standard deck of playing cards. If you were to use a physical deck of cards to achieve these results, it would require a high amount of shuffling to ensure the results were truly random. There are websites that will generate these results, but we’ve designed a set of dice that generate these results without the need for internet access.

When these games refer to Rank, this is the number, ace, and face card image regardless of their suit. Likewise, when these games refer to Suit, this only refers to whether the card is a heart, spade, diamond, or club.

A 32-page (self-cover), approximately A6-sized, saddle-stitched booklet

viivakoodi 9781639990368

Steve Jackson Games
SJG 3018

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