Tales of Alvin Maker 4: Alvin Journeyman

Tales of Alvin Maker 4: Alvin Journeyman
8.40 €
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Alvin is a Maker, the first to be born in a century.

Now a grown man and a journeyman smith, Alvin has returned to his family in the town of Vigor Church. He will share in their isolation, work as a blacksmith, and try to teach anyone who wishes to learn the knack of being a Maker. For Alvin has had a vision of the Crystal City he will build, and he knows that he cannot build it alone.

But he has left behind in Hatrack River enemies as well as true friends. His ancient foe, the Unmaker, whose cruel whispers and deadly plots have threatened Alvin’s life at every turn, has found new hands to do his work of destruction.

Return to the world of Alvin Maker--a magical America that might have been. Using the lore and folk-magic of the men and women who settled the North American continent, Card has created an alternate American frontier--a world where a particular kind of magic really works, and where that magic has colored the entire history of the colonies.


Tor Books

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