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Ars Magica 5th Edition
Ars Magica 5th Edition

Welcome to Ars Magica, and to the world of Mythic Europe. It is a place where the glories of the Classical world are dust and the promise of the Renaissance is yet to come. The time is the 13th century —1220 to be exact. Life is a struggle: wars and plagues stalk the land, the Church and kings rule with an iron fist. Yet Mythic Europe is also a place of magical wonder, inhabited by all the creatures of folktale and myth. What the folk of the land believe holds true: faeries and rural spirits must be placated; demons corrupt everything they touch; divine power is accessible through prayer; and magic is everywhere.

Against this background, you will play a magus, a member of the mythical Order of Hermes. You and your fellow players will also portray the loyal companions and grogs that stand with the magi in their covenants. These stalwart protectors provide a buffer between the magi and the mundane world that often misunderstands their power and motives. This is the setting for Ars Magica.

The award-winning first edition of Ars Magica set the benchmark for magic in fantasy roleplaying. It pioneered the storytelling style of roleplaying that has become so popular today. Its setting, Mythic Europe, sparked the imaginations of fantasy fans and history enthusiasts alike. The 272-page fourth edition introduced improved systems in several key areas such as combat, character advancement, and covenant generation. This version of the game retained and improved upon Ars Magica's powerful and flexible magic system —widely regarded as the best rules for magic in all of gaming. Ars Magica Fourth Edition also remained fully compatible with the game's previously released supplements. Ars Magica won the Gamer's Choice Award for Best Fantasy Roleplaying Game of 1988; the fourth edition was nominated for the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Rules of 1996.

What is Ars Magica?
Ars Magica is the award-winning roleplaying game by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein•Hagen about wizards and their allies in Mythic Europe. This flexible, deeply built world can support games that are historically accurate or fantasy-based, epic or small scale, political or personal.

Players work together to tell the story of their covenant — all of the magi, their companions, and grogs. This history can span decades. It might be heroic, tragic, or both in turn. The covenant could influence the entirety of Mythic Europe or the fates of a small corner of the world.

Spells will be cast. Duels won and lost. Houses may rise and fall. But magic is forever.

Grimoire: Gameplay Basics
Ars Magica is a troupe-style, storytelling game. This means that players will not only play a magus, but also the companions and grogs who serve them. Each of these characters contributes to the covenant they belong to, and therefore to the story itself.

The game is famous for its magic rules, which set a new standard for RPG magic systems. The system is divided into arts, each of which comes with a set of verbs and nouns (called Techniques and Forms). Players simply put them together into phrases like "Control Fire" to represent what they want to do.

This fifth edition core book contains all of the rules you need to play, and there’s an enormous library of Ars Magica supplements in our catalog to help develop your campaign. As a rule, older sourcebooks are usable with the newest edition.

- 2005 ENnie Gold Award Winner – Best Rules.
- 2005 ENnie Silver Award Winner – Best Production Values.
- 2005 ENnie Award Nominee – Best Game.
- 2005 ENnie Award Honorable Mention – Best Interior Art.
- 2004 Origins Award Winner – Best Role Playing Game.
- 2004 Out of the Box Award Winner – Best Retread.

5th Edition Designer: David Chart
Creators: Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen

Format: 240 pages, softcover binding, B&W interior printing on offset paper

Changes to the Game
Veteran Ars Magica players will want to know what is new and different about 5th Edition. Here are some of the rules change highlights that will be of interest:
* Magic resistance has been changed so that the Parma Magica is actually the defense it's always been said to be.
* The Laboratory rules have been streamlined and unified around a single core mechanic -- the spell invention mechanic from earlier editions.
* The spell guidelines have been cleaned up, clarified, and made as consistent as possible.
* The combat rules have been completely rewritten so that armor and shield grogs are actually useful.
* The introduction to Mythic Europe has been rewritten to provide information that is immediately useful in play.
* Character creation has been revised to create characters, including magi, at any age, and to create characters of similar power to those advanced through play.

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42.00 €
Ars Magica 5th Edition (HC)
Ars Magica 5th Edition (HC)

Welcome to Ars Magica, and to the world of Mythic Europe. It is a place where the glories of the Classical world are dust and the promise of the Renaissance is yet to come. The time is the 13th century —1220 to be exact. Life is a struggle: wars and plagues stalk the land, the Church and kings rule with an iron fist. Yet Mythic Europe is also a place of magical wonder, inhabited by all the creatures of folktale and myth. What the folk of the land believe holds true: faeries and rural spirits must be placated; demons corrupt everything they touch; divine power is accessible through prayer; and magic is everywhere.

Against this background, you will play a magus, a member of the mythical Order of Hermes. You and your fellow players will also portray the loyal companions and grogs that stand with the magi in their covenants. These stalwart protectors provide a buffer between the magi and the mundane world that often misunderstands their power and motives. This is the setting for Ars Magica.

The award-winning first edition of Ars Magica set the benchmark for magic in fantasy roleplaying. It pioneered the storytelling style of roleplaying that has become so popular today. Its setting, Mythic Europe, sparked the imaginations of fantasy fans and history enthusiasts alike. The 272-page fourth edition introduced improved systems in several key areas such as combat, character advancement, and covenant generation. This version of the game retained and improved upon Ars Magica's powerful and flexible magic system —widely regarded as the best rules for magic in all of gaming. Ars Magica Fourth Edition also remained fully compatible with the game's previously released supplements. Ars Magica won the Gamer's Choice Award for Best Fantasy Roleplaying Game of 1988; the fourth edition was nominated for the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Rules of 1996.

Format: 240 pages, hardcover binding, two-color interior printing on offset paper

Changes to the Game
Veteran Ars Magica players will want to know what is new and different about 5th Edition. Here are some of the rules change highlights that will be of interest:
* Magic resistance has been changed so that the Parma Magica is actually the defense it's always been said to be.
* The Laboratory rules have been streamlined and unified around a single core mechanic -- the spell invention mechanic from earlier editions.
* The spell guidelines have been cleaned up, clarified, and made as consistent as possible.
* The combat rules have been completely rewritten so that armor and shield grogs are actually useful.
* The introduction to Mythic Europe has been rewritten to provide information that is immediately useful in play.
* Character creation has been revised to create characters, including magi, at any age, and to create characters of similar power to those advanced through play.

Errata here: Ars Magica Fifth Edition Errata

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42.00 €
Blowing Up Hong Kong
Blowing Up Hong Kong

Action and Mysticism in Modern Hong Kong
Whether you're a visiting sorcerer, a local cop, a refugee from the future, or an invader from the past, Hong Kong is the city where it all goes down. Explore real and unreal places in the New Territories and see if you can tell them apart. Meet strange and surprising people. Uncover weird magic, old secrets, and new dangers. If you can't find adventure in Hong Kong, you're probably dead.

Blowing Up Hong Kong is the much-anticipated guide to action-packed mayhem in the capitol city of Feng Shui. Everything you need to stage thrilling roleplaying adventures in Hong Kong is in here. Prowl the streets in search of trouble or scour the harbor for weird cargo. Find thugs-for-hire in an underground club or lose the HKPD in a rooftop chase. Design intricate action tales that touch every corner of the city or grab a location for a fight scene on the fly. Inside you'll find people to meet, hire, fear, hate, love, pursue, flee, and fight. You also get places to visit, escape, raid, invade, explore and explode. This is your primer on Hong Kong culture and history, too. (We've even got word on the future.) Want to know about Netherworld portals, feng shui sites, and time travel in the Territories? We've got you covered.

Blowing Up Hong Kong gives you the tools, the know-how, and the ammunition to make the city come alive in your own adventures. Open this book and light the fuse.

"Welcome to Hong Kong. Keep your head down."

by Chris Jones
Cover Art: Scott Reeves
96 pages, perfect-bound softcover

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24.00 €
Blowing Up the Movies
Blowing Up the Movies

Robin D. Laws, game designer by day, cinema super-enthusiast by night, sets his analytic laser sights on action and thrills in a collection of essays sure to supercharge your tabletop roleplaying experience.

As the countdown ticks and the bullets fly, Robin takes you inside the workings of 24 action movies, from the stone cold classic to the unjustifiably obscure. Each essay shows you how the film delivers, and the lessons you can extract from it to enhance your own efforts as GM or player.

* Star Wars as a model of storytelling economy.
* Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to see how fights can express inner drama.
* Seven Samurai as a master class in theme.
* Die Hard as textbook cat-and-mouse.
* The Killer, to learn the blood-soaked vocabulary of bloodsoaked hyper-romanticism.
* Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame, because deer fu.

Though honed as a companion volume to the exciting new reboot of his classic RPG Feng Shui, you can easily apply this book⤙s insights to any game with swords or explosions in it.

With a special focus on high water marks of the Hong Kong action golden age, alongside the flicks that inspired it and were inspired by it, the book also serves up a crash course in that essential action canon.

So dig in, fire up one of these flicks for the first or five millionth time, and be ready to be blown up. Er, away. Blown away.

Format: Trade paperback (5.125" X 8"), 144 pages
Written by Robin D. Laws

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18.00 €
Ebon Mirror (8-10)
Ebon Mirror (8-10)

A party of adventurers is caught in the wake of an unwise wizard's mystical experiments. Without realizing it, they are drawn into a pocket of space -- a mirror world, where the laws of reason and magic have been twisted by the mind of a madwoman. Feral gnomes and savage halflings prowl the forests alongside warlike humans and elves, while peaceful goblins, orcs, and ogres farm the land, always fearful of another brutal attack. Only the divine protection of the sacred undead keeps this bloodthirsty horde at bay.

The PCs must find their way out of this strange world before it destroys them ... but on the way, they have to deal with their suddenly new and unfamiliar abilities, and defeat their own alter personalities.

The Ebon Mirror is a D20 System adventure designed for characters of 8th through 10th level. It includes:

- Information on the Crucible of Osai, an order dedicated to preserving the flow of magic by destroying "flawed" artifacts -- both dangerous cursed items and frivolous magical objects -- that waste magical energy and upset the balance between matter and magic.
- Ten new magic items and minor artifacts, each complete with alternate rules for use in the mirror world.
- Stats for the sacred undead -- the remains of those humans and elves with a glimmer of goodness in their souls, and so brought back by the gods to atone for their sins. They are charged with divine light and make true the phrase, "the only good human is a dead human."
- A new monster called the antisphinx, with the body of a woman and the head of a lion, that always says the opposite of what she means and freezes in time those not able to provide a fitting question for the answer she gives.
- Complete rules for conversion of spells and magic items into their mirror-world antitheses.

Author: Keith Baker
Cover Artist: Lee Moyer

Format: 96 pages, 8.5" x 11", perfect bound

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17.00 6.00 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 17.00
Elevator To The Netherworld
Elevator To The Netherworld

The Inner Kingdom Sourcebook

Level Four: Hardware, Pet Supplies, Sporting Goods
Time moves in a line, but not a straight line. In the Inner Kingdom, time is as hopelessly snarled as a child's scribble. Nomads and refugees from two millenia cross paths, purposes and swords over access to the past, present and future. They reside in the trash of a thousand collapsed timelines, far from the prying eyes of ordinary folks.

Level Three: Sale Items, Food Court
If the Netherworld is the dustbin of history, it's crawling with roaches. Psychopaths from the future roam with guns the size of totem poles. Shaolin monks mix it up with giant firebreathing infants. Four deposed sovreign sorcerers scheme with and against one another, while speed freak hitmen and homeless robots just try to get by from day to day.

Level Two: Real Estate, Organ Donation
Need to stage a live-ammo war exercise on a recreation of Catherine the Great's beside table, scaled up to a thousand times its actual size? Talk to Thurston White -- or, at least, talk to his head. And don't miss the Inner Kingdom's suspiciously useful jungle, the hotel where the decor is fabulous but the gravity's unreliable, and the forest haunted by the ghosts of every war ever fought -- and every war that could have been fought.

Level One: The Gateway to Hell
Watch out -- the Inner Kingdom can turn into a free-fire zone without warning. After all, it's the key to time travel, and time travel is the key to the Secret War. Going Down?

Editor: Greg Stolze | Cover Artist: Heather Hudson
Format: 128 pages, 8.5" x 11", perfect bound

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24.00 €

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