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Game of Thrones: Iron Throne
Game of Thrones: Iron Throne

A game of intrigue and influence for three to five players.

King Robert Baratheon is dead. The line of succession is in dispute, and the Seven Kingdoms stand at the brink of war. Amid the chaos, the Lords and Ladies of five Great Houses maneuver for supremacy... Soon, their struggles will extend to all of Westeros, as well as to your tabletop.

Using game systems from the legendary board game Cosmic Encounter, The Iron Throne offers uniquely satisfying interactions with the themes and characters of HBO's thrilling television series, Game of Thrones. You and your friends each command one of the Great Houses of Westeros, pitting iconic characters against each other in epic battles and schemes. Negotiate. Bluff. Forge alliances. Threaten your rivals. Use every tool at your disposal to spread your influence, establish supremacy, and claim the ultimate prize: the Iron Throne!

Challenges and Alliances
Battles, alliances, and betrayals lie at the heart of The Iron Throne. Each turn centers around the resolution of an encounter between two players. These encounters can result in hostilities, startling conquests, and the spread of influence, or they can result in the formation of temporary alliances. And though only two players in any encounter will be the "active" players, your friends might offer you their support... or turn around and offer it to someone else.

The Lannister player reveals the top card of the event deck, which indicates he should make a challenge against the Stark player. He assigns Joffrey Baratheon, and the Stark player chooses to defend with Arya.

The encounters of The Iron Throne resolve quickly, but they are full of opportunities for cunning strategy, devious intrigues, and brokered alliances. Each features a challenger and a defender, and after these players assign characters to resolve the encounter on the behalf of their Houses, other players may offer their support to either side. In this way, an encounter that starts as a contest between the Lannisters and the Starks may escalate and draw in the support of the Tyrells or other Houses.

Joffrey's five power gives him the advantage over Arya and her two power, but when the Tyrell player offers Olenna Tyrell's support, Stark accepts. Now the combined power value of Arya and Olenna is six, giving them the advantage.

However, there's more to the encounters of The Iron Throne than this initial jostling for power, even with all the alliances and betrayals it can entail. There are still schemes within schemes, and the bluffs, negotiations, and hidden information that color these encounters as the active players discuss the House cards they intend to play. Of course, there's a very good chance that one or both of them may be lying, but they can offer and even agree to a truce. Or they can bid cards from their hands, hoping to win hostilities with the higher total power.

In the event of a truce, the active players discuss what they may give each other in order to maintain the peace. In the event of hostilities, however, one side will win, and the other will suffer. You might seize influence or take hostages, or you may even have your characters put to the sword.

There is talk of a truce, but the Starks suspect the Lannisters of treachery and select a hostility card with a value of eight. The Lannisters also play for hostility, adding a card worth six to Joffrey's five power. With Olenna Tyrell's aid, the Starks win the hostility with a total of fourteen power to the Lannisters' eleven.

Win enough of these encounters, though—and find the right ones to lose—and you might find yourself in position to seize the Iron Throne. The goal of the game is to spread five of your influence to your opponents' House cards and take the crown for yourself.

A War of Five Houses
The encounters of The Iron Throne are so heavily layered with potential for diplomacy, intrigue, and betrayal that the game would be a rich and rewarding experience even if the different Houses were all the same. But they aren't. And the game is richer for their differences.

Each of the five Great Houses in The Iron Throne gains strength from five unique characters. At the beginning of a game, you will choose one of them to be your leader, placing its leader sheet before you and setting aside its character token. Then you'll array the tokens for others before you, and they will help you during your challenges. Still, no matter whether they're represented by a leader sheet or a character token, all these characters come with unique abilities.

Even when you play the game multiple times with the same House, your experience will change with each different leader. Because your leader's unique ability is always available to you—and visible to your opponents—it makes a massive impact on the shape of your game. For example, within House Stark, you're bound to enjoy different game experiences when you play with the Honorable Eddard Stark than when your House is led by the Vengeful Arya Stark.

Meanwhile, your House deck—the deck of cards that you use during your encounters—contains ten character cards. Divided evenly between your five unique characters, these cards allow you to take advantage of your characters' unique talents whenever they participate in an encounter. No matter whether you're the active player or lending your support to another House, Daenerys Targaryen's Inspiration could provide a significant boost to your side's power value. Or Tyrion Lannister's Instinct for Politics could alter the outcome of a hostility in your favor.

Because each character's personality is reflected multiple times in your House deck, the result is that each house features a distinctive personality, but one that will still change slightly, depending upon the character you choose to lead it. And this means you can experiment with different Houses and leaders to enjoy a nearly limitless variety of play experiences.

You Win Or You Die
You can have up to five players, but there's only one Iron Throne. Can you bluff and battle and scheme your way to victory?

• A board game of lies, diplomacy, battles, and betrayal in the Game of Thrones setting
• Features core mechanics from the well-loved and best-selling Cosmic Encounter
• Play as any of five Great Houses: Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, or Tyrell
• Unique characters come with abilities that recall their portrayal on the show
• Fast and bloody action—complete with the ability to take hostages

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Game of Thrones: Trivia Game
Game of Thrones: Trivia Game

A competitive game of knowledge and strategy for two to four players or teams.

Some of the toughest competitors for the Iron Throne fight not with swords, dragons, or poisons, but with their minds. In Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game, you and your friends compete to rule the seven kingdoms using your knowledge of the hit HBO series. By answering questions about the people, locations, and events of Game of Thrones’ first four seasons, you can conquer locations across Westeros, accumulate valuable resources, and earn the support of iconic characters like Arya Stark and Jamie Lannister. You may make mutually profitable alliances or pitilessly usurp your competitors. The player or team that controls the most locations at the game’s end wins!

Capture Castles
Kings Landing may be the capital of Westeros, but in order to claim the Iron Throne that sits within the Red Keep, you’ll have to conquer castles throughout the Seven Kingdoms. Each location has seven sections and each question you answer correctly gives you control of a single section. You can attempt to execute a swift and sudden takeover by answering two or three questions in a single turn. If you miss a single question, however, all your efforts that turn will prove futile.

In the diagram above, the green player has lost battles at Harrenhal and Pyke to other players. Instead of attempting to conquer the ruin-covered island of Dragonstone, she turned her attention north, making some inroads at the Eyrie, but focusing on seizing the Twins. She chooses a large marker, indicating that she wants to answer three questions in a single turn. If she answers them all correctly, she can place her marker down and take control of the Twins.

Use Your Knowledge
Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game includes over 1,200 questions, labeled by season so that you can play in order of the series to avoid spoiling seasons for players who haven’t seen them all, or shuffle all cards together for an encompassing game. Most cards are double-sided with three questions on each side. The type of marker you place determines which questions you answer. Small markers compel you to answer the first (and usually easiest) question, medium markers force you to answer the other two, and a large marker, all three. By choosing what size of marker to place, you also choose the difficulty of your questions.

Some rounds are picture rounds. In these, all the questions on a card refer to a picture—maybe an moment from the show, maybe a house sigil or iconic location—on the front. Apart from that, picture cards are no different from any other, and can also be sorted according to season.

Earn Powerful Supporters
Accurate knowledge is necessary to survive the cruel vicissitudes of war in Westeros and may suffice to grant you victory under the basic rules. When playing with the advanced rules, however, knowledge alone is not enough. You must amass material resources, spend them wisely, and gain the military, political, and financial help of supporters throughout the realm. Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game connects resources, support, and knowledge together, so that even if your knowledge is momentarily insufficient, you can still remain a formidable competitor.

For every question you answer correctly in the advanced version, you gain a resource: either a raven, sword, or piece of gold. You can then spend these resources to win the favor of powerful, iconic characters from the HBO series. Each favor card offers you a unique ability to use at a critical moment. But allegiances are constantly shifting and loyalty bought by wealth is notoriously unreliable, so you must discard your favor card after a single use.

Make Alliances
In your quest to rule Westeros there may also be times when forming an alliance with another competitor can benefit you both. Under the advanced rules, after hearing a question that you feel you may not be able to answer, you can ask another player for assistance, promising them that question’s resource in return. Everything else gained from that question, including control of a location, remains yours, and once the question is answered, the alliance is over. Form your alliances with caution and cunning. Would gaining a resource enable your ally to defeat you elsewhere? Once the question is answered, should you turn your back on your ally and remove their marker from the board? A misplaced trust could easily prove your downfall, just as a well-formed—or conveniently broken—alliance may let you win the game.

Claim the Iron Throne
You must know the land of Westeros well in order to rule it, but mastering strategy and intrigue as well will ensure that your knowledge turns into military and political strength. Whether you play as an individuals or part of a team, make alliances or remain apart, take bold risks or play it safe, in Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game you either claim the Iron Throne or suffer defeat. In the words of Cersei Lannister, “There is no middle ground.”

• A trivia and strategy game for two to four players or teams
• Based on the first four seasons of the hit HBO series, Game of Thrones
• Each player chooses the difficulty level of the questions he answers
• Questions are organized by season so players can remain free from spoilers
• Favor cards bring iconic characters into the game

30 - 60 minutes
2+ players
Ages 18+

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48.00 €
Game of Thrones: Trivia Game Seasons 5-8 Expansion
Game of Thrones: Trivia Game Seasons 5-8 Expansion

The War of the Five Kings has thrown Westeros into chaos, and across the Seven Kingdoms, rivals clash in the courts and on the battlefields to further their campaigns for the Iron Throne. But force alone is not enough to claim power—a whispered word may easily prove deadlier than a sword and knowledge is the ultimate weapon for those who know how to wield it.

Call Your Banners
This expansion increases the number of players for Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game to five and includes 225 new cards that players can combine with the cards from the base game to create the ultimate trivia challenge. But your goal is not simply to prove your skill as the sharpest mind in the Seven Kingdoms. Rather, your desire is to claim the Iron Throne, and just as in the show, the future of Westeros is at stake.

In order to conquer Westeros, you will have to understand those you would rule. By traveling to key locations and correctly answering questions, you will soon gain control over them, placing your tokens over the location’s seven sections. You can attempt to swiftly claim a castle by answering two or three questions in a single turn, but if you answer even a single question incorrectly, you will lose all of your progress from the turn. If you wish to claim a kingdom, you must temper your ambition with practicality.

As in the base game, the lower-right corner of each card in this expansion features a season designator to help you prevent spoilers for any players who have not watched the complete series. In addition to preventing spoilers, these designators also provide context for the questions and answers on a specific card. While Game of Thrones is known for its shocking twists and power shifts, all correct answers on a given card the Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game Seasons 5-8 Expansionare based on the conclusion of the designated season. For example, a card that asks, “Which proclaimed monarch controls the island of Dragonstone?” and is labeled as Season 2 would have “Stannis Baratheon” as the correct answer. However, if the card is labeled as Season 7, the correct answer is “Daenerys Targaryen.” Knowing the ultimate fate of the Seven Kingdoms will not be enough to earn you victory—you must remember the path that led there.

Conquer the Land
Not every card you come across will be a straightforward question and answer. Some rounds are picture rounds in which all the questions on a card will refer to an image. Perhaps you will have to recall specific details from a scene, character, or location in the show, also sorted by season to avoid spoilers. The mysterious Night King does not have his origins revealed until Season 6, long after his first appearance in Season 4 of the show, and his plans to repeat history and reorder it in his favor do not come to fruition until Season 8. Only a mind with the most complete knowledge of Game of Thrones, from the first credits to the closing scenes will be able to claim the Iron Throne.

While the base rules of the game provide plenty of challenges to engage players, those who seek more in-depth gameplay will find powerful new characters they may align with to gain new abilities if they can earn their favor. By answering questions correctly when using the advanced rules, you earn material resources such as gold, swords, or ravens that you can spend to buy the allegiance of iconic characters and put their skills to use. For example, the wildling Tormund Giantsbane helps you keep control of the Wall even as your campaign leads you far across Westeros, while The High Sparrow can use his sway to give you the use of any wealthy noble’s ability in play. While each favor can only be used once, a well-timed effect can be the difference between victory and defeat.

But remember that while forming an alliance with one of the series’ key characters will doubtless prove beneficial in your campaign for the Iron Throne, forming one with another player can benefit you both. You can ask another player for help with a question by promising them the question’s resource in return. This will still earn you control in the contested castle, but perhaps allow your ally to earn a character’s favor at a later time. As in the show, you must weigh the risk of any alliance against its potential reward. Will answering a question incorrectly now set you too far behind and cost you the game? Will your ally now betray you later, or will you be able to turn your back on them before the tables turn? With the Iron Throne at stake, you must take some risks, but misplaced trust can have disastrous consequences.

Seize the Iron Throne
While the final credits have rolled on Game of Thrones, your challenge for the Iron Throne has just begun and your mind will be your greatest weapon. Complete your knowledge of the world of Game of Thrones and claim the Seven Kingdoms for your own!

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30.00 €
Heroes of Terrinoth
Heroes of Terrinoth

Terrinoth needs champions.

An ancient Bloodguard sows discord in the Free Cities, the dead rise from their graves in the Mistlands, and the realm turns its eyes to you in search of a savior. Here, you have the chance to embody one of Terrinoth’s greatest heroes and venture into the depths of treacherous dungeons to confront the dangers that lurk beyond the reaches of the light. You'll battle terrible monsters, discover untold riches, and earn fame and fortune throughout the realm. The danger is great, but the adventure of a lifetime awaits!

Warriors of Mennara
Heroes of Terrinoth is a cooperative card game of questing and adventure that invites you and up to three allies to take on the role of unique heroes, choosing from twelve distinct and powerful heroes, split between four archetypes—healer, warrior, mage, and scout. These archetypes are further diversified into different classes that your heroes can pursue as your power grows. Regardless of which class you embrace, you and your friends must combine your powers, leaning on one another’s strengths to survive your journeys and defeat the enemies who stand against you. Over the course of eight thrilling quests, you will face villainous foes, battle deadly creatures, and save the realm!

If you have any hope of surviving the desperate task before you, you will need to forge a mighty party of adventurers. You may call upon a skilled scout to track your enemies’ movements or a warrior to make quick work of a goblin horde. A healer’s unquestionable skill in the mending arts will doubtless come in handy as your battles take their tolls, and a mage’s link to the arcane may prove invaluable when you must think on your feet. On top of their quest specialization, each hero has a unique ability that offers them an edge, and with each new quest your band plays, you will gain experience, learn new abilities, and discover equipment to help you overcome future challenges. And that's a good thing, because the threats to the realm gather strength with each passing day.

Embark on New Quests
Once you have gathered your team of heroes, you are ready to set out for new adventures in Mennara. Heroes of Terrinoth provides you with eight quests to choose from, where you may be tasked with saving townsfolk, slaying a powerful beast, or recovering a priceless artifact. Each quest sheet provides you with new objectives, as well as the distinct setup and story-specific rules that ensure no two adventures are the same.

Your adventures begin in “The Goblin Problem.” You’ve traveled a day from Goldhall, across the sweeping fields of Allerfeldt, stopping at a roadside inn as the sun dips below the horizon. As you sit down to supper, a haggard man bursts through the door, clutching at a wound in his side. “Goblins,” he gasps, “Dozens. One of ‘em says he’s a king.” You’ve heard of this self-styled king before—strong, devious, and just cowardly enough to keep himself alive. This may not be the glorious foe you’d imagined, but he may be a worthy adversary to test your skills, and goblin-slaying often proves to be gainful employment as grateful townspeople fill your pockets with gold… not to mention the riches that come with a wealthy goblin’s hoard.

Every Second Counts
In every round of Heroes of Terrinoth, you and your fellow heroes will be tested to the utmost, as you perform actions, weather enemy attacks, stand fast against the growing peril, and travel to new locations.

As your first choice in each round, you'll need to select which activation cards will best help you survive and advance your quest. All activation cards fall under four broad categories: Attack, Rest, Aid, or Explore. When you encounter dangers, Attack actions let you battle enemies engaged with you. Following a tough scrape, Rest actions provide you with a chance to heal your damage. Should you find yourself in a more secure position than your friends, Aid actions let you help your allies by storing successes that they can use at a later time. Finally, Explore actions invite you to investigate your surroundings, ultimately progressing to new areas. While every archetype has access to these four categories of activation cards, the specfics will vary. The aid of a healer will look very different than the Aid of a warrior!

Combining both skill and chance, the actions that you perform are modified by dice rolls that determine how successful the action is. After all, the most skilled swordsmen will perform little damage if they trip over a hidden root, and rest will not rejuvenate you if you spend the night tossing and turning. We will take a closer look at actions and the various activation cards available to each class in future previews.

After you've performed your actions, your opponents rally, perhaps readying for an attack, slipping in and out of the darkness, or striking your team of heroes with every foul ounce of power they possess. Often, enemies may advance to engage you or one of your comrades, retreat to the shadows, or inflict damage on any poor soul already engaged with them. But beyond this, your foes keep many tricks up their sleeves, and you never know what other dangerous abilities an opponent may possess. The best course of action may be to put them out of action before you find yourself completely overwhelmed!

During the Peril Phase, your party advances the peril token one space on the peril track, resolving any treacherous effects that may befall you along the way. You may become surrounded by enemies, or be blessed with a moment of reprieve. Still, you must be careful that your peril token never reaches the end of its track, for in that case, you must resolve the final and deadliest peril each time the track would advance. Even after your greatest suffering, there is no relief!

Finally, your party may choose to move to new locations, perhaps stepping deeper into the catacombs of an abandoned mine or exploring the far heart of a mysterious forest, provided you have fully explored your current location. Traveling offers you a chance to leave behind the enemies who still lurk in the shadows and draw a new location from the location deck. But be wary—each location comes with its own crop of dangers, so you may find that you have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire! But if you choose your actions carefully and balance your parties' talents, you just may stand a chance of surviving the most dangerous areas of Terrinoth and restoring some peace to the troubled realm.

Strike Back Against the Darkness
The sun has begun to set on Mennara and the Land of Steel is under threat from within, but the age of heroes may yet come again. Are you ready to dare the darkest depths of Terrinoth? Gather your team of adventurers and delve into the realm’s dangerous underbelly. The perils you will face are great, but so is the glory that awaits!

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49.10 €
KeyForge: Age of Ascension 2 Player Starter Set
KeyForge: Age of Ascension 2 Player Starter Set

Age of Ascension, the second set of KeyForge

In 2018, legendary designer Richard Garfield introduced the world to KeyForge—a game where every deck is as unique as the player who wields it, coming pre-built and ready-to-play. Wits and tactical prowess win the day in a fast-paced game of cosmic competition where death is temporary, but glory is forever.

Along with this groundbreaking design came a lush, endlessly diverse world to call home. The Crucible, an artificial planet filled with secrets known only to the Architects, acts as the perfect setting for the world’s first Unique Deck Game, as the pieces of countless worlds gather to change the landscape every day to create something new and incredible. Now, you are invited to journey deeper into Crucible as your quest to unlock the power of this planet and ascend to a new plane continues.

The Power in Your Hands
Beyond the cards themselves, you may notice other subtle differences in Age of Ascension, highlighted in the set’s new starter. The KeyForge: Age of Ascension Two-Player Starter Set features all the tools you need to either begin or expand your adventures on the Crucible, including two unique Age of Ascension Archon Decks, a Quickstart Rulebook, two paper poster playmats for easily organizing your play area, and all the keys, tokens, and chain trackers you and your opponent need to start playing.

Unlike the Call of the Archons Starter Set, this set does not include two standardized learning decks, and you'll also discover that stun and increased power are now marked by tokens rather than status cards. Both the Call of the Archons Starter Set and the Age of Ascension Two-Player Starter Set provide excellent points of entry for new players, and as the game continues to grow, the power is with you to choose the option that’s right for you.

A New Dawn Rises
Become a new Archon in Age of Ascension! As a new set of KeyForge, Age of Ascension mixes up the cardpool with 204 brand-new cards, joining 166 cards first introduced in Call of the Archons to create an entirely new pool of 370 cards and billions upon billions more Unique Decks for you to discover, learn, and master.

Importantly, Age of Ascension is a companion to Call of the Archons, not a replacement or a sequel! You don't need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Age of Ascension, and you don't need to switch to Age of Ascension Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Archon Decks from each set are equally matched against one another, which makes Age of Ascension an invitation to embrace even more of the spirit of exploration and discovery that makes KeyForge unique.

This new set further explores the gameplay of KeyForge with new keywords, restricting when certain cards can be played or freeing others from the constraints of standard placement. For example, the Brobnar are well known for their love of battle and their eagerness to land the first strike. Age of Ascension offers a new tactic for the House with cards like First Blood (Call of Ascension, 7) that feature the Alpha keyword, meaning that they can only be played as your first action during a turn. If you can establish a solid battleline, filled with the greatest Brobnar warriors, First Blood lets you open your next turn with a devastating alpha strike.

On the other end of the spectrum, the darkest creatures of the Crucible gain the power of Omega. The varied beings of Untamed can call upon a Duskwitch (Age of Ascension, 320), while the demons of Dis can make use of an Unlocked Gateway (Age of Ascension, 67) to destroy each creature—but the Omega keyword guarantees that this card must be the last card you play on your turn. While this gateway does not force you to take chains like Gateway to Dis (Call of the Archons, 59), this destructive power still comes at the cost of an opportunity, preventing you from playing any creatures unless you are willing to sacrifice them.

Finally, the new Deploy keyword mixes up your ordinary approach to building your battleline. Rather than building outward from the edges, a creature with Deploy can enter play anywhere in your battleline! You will find this keyword on only the quickest, like Lamindra (Age of Ascension, 272), and the most skilled warriors of the Crucible—those who can create order even in the middle of a chaotic clash between rival Archons. "Lion" Bautrem (Age of Ascension, 211) of House Sanctum grants power to his neighbors. With the ability to place him anywhere in your battleline, you have the freedom to select your most valuable creatures and bolster them, perhaps keeping a creature holding captured ?mber alive for a little longer, or granting one of your warriors the strength to destroy a particularly troublesome opponent. With these new keywords adding to the depth of the Crucible and the games that you play, you'll be able to further develop your personal playstyle and discover brand-new decks that can reach their full potential in your hands.

The previously unseen cards of Age of Ascension are seamlessly mixed with 166 favorite cards from Call of the Archons to create new synergies and allow you to rediscover familiar cards in a fresh light. Cards that appear in both sets, such as the Witch of the Wilds (Age of Ascension, 369), have different card numbers from their Call of the Archons counterpart (Call of the Archons, 347), but all other text and abilities remain the same. Additionally, while the new card pool does feature the return of favorite cards, you will never find an Age of Ascension deck with only cards that originally appeared in Call of the Archons. In every deck you open, you are guaranteed to see new faces like House Mars's monstrous Xanthyx Harvester (Age of Ascension, 173), and perhaps even meet some new allies who give you a sense of d?j? vu, like Archimedes (Age of Ascension, 108), who keen-eyed players may recognize as the loyal companion of Quixo the Adventurer.

Even cards that do not carry over from Call of the Archons to Age of Ascension have the chance to make an appearance as new Legacy cards. Like the player-favorite Mavericks (which continue to appear in Age of Ascension), Legacy cards are plucked from their normal settings and placed in new situations to unlock even stranger synergies. In KeyForge, any card that has existed in any previous set can be pulled forward to become a Legacy card included in a current Archon Deck. For instance, even though Quixo the "Adventurer" (Call of the Archons, 144) is not included in the Age of Ascension cardpool, he still has a chance of appearing in your Age of Ascension decks as a Legacy card. A new age is about to begin and no one on the Crucible is willing to be left behind.

A Softer Side
Each of the seven Houses first introduced in Call of the Archons gain new allies and tools in the Age of Ascension—and some of the most lively characters and deafening machines are found in the renewed ranks of House Brobnar. Hailing from snow-capped mountains inaccessible to all but the hardiest creatures of the Crucible, this House is known for their love of a good fight and anything that creates noise and destruction. But not all in their ranks share this desire for destruction. For example, Culf the Quiet (Age of Ascension, 20) wishes for nothing more than to be left in peace, borrowing the Elusive keyword from his fellow goblins in the House to avoid confrontation. But as a giant, Culf still possesses six power if you call him to battle, more than any other elusive creature currently in the game!

As the world of the Crucible continues to grow, you will encounter new and wondrous species in every corner of this growing planet. Among the ranks of House Brobnar, we have seen goblins, humans, and giants. But there are beings, old as the mountains themselves (or potentially even older) that dwarf even the grandest giants. Lollop the Titanic (Age of Ascension, 14) is one such creature. As a grand titan, Lollop can withstand the blows of an entire enemy team with his incredible eleven power, even if he doesn't deal any damage when he is attacked.

One may not think it when first looking at these intimidating warriors, but the members of House Brobnar are quite fond of pets, and in true Brobnar style, their favorite animals are those who create lots of noise and destruction, such as the Grumpus. These creatures are half wolf, half rhino, half tank, and all grumpy. Only the strong-willed Brobnar would look at these beasts and think they could be tamed. But giants like the Grumpus Tamer (Age of Ascension, 39) have domesticated them… kind of. Now, this House can use their beloved monsters to pull vehicles like the Grump Buggy (Age of Ascension, 24), which can bring your opponent’s progress to a standstill if your team possesses the power needed to control the wild beast. But perhaps they are at their most effective when the Brobnar simply aim a War Grumpus (Age of Ascension, 52) in the direction of their enemies and let it loose. There may be a whole new world to discover about House Brobnar, but they will always be the proud brawlers players fell in love with from their first appearance on the Crucible. They're just a bit more... grumpy.

Return to the Stars
The world of the Crucible is vast—what will you uncover in your journeys? Are you ready to seek the knowledge of a new age? Let your curiosity lead you to new discoveries and step into the Age of Ascension!

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30.00 €
KeyForge: Age of Ascension Deck
KeyForge: Age of Ascension Deck

Age of Ascension, the second set of KeyForge

In 2018, legendary designer Richard Garfield introduced the world to KeyForge—a game where every deck is as unique as the player who wields it, coming pre-built and ready-to-play. Wits and tactical prowess win the day in a fast-paced game of cosmic competition where death is temporary, but glory is forever.

Along with this groundbreaking design came a lush, endlessly diverse world to call home. The Crucible, an artificial planet filled with secrets known only to the Architects, acts as the perfect setting for the world’s first Unique Deck Game, as the pieces of countless worlds gather to change the landscape every day to create something new and incredible. Now, you are invited to journey deeper into Crucible as your quest to unlock the power of this planet and ascend to a new plane continues.

A New Dawn Rises
Become a new Archon in Age of Ascension! As a new set of KeyForge, Age of Ascension mixes up the cardpool with 204 brand-new cards, joining 166 cards first introduced in Call of the Archons to create an entirely new pool of 370 cards and billions upon billions more Unique Decks for you to discover, learn, and master.

Importantly, Age of Ascension is a companion to Call of the Archons, not a replacement or a sequel! You don't need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Age of Ascension, and you don't need to switch to Age of Ascension Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Archon Decks from each set are equally matched against one another, which makes Age of Ascension an invitation to embrace even more of the spirit of exploration and discovery that makes KeyForge unique.

This new set further explores the gameplay of KeyForge with new keywords, restricting when certain cards can be played or freeing others from the constraints of standard placement. For example, the Brobnar are well known for their love of battle and their eagerness to land the first strike. Age of Ascension offers a new tactic for the House with cards like First Blood (Call of Ascension, 7) that feature the Alpha keyword, meaning that they can only be played as your first action during a turn. If you can establish a solid battleline, filled with the greatest Brobnar warriors, First Blood lets you open your next turn with a devastating alpha strike.

On the other end of the spectrum, the darkest creatures of the Crucible gain the power of Omega. The varied beings of Untamed can call upon a Duskwitch (Age of Ascension, 320), while the demons of Dis can make use of an Unlocked Gateway (Age of Ascension, 67) to destroy each creature—but the Omega keyword guarantees that this card must be the last card you play on your turn. While this gateway does not force you to take chains like Gateway to Dis (Call of the Archons, 59), this destructive power still comes at the cost of an opportunity, preventing you from playing any creatures unless you are willing to sacrifice them.

Finally, the new Deploy keyword mixes up your ordinary approach to building your battleline. Rather than building outward from the edges, a creature with Deploy can enter play anywhere in your battleline! You will find this keyword on only the quickest, like Lamindra (Age of Ascension, 272), and the most skilled warriors of the Crucible—those who can create order even in the middle of a chaotic clash between rival Archons. "Lion" Bautrem (Age of Ascension, 211) of House Sanctum grants power to his neighbors. With the ability to place him anywhere in your battleline, you have the freedom to select your most valuable creatures and bolster them, perhaps keeping a creature holding captured Æmber alive for a little longer, or granting one of your warriors the strength to destroy a particularly troublesome opponent. With these new keywords adding to the depth of the Crucible and the games that you play, you'll be able to further develop your personal playstyle and discover brand-new decks that can reach their full potential in your hands.

The previously unseen cards of Age of Ascension are seamlessly mixed with 166 favorite cards from Call of the Archons to create new synergies and allow you to rediscover familiar cards in a fresh light. Cards that appear in both sets, such as the Witch of the Wilds (Age of Ascension, 369), have different card numbers from their Call of the Archons counterpart (Call of the Archons, 347), but all other text and abilities remain the same. Additionally, while the new card pool does feature the return of favorite cards, you will never find an Age of Ascension deck with only cards that originally appeared in Call of the Archons. In every deck you open, you are guaranteed to see new faces like House Mars's monstrous Xanthyx Harvester (Age of Ascension, 173), and perhaps even meet some new allies who give you a sense of déjà vu, like Archimedes (Age of Ascension, 108), who keen-eyed players may recognize as the loyal companion of Quixo the Adventurer.

Even cards that do not carry over from Call of the Archons to Age of Ascension have the chance to make an appearance as new Legacy cards. Like the player-favorite Mavericks (which continue to appear in Age of Ascension), Legacy cards are plucked from their normal settings and placed in new situations to unlock even stranger synergies. In KeyForge, any card that has existed in any previous set can be pulled forward to become a Legacy card included in a current Archon Deck. For instance, even though Quixo the "Adventurer" (Call of the Archons, 144) is not included in the Age of Ascension cardpool, he still has a chance of appearing in your Age of Ascension decks as a Legacy card. A new age is about to begin and no one on the Crucible is willing to be left behind.

A Softer Side
Each of the seven Houses first introduced in Call of the Archons gain new allies and tools in the Age of Ascension—and some of the most lively characters and deafening machines are found in the renewed ranks of House Brobnar. Hailing from snow-capped mountains inaccessible to all but the hardiest creatures of the Crucible, this House is known for their love of a good fight and anything that creates noise and destruction. But not all in their ranks share this desire for destruction. For example, Culf the Quiet (Age of Ascension, 20) wishes for nothing more than to be left in peace, borrowing the Elusive keyword from his fellow goblins in the House to avoid confrontation. But as a giant, Culf still possesses six power if you call him to battle, more than any other elusive creature currently in the game!

As the world of the Crucible continues to grow, you will encounter new and wondrous species in every corner of this growing planet. Among the ranks of House Brobnar, we have seen goblins, humans, and giants. But there are beings, old as the mountains themselves (or potentially even older) that dwarf even the grandest giants. Lollop the Titanic (Age of Ascension, 14) is one such creature. As a grand titan, Lollop can withstand the blows of an entire enemy team with his incredible eleven power, even if he doesn't deal any damage when he is attacked.

One may not think it when first looking at these intimidating warriors, but the members of House Brobnar are quite fond of pets, and in true Brobnar style, their favorite animals are those who create lots of noise and destruction, such as the Grumpus. These creatures are half wolf, half rhino, half tank, and all grumpy. Only the strong-willed Brobnar would look at these beasts and think they could be tamed. But giants like the Grumpus Tamer (Age of Ascension, 39) have domesticated them… kind of. Now, this House can use their beloved monsters to pull vehicles like the Grump Buggy (Age of Ascension, 24), which can bring your opponent’s progress to a standstill if your team possesses the power needed to control the wild beast. But perhaps they are at their most effective when the Brobnar simply aim a War Grumpus (Age of Ascension, 52) in the direction of their enemies and let it loose. There may be a whole new world to discover about House Brobnar, but they will always be the proud brawlers players fell in love with from their first appearance on the Crucible. They're just a bit more... grumpy.

Return to the Stars
The world of the Crucible is vast—what will you uncover in your journeys? Are you ready to seek the knowledge of a new age? Let your curiosity lead you to new discoveries and step into the Age of Ascension!

      heti saatavilla
12.00 €
KeyForge: Age of Ascension Deck DISPLAY (12)
KeyForge: Age of Ascension Deck DISPLAY (12)

Age of Ascension, the second set of KeyForge

In 2018, legendary designer Richard Garfield introduced the world to KeyForge—a game where every deck is as unique as the player who wields it, coming pre-built and ready-to-play. Wits and tactical prowess win the day in a fast-paced game of cosmic competition where death is temporary, but glory is forever.

Along with this groundbreaking design came a lush, endlessly diverse world to call home. The Crucible, an artificial planet filled with secrets known only to the Architects, acts as the perfect setting for the world’s first Unique Deck Game, as the pieces of countless worlds gather to change the landscape every day to create something new and incredible. Now, you are invited to journey deeper into Crucible as your quest to unlock the power of this planet and ascend to a new plane continues.

A New Dawn Rises
Become a new Archon in Age of Ascension! As a new set of KeyForge, Age of Ascension mixes up the cardpool with 204 brand-new cards, joining 166 cards first introduced in Call of the Archons to create an entirely new pool of 370 cards and billions upon billions more Unique Decks for you to discover, learn, and master.

Importantly, Age of Ascension is a companion to Call of the Archons, not a replacement or a sequel! You don't need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Age of Ascension, and you don't need to switch to Age of Ascension Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Archon Decks from each set are equally matched against one another, which makes Age of Ascension an invitation to embrace even more of the spirit of exploration and discovery that makes KeyForge unique.

This new set further explores the gameplay of KeyForge with new keywords, restricting when certain cards can be played or freeing others from the constraints of standard placement. For example, the Brobnar are well known for their love of battle and their eagerness to land the first strike. Age of Ascension offers a new tactic for the House with cards like First Blood (Call of Ascension, 7) that feature the Alpha keyword, meaning that they can only be played as your first action during a turn. If you can establish a solid battleline, filled with the greatest Brobnar warriors, First Blood lets you open your next turn with a devastating alpha strike.

On the other end of the spectrum, the darkest creatures of the Crucible gain the power of Omega. The varied beings of Untamed can call upon a Duskwitch (Age of Ascension, 320), while the demons of Dis can make use of an Unlocked Gateway (Age of Ascension, 67) to destroy each creature—but the Omega keyword guarantees that this card must be the last card you play on your turn. While this gateway does not force you to take chains like Gateway to Dis (Call of the Archons, 59), this destructive power still comes at the cost of an opportunity, preventing you from playing any creatures unless you are willing to sacrifice them.

Finally, the new Deploy keyword mixes up your ordinary approach to building your battleline. Rather than building outward from the edges, a creature with Deploy can enter play anywhere in your battleline! You will find this keyword on only the quickest, like Lamindra (Age of Ascension, 272), and the most skilled warriors of the Crucible—those who can create order even in the middle of a chaotic clash between rival Archons. "Lion" Bautrem (Age of Ascension, 211) of House Sanctum grants power to his neighbors. With the ability to place him anywhere in your battleline, you have the freedom to select your most valuable creatures and bolster them, perhaps keeping a creature holding captured ?mber alive for a little longer, or granting one of your warriors the strength to destroy a particularly troublesome opponent. With these new keywords adding to the depth of the Crucible and the games that you play, you'll be able to further develop your personal playstyle and discover brand-new decks that can reach their full potential in your hands.

The previously unseen cards of Age of Ascension are seamlessly mixed with 166 favorite cards from Call of the Archons to create new synergies and allow you to rediscover familiar cards in a fresh light. Cards that appear in both sets, such as the Witch of the Wilds (Age of Ascension, 369), have different card numbers from their Call of the Archons counterpart (Call of the Archons, 347), but all other text and abilities remain the same. Additionally, while the new card pool does feature the return of favorite cards, you will never find an Age of Ascension deck with only cards that originally appeared in Call of the Archons. In every deck you open, you are guaranteed to see new faces like House Mars's monstrous Xanthyx Harvester (Age of Ascension, 173), and perhaps even meet some new allies who give you a sense of d?j? vu, like Archimedes (Age of Ascension, 108), who keen-eyed players may recognize as the loyal companion of Quixo the Adventurer.

Even cards that do not carry over from Call of the Archons to Age of Ascension have the chance to make an appearance as new Legacy cards. Like the player-favorite Mavericks (which continue to appear in Age of Ascension), Legacy cards are plucked from their normal settings and placed in new situations to unlock even stranger synergies. In KeyForge, any card that has existed in any previous set can be pulled forward to become a Legacy card included in a current Archon Deck. For instance, even though Quixo the "Adventurer" (Call of the Archons, 144) is not included in the Age of Ascension cardpool, he still has a chance of appearing in your Age of Ascension decks as a Legacy card. A new age is about to begin and no one on the Crucible is willing to be left behind.

A Softer Side
Each of the seven Houses first introduced in Call of the Archons gain new allies and tools in the Age of Ascension—and some of the most lively characters and deafening machines are found in the renewed ranks of House Brobnar. Hailing from snow-capped mountains inaccessible to all but the hardiest creatures of the Crucible, this House is known for their love of a good fight and anything that creates noise and destruction. But not all in their ranks share this desire for destruction. For example, Culf the Quiet (Age of Ascension, 20) wishes for nothing more than to be left in peace, borrowing the Elusive keyword from his fellow goblins in the House to avoid confrontation. But as a giant, Culf still possesses six power if you call him to battle, more than any other elusive creature currently in the game!

As the world of the Crucible continues to grow, you will encounter new and wondrous species in every corner of this growing planet. Among the ranks of House Brobnar, we have seen goblins, humans, and giants. But there are beings, old as the mountains themselves (or potentially even older) that dwarf even the grandest giants. Lollop the Titanic (Age of Ascension, 14) is one such creature. As a grand titan, Lollop can withstand the blows of an entire enemy team with his incredible eleven power, even if he doesn't deal any damage when he is attacked.

One may not think it when first looking at these intimidating warriors, but the members of House Brobnar are quite fond of pets, and in true Brobnar style, their favorite animals are those who create lots of noise and destruction, such as the Grumpus. These creatures are half wolf, half rhino, half tank, and all grumpy. Only the strong-willed Brobnar would look at these beasts and think they could be tamed. But giants like the Grumpus Tamer (Age of Ascension, 39) have domesticated them… kind of. Now, this House can use their beloved monsters to pull vehicles like the Grump Buggy (Age of Ascension, 24), which can bring your opponent’s progress to a standstill if your team possesses the power needed to control the wild beast. But perhaps they are at their most effective when the Brobnar simply aim a War Grumpus (Age of Ascension, 52) in the direction of their enemies and let it loose. There may be a whole new world to discover about House Brobnar, but they will always be the proud brawlers players fell in love with from their first appearance on the Crucible. They're just a bit more... grumpy.

Return to the Stars
The world of the Crucible is vast—what will you uncover in your journeys? Are you ready to seek the knowledge of a new age? Let your curiosity lead you to new discoveries and step into the Age of Ascension!

      heti saatavilla
143.30 €
KeyForge: Dark Tidings 2 Player Starter Set
KeyForge: Dark Tidings 2 Player Starter Set

The fifth set of Archon Decks for KeyForge.

Each Dark Tidings Two-Player Starter Set contains two ready-to-play 36-card decks, bringing together three of the diverse Houses of the Crucible, each featuring their own mix of cards and unique from every other Archon Deck in existence. You’ll also find all of the tokens that you need for two players to start playing KeyForge!

Bursting onto the scene with the addition over 250 brand-new cards into the remixed cardpool, Dark Tidings pushes the possibilities to their breaking point and brings billions more unique decks to the forefront. Each of these decks is completely unlike any that have come before, and with the addition of a brand-new faction, the shifting tides of the Crucible, and the concept of evil twin decks, Dark Tidings offers its own twist on what you have come to expect from KeyForge.

Just as with earlier sets, there are plenty of ways for you to get started playing KeyForge with Dark Tidings. If you’re already playing, you’ll want an assortment of Dark Tidings Archon Decks, each offering a ready-to-play unique deck. If you’re getting into the game for the first time, however, you have some options! The Dark Tidings Deluxe Deck has one deck and tokens for one player, while the Two-Player Starter Set offers two decks, paper playmats, and tokens for you and your opponent. Whether you’re a veteran or just starting to look into the game, Dark Tidings is a perfect entrypoint.

Unfathomable Depths
Dark Tidings begins by introducing a brand-new House to your games of KeyForge, replacing House Dis in the rotation of active Houses. Dwelling deep in the oceans of the Crucible, House Unfathomable takes Dark Tidings in a decidedly aquatic direction. With a mix of humanoid Aquans and dangerous deep-sea beasts, the Unfathomable can be deadly for unprepared creatures that stray into their domain. But with the tides rising across the Crucible, the entire planet may soon fall under the control of House Unfathomable…

As a faction, House Unfathomable specializes in controlling their foes by exhausting enemy creatures. With cards like Kiri Giltspine (Dark Tidings, 342) keeping your opponent’s creatures down, it quickly becomes difficult for them to muster a fighting force or reap enough æmber. Then, once your enemies are exhausted, you can keep them out of commission with the unusual powers of The Chosen One (Dark Tidings, 332) or even wipe away their board by playing Sleep with the Fishes (Dark Tidings, 344)!

Of course, the Unfathomable are known for another area of mastery—the tides that crash across the Crucible. The tides may be as unusual as every other part of the Crucible, but you can count on one thing—if it’s high tide for you, it’s low tide for someone else. Every Archon Deck in Dark Tidings comes with the new Tide Card (Dark Tidings, 0), and it forms an integral part of many cards in this set. The Tide Card starts each game out of play, but as soon as one player raises the tide, the Tide Card is brought into play, with High Tide facing toward you and Low Tide facing your opponent. High Tide has no inherent effects, but many cards become more powerful, or can only be used, if you have the High Tide, such as Hookmaster (Dark Tidings, 358). Many effects can raise the tide, such as Seabringer Kekoa (Dark Tidings, 364), but even if they aren’t available, the player with Low Tide can always suffer three chains to turn the tide in their favor!

As tides begin to swell across the Crucible, the power of the Unfathomable may be rising, but they certainly don’t have a monopoly on harnessing the tides. Every House in KeyForge has ways to take advantage of the Tide Card in Dark Tidings!

Logos seeks to master and regulate the unpredictable nature of the tides by employing a Tide Warp (Dark Tidings, 28)—an artifact that strives to ensure fair and balanced access to the tides for both players. Meanwhile, Marshal Ewer (Dark Tidings, 116) lets you consistently raise the tide, and Ol' Paddy (Dark Tidings, 408) pulls more and more creatures out of the depths of your deck. The Star Alliance turns to characters like Lieutenant Valmart (Dark Tidings, 296) to keep your opponent’s keys out of reach, a Sea Urchin (Dark Tidings, 239) is a poisonous thief, and Undagnathus (Dark Tidings, 182) can be a real heavy-hitter if you have the high tide.

My Evil Twin
They say that you can find anything on the Crucible, if you search hard enough for it… even your own evil twin. Now with the Dark Tidings set, the developers continue to push the KeyForge algorithm, and you just might find an evil twin of your own in the game.

Evil twin decks are a brand-new type of deck appearing in Dark Tidings, and they’re quite unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. For example, you may open a deck that’s entitled Speaker Domitia’s Evil Twin. This deck is an exact copy of Speaker Domitia, a real deck that has been printed and can be found by another player out in the world. The crucial difference is that in an evil twin deck, many of your creatures look a little different.

In the Dark Tidings set, many creatures have evil twin variants, and if you find an evil twin deck, every creature with an evil twin variant appear in that form. These evil twin creatures feature new artwork, graphic design, and abilities, making them a significant departure from the original creature. For example, if the “original” deck had Undagnathus and Lærie of the Lake (Dark Tidings, 115), the evil twin copy of the deck would swap in the evil twin versions of Undagnathus (Dark Tidings, 130) and Lærie of the Lake (Dark Tidings, 66), as well as any other creatures in the deck that have an evil twin version.

You may know your evil twin exists somewhere on the Crucible, but finding and playing against your evil twin in the real world is an experience that you don’t want to miss!

Beneath the Waves
The tides of the Crucible are wild and unpredictable, but with this new KeyForge set, you can venture out into these strange oceans. Search for evil twin decks, unlock the secrets of House Unfathomable, and master the tides.

      heti saatavilla
30.00 €
KeyForge: Dark Tidings Archon Deck
KeyForge: Dark Tidings Archon Deck

The fifth set of Archon Decks for KeyForge.

Each Dark Tidings Archon Deck contains a single, ready-to-play 36-card deck, bringing together three of the diverse Houses of the Crucible into a single deck—featuring its own mix of cards and unique from every other Archon Deck in existence.

Bursting onto the scene with the addition over 250 brand-new cards into the remixed cardpool, Dark Tidings pushes the possibilities to their breaking point and brings billions more unique decks to the forefront. Each of these decks is completely unlike any that have come before, and with the addition of a brand-new faction, the shifting tides of the Crucible, and the concept of evil twin decks, Dark Tidings offers its own twist on what you have come to expect from KeyForge.

Just as with earlier sets, there are plenty of ways for you to get started playing KeyForge with Dark Tidings. If you’re already playing, you’ll want an assortment of Dark Tidings Archon Decks, each offering a ready-to-play unique deck. If you’re getting into the game for the first time, however, you have some options! The Dark Tidings Deluxe Deck has one deck and tokens for one player, while the Two-Player Starter Set offers two decks, paper playmats, and tokens for you and your opponent. Whether you’re a veteran or just starting to look into the game, Dark Tidings is a perfect entrypoint.

Unfathomable Depths
Dark Tidings begins by introducing a brand-new House to your games of KeyForge, replacing House Dis in the rotation of active Houses. Dwelling deep in the oceans of the Crucible, House Unfathomable takes Dark Tidings in a decidedly aquatic direction. With a mix of humanoid Aquans and dangerous deep-sea beasts, the Unfathomable can be deadly for unprepared creatures that stray into their domain. But with the tides rising across the Crucible, the entire planet may soon fall under the control of House Unfathomable…

As a faction, House Unfathomable specializes in controlling their foes by exhausting enemy creatures. With cards like Kiri Giltspine (Dark Tidings, 342) keeping your opponent’s creatures down, it quickly becomes difficult for them to muster a fighting force or reap enough æmber. Then, once your enemies are exhausted, you can keep them out of commission with the unusual powers of The Chosen One (Dark Tidings, 332) or even wipe away their board by playing Sleep with the Fishes (Dark Tidings, 344)!

Of course, the Unfathomable are known for another area of mastery—the tides that crash across the Crucible. The tides may be as unusual as every other part of the Crucible, but you can count on one thing—if it’s high tide for you, it’s low tide for someone else. Every Archon Deck in Dark Tidings comes with the new Tide Card (Dark Tidings, 0), and it forms an integral part of many cards in this set. The Tide Card starts each game out of play, but as soon as one player raises the tide, the Tide Card is brought into play, with High Tide facing toward you and Low Tide facing your opponent. High Tide has no inherent effects, but many cards become more powerful, or can only be used, if you have the High Tide, such as Hookmaster (Dark Tidings, 358). Many effects can raise the tide, such as Seabringer Kekoa (Dark Tidings, 364), but even if they aren’t available, the player with Low Tide can always suffer three chains to turn the tide in their favor!

As tides begin to swell across the Crucible, the power of the Unfathomable may be rising, but they certainly don’t have a monopoly on harnessing the tides. Every House in KeyForge has ways to take advantage of the Tide Card in Dark Tidings!

Logos seeks to master and regulate the unpredictable nature of the tides by employing a Tide Warp (Dark Tidings, 28)—an artifact that strives to ensure fair and balanced access to the tides for both players. Meanwhile, Marshal Ewer (Dark Tidings, 116) lets you consistently raise the tide, and Ol' Paddy (Dark Tidings, 408) pulls more and more creatures out of the depths of your deck. The Star Alliance turns to characters like Lieutenant Valmart (Dark Tidings, 296) to keep your opponent’s keys out of reach, a Sea Urchin (Dark Tidings, 239) is a poisonous thief, and Undagnathus (Dark Tidings, 182) can be a real heavy-hitter if you have the high tide.

My Evil Twin
They say that you can find anything on the Crucible, if you search hard enough for it… even your own evil twin. Now with the Dark Tidings set, the developers continue to push the KeyForge algorithm, and you just might find an evil twin of your own in the game.

Evil twin decks are a brand-new type of deck appearing in Dark Tidings, and they’re quite unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. For example, you may open a deck that’s entitled Speaker Domitia’s Evil Twin. This deck is an exact copy of Speaker Domitia, a real deck that has been printed and can be found by another player out in the world. The crucial difference is that in an evil twin deck, many of your creatures look a little different.

In the Dark Tidings set, many creatures have evil twin variants, and if you find an evil twin deck, every creature with an evil twin variant appear in that form. These evil twin creatures feature new artwork, graphic design, and abilities, making them a significant departure from the original creature. For example, if the “original” deck had Undagnathus and Lærie of the Lake (Dark Tidings, 115), the evil twin copy of the deck would swap in the evil twin versions of Undagnathus (Dark Tidings, 130) and Lærie of the Lake (Dark Tidings, 66), as well as any other creatures in the deck that have an evil twin version.

You may know your evil twin exists somewhere on the Crucible, but finding and playing against your evil twin in the real world is an experience that you don’t want to miss!

Beneath the Waves
The tides of the Crucible are wild and unpredictable, but with this new KeyForge set, you can venture out into these strange oceans. Search for evil twin decks, unlock the secrets of House Unfathomable, and master the tides.

      heti saatavilla
12.00 €
KeyForge: Dark Tidings Deluxe Archon Deck
KeyForge: Dark Tidings Deluxe Archon Deck

The fifth set of Archon Decks for KeyForge.

Each Dark Tidings Deluxe Deck contains a single, ready-to-play 36-card deck, bringing together three of the diverse Houses of the Crucible into a single deck, featuring its own mix of cards and unique from every other Archon Deck in existence. You’ll also find all of the tokens that you need for a single player to start playing the game of KeyForge!

Bursting onto the scene with the addition over 250 brand-new cards into the remixed cardpool, Dark Tidings pushes the possibilities to their breaking point and brings billions more unique decks to the forefront. Each of these decks is completely unlike any that have come before, and with the addition of a brand-new faction, the shifting tides of the Crucible, and the concept of evil twin decks, Dark Tidings offers its own twist on what you have come to expect from KeyForge.

Just as with earlier sets, there are plenty of ways for you to get started playing KeyForge with Dark Tidings. If you’re already playing, you’ll want an assortment of Dark Tidings Archon Decks, each offering a ready-to-play unique deck. If you’re getting into the game for the first time, however, you have some options! The Dark Tidings Deluxe Deck has one deck and tokens for one player, while the Two-Player Starter Set offers two decks, paper playmats, and tokens for you and your opponent. Whether you’re a veteran or just starting to look into the game, Dark Tidings is a perfect entrypoint.

Unfathomable Depths
Dark Tidings begins by introducing a brand-new House to your games of KeyForge, replacing House Dis in the rotation of active Houses. Dwelling deep in the oceans of the Crucible, House Unfathomable takes Dark Tidings in a decidedly aquatic direction. With a mix of humanoid Aquans and dangerous deep-sea beasts, the Unfathomable can be deadly for unprepared creatures that stray into their domain. But with the tides rising across the Crucible, the entire planet may soon fall under the control of House Unfathomable…

As a faction, House Unfathomable specializes in controlling their foes by exhausting enemy creatures. With cards like Kiri Giltspine (Dark Tidings, 342) keeping your opponent’s creatures down, it quickly becomes difficult for them to muster a fighting force or reap enough æmber. Then, once your enemies are exhausted, you can keep them out of commission with the unusual powers of The Chosen One (Dark Tidings, 332) or even wipe away their board by playing Sleep with the Fishes (Dark Tidings, 344)!

Of course, the Unfathomable are known for another area of mastery—the tides that crash across the Crucible. The tides may be as unusual as every other part of the Crucible, but you can count on one thing—if it’s high tide for you, it’s low tide for someone else. Every Archon Deck in Dark Tidings comes with the new Tide Card (Dark Tidings, 0), and it forms an integral part of many cards in this set. The Tide Card starts each game out of play, but as soon as one player raises the tide, the Tide Card is brought into play, with High Tide facing toward you and Low Tide facing your opponent. High Tide has no inherent effects, but many cards become more powerful, or can only be used, if you have the High Tide, such as Hookmaster (Dark Tidings, 358). Many effects can raise the tide, such as Seabringer Kekoa (Dark Tidings, 364), but even if they aren’t available, the player with Low Tide can always suffer three chains to turn the tide in their favor!

As tides begin to swell across the Crucible, the power of the Unfathomable may be rising, but they certainly don’t have a monopoly on harnessing the tides. Every House in KeyForge has ways to take advantage of the Tide Card in Dark Tidings!

Logos seeks to master and regulate the unpredictable nature of the tides by employing a Tide Warp (Dark Tidings, 28)—an artifact that strives to ensure fair and balanced access to the tides for both players. Meanwhile, Marshal Ewer (Dark Tidings, 116) lets you consistently raise the tide, and Ol' Paddy (Dark Tidings, 408) pulls more and more creatures out of the depths of your deck. The Star Alliance turns to characters like Lieutenant Valmart (Dark Tidings, 296) to keep your opponent’s keys out of reach, a Sea Urchin (Dark Tidings, 239) is a poisonous thief, and Undagnathus (Dark Tidings, 182) can be a real heavy-hitter if you have the high tide.

My Evil Twin
They say that you can find anything on the Crucible, if you search hard enough for it… even your own evil twin. Now with the Dark Tidings set, the developers continue to push the KeyForge algorithm, and you just might find an evil twin of your own in the game.

Evil twin decks are a brand-new type of deck appearing in Dark Tidings, and they’re quite unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. For example, you may open a deck that’s entitled Speaker Domitia’s Evil Twin. This deck is an exact copy of Speaker Domitia, a real deck that has been printed and can be found by another player out in the world. The crucial difference is that in an evil twin deck, many of your creatures look a little different.

In the Dark Tidings set, many creatures have evil twin variants, and if you find an evil twin deck, every creature with an evil twin variant appear in that form. These evil twin creatures feature new artwork, graphic design, and abilities, making them a significant departure from the original creature. For example, if the “original” deck had Undagnathus and Lærie of the Lake (Dark Tidings, 115), the evil twin copy of the deck would swap in the evil twin versions of Undagnathus (Dark Tidings, 130) and Lærie of the Lake (Dark Tidings, 66), as well as any other creatures in the deck that have an evil twin version.

You may know your evil twin exists somewhere on the Crucible, but finding and playing against your evil twin in the real world is an experience that you don’t want to miss!

Beneath the Waves
The tides of the Crucible are wild and unpredictable, but with this new KeyForge set, you can venture out into these strange oceans. Search for evil twin decks, unlock the secrets of House Unfathomable, and master the tides.

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18.00 €
KeyForge: Mass Mutation 2 Player Starter Set
KeyForge: Mass Mutation 2 Player Starter Set

The Mass Mutation Two-Player Starter Set contains two decks, paper playmats, and tokens for you and your opponent.

The fourth set of Archon Decks for KeyForge!

The world of the Crucible is pushed and pulled by constant twists and turns, but a great change is coming—unlike anything we’ve seen before. A vault containing mysterious dark æmber has been opened, causing strange and unknowable transformations. While each House must decide to condemn or enjoy the dark æmber mutations, one thing is certain: KeyForge will never be the same!

The KeyForge cardpool grows and expands once more with Mass Mutation, giving you access to billions upon billions more completely unique decks—decks with their own strategies and tactics that only you can truly master. Drawing from a cardpool of 422 cards, Mass Mutation brings over 250 brand-new cards to your decks, and with the introduction of dark æmber, mutation runs rampant. You’ll find strange new versions of familiar characters, massive creatures that stretch across more than one card, and the triumphant return of House Sanctum.

As with previous sets of KeyForge, there are plenty of ways for you to enter the game. If you’re already playing, you can easily pick up an assortment of Mass Mutation Archon Decks, each offering a ready-to-play unique deck. Or, if you’re getting into the game for the first time, the Mass Mutation Deluxe Deck contains one deck and tokens for one player, while the Two-Player Starter Set contains two decks, paper playmats, and tokens for you and your opponent. Whether you’ve been playing KeyForge since the first day, or it’s just now catching your eye, Mass Mutation is the perfect time to get started.

Dark Æmber Mutations
The vault of dark æmber has been opened, and the mutations that it causes are already running rampant across the Crucible. These mutations are not inherently good or evil, though House Sanctum would certainly argue otherwise. But although each House chooses to despise or embrace the mutation, one thing is undeniable—the changes that it brings to familiar creatures are certainly strange.

Bad Penny has been a familiar creature since the game’s very first set, Call of the Archons. With Mass Mutation, however, you’ll find a new twist on what you know with the introduction of Rad Penny (Mass Mutation, 255). Rad Penny gets shuffled into your deck rather than returning to your hand upon destruction, but she also steals an æmber from your opponent when she’s played. Or, you may uncover a deck with Snarette (Mass Mutation, 14), a mutant version of Charette. Snarette captures æmber more slowly, but its potential is far higher, and as an Action, you can clear all of its captured æmber.

Other creatures may be found in multiple versions, as mutations bring the houses in your deck closer together than ever before. For example, in House Logos, you may find a Dino-Bot (Mass Mutation, 119), bringing elements of Saurian and Logos playstyle together. However, there is also a Lyco-Bot (Mass Mutation, 120), an Umbra-Bot (Mass Mutation, 123), and other variants of this same type of creature for each of the Houses.

While many mutations have been wrought in the Crucible, some are specific to your very own deck with the introduction of the new enhance keyword. Unlike most keywords, which come into effect during gameplay, enhance does all of its work as your deck is first being algorithmically generated and collated. Essentially, enhance simply adds bonus icons to cards in your deck. Up to this point, the only bonus icon has been Æmber, which lets you gain an æmber when a card with this bonus icon is played. Mass Mutation, however, introduces three additional bonus icons alongside the enhance keyword! The Capture bonus icon lets any friendly creature capture one æmber, the Damage bonus icon lets you deal one damage to a creature in play, and the Draw bonus icon lets you draw a card.

For example, the Star Alliance gains access to the resources offered by Armory Officer Nel (Mass Mutation, 319). With the enhance keyword, Armory Officer Nel enhances a single random card in the deck with a Draw bonus icon. Then, whenever you play the card with that bonus icon during a game, you’ll be able to draw a card! Your KeyForge Archon Decks already boasted a completely unique mix of cards, but with the introduction of the enhance keyword, you have the chance to find specific, individual cards in your deck that no other player has ever encountered.

Stomping into Action
Adding a few new icons to cards in your deck may seem like a small change, but not every mutation born of dark æmber is small in scale. In fact, Mass Mutation also sees the introduction of the game’s first gigantic creatures—titanic mutants too large to be contained on a single card!

Each of the gigantic creatures in Mass Mutation stretches across two cards in your deck, and you’ll need both of those cards in your hand to be able to play the creature. The rewards are well worth the challenge, however, as you’ll see with the towering Deusillus (Mass Mutation, 244). This 20-power creature captures all of your opponent’s æmber and deals five damage to a creature when he enters play—and every time he fights or reaps, he discards an æmber and deals two damage to every enemy creature!

Deusillus is just one of the gigantic creatures arriving with Mass Mutation, and every time these mutants thunder onto the battlefield, they’re sure to make a significant impact.

Purge the Unclean
Mass Mutation also marks the triumphant return of House Sanctum as they return to the game, eager to combat the rising tides of mutation. Taking the place of House Brobnar in the cardpool, the Sanctum have learned much in their time out of the spotlight, but their zeal is wholly undimmed.

New cards like Ardent Hero (Mass Mutation, 126) boast a vendetta against Mutants—between the taunt keyword and immunity to damage from Mutants and high-power creatures, this hero is certain to protect the rest of your battle line. Or, you may simply play Gizelhart's Wrath (Mass Mutation, 163), an action that destroys each Mutant creature in play. And yet, despite their fervor, House Sanctum is not untouched by mutation. With powerful creatures like Bull-wark (Mass Mutation, 127) joining the battle, even the Sanctum may soften the harsh lines they draw.

Change Is Coming
Dark æmber spills out across the Crucible, and it’s about to be the game’s biggest shake-up yet. (If you thought the Four Horsemen were impressive, wait until you see the Seven Sins!) Prepare for the coming mutations!

      heti saatavilla
30.00 €
KeyForge: Mass Mutation Archon Deck
KeyForge: Mass Mutation Archon Deck

The fourth set of Archon Decks for KeyForge!

The world of the Crucible is pushed and pulled by constant twists and turns, but a great change is coming—unlike anything we’ve seen before. A vault containing mysterious dark æmber has been opened, causing strange and unknowable transformations. While each House must decide to condemn or enjoy the dark æmber mutations, one thing is certain: KeyForge will never be the same!

The KeyForge cardpool grows and expands once more with Mass Mutation, giving you access to billions upon billions more completely unique decks—decks with their own strategies and tactics that only you can truly master. Drawing from a cardpool of 422 cards, Mass Mutation brings over 250 brand-new cards to your decks, and with the introduction of dark æmber, mutation runs rampant. You’ll find strange new versions of familiar characters, massive creatures that stretch across more than one card, and the triumphant return of House Sanctum.

As with previous sets of KeyForge, there are plenty of ways for you to enter the game. If you’re already playing, you can easily pick up an assortment of Mass Mutation Archon Decks, each offering a ready-to-play unique deck. Or, if you’re getting into the game for the first time, the Mass Mutation Deluxe Deck contains one deck and tokens for one player, while the Two-Player Starter Set contains two decks, paper playmats, and tokens for you and your opponent. Whether you’ve been playing KeyForge since the first day, or it’s just now catching your eye, Mass Mutation is the perfect time to get started.

Dark Æmber Mutations
The vault of dark æmber has been opened, and the mutations that it causes are already running rampant across the Crucible. These mutations are not inherently good or evil, though House Sanctum would certainly argue otherwise. But although each House chooses to despise or embrace the mutation, one thing is undeniable—the changes that it brings to familiar creatures are certainly strange.

Bad Penny has been a familiar creature since the game’s very first set, Call of the Archons. With Mass Mutation, however, you’ll find a new twist on what you know with the introduction of Rad Penny (Mass Mutation, 255). Rad Penny gets shuffled into your deck rather than returning to your hand upon destruction, but she also steals an æmber from your opponent when she’s played. Or, you may uncover a deck with Snarette (Mass Mutation, 14), a mutant version of Charette. Snarette captures æmber more slowly, but its potential is far higher, and as an Action, you can clear all of its captured æmber.

Other creatures may be found in multiple versions, as mutations bring the houses in your deck closer together than ever before. For example, in House Logos, you may find a Dino-Bot (Mass Mutation, 119), bringing elements of Saurian and Logos playstyle together. However, there is also a Lyco-Bot (Mass Mutation, 120), an Umbra-Bot (Mass Mutation, 123), and other variants of this same type of creature for each of the Houses.

While many mutations have been wrought in the Crucible, some are specific to your very own deck with the introduction of the new enhance keyword. Unlike most keywords, which come into effect during gameplay, enhance does all of its work as your deck is first being algorithmically generated and collated. Essentially, enhance simply adds bonus icons to cards in your deck. Up to this point, the only bonus icon has been Æmber, which lets you gain an æmber when a card with this bonus icon is played. Mass Mutation, however, introduces three additional bonus icons alongside the enhance keyword! The Capture bonus icon lets any friendly creature capture one æmber, the Damage bonus icon lets you deal one damage to a creature in play, and the Draw bonus icon lets you draw a card.

For example, the Star Alliance gains access to the resources offered by Armory Officer Nel (Mass Mutation, 319). With the enhance keyword, Armory Officer Nel enhances a single random card in the deck with a Draw bonus icon. Then, whenever you play the card with that bonus icon during a game, you’ll be able to draw a card! Your KeyForge Archon Decks already boasted a completely unique mix of cards, but with the introduction of the enhance keyword, you have the chance to find specific, individual cards in your deck that no other player has ever encountered.

Stomping into Action
Adding a few new icons to cards in your deck may seem like a small change, but not every mutation born of dark æmber is small in scale. In fact, Mass Mutation also sees the introduction of the game’s first gigantic creatures—titanic mutants too large to be contained on a single card!

Each of the gigantic creatures in Mass Mutation stretches across two cards in your deck, and you’ll need both of those cards in your hand to be able to play the creature. The rewards are well worth the challenge, however, as you’ll see with the towering Deusillus (Mass Mutation, 244). This 20-power creature captures all of your opponent’s æmber and deals five damage to a creature when he enters play—and every time he fights or reaps, he discards an æmber and deals two damage to every enemy creature!

Deusillus is just one of the gigantic creatures arriving with Mass Mutation, and every time these mutants thunder onto the battlefield, they’re sure to make a significant impact.

Purge the Unclean
Mass Mutation also marks the triumphant return of House Sanctum as they return to the game, eager to combat the rising tides of mutation. Taking the place of House Brobnar in the cardpool, the Sanctum have learned much in their time out of the spotlight, but their zeal is wholly undimmed.

New cards like Ardent Hero (Mass Mutation, 126) boast a vendetta against Mutants—between the taunt keyword and immunity to damage from Mutants and high-power creatures, this hero is certain to protect the rest of your battle line. Or, you may simply play Gizelhart's Wrath (Mass Mutation, 163), an action that destroys each Mutant creature in play. And yet, despite their fervor, House Sanctum is not untouched by mutation. With powerful creatures like Bull-wark (Mass Mutation, 127) joining the battle, even the Sanctum may soften the harsh lines they draw.

Change Is Coming
Dark æmber spills out across the Crucible, and it’s about to be the game’s biggest shake-up yet. (If you thought the Four Horsemen were impressive, wait until you see the Seven Sins!) Prepare for the coming mutations!

  !   tilattava tuote
12.00 €
KeyForge: Mass Mutation Deluxe Archon Deck
KeyForge: Mass Mutation Deluxe Archon Deck

The Mass Mutation Deluxe Deck contains one deck and tokens for one player.

The fourth set of Archon Decks for KeyForge!

The world of the Crucible is pushed and pulled by constant twists and turns, but a great change is coming—unlike anything we’ve seen before. A vault containing mysterious dark æmber has been opened, causing strange and unknowable transformations. While each House must decide to condemn or enjoy the dark æmber mutations, one thing is certain: KeyForge will never be the same!

The KeyForge cardpool grows and expands once more with Mass Mutation, giving you access to billions upon billions more completely unique decks—decks with their own strategies and tactics that only you can truly master. Drawing from a cardpool of 422 cards, Mass Mutation brings over 250 brand-new cards to your decks, and with the introduction of dark æmber, mutation runs rampant. You’ll find strange new versions of familiar characters, massive creatures that stretch across more than one card, and the triumphant return of House Sanctum.

As with previous sets of KeyForge, there are plenty of ways for you to enter the game. If you’re already playing, you can easily pick up an assortment of Mass Mutation Archon Decks, each offering a ready-to-play unique deck. Or, if you’re getting into the game for the first time, the Mass Mutation Deluxe Deck contains one deck and tokens for one player, while the Two-Player Starter Set contains two decks, paper playmats, and tokens for you and your opponent. Whether you’ve been playing KeyForge since the first day, or it’s just now catching your eye, Mass Mutation is the perfect time to get started.

Dark Æmber Mutations
The vault of dark æmber has been opened, and the mutations that it causes are already running rampant across the Crucible. These mutations are not inherently good or evil, though House Sanctum would certainly argue otherwise. But although each House chooses to despise or embrace the mutation, one thing is undeniable—the changes that it brings to familiar creatures are certainly strange.

Bad Penny has been a familiar creature since the game’s very first set, Call of the Archons. With Mass Mutation, however, you’ll find a new twist on what you know with the introduction of Rad Penny (Mass Mutation, 255). Rad Penny gets shuffled into your deck rather than returning to your hand upon destruction, but she also steals an æmber from your opponent when she’s played. Or, you may uncover a deck with Snarette (Mass Mutation, 14), a mutant version of Charette. Snarette captures æmber more slowly, but its potential is far higher, and as an Action, you can clear all of its captured æmber.

Other creatures may be found in multiple versions, as mutations bring the houses in your deck closer together than ever before. For example, in House Logos, you may find a Dino-Bot (Mass Mutation, 119), bringing elements of Saurian and Logos playstyle together. However, there is also a Lyco-Bot (Mass Mutation, 120), an Umbra-Bot (Mass Mutation, 123), and other variants of this same type of creature for each of the Houses.

While many mutations have been wrought in the Crucible, some are specific to your very own deck with the introduction of the new enhance keyword. Unlike most keywords, which come into effect during gameplay, enhance does all of its work as your deck is first being algorithmically generated and collated. Essentially, enhance simply adds bonus icons to cards in your deck. Up to this point, the only bonus icon has been Æmber, which lets you gain an æmber when a card with this bonus icon is played. Mass Mutation, however, introduces three additional bonus icons alongside the enhance keyword! The Capture bonus icon lets any friendly creature capture one æmber, the Damage bonus icon lets you deal one damage to a creature in play, and the Draw bonus icon lets you draw a card.

For example, the Star Alliance gains access to the resources offered by Armory Officer Nel (Mass Mutation, 319). With the enhance keyword, Armory Officer Nel enhances a single random card in the deck with a Draw bonus icon. Then, whenever you play the card with that bonus icon during a game, you’ll be able to draw a card! Your KeyForge Archon Decks already boasted a completely unique mix of cards, but with the introduction of the enhance keyword, you have the chance to find specific, individual cards in your deck that no other player has ever encountered.

Stomping into Action
Adding a few new icons to cards in your deck may seem like a small change, but not every mutation born of dark æmber is small in scale. In fact, Mass Mutation also sees the introduction of the game’s first gigantic creatures—titanic mutants too large to be contained on a single card!

Each of the gigantic creatures in Mass Mutation stretches across two cards in your deck, and you’ll need both of those cards in your hand to be able to play the creature. The rewards are well worth the challenge, however, as you’ll see with the towering Deusillus (Mass Mutation, 244). This 20-power creature captures all of your opponent’s æmber and deals five damage to a creature when he enters play—and every time he fights or reaps, he discards an æmber and deals two damage to every enemy creature!

Deusillus is just one of the gigantic creatures arriving with Mass Mutation, and every time these mutants thunder onto the battlefield, they’re sure to make a significant impact.

Purge the Unclean
Mass Mutation also marks the triumphant return of House Sanctum as they return to the game, eager to combat the rising tides of mutation. Taking the place of House Brobnar in the cardpool, the Sanctum have learned much in their time out of the spotlight, but their zeal is wholly undimmed.

New cards like Ardent Hero (Mass Mutation, 126) boast a vendetta against Mutants—between the taunt keyword and immunity to damage from Mutants and high-power creatures, this hero is certain to protect the rest of your battle line. Or, you may simply play Gizelhart's Wrath (Mass Mutation, 163), an action that destroys each Mutant creature in play. And yet, despite their fervor, House Sanctum is not untouched by mutation. With powerful creatures like Bull-wark (Mass Mutation, 127) joining the battle, even the Sanctum may soften the harsh lines they draw.

Change Is Coming
Dark æmber spills out across the Crucible, and it’s about to be the game’s biggest shake-up yet. (If you thought the Four Horsemen were impressive, wait until you see the Seven Sins!) Prepare for the coming mutations!

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19.50 €

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