
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

Haun tulokset 73 - 96 / 251

Eclipse: Second Dawn - Outcasts
Eclipse: Second Dawn - Outcasts

This upcoming expansion will introduce two new species to play your Eclipse - 2nd Dawn for the Galaxy with, The Exiles and The Rho Indi Syndicate.

The Exiles:

When the Cataclysm Wars swept through the galaxy, one of the civilizations was exiled from the core. The Exiles were forced to live in the outer rims of the galaxy and had to adapt to the harsh void. They found their new habitat in the Orbitals, capable of supporting their civilization even in systems with low resources. The Orbital technology was eventually adopted – some would claim stolen – by many of the Seven, and while the Exiles still are superior in Orbital design, this causes friction between the Council and the Exiles. The latter are demanding to be considered a full member of the Council, so far to no avail.

The Exiles construct special Orbitals, which also function as Ships and score points at the end of the game.

The Rho Indi Syndicate:

The Terran–Hegemony War (30.027–33.364) tore the Rho Indi sector apart, leaving whole planetary systems in ruin. After the war, shady individuals and factions of all known species began to gravitate towards the lawless haven of The Desolation, as it soon became known. These days the sector is controlled by the Syndicate, a ruthless faction whose ships have recently raided many unsuspecting systems. Their fleets appear unexpectedly, striking fast and causing fear and terror with their stealth attacks. The Syndicate are known to occasionally ally with whoever pays the most, but also regarded fickle allies at best.

The Syndicate are an aggressive species. They have extra Ship activations and gain Money for destroyed Ships. They also don't score negative points for being the Traitor.

The Second Dawn editions of these races have numerous little balance tweaks, such as adjustments to starting resources and sectors.

Contents (preliminary):
Game Box
2x Player Tray
2x Player sheet
Cargo Hold storage tray

The Exiles:
8x Interceptor miniature
4x Cruiser miniature
2x Dreadnought miniature
???x Orbital miniature
33x Population Cube
16x Influence Disc
3x Ambassador Tile
1x Turn Order Variant token

Rho Indi Syndicate:
8x Interceptor miniature
4x Cruiser miniature
4x Starbase miniature
33x Population Cube
16x Influence Disc
3x Ambassador Tile
1x Turn Order Variant token

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa 2024
59.00 €
Eclipse: Second Dawn - Seekers
Eclipse: Second Dawn - Seekers

This upcoming expansion will introduce two new species to play your Eclipse - 2nd Dawn for the Galaxy with, The Magellan and The Enlightened of Lyra.

The Magellan:

The Magellan are forever travelling between galaxies in their enormous worldships, collecting and exploiting relics of civilizations long gone. Their ships synthesize resources from the cosmic debris and are able to sustain the worldship during the long aeons spent in the void. The Wardens have specialized in tracking the Ancient relics, looking for their source. Just as the Ancients are rising, the great worldships arrive on the fringes of our galaxy. The Council informants claim that the pattern of their appearance suggests that the Magellan are here not just to explore and exploit, but to seek a long-standing galactic dominance.

The Magellan gain a free Discovery Tile from Technological advancement and score points at the end of the game for Discovery Tiles used as Ship Parts. They can use their Colony Ships to gain Resources.

The Enlightened of Lyra:

The Enlightened preferred the reclusion of the Lyra system, slowly expanding their elaborate Shrine grid into the neighboring star systems and subliming their minds into it. The Enlightened were only recently contacted by the Seven, when the edges of the growing grid were discovered. As the Shrines connect in the mind sublimation process, they form powerful Trinities that reshape the base manifold structure, allowing for significant leaps in the civilization' progress. The Enlightened colonisation fleets have reportedly tapped into the grid, causing minor warping of the causality continuum and turning the tide of several battles.

The Enlightened construct Shrines, which allow them to unlock bonuses and score points at the end of the game. They can use their Colony Ships to reroll dice.

The Second Dawn editions of these races have numerous little balance tweaks, such as adjustments to starting resources and sectors. The Enlightened also have a completely redone Shrine mechanic.

Contents (preliminary):
Game Box
2x Player Tray
2x Player sheet
Cargo Hold storage tray

Species components (in 2 colours)
8x Interceptor miniature
4x Cruiser miniature
2x Dreadnought miniature
4x Starbase miniature
33x Population Cube
16x Influence Disc
3x Ambassador Tile
1x Turn Order Variant token

The Enlightened extra components:
1x Shrine Board
9x Shrine Miniature
1x Influence Disc

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa 2024
59.00 €
Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy
Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy

Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy replaces the classic 2011 version of the game.

Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization. Explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. There are many potential paths to victory, so you need to plan your strategy according to the strengths and weaknesses of your species, while paying attention to the other civilizations' endeavors.

Eclipse is a "4X" game where players will command a human or alien species that explores, expands, exploits, and exterminates their way to victory. Over 8 rounds, each player will select actions to achieve their goals, carefully managing resources, engaging in epic battles with one another and the Ancients that lie in wait. Only one will guide the galaxy toward the second dawn.

This new edition features new components and thoughtfully revised content, incorporating material from former expansions to create the best possible updated version of the game.

* 108 player ship miniatures
* 1 galactic center defense system miniature
* 14 ancient ship miniatures
* 4 guardian miniatures
* 12 orbital miniatures
* 10 monolith miniatures
* 210 acrylic cubes
* 96 acrylic discs
* 24 dice
* 18 storage markers
* 1 round marker
* 1 black reputation tile bag
* 1 white tech tile bag
* 54 sector hexes
* 114 tech tiles
* 282 ship part tiles
* 36 discovery tiles
* 24 colony ship tiles
* 6 blueprint tiles
* 33 reputation tiles
* 18 ambassador tiles
* 10 orbital/monolith tiles
* 1 start player tile
* 6 summary tiles
* 1 traitor tile
* 4 info tiles
* 6 species boards (two-sided)
* 6 species trays (with lid)
* 6 control boards (two-part)
* 1 tech tray
* 1 upgrade tray (with lid)
* 2 table trays (with lid)
* 1 base tray

2-6 Players
60-200 Min
Age: 14+

      heti saatavilla
159.00 €

Hakusivu: 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11
