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Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Blood Sigils (HC)
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Blood Sigils (HC)


Blood trickles in channels alongside the walls of Ur, and pools in chalices in Transylvanian castles, carrying within it the power of sorcery – to ward, and guide, and perform dark miracles impossible even to vampires.

And the Blood can change. Thin-bloods transmute it in kettles, meld it in their own veins, boil it in the bodies of unfortunate mortals. This thin-blood alchemy flares up and burns new paths through vampire society as new-fledged vampires seek any leverage on the Kindred who would destroy them, and on the Blood itself.

Orphaned Judges, desperate Warlocks, and Mercurians with nothing to lose rewrite the rules of blood craft in these 21st century nights, spelling out new names and laws in their Blood Sigils.

This book presents Blood Sorcery and Thin-Blood Alchemy for Vampire: The Masquerade.

* A look into the underground blood magic scene in the World of Darkness!
* How to add a blood craft scene to your existing chronicle, including a sample chronicle structure focused on Thin-Blood Alchemy.
* Dozens more Thin-Blood Alchemy formulae and Blood Sorcery rituals, plus systems to build formulae and rituals for your chronicle.
* The redworking scene in 21st-century chronicles: who’s buying, who’s selling, who’s hunting, what’s waiting.
* Tools, monstrosities, tomes, and the veins of the earth to be tapped by vampire sorcerers!
* New Loresheets to weave into your chronicle!

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54.00 €
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Blood-Stained Love (HC)
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Blood-Stained Love (HC)

Can the Kindred ever truly love?

Answer this question together with your coterie using one of the many story hooks of Vampire: The Masquerade - Blood-Stained Love!

The book is for Storytellers and players alike, giving you tools, techniques and advice on how to bring romance to the undead. It's suitable both for troupes who want to engage in romantic themes as characters, or those who would rather spectate Storyteller characters getting involved in relationships, driving the plot with their affairs.

Inside, you can find:
* How to play your character in stories of romance,
* How to build your chronicle from the ground up so that the options for romance are maximized or minimized,
* Six fully fleshed out Storyteller characters specifically designed for romance,
* Six detailed story concepts created to maximize romantic potential,
* Advice and tools for safety and calibration, expanding on the corebook’s Advice for Considerate Play appendix,
* Tools for defining and maintaining everyone’s boundaries at the table,
* Sections on alternate methods for playing romance,
* Merits, Flaws and Discipline powers related to romance.

Together with this release, we also want to share an additional resource to enhance your and your troupe's safety and comfort at the table - a free Bleed and How To Deal With It supplement available to download from your website, useful for all Vampire: The Masquerade and World of Darkness players, written by Juhana Pettersson with sensitivity reading from Maple Intersectionality Consulting. Learn useful tools to manage your emotions at the table and check in on your group - get it now here!

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54.00 €
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Chicago Folios (HC)
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Chicago Folios (HC)

A city as large as Chicago requires more than a surface study to find out its secrets.

Princes, Primogen, and all those other Kindred with titles and notoriety may claim to uphold the Masquerade, but they delight in the undead fame and status. There are others, well-hidden, with deeper secrets, darker ambitions, and elusive sects buried in Chicago and its surrounding towns and cities.

Chicago contains sufficient stories and mysteries to entice any neonate and bewitch any Kindred scholar. From accounts of clandestine meetings to encounters with horrific beasts, these folios provide a deeper insight into the city’s darkest tales.

The Chicago Folios put any vampire reading them in danger, but through that danger, the possibility of enlightenment.

The Chicago Folios include:
* Accounts of vampire mysteries in the heartland of America, spanning the activities of Camarilla, Anarch, Independent, and other, even more terrifying Kindred.
* Dozens of chronicle hooks laid out in a way that any Storyteller, new or old, might use them to start a new chronicle of Vampire: The Masquerade or add fresh content to an existing one.
* Over 20 individual Kindred with biographies, aspirations, secrets, connections, and purpose for inclusion in any chronicle, whether as antagonists, a supporting cast, or inspiration for playable characters.
* Loresheets for new vampires introduced in this book and chronicle threads from the Vampire: The Masquerade metaplot.
* New Blood Sorcery rituals, handling the Thaumaturgical powers devised in the domains of Chicago and Milwaukee.

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa 2023
9999 €
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Children of the Blood (HC)
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Children of the Blood (HC)

Do you know who considers faith among the dead a trivial concept — or worse, a new one?

Dullards and con artists.

These vampires want you to believe that religion is a new phenomenon among Kindred. They want you to believe only vampires on the periphery subscribe to the worship of higher powers or seek a greater cause.

They want you to believe this, because they want you to feel alone, without purpose, and disconnected from our true, spiritual — no, God-given — heritage and destinies. They’ll make you feel this way, and then they’ll be your friend, your only confidante, and they’ll have one hand in your pocket while the other measures your ribcage for the stake.

Do not trust these people. Trust us. Trust me. I didn’t survive for as long as I have through mundane means, through lack of conviction, or by fooling myself into believing there is nothing greater than myself in the world. Join me, and I can show the truth. I can be your friend and your confidante. There may be sacrifices along the way, but I promise, it will lead to your enlightenment.

Children of the Blood includes:
* A broad selection of new SPCs to introduce into your stories as antagonists and supporting characters, with many linked to strange and dangerous cult organizations — some new for Children of the Blood, others expanding concepts introduced in Cults of the Blood Gods and Forbidden Religions.
* Ready-made characters for players, along with coteries for them to form, allowing you to take material from this book and immediately play with it.
* New Bloodlines, Loresheets, Merits, and Flaws, all available to help expand your playable options in a chronicle of Vampire: The Masquerade.

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa 2023
9999 €
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Crimson Gutter (HC)
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Crimson Gutter (HC)

Provides a starter chronicle, designed to help novice or experienced Storytellers run any introductory game of Vampire: The Masquerade. The Crimson Gutter chronicle introduces core concepts during play such as feeding, the sects (Anarchs, Camarilla, and the Church of Caine - introducing the last as a major faction alongside others), and the Masquerade itself, while giving the players' characters a chance to carve a niche for themselves among the Kindred.

The Crimson Gutter chronicle introduces core concepts during play such as feeding, the sects (Anarchs, Camarilla, and the Church of Caine), and the Masquerade itself while giving the players' characters a chance to carve a niche for themselves among the Kindred.

The 21 highly adaptable stories contained within can be played in isolation or strung together to form multiple arcs of a chronicle. Experienced Storytellers can easily adapt these stories to their own chronicles, drawing from them to fill an evening of play or adapting whole story arcs.

Also included is a city setting adaptable to any fictional or real city including eight recurring locations and more than 20 recurring Storyteller characters. Features: 21 stories suitable for both new and experienced Storytellers; Presents Church of Caine as major faction alongside Camarilla and Anarch; Three appendices provide additional fodder for dropping in feeding complications, fleshing out locations, and future stories.

A city setting adaptable to any fictional or real city including eight recurring locations and more than 20 recurring Storyteller characters.

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa helmikuu 2024
54.00 €
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Cults of the Blood Gods (HC)
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Cults of the Blood Gods (HC)

When you have already experienced death, why have faith?
If you accept that you and everyone like you is cursed by God, why cling to His word?
When you return from the other side as a blood-drinking monster, what purpose serves belief?

Kindred build and are drawn to faiths for myriad reasons. The exertion of power over a flock. Satisfying their Hunger and their Beasts. Elevation of the self. Reassurance of the possibility of redemption. A grand plan they forged or that was bestowed upon them by secret masters.

While some vampire cults span the globe hiding in plain sight, others are fringe faiths with morbid practices and ancient conspiracies lasting centuries. Others such as the incestuous Clan of Death and the malignant Church of Set — arguably the largest vampire cults of all — believe in a destiny that will enable them to impose their wills on the world of the living and the dead.

Whether for power, salvation, or transcendence, all Kindred cults wallow in blood. They shed it in sacrifice, demand it of their followers, and exalt in it in unholy baptisms proclaiming their divine glories.

These cults dedicated to blood gods are among the most insidious, damning sects of Kindred, and tonight they approach their apex of power.

Cults of the Blood Gods includes:
* An in-character breakdown of the rise of esoteric beliefs among the ranks of the undead and how faith drives many of the major aspects of vampire culture.
* A host of religions — from historic theocracies and globe-spanning conspiracies to fringe cults and mortal beliefs arising in the modern nights — introduced for incorporation into your character backgrounds or as supporting casts and antagonist groups in your chronicles.
* The history, structure, and ambitions of the Hecata, the vampire group known as the Clan of Death, as well as a chapter dedicated to playing a vampire among the Necromancers, and the rituals for their signature Discipline: Oblivion.
* Guidance on how to use ecclesiastical horror and construct cults in Vampire, making them a vivid backdrop for your own stories, including new coterie styles focused on cult play.
* Faith-based story hooks and a full chronicle centered on the activities of the Hecata, involving walking corpses, ghosts, ready-made characters, and the secrets of the most twisted family in the World of Darkness.
* New Loresheets, Backgrounds, and Predator types for inclusion in your chronicles, encouraging player characters to engage fully with the material presented in this book.

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54.00 €
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Let the Streets Run Red (HC)
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition -Let the Streets Run Red (HC)

What motivates an undead body to go on walking, talking, plotting, and biting?

The Hunger is an obvious motivation. It drives all vampires to commit foul acts in the name of sustenance.

The Beast, too, gives a Kindred drive. Whether in fear of the Beast within or in attempts to master it, that constant nagging growl makes an undead monster march on.

Touchstones, those throbbing links to mortality so many vampires hold dear, might drive a vampire to kill just to protect someone none the wiser to their guardian’s bestial nature.

Politics. Philosophy. War. Brinkmanship. They make a vampire think, feel, and fight for something, whether it be tangible or ethereal. These things give a Kindred meaning.

Whether letting the Beast rage in the gun-happy South Side of Chicago, chasing prey around the Loop, plotting out in Gary, or fleeing the Inquisition into the murky swamps of rural Illinois, Chicago always gives a Kindred an activity or two to fill up their nights.

The one certainty is that blood will flow. It will flow, and the streets will turn red by the dawn.

Let the Streets Run Red includes:
* Four full stories for play over multiple game sessions, each handling a different core theme from Vampire: The Masquerade. These chronicles can be played independently of each other or in sequence.
* Deep coverage of the vampire domains of Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, and Gary and some of those cities’ undead inhabitants.
* A cast of Kindred with biographies, ambitions, intrigues, links to other characters, and ways to include them in any chronicle, whether as antagonists, a supporting cast, or inspiration for playable characters.
* New Loresheets for inclusion in your game, allowing player characters to start with a foot, claw, or fang already planted in the roots of the chronicles within this book, and beyond.
* Nine ready-made characters so you can start playing any of the chronicles in this book immediately.

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa 2023
9999 €

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