
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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Peremoha: Victory for Ukraine
Peremoha: Victory for Ukraine

Victory for Ukraine is a collection of short comic stories created by Ukrainian artists during the first weeks of the Russian invasion, channeling all their emotions - their anger, courage dreams, and despair into one goal, one manifestation of their nation's fight for survival!

The war comes to readers (for ages 12+) in nine stories that humanize the conflict in Ukraine in a unique and emotionally lasting way with a focus on the heroism of the Ukrainian people and military in the face of overwhelming forces. Witness the struggles of brave defenders in cities like Kyiv, Mariupol, Kherson, and Snake Island, and how the utter insanity and irony of the war is told from the standpoint of a looted Ukrainian washing machine, and a humble farm tractor that wants to steal Russian tanks.


What if your family, your hometown, your entire way of living were threatened by force? That's what the people of Ukraine faced when Putin's Russian army invaded their sovereign land, displacing millions of refugees and causing an international crisis threatening democracy across the globe. But the Ukrainian people refused to cave - and these 9 stories weave the greater tale of their resistance - and fight for Victory!

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Razom for Ukraine (“Razom” meaning “together” in Ukrainian), a non-profit Ukrainian-American human rights organization established to give direct support to the people of Ukraine in their pursuit of a democratic society with dignity, justice, and human and civil rights for all.


It is with a heavy heart that we bring you this publication. War is never a welcome event, but some conflicts are unavoidable and important. Unfortunately, the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is quite the opposite — it is simply a unilateral act of state violence and greed. The actions of Vladimir Putin and the Russian army have unleashed widespread destruction, atrocity and death and have forced millions of innocent Ukrainians, mainly women and children, to flee their homeland.

Two of those refugees — a young mother, Natalia, and her 3-year-old daughter, Kyra — are living with my family at our home in Berlin, Germany. Following the invasion in February 2022 and soon after the birth of our daughter in March 2022, we attended an event here in Berlin where many Ukrainians — unsure of where to go or what to do next — gathered for fellowship and information. Ukraine’s neighbor, Poland, has given refuge to millions of people, with nearly 1 million also now residing in Germany. We have had a wonderful experience with Natalia and little Kyra as two families living as one (my little son Aiden has become Kyra’s inseparable bosom buddy), but it breaks my heart to watch her FaceTime every night with her father and grandparents still back in Ukraine. Their neighborhood has been shattered by Russian bombs and last week Natalia’s best friend’s house was destroyed — the explosion and shrapnel just missing her friend’s mother by a dozen yards.

Displacement, anxiety, and fear are now part of daily life for millions of Ukrainians — both at home and abroad. The 9 stories in VICTORY FOR UKRAINE were created entirely by Ukrainians to express their fears, tears, and anger towards “the Enemy.” While Ukraine and its people are on the defense, they will never surrender and their resolve and will to fight and rally the world is an inspiration and a shining beacon of freedom.

VICTORY FOR UKRAINE is one way we can not only learn about their struggles but also join them in solidarity. Comics are a truly personal medium and one with unlimited beauty and depth. TOKYOPOP and I are very honored to be able to play a small role in delivering their message to you. Thank you for joining us in welcoming these brave individuals, these creators, these fighters into our homes, and may they one day achieve Peremoha: Victory for Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini! — “Glory to Ukraine”

Stu Levy
Publisher, TOKYOPOP

FC, 9pp

      heti saatavilla
19.50 €

Hakusivu: 1 2 3 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
