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Barsaive In Chaos
Barsaive In Chaos

Barsaive in Chaos is a campaign supplement for Earthdawn Second Edition, detailing six significant events that span the year after the fall of Vivane, outlining an epic-style campaign. Each event can also stand alone to form a mini-campaign or can be used in any combination. Barsaive in Chaos is intended for characters of Second Circle and above, of any Discipline.

The power of the Theran empire, once so prominent in Barsaive, has been greatly diminished. With the fall of Vivane, the balance of power has tilted, but the peace that should have followed such a monumental victory is threatened even before it can be born. Great forces were revealed and brought to bear during the Second Battle of Sky Point, and the aftermath still shakes the very foundation of Barsaive.

- Includes revisions of two Disciplines, the Horror Stalker and the obsidiman Purifier, for Earthdawn Second Edition.

- Includes revisions of the secret society of adventurers known as the Lightbearers for Earthdawn Second Edition.

- The ork nation of Cara Fahd sustained heavy losses in the war; more so than many other peoples. The undead of Vivane continue to plauge its borders, and High Chief Krathis Gron struggles to keep her fledgling state united in the wake of war...

- Determined to bring war to the Horrors, one Horror Stalker begins to unite those willing to fight together for a common cause -- the cleansing of the ruined dwarf kingdom of Scythia. A crusade of Horror Stalkers gathers to his banner, and an old and long fight escalates...

- During the war, Iopos laid claim to the city of Jerris. Now, Gellad Denairastas, placed in control of Jerris by his malevolent patriarch Uhl, begins to bend the city to his will, performing dark experiments to further the Iopan agenda. However, there are still Name-givers in Jerris fighting to free themselves and their city, and tensions begin to mount...

- Twiceborn, self-proclaimed Queen of the Undead, has heard of the undead of Vivane. To make true her claim of monarchy, she uproots her forces from Parlainth, and begins a long march across Barsaive, heading towards the ruins of the second fallen Theran capital...

- Unfortunately, the undead were not all that have emerged from Vivane. The Horror Clouds still sweep across the lands of Barsaive. One, in particular, begins to move, almost with a purpose, towards the shining city of Travar...

- Not long after returning home from the battlefield, King Neden of Throal withdrew from the public eye. Throal, still unsteady from the losses of the war and the change in its monarchy, begins to falter, doubting the strength of the young king. Rumors fly, and conspirators meet in dark places, plotting dark deeds...

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