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Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat
Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat

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The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are split and divided by conflict—both on the open fields of battle and in the treacherous intrigues of court. For years, you’ve played out these epic power struggles on your tabletop in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, and at Gen Con 2018, we announced the coming onslaught of House Targaryen with the Mother of Dragons expansion.

Soon, you’ll be able to bring your battles over Westeros to a perfectly arranged setting with the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat.

Across the Narrow Sea
Measuring 3’ by 3’ (~90x90cm), the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat displays the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms in all their glory, along with the western coast of Essos introduced in Mother of Dragons. From the harbor of Volantis to the snowy wastes of Castle Black, the world of A Song of Ice and Fire is lovingly rendered on this premium, slip-resistant gamemat.

As you can see above, this deluxe gamemat is fully compatible with the upcoming Mother of Dragons expansion, seamlessly incorporating the continent of Essos, the dragon strength track, the Iron Bank of Braavos, House Arryn’s stronghold in the Eyrie, the fourth Westeros deck, and additions to the influence tracks—all printed onto a single thoughtfully arranged gamemat.

Whether you’re taking up arms with old allies like House Stark or House Lannister, or you’re making your bid for the Iron Throne with House Arryn and House Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat is an unmissable accessory for fans of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game.

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61.80 €
Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Expansion
Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Expansion

Soon after the Mad King fell and in the wake of Robert’s Rebellion, the last two Targaryen children were forced to flee and hide in Essos. Now, King Robert is dead and the remaining lords and ladies of Westeros clamor to fill the space left behind on the Iron Throne. The time has come for the Targaryens to reclaim their birthright with fire and blood. With every ally and tool at their disposal and the long-forgotten fire of dragons, they will claw their way across the Narrow Sea and bring Westeros to its knees.

The Dragon Must Have Three Heads
The world of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game grows even larger with the addition of a brand-new sideboard, bringing the Free Cities of Essos to the fight for the Iron Throne. Here is where the reborn House Targaryen makes their stand, starting in the city of Pentos. Yet even though the Targaryens begin the game far from home, there are many in Westeros that wish for the once-great family to reclaim the Iron Throne. For now, they pledge false loyalty to the rulers in Westeros, but secretly, they wait for the day of the dragon to come again.

In the Mother of Dragons expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, House Targaryen has little need for castles and strongholds that are easily felled by dragonfire. Instead, their goal is to uncover the remaining Targaryen loyalists and rally them against the current holders of the Iron Throne. As such, House Targaryen does not earn victory points by capturing castles and strongholds. Instead, they track the number of territories loyal to their House—if they can claim seven of these on the victory track, they'll claim the Iron Throne and win the game!

But the key power of House Targaryen comes in the form of Daenerys’s three dragons. Each of these magnificent creatures has an entirely new unit type. Unlike soldiers, whose loyalties can be bought, dragons cannot be mustered normally. There are only three dragons in existence, after all, and they remain in play from the beginning of the game until they are killed and leave the world permanently.

Each of Dany’s dragons acts as a single land unit, attacking, defending, and obeying the same rules of supply. But unlike other military units, dragons have the ability to fly nearly anywhere in Essos or Westeros. What's more, dragons are alive, and they grow. As the game progresses, these beasts become stronger, growing from fledglings with a strength of zero at the start of the game to fearsome monsters with a strength of five by the time the battle for the throne finishes. With these creatures returning magic to the world of Westeros, who can deny the Targaryen’s divine right to rule?

Divided Loyalties
Not only does Mother of Dragons bring House Targaryen into the fray; this expansion also raises other familiar families to power by allowing you to play as House Arryn in any game of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. With new character cards and an overlay of the Eyrie, your plots can take flight as you lead the once-insular forces of the Vale onto the battlefield. With these two new Houses and matching map pieces, you have the chance to dramatically elevate the chaos and intrigue of your campaigns by increasing the maximum number of players in the game of thrones to eight.

Beyond expanding the possibilities with more players, Mother of Dragons also makes it easier than ever to play with fewer players with the new vassal system, introducing unused Houses as neutral parties that each player can command and manipulate as an extension of their forces. However, as none of these vassals are themselves vying for the Iron Throne, their loyalties can shift in an instant, with the vassal House each player commands changing from round to round.

At the start of each round, the Houses competing for rule may choose their vassals, beginning with the most influential House on the Iron Throne track. Once the vassals have been claimed, the commanders may distribute orders to vassal units. However, while you may rely on the vassal's strength, you must be wary of these neutral forces whose loyalties are not as stalwart as your own. After all, in the next round, you could find your vassal house being used against you.

When the vassals go to war, they also will not use standard House cards. Instead, they use a new set of Vassal House cards. Here, you will find iconic characters like Varys and Jaqen H’Ghar, whose loyalties are bound to forces beyond the ties of family lineage. When you use a vassal to fight on your behalf, you will shuffle the vassal house cards and draw three from which to choose your card. Then, should your vassal win their combat, you may be rewarded for your deft leadership with a power token for your House. With a touch of tact, you can move closer to victory without even risking the lives of your own men!

The Iron Bank Will Have Its Due
House Targaryen is not the only power that waits beyond the Narrow Sea. In the city of Braavos stands the Iron Bank, perhaps the most dangerous force in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. Nestled in a seemingly impenetrable northern bay, the Iron Bank provides the lords and ladies of Westeros with favorable bank loans, allowing you and your rivals the chance to purchase powerful aid for your cause.

To take a loan, you simply choose a loan from the Iron Bank display, and pay its initial cost with your power tokens. Once you have made your payment, the loan is yours and you may resolve its effects. This may mean purchasing sellswords, recruiting a skilled tradesman, or even hiring a Faceless Man!

If none of the available loans catch your eye, you can simply wait until a more favorable (or affordable) option arises. At the beginning of each round, the loan cards of the Iron Bank slide to the left, meaning that the longer a loan goes unclaimed, the lower its cost becomes.

But be wary if you choose to do business with the Iron Bank. These shrewd moneylenders do not easily forgive debt and if you take a loan, you must pay an interest cost for the remainder of the game, discarding one power token for each loan you have purchased. And if you are ever unable to make your payments, the bank will turn to one of your opponents for recompense against you. All power comes with a price—what are you willing to pay?

Claim the Iron Throne
With the death of the usurper, the lords and ladies of Westeros have been too busy warring amongst themselves to notice the powers that gather in the East. The time has come for you to claim your birthright with fire and with blood. Cross the Narrow Sea and take back what is yours!

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52.20 €
Game of Thrones LCG 2: 2016 Joust World Championship Deck
Game of Thrones LCG 2: 2016 Joust World Championship Deck

Newly redesigned with gorgeous, full-bleed art, this deck is a card-for-card recreation of the Lannister Banner of the Wolf deck that Joe Mirando piloted to victory on the tourney ground of the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championships. Whether you’re a new player looking for a pre-made deck as an entry point to the game, an intermediate player who wants to use this deck as a guide for experimentation, or an expert looking for full-art versions of iconic cards and extra copies of key neutral cards, this deck has something to offer for every player.

Rulers of Westeros
Within this deck, you’ll find sixty-nine cards—a faction card, an agenda card, seven plots, and a sixty-card deck—all featuring a stunning extended art style and minimal formatting to draw you into the world of the Seven Kingdoms.

Total Cards: 60
Faction: House Lannister

Agenda: 1
1x Banner of the Wolf (Core Set)

Plots: 7
1x A Noble Cause (Core Set)
1x Calling the Banners (Core Set)
1x Confiscation (Core Set)
1x Counting Coppers (Core Set)
1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set)
1x The First Snow of Winter (No Middle Ground)
1x Summer Harvest (Called to Arms)

Characters: 34
2x Ayra Stark (Core Set)
3x Bran Stark (Core Set)
3x Burned Men (Core Set)
1x Cersei Lannister (Core Set)
3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North)
3x Lannisport Merchant (Core Set)
2x Red Cloaks (No Middle Ground)
1x Ser Amory Lorch (For Family Honor)
1x Ser Gregor Clegane (The King’s Peace)
2x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set)
3x The Hound (Taking the Black)
1x The Tickler (Core Set)
3x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set)
3x Tywin Lannister (Core Set)
3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set)

Attachments: 7
2x Bodyguard (Core Set)
3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
2x Ward (True Steel)

Locations: 8
3x The Kingsroad (Core Set)
3x The Roseroad (Core Set)
2x Western Fiefdom (Core Set)

Events: 11
2x Nightmares (Calm Over Westeros)
2x Put to the Sword (Core Set)
3x Tears of Lys (Core Set)
1x The Things I Do for Love (Core Set)
3x Treachery (Core Set)

With a powerful line-up of efficient, dangerous characters, the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championship Deck is perfectly positioned to take advantage of House Lannister’s economic superiority, killing or neutralizing problematic characters on your opponent’s side, and pushing your own challenges through to quickly reach fifteen power. New players could use this deck as a starting point for entering the game, while players of any experience level can enjoy these full-bleed versions of perennially useful cards.

Claim the Iron Throne
With a proven track record and redesigned cards that showcase the art, the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championship Deck offers a chance for any player to become more involved in the battle for the Iron Throne.

• Play the deck used by Joe Mirando to win the 2016 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game World Championships
• Fully redesigned cards with gorgeous, full-bleed art and minimized graphic design
• Features iconic characters, attachments, locations, and events from House Lannister and House Stark
• A perfect entry point for new players or a way for veterans to collect more copies of useful neutral cards
• Contains sixty-nine cards: one faction card, one agenda card, seven plots, and a sixty-card draw deck

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18.00 €
Game of Thrones LCG 2: BG1 -All Men Are Fools Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG 2: BG1 -All Men Are Fools Chapter Pack

The first Chapter Pack in the Blood and Gold cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!

In the aftermath of the Battle of the Blackwater, a moment of peace falls across Westeros as the Great Houses lick their wounds. House Lannister has won a decisive victory and forged a new alliance with House Tyrell—but more important than battles are the schemes hatching in the darkness. In the heart of King’s Landing, Tyrion Lannister plots his return to power, as the Queen of Thorns takes Sansa Stark under her wing. House Bolton and House Frey each prepare to strike devastating blows against the Starks. And in the south, the princes of Dorne plot their revenge against the Lannisters for sins long past. Soon, these schemes may determine the fortunes of every Great House…

All Men Are Fools is the first Chapter Pack of the Blood and Gold cycle, and it sets off the themes that will play out throughout. Following the lead of the previous two cycles, Blood and Gold focuses on the next book of A Song of Ice and Fire, calling on key events and iconic characters from A Storm of Swords. At the same time, you’ll find a new focus placed on one of the game’s most important resources: gold. With a brand-new keyword and powerful recurring events, every faction gains new ways to spend their gold, as well as plenty of new ways to earn it. Managing your gold has been crucial since the days of the Core Set, and soon, every faction will have more gold and more options than ever before.

The Prince’s Plan
With the onset of the Blood and Gold cycle, a new keyword—the first since the Core Set—enters the game. This keyword is “bestow,” and it gives you a new level of control over your card’s power level.

For example, one of the first cards to feature the bestow keyword is the blind seneschal of House Martell, Ricasso (All Men Are Fools, 15). Ricasso costs three gold to play, but he also bears bestow (2), which means that when Ricasso enters play, you may move up to two gold from your gold pool to Ricasso. You’re never forced to move this gold, but once the gold is placed on a character, you cannot spend it and you’ll lose the gold if the character leaves play. Still, as we’ll see in a moment, bestowing gold on the right characters is always beneficial.

Placing gold on a card with bestow has no inherent effect, but the purpose of the gold is defined by the rest of the card’s text. In this case, Ricasso’s ability reads, “You are considered to have X additional plot cards in your used pile. X is the number of gold Ricasso has.” Obviously, bestowing gold on Ricasso has powerful implications for cards like Doran Martell (Core Set, 105), Doran's Game (Core Set, 119), and Starfall Cavalry (Called to Arms, 35), but it’s up to you to decide exactly how much you want to invest in Ricasso.

For the greatest impact, you may choose to bestow two gold on Ricasso—the maximum that you’re able to place on him. Still, doing this costs five gold in total, and you may need to save your money for other effects. Bestowing a single gold on Ricasso gives you a lesser effect for a lower cost, and in desperate circumstances, you could simply play Ricasso for his STR and challenge icons, without worrying about his ability. This precise control over the abilities on your bestow cards is exactly what makes them so adaptable and well-suited to the changing tides of the game of thrones.

By bestowing two gold on Ricasso when he enters play, you are considered to have two additional plots in your used pile!

The other Martell card in this Chapter Pack also plays off of Ricasso, and exemplifies another way you may spend your gold in the Blood and Gold cycle. The Prince's Plan (All Men Are Fools, 16) is an event that lets you choose any character. Until the end of the phase, that character gets one additional STR for each plot in your used pile and it gains a challenge icon of your choice! This event isn’t like most events, however, which remain in your discard pile after being played. At any point after you lose a challenge, you may pay one gold to return The Prince’s Plan from your discard pile to your hand—and this card’s versatility means that even when your opponent knows it’s in your hand, you can use it to push your challenges through again and again.

The bestow keyword and recurring events give you plenty of ways to spend your gold… but how are you going to get more? Fortunately, this cycle introduces new economy for every faction, starting with a series of economic locations like the Slaver's Bay Port (All Men Are Fools, 14) for House Targaryen. These non-unique locations cost two gold, and during marshaling, you can typically kneel them to gain two gold—provided the conditions are right. These locations can give you a massive amount of gold, provided you’re playing into your faction’s main themes.

With Slaver’s Bay Port, for instance, you can always kneel the location to receive a single gold, but if your opponent has four or more characters in his dead pile, you receive two gold! With a similar location for every faction and other new economy cards added to your deck, you can gain the gold you need to fuel your deck and your new bestow cards.

Bestow Your Favor
Gold has always been the lifeblood of every faction, and with All Men Are Fools and the rest of the Blood and Gold cycle, you’ll have more gold and more ways to spend it than ever before.

• The first Chapter Pack of the Blood and Gold cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
• Follows the events of A Storm of Swords, the third book in A Song of Ice and Fire
• Introduces a new keyword to the game: bestow
• Gold becomes even more important with new economy cards and new options for spending gold
• Includes sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty distinct cards)

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18.00 €

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