
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

Haun tulokset 73 - 96 / 154

Location Cards: Modern Setting
Location Cards: Modern Setting

Create adventure scenes on the fly with this deck of 54 modern location cards, complete with adventure hooks, for use with any roleplaying campaign.

About half the cards in each of these decks have locations that are generic enough to use in any setting. Cards have a plain, unmarked map on front, with additional location and adventure details on the reverse side.

Each card will feature:
* Location Name: Name is listed on the GM side, but not on the player side of the card, in case you want to hide the name from the players.
* Card Type: M for Modern, F for Fantasy, and S for Science Fiction, each with a genre color code.
* Thumbnail Map: These maps are intentionally not highly detailed. They are meant for inspiration and to allow you to quickly sketch a map for players during the game. Each location has areas labelled.
* Zones: Some larger areas are subdivided into ‘Zones’ to give you a sense of size, and are especially useful in game systems which use Zone based map mechanics.
* Area Descriptions: Each area has a labelled area description, along with a few Aspects.
* Area Aspects: Aspects are short tags which give a quick way to describe the area to players. Sometimes these Aspects give you adventure ideas: a room with ‘Trigger-Happy Fire Sprinklers’ just might lead to interesting results! Aspects are especially useful in games that use Aspects as game mechanics.
* Adventure Scenarios: Each card will list 3 to 6 quick adventure scenarios. Some are genre specific, but many could be easily adapted and used in any setting.

The back of the card is an unlabeled larger map. You can toss it across the table to the players for them to inspect. Better yet, have the players draw the map while you work on planning and setting up for the scene!

Some adventure locations cards will come in sets. For example, we have a city block which will have three companion cards. Use them by themselves or combine with other cards to create a complete adventuring area on the fly!

Unlike many card decks which come in paper tuck boxes which easy fall apart over time, we are packaging our Adventure Cards in deluxe plastic cases which will protect your cards and allow for convenient storage.

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23.40 €

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