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Mythos Expeditions (HC)
Mythos Expeditions (HC)

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"Before that there had been wild enough stories — accounts of mysterious trips to Thibet, the African interior, the Arabian desert, the Amazon valley, Alaska, and certain little-known islands of the South Pacific..."
— H. P. Lovecraft, “The Horror in the Museum”

Bon voyage! You are about to depart on ten journeys into the unknown, following the trail of Cthulhu to isolated Pacific islands, into the icy wastes of the Arctic, through jungles and war zones and even off the Earth itself. In the blank spaces of the map, dark deities flourish and evil festers... but the truth waits to be discovered, secret knowledge that man may not be meant to know but that Miskatonic University covets. Into that mystery your Investigators go, armed with gun and camera and notebook, risking their own survival to keep those blank spaces from swallowing up the world.

Hurry on board — the gangplank is going up!
The Mythos Expeditions are a collection of adventures designed to be run as a stand alone with new rules tailored for expeditions or as part of the Armitage Files campaign setting in the core rules. Take your Investigators on an expedition into the dense jungles of central Africa, trek through the arid wastes of the Gobi desert, and clamber through the lost cities of South America. Your travels will you take you through the skies and across the oceans, into the lava caves of New Zealand and the frozen peaks of Patagonia.

Written by Kenneth Hite and Robin D. Laws, with contributions from an eclectic mix of mythos experts, it includes the following expeditions:

An Incident at the Border – Kenneth Hite
On August 13 of 193-, during the Perseid meteor shower, something struck the Earth somewhere in the remote reaches of the Gran Chaco, a disputed and inhospitable borderland between Bolivia and Paraguay. Now, it’s late September, and the University has asked the Investigators to assist with a scratch expedition to find the impact site, make a full report of the incident, and recover any extraterrestrial material there, if any.

Cerulean Aureole - Matthew Sanderson
Tuesday July 17th 1934. Present Franklin D. Roosevelt, on a 12,000 mile voyage from the Caribbean to Portland, Oregon, arrives at Clipperton Island. Four years later, in the summer of 1938, the President is organising a return to the island as part of a 6,000-mile cruise examining various islands known for their curious wildlife, including the Galapagos. As the short-list of candidates is prepared, the Miskatonic decides to organise an expedition of its own to Clipperton Island. With the journey taking a week from the southern tip of Baja California, they will have a week on the island before they have to head back to civilisation before they make their report. Upon an island with a dark past, of which humanity knows so very little, a week can seem a very long time indeed…

Lost on a Sea of Dreams – Adam Gauntlett
The group, en route to Bermuda with a bathysphere to assist naturalist and oceanographer William Beebe, is blown off course. The captain is injured in the storm, and few others aboard know much about navigation. Moreover what little they do know seems contradicted by the stars; none of the constellations are in the right place. How will the expedition get back on course?

Tongued With Fire – Bill White
The investigators are members of a Miskatonic University expedition whose purpose is to travel to a Christian settlement in India which some evidence suggests dates as far back as the 1st century AD. Their destination is the village of Usmavasati, which lies in the Siwali Hills on the edge of the Punjab region of northwestern India. Their aim is to advance historical knowledge of early Christianity, as well as possibly locate the source of a Prester John legend.

The Dwellers in the Dunes - Steven S. Long
Famed explorer Roy Chapman Andrews leads one final expedition into the harsh Gobi Desert of Mongolia in search of fossils. His true hope is to find evidence that humanity evolved in Central Asia as his academic mentor predicted years ago. When his latest expedition uncovers some hominid fossils, he and his colleagues are ecstatic — until members of the expedition start dying horribly. Can the Investigators figure out what’s going on and destroy or escape a menace out of time before they and the rest of the expedition become yet another collection of bones scattered across the desert?

Pages: 240 page case bound book

Authors: Kenneth Hite, Adam Gauntlett, Robin D. Laws, Steven S. Long, Emma Marlow, Lauren Roy, Matthew Sanderson, Jeff Tidball, Tristan J. Tarwater, Bill White
Artist: Jérôme Huguenin, David Lewis Johnson

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48.00 €
Nameless Horrors (HC)
Nameless Horrors (HC)

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Six Scenarios Across Time Against The Unknown
The horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos are far worse than death...

The entities lurking in this collection of scenarios have never been seem before. Were budding novices or seasoned investigators, your players will find themselves on uncomfortable ground.

This new edition of Nameless Horrors contains brand new art, player handouts, and maps for each of its six stand alone adventures:

* An Amaranthine Desire: takes place in the doomed seaport of Dunwich, England, 1892, where strange echoes of the past threaten the present.

* A Message of Art: a gathering of artists in Paris, 1893, sees art and the occult come together in a dangerous fusion.

* And Some Fell on Stoney Ground: 1920s small-town America, where trouble is brewing that could sweep everyone up in a wave of death and destruction.

* Bleak Prospect: Massachusetts, 1932, during the Great Depression the residents of a shantytown face strange horrors that jeopardize all they hold dear.

* The Moonchild: modern-day England, where an experiment with the occult casts long shadows and brings unforeseen consequences.

* The Space Between: in modern-day Los Angeles, the star of a film produced by a popular religious organization has vanished.

This book is designed to be used with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game and, optionally, the Pulp Cthulhu supplement, both available separately.

Hardcover, 272 pages

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51.60 €
Out of Space
Out of Space

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Five Adventures For Trail of Cthulhu

Out of Space contains five adventures that will take Investigators from the mountains of northern Mexico to the skies above Germany, to the smog and disease of gaslight London and the raging tides of the Atlantic Ocean. It will even take you to a world that could only exist in your worst nightmares.

Created GUMSHOE designer and gaming luminary, Robin D. Laws, Trail of Cthulhu veteran Adam Gauntlett, and Jason Morningstar, award-winning creator of Fiasco and the Shab-al-Hiri Roach, Out of Space features:

The Repairer of Reputations:
A seemingly utopian future takes on a distinctly nightmarish quality. The scenario plays with this by suggesting that the publication of The King in Yellow has warped history. The alien beings described in the play are as real as the antagonists believe them to be.

Flying Coffins:
Enemy planes are not the only things hunting in the sky. Winter, 1918. You are members of the Royal Flying Corps stationed near the Front and rumour has it, the next big push is about to begin. Meanwhile the new Hun Circus is racking up kill after kill – but is it the enemy or something else that’s to blame?

Many Fires:
In the mountains of northern Mexico, something ancient and obscene lies smoldering among ruins older than the Aztecs. But here the problems are more modern – and they wear gun-belts. Do an unlikely band of Investigators have the courage to tackle Pancho Villa’s bandit army? And what will they do when the trail of clues takes them into dangerous territory they cannot even imagine?

Hell Fire
In the smog and grime of 18th century London, a great evil stirs. In the seedy underclass of the city a plague is taking hold. Its victims are under the sway of something far worse than they can imagine, an entity of disgusting power bent on engulfing the world in disease and death.

The Millionaire’s Special
First class on the Titanic is exciting in itself but when you’re invited to a private viewing of one of the world’s great curiosities, a cursed Egyptian mummy, things take a turn for the worse. Strange rituals, a device to contact spirits and the awakening of something ancient and evil mean that icebergs are not the only danger for RMS Titanic.

Out of Space also features extensive handouts, pregenerated characters and exclusive new essays from the authors.

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30.00 €
Out of the Woods
Out of the Woods

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If you go down to the woods today...

The shadowy depths of the primeval forest are the ancient source of our collective fears. But there is worse in the woods than timber wolves and fairy tales; you can lose not just your way, but your mind, too. This brand new collection of Trail of Cthulhu adventures explores hidden groves and endless avenues – the hideous soul of Lovecraft’s forest.

* Midnight Sub Rosa: The diary of Ezekiel de la Poer, a colonial-era French necromancer hanged for child-murder in 1736 was stolen at the home of an emeritus professor in the small town of Rosa, Alabama. His house lives in the eaves of a forest of white ash. Can the Investigators find the book before its thief becomes something else entirely?
* The Silence Mill: In a small village in Brittany close on the Arthurian forest of Brocéliande, a friend of the Investigators stands accused of serial murder, cannibalism and even lycanthropy. Can they ascertain the truth, or will the truth find them?
* Dreaming of a Better Tomorrow for 30 Dollars a Month: Amongst crowded green precipices and muttering forest streams of Vermont, labourers from one of Roosevelt’s integrated Civilian Conservation Corps camps disappear. In an atmosphere fraught with political intrigue and Jim Crow laws, can a mixed bag of Investigators find the primordial peril which threatens more than just one camp, or even one State?
* The Coldest Walk: Deep in Wisconsin’s northern woods lies the town of Four Pines – a quiet, almost forgettable community. However, whenever the aurora flashes in the sky the inhabitants have a terrible choice to make. Can the Investigators stop the inevitable, or must they take the Walk for themselves?
* Trembling Giant: In 1937, the United States government transferred 300 acres to the newly recognized Koosharem Band of Paiute Indians. But this new land is throttled by distorted trees and stalked by unnatural beasts. Nightmares grip the shaman and warning totems shatter – what is the legacy of this ancient land, and can the tribesfolk fight this ancient evil?

Containing extensive handouts, maps and pre-generated characters for each adventure, Out of the Woods takes your hand and lead you gently through the eaves and into the darkness... you are in for a big surprise!

Author: Adam Gauntlett, Lauren Roy, Chris Spivey, Ruth Tillman, Aaron Vanek
Artist: Stefano Azzalin, Jesús Blones, Nyra Drakae, Valentina Filic, Christine Griffin, Brittany Heiner, Dave Lewis Johnson, Rich Longmore, Olivia Ongai, Gillian Pearse, Miguel Santos, Ernanda Souza, Alicia Vogel.

Pages: 168pg Perfect Bound

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30.00 €
Pulp Cthulhu (HC)
Pulp Cthulhu (HC)

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Two-Fisted Action & Adventure Against The Mythos

Calling All Heroes! It's Time To Take The Fight to Cthulhu!
Pulp Cthulhu is a game of two-fisted adventure, weird science, dark deeds, and brave heroes. With this book, some roleplaying dice, and the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, you have everything you need to adventure and explore games set in the pulp genre.

Tired of your investigators dying in quick succession when jaunting around the world in a desperate bid to save humanity? Wishing that sometimes your investigator could make a stand instead of hiding and waiting for the eldritch horror to pass? Pulp Cthulhu ups the ante and provides you with tougher, more capable heroes -ready to take on the villainous machinations of the Cthulhu Mythos!

Here you will find an adapted character generation system, rules for psychic powers, sanity, augmented skills, and weird science, as well as tips for Keepers on developing and running pulp-style games. Also, you will find information on "the Pulps" themselves and the 1930s era when America was in the grip of the Great Depression and on the road to World War II. A collection of pulp villains and monsters, and a range of pulp organizations provide the Keeper with a firm basis for running pulp style scenarios and campaigns. Four action-packed scenarios round out the book, getting your Pulp Cthulhu games started with a bang.

The guidance in this book means that you can apply the Pulp Cthulhu rules to any setting and time period, enabling Keepers to bring the flavor and action of pulp to the classic 1920s or modern-day eras, as well as anywhere else they see fit.

A Time For Heroes And A Time For Adventure! 272 pages, Hardcover

Written by Mike Mason, Alan Bligh, James Lowder, Jeff Tidball, Glyn White, Paul Fricker, Wolfgang Baur, Matt Sanderson, and Dan Kramer.

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54.00 €
Regency Cthulhu (HC)
Regency Cthulhu (HC)

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Dark Designs in Jane Austen's England

Regency England: a time of social niceties, of grand balls, and of romantic intrigues and disappointments, as described most adroitly in the novels of Miss Jane Austen. But the Regency is also a time of lurid Gothic romances, and of war and social upheaval, as the Industrial Revolution gets into full swing and the hostilities with Napoleonic France draw to a close. Against this backdrop, the Mythos insinuates itself into the very fabric of society, always watchful for the opportunity to instill fear and terror into the hearts of everyday Georgians, from the richest to the poorest.

Regency Cthulhu: Darkness and Decorum in Jane Austen’s England is a historical sourcebook for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Set in the early Regency period (circa 1813), it describes the fictional town of Tarryford in Wiltshire, England, as well as presenting two scenarios designed to introduce players to both the time period and the town’s mysteries.

Suitable for use with both classic Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu rules, players take on the roles of budding Regency investigators, be they members of the gentry or the working classes. Together they uncover the dark secrets at the heart of Tarryford; horrors that have lain dormant for many a year but now seek to burst forth into England’s green and pleasant land.

* Details on the Georgian time period, in particular, the Regency era (1811–1820).
* Rules for creating Regency investigators, along with new period-appropriate skills and occupations.
* Setting overview, detailing the town of Tarryford, its businesses and personalities (1813 and 1913).
* Two scenarios: The Long Corridor and The Emptiness Within.
* Investigator handouts and maps.
* Six classic and pulp pre-generated investigators, ready to pick up and play.
* Guidance on both pulp- and classic-style play.

This supplement is best used with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game and, optionally, with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement, both available separately.

Writte by Andrew Peregrine
Hardcover, 224 pages

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54.00 €
Reign of Terror (HC)
Reign of Terror (HC)

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Epic Call of Cthulhu Adventures in Revolutionary France

Revolutionary France! The crowds gather baying for blood, while the “chop-chop-chop” of the guillotine calls out.

A time of struggle, intrigue, and horror. A divided country, where the upper class enjoys the bounty of wealth, and the poor cannot afford a load of bread. Where the cries of anger and rage at life’s injustices find momentum, sparking the people to unite and cast away the old regime for a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow. In time, hope will be replaced with fear as The Terror descends upon France, and the guillotine cries out for blood.

Reign of Terror is an epic two-part historical scenario, set during the French Revolution, and playable as a stand-alone mini-campaign or as an historical interlude for use with Chaosium’s premium campaign Horror on the Orient Express.

Part One, set in 1789 amid the stirrings off revolution, sees the investigators descend into the catacombs of Paris and brave the tribulations of courtly life, where debauchery and wickedness bring there own terrors.

Part Two, set during the Terror, catapultss the investigators into a conspiracy, where spies and agents seek out those who would destabilize the new regime. Caught amongst the chaos and dangers of Paris, the way must be found to stop a nightmare that would plunge France and the rest of Europe into darkness.

This book provides a stand-alone setting, with a plethora of historical details to help the Keeper bring the Revolution to life, as well as new investigator occupations. Alongside the scenarios of Reign of Terror is a range of scenario seeds, each providing the roots for extending play and building a longer, more in-depth campaign.

If used with Horror on the Orient Express, this book provides an exciting and action-packed “living handout” to engages players in the full horror of the Comte Fenalik at the height of his powers, bringing new insights into the parent campaign.

For use with both options of play are six ready-to-go pre-generated investigators, as well as a full timeline for the French Revolution, luscious full-color maps of Paris, Versailles, and other locales, and a bibliography for further research and reading.

Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!

128 Pages

By Mark Morrison with Penelope Love

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42.00 €
Renaissance: Dark Streets
Renaissance: Dark Streets

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The Adventures of the Bow Street Runners in their Struggle Against the Minions of the Cthulhu Mythos

London, 1749: A city of vice, crime and misery. Gangs of ruffians rule the streets, unopposed. Brothels proliferate. Child-beggars starve in filthy gutters. Corrupt night-watchmen and thief-takers turn a blind eye to wrong-doing. And dark creatures lurk in back alleys, called from beyond by the desperate with nothing left to lose.

But there is a new force on the streets of London; for the author and magistrate Henry Fielding has teamed up with his brother John to form the citys first police force  the Bow Street Runners. The Fieldings have persuaded parliament to fund their crime-fighting endeavour, but they know that there is something behind the vice  for John Fieldings blind eyes can see things that others cannot  things that man was not meant to know.

Dark Streets is a worldbook for the Renaissance Deluxe RPG, in which players take on the roles of officers in Londons first, desperately small, police force, investigating the dark secrets behind the sordid crimes of eighteenth century London. A mixture of authentic history and the cosmic horror of H.P. Lovecraft, Dark Steets comes to you from the designers of Clockwork & Cthulhu, Clockwork & Chivalry and the Origins Award Nominated Abney Parks Airship Pirates RPG.

Requires the Renaissance Deluxe RPG core rulebook.

156 pages - softcover - black and white interior

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36.00 €
Rough Magicks
Rough Magicks

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A magic supplement for the best-selling and award winning Trail of Cthulhu, written by the master of Lovecraft Lore, Kenneth Hite.

The latest eldritch tome for Trail of Cthulhu unfolds the darkest secrets of Lovecraftian magic to the shuddering gaze of Keepers and Investigators alike! Read it ... if you dare!

This book assembles the core of Lovecraftian magic from hints and allusions -- and blasts all certainty aside with twelve contradictory explanations for it! Keepers revel in a dozen new spells, and dubious new versions of some old spells, while Investigators find out what their abilities tell them about this stone circle in the woods ...

Using the new optional Magic ability has its own costs, and its own rules, revealed for the first time to a quailing humanity! Gain it how you will, from a grinning Nyarlathotep or a groaning tomb, you will never be the same again. Even the lore of Idiosyncratic Magic, strange fruit grown from the seeds planted in the Trail of Cthulhu corebook, will bleed you while worse things wait ...

Learn the sorcerous practices of the unthinkably alien and ancient beings of the Cthulhu Mythos, or scan the dizzying heights to which even human wizards may ascend! Poring over this dread work reveals all of this, plus variant Elder Signs, names to conjure with, and other ...


Poring over this dread work reveals all of this, plus variant Elder Signs, names to conjure with, and other.

40 pages

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12.00 €
Scream Cthulhu T-Shirt, M-Sized
Scream Cthulhu T-Shirt, M-Sized

Inspired by Edvard Munch's famous painting, The Scream, and the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.

We know, thanks to H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu, that certain unearthly dreams afflict artists, who are particularily sensitive to psychic disruptions.

The original German title given to the work by Munch is Der Schrei der Natur ("The Scream of Nature").

In his diary in an entry headed, Nice 22 January 1892, Munch described his inspiration for the image:

"One evening I was walking along a path, the city was on one side and the fjord below. I felt tired and ill. I stopped and looked out over the fjord—the sun was setting, and the clouds turning blood red. I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream. I painted this picture, painted the clouds as actual blood. The color shrieked. This became The Scream."

It has been suggested that the proximity of both a slaughterhouse and a lunatic asylum to the site depicted in the painting may have offered some inspiration. The scene was identified as being the view from a road overlooking Oslo, the Oslofjord and Hovedoya, from the hill of Ekeberg. At the time of the painting, Munch's manic depressive sister was a patient at the asylum at the foot of Ekeberg.

In 1978, a Munch scholar suggested that the strange, sexless creature in the foreground of the painting was inspired by a mummy, but we suspect it was something not of this world at all.

This design is part of a series that is currently on display in an exhibition called Starry Night, Scary Night, at the Arkham Museum of Art, at Miskatonic University, Arkham, MA.

Artist: Ray VanTilburg
Printed on Black 100% Cotton T-Shirt

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31.20 €
Shadow Over Providence
Shadow Over Providence

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August 25th, 1928: Providence, Rhode Island.

The Milton Hotel cordially invites you to view the fantastical traveling exhibition “The Kingdom of Fire: Egypt’s 18th Dynasty.” All the way from the British Museum, London, England, come see these wonders of ancient Egypt, rare and priceless items from a time long ago. Learn about their history from Dr. Caitlin Bronson, the exhibition’s curator, who will be on hand to answer all of your questions. Marvel at the treasures of Tutankhamun and Hatshepsut, along with the star of the exhibition, the mysterious canopic jar of Ibnhotep the Mad! Tickets are limited and going fast—and you don’t want to miss out on what promises to be the most talked about exhibition of the year!

With an invitation like that, how could your investigators possibly refuse? Be they historians and scholars, or even those who ply the blackmarket trade in illicit antiquities, this is a rare opportunity to learn the secrets of the distant past outside of a museum. And what possible danger could there be in going to see the mortal remains of someone called “Ibnhotep the Mad”?

The Shadow Over Providence is a new Call of Cthulhu scenario set in a venue that may seem strangely familiar to anyone who has visited Providence’s iconic Biltmore Hotel. The adventure was written by Jon Hook of the Miskatonic University Podcast, and developed and published by Chaosium, to celebrate NecronomiCon 2019.

36 pages
By Jon Hook

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12.00 €
Shadows Over Stillwater: Against the Mythos in the Down Darker Trails Setting (HC)
Shadows Over Stillwater: Against the Mythos in the Down Darker Trails Setting (HC)

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Against the Mythos in the Down Darker Trails Setting

Shadows Over Stillwater is a collection of scenarios and locales for Down Darker Trails, the Wild West setting for Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu. Contained within are further insights and challenges for those seeking bold adventure in the American Old West.

Featured is a three-part campaign, The Shadow Over Stillwater, set in the mountains of the New Mexico Territory. A hunt for a fugitive murderer leads the investigators into a mystery involving odd townsfolk, strange lights in the sky, walking corpses, and the machinations of a once-powerful and ancient race seeking to reclaim their lost glory.

The campaign is suitable for groups of any size, as the Keeper can easily scale the opposition to reflect the number of investigators. An apparently simple task, bringing a wanted man to justice, brings the investigators to a town suffering an epidemic of bizarre events, from crazed residents to the dead rising from their graves.

Shadows Over Stillwater opens with a three-part campaign called The Shadow Over Stillwater:

Part 1: Lazarus, in Spades, the first scenario in the campaign, sends the investigators to Stillwater, New Mexico. Stillwater’s sheriff has alerted the authorities that a wanted man, Hank Hanratty, has been spotted in the town. The investigators are hired to the outlaw but, on arrival in Stillwater, they are faced with a situation that threatens to plunge them into chaos and death.

Part 2: Trouble on Knife Cut Mesa immediately follows with the investigators heading to the mesa north of Stillwater to seek the source of recent strange events where a band of Mescalero Apache may aid or confuse their investigation. Tracing their quarry into mountains, the investigators come face to face with an ancient evil.

Part 3: Shattered Earth, Poisoned Sky brings the campaign to a potentially explosive finale. Santa Rosita has been wracked with earthquakes—the residents fear that their town will soon be destroyed. The investigators’ efforts to uncover the secret behind the situation may be hampered by the growing paranoia among the townsfolk. The investigators must delve deeply to thwart a plan designed to remake the Earth.

Following the campaign is another adventure, Beneath the Burning Sun, that can be played as a standalone adventure or as a continuation of The Shadow Over Stillwater. The investigators arrive in the town of Shade in Silverhole County, New Mexico where they become embroiled in a desperate bank robbery and join a posse to track down a gang of ferocious outlaws led by a crazed preacher. A bloody trail leads to an abandoned Spanish fort high in the Cebolletas where death awaits.

A new locale for the Down Darker Trails setting follows: Stonegarden expands upon the Down Darker Trails setting. A booming mining town in Arizona, tucked away in the Coyote Mountains, this locale provides a new and fully realized town in which to base adventures. The history of the region, its locations, and people are detailed, as well as its secrets, threats, and Mythos connections. Whether venturing forth to unlock the riddles of Stone Garden Mesa or enjoying the hospitality of the Ralston family, this new campaign setting presents a community with one of the most violent reputations in the entire West. A place of danger, wild adventure, and dark secrets.

Finally, The Devil’s Round-Up provides an extended adventure seed set in a location that may be familiar to long-time Call of Cthulhu fans. A roster of detailed characters, along with their foul agendas are described, ready to darken the day of any investigators who venture into doom-haunted Castronegro.

That’s plenty of adventure to keep your gaming group immersed in the horrors and terrors of the Old West.

According to your preferred style of play, Shadows Over Stillwater can be played using classic Call of Cthulhu, but can also be enjoyed with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement. This book requires the Call of Cthulhu Keeper’s Rulebook (7th edition) to play. Having access to the Down Darker Trails core setting book is highly recommended.

176 Pages
Full color Hardcover
By Kevin Ross, C.I. Werner, & Mike Mason

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45.60 €

Hakusivu: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
