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Pulp Cthulhu (HC)
Pulp Cthulhu (HC)

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Two-Fisted Action & Adventure Against The Mythos

Calling All Heroes! It's Time To Take The Fight to Cthulhu!
Pulp Cthulhu is a game of two-fisted adventure, weird science, dark deeds, and brave heroes. With this book, some roleplaying dice, and the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, you have everything you need to adventure and explore games set in the pulp genre.

Tired of your investigators dying in quick succession when jaunting around the world in a desperate bid to save humanity? Wishing that sometimes your investigator could make a stand instead of hiding and waiting for the eldritch horror to pass? Pulp Cthulhu ups the ante and provides you with tougher, more capable heroes -ready to take on the villainous machinations of the Cthulhu Mythos!

Here you will find an adapted character generation system, rules for psychic powers, sanity, augmented skills, and weird science, as well as tips for Keepers on developing and running pulp-style games. Also, you will find information on "the Pulps" themselves and the 1930s era when America was in the grip of the Great Depression and on the road to World War II. A collection of pulp villains and monsters, and a range of pulp organizations provide the Keeper with a firm basis for running pulp style scenarios and campaigns. Four action-packed scenarios round out the book, getting your Pulp Cthulhu games started with a bang.

The guidance in this book means that you can apply the Pulp Cthulhu rules to any setting and time period, enabling Keepers to bring the flavor and action of pulp to the classic 1920s or modern-day eras, as well as anywhere else they see fit.

A Time For Heroes And A Time For Adventure! 272 pages, Hardcover

Written by Mike Mason, Alan Bligh, James Lowder, Jeff Tidball, Glyn White, Paul Fricker, Wolfgang Baur, Matt Sanderson, and Dan Kramer.

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54.00 €
Regency Cthulhu (HC)
Regency Cthulhu (HC)

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Dark Designs in Jane Austen's England

Regency England: a time of social niceties, of grand balls, and of romantic intrigues and disappointments, as described most adroitly in the novels of Miss Jane Austen. But the Regency is also a time of lurid Gothic romances, and of war and social upheaval, as the Industrial Revolution gets into full swing and the hostilities with Napoleonic France draw to a close. Against this backdrop, the Mythos insinuates itself into the very fabric of society, always watchful for the opportunity to instill fear and terror into the hearts of everyday Georgians, from the richest to the poorest.

Regency Cthulhu: Darkness and Decorum in Jane Austen’s England is a historical sourcebook for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Set in the early Regency period (circa 1813), it describes the fictional town of Tarryford in Wiltshire, England, as well as presenting two scenarios designed to introduce players to both the time period and the town’s mysteries.

Suitable for use with both classic Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu rules, players take on the roles of budding Regency investigators, be they members of the gentry or the working classes. Together they uncover the dark secrets at the heart of Tarryford; horrors that have lain dormant for many a year but now seek to burst forth into England’s green and pleasant land.

* Details on the Georgian time period, in particular, the Regency era (1811–1820).
* Rules for creating Regency investigators, along with new period-appropriate skills and occupations.
* Setting overview, detailing the town of Tarryford, its businesses and personalities (1813 and 1913).
* Two scenarios: The Long Corridor and The Emptiness Within.
* Investigator handouts and maps.
* Six classic and pulp pre-generated investigators, ready to pick up and play.
* Guidance on both pulp- and classic-style play.

This supplement is best used with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game and, optionally, with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement, both available separately.

Writte by Andrew Peregrine
Hardcover, 224 pages

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54.00 €
Reign of Terror (HC)
Reign of Terror (HC)

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Epic Call of Cthulhu Adventures in Revolutionary France

Revolutionary France! The crowds gather baying for blood, while the “chop-chop-chop” of the guillotine calls out.

A time of struggle, intrigue, and horror. A divided country, where the upper class enjoys the bounty of wealth, and the poor cannot afford a load of bread. Where the cries of anger and rage at life’s injustices find momentum, sparking the people to unite and cast away the old regime for a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow. In time, hope will be replaced with fear as The Terror descends upon France, and the guillotine cries out for blood.

Reign of Terror is an epic two-part historical scenario, set during the French Revolution, and playable as a stand-alone mini-campaign or as an historical interlude for use with Chaosium’s premium campaign Horror on the Orient Express.

Part One, set in 1789 amid the stirrings off revolution, sees the investigators descend into the catacombs of Paris and brave the tribulations of courtly life, where debauchery and wickedness bring there own terrors.

Part Two, set during the Terror, catapultss the investigators into a conspiracy, where spies and agents seek out those who would destabilize the new regime. Caught amongst the chaos and dangers of Paris, the way must be found to stop a nightmare that would plunge France and the rest of Europe into darkness.

This book provides a stand-alone setting, with a plethora of historical details to help the Keeper bring the Revolution to life, as well as new investigator occupations. Alongside the scenarios of Reign of Terror is a range of scenario seeds, each providing the roots for extending play and building a longer, more in-depth campaign.

If used with Horror on the Orient Express, this book provides an exciting and action-packed “living handout” to engages players in the full horror of the Comte Fenalik at the height of his powers, bringing new insights into the parent campaign.

For use with both options of play are six ready-to-go pre-generated investigators, as well as a full timeline for the French Revolution, luscious full-color maps of Paris, Versailles, and other locales, and a bibliography for further research and reading.

Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!

128 Pages

By Mark Morrison with Penelope Love

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42.00 €
Scream Cthulhu T-Shirt, M-Sized
Scream Cthulhu T-Shirt, M-Sized

Inspired by Edvard Munch's famous painting, The Scream, and the writings of H.P. Lovecraft.

We know, thanks to H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu, that certain unearthly dreams afflict artists, who are particularily sensitive to psychic disruptions.

The original German title given to the work by Munch is Der Schrei der Natur ("The Scream of Nature").

In his diary in an entry headed, Nice 22 January 1892, Munch described his inspiration for the image:

"One evening I was walking along a path, the city was on one side and the fjord below. I felt tired and ill. I stopped and looked out over the fjord—the sun was setting, and the clouds turning blood red. I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream. I painted this picture, painted the clouds as actual blood. The color shrieked. This became The Scream."

It has been suggested that the proximity of both a slaughterhouse and a lunatic asylum to the site depicted in the painting may have offered some inspiration. The scene was identified as being the view from a road overlooking Oslo, the Oslofjord and Hovedoya, from the hill of Ekeberg. At the time of the painting, Munch's manic depressive sister was a patient at the asylum at the foot of Ekeberg.

In 1978, a Munch scholar suggested that the strange, sexless creature in the foreground of the painting was inspired by a mummy, but we suspect it was something not of this world at all.

This design is part of a series that is currently on display in an exhibition called Starry Night, Scary Night, at the Arkham Museum of Art, at Miskatonic University, Arkham, MA.

Artist: Ray VanTilburg
Printed on Black 100% Cotton T-Shirt

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31.20 €
Shadow Over Providence
Shadow Over Providence

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August 25th, 1928: Providence, Rhode Island.

The Milton Hotel cordially invites you to view the fantastical traveling exhibition “The Kingdom of Fire: Egypt’s 18th Dynasty.” All the way from the British Museum, London, England, come see these wonders of ancient Egypt, rare and priceless items from a time long ago. Learn about their history from Dr. Caitlin Bronson, the exhibition’s curator, who will be on hand to answer all of your questions. Marvel at the treasures of Tutankhamun and Hatshepsut, along with the star of the exhibition, the mysterious canopic jar of Ibnhotep the Mad! Tickets are limited and going fast—and you don’t want to miss out on what promises to be the most talked about exhibition of the year!

With an invitation like that, how could your investigators possibly refuse? Be they historians and scholars, or even those who ply the blackmarket trade in illicit antiquities, this is a rare opportunity to learn the secrets of the distant past outside of a museum. And what possible danger could there be in going to see the mortal remains of someone called “Ibnhotep the Mad”?

The Shadow Over Providence is a new Call of Cthulhu scenario set in a venue that may seem strangely familiar to anyone who has visited Providence’s iconic Biltmore Hotel. The adventure was written by Jon Hook of the Miskatonic University Podcast, and developed and published by Chaosium, to celebrate NecronomiCon 2019.

36 pages
By Jon Hook

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12.00 €
Shadows Over Stillwater: Against the Mythos in the Down Darker Trails Setting (HC)
Shadows Over Stillwater: Against the Mythos in the Down Darker Trails Setting (HC)

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Against the Mythos in the Down Darker Trails Setting

Shadows Over Stillwater is a collection of scenarios and locales for Down Darker Trails, the Wild West setting for Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu. Contained within are further insights and challenges for those seeking bold adventure in the American Old West.

Featured is a three-part campaign, The Shadow Over Stillwater, set in the mountains of the New Mexico Territory. A hunt for a fugitive murderer leads the investigators into a mystery involving odd townsfolk, strange lights in the sky, walking corpses, and the machinations of a once-powerful and ancient race seeking to reclaim their lost glory.

The campaign is suitable for groups of any size, as the Keeper can easily scale the opposition to reflect the number of investigators. An apparently simple task, bringing a wanted man to justice, brings the investigators to a town suffering an epidemic of bizarre events, from crazed residents to the dead rising from their graves.

Shadows Over Stillwater opens with a three-part campaign called The Shadow Over Stillwater:

Part 1: Lazarus, in Spades, the first scenario in the campaign, sends the investigators to Stillwater, New Mexico. Stillwater’s sheriff has alerted the authorities that a wanted man, Hank Hanratty, has been spotted in the town. The investigators are hired to the outlaw but, on arrival in Stillwater, they are faced with a situation that threatens to plunge them into chaos and death.

Part 2: Trouble on Knife Cut Mesa immediately follows with the investigators heading to the mesa north of Stillwater to seek the source of recent strange events where a band of Mescalero Apache may aid or confuse their investigation. Tracing their quarry into mountains, the investigators come face to face with an ancient evil.

Part 3: Shattered Earth, Poisoned Sky brings the campaign to a potentially explosive finale. Santa Rosita has been wracked with earthquakes—the residents fear that their town will soon be destroyed. The investigators’ efforts to uncover the secret behind the situation may be hampered by the growing paranoia among the townsfolk. The investigators must delve deeply to thwart a plan designed to remake the Earth.

Following the campaign is another adventure, Beneath the Burning Sun, that can be played as a standalone adventure or as a continuation of The Shadow Over Stillwater. The investigators arrive in the town of Shade in Silverhole County, New Mexico where they become embroiled in a desperate bank robbery and join a posse to track down a gang of ferocious outlaws led by a crazed preacher. A bloody trail leads to an abandoned Spanish fort high in the Cebolletas where death awaits.

A new locale for the Down Darker Trails setting follows: Stonegarden expands upon the Down Darker Trails setting. A booming mining town in Arizona, tucked away in the Coyote Mountains, this locale provides a new and fully realized town in which to base adventures. The history of the region, its locations, and people are detailed, as well as its secrets, threats, and Mythos connections. Whether venturing forth to unlock the riddles of Stone Garden Mesa or enjoying the hospitality of the Ralston family, this new campaign setting presents a community with one of the most violent reputations in the entire West. A place of danger, wild adventure, and dark secrets.

Finally, The Devil’s Round-Up provides an extended adventure seed set in a location that may be familiar to long-time Call of Cthulhu fans. A roster of detailed characters, along with their foul agendas are described, ready to darken the day of any investigators who venture into doom-haunted Castronegro.

That’s plenty of adventure to keep your gaming group immersed in the horrors and terrors of the Old West.

According to your preferred style of play, Shadows Over Stillwater can be played using classic Call of Cthulhu, but can also be enjoyed with the Pulp Cthulhu supplement. This book requires the Call of Cthulhu Keeper’s Rulebook (7th edition) to play. Having access to the Down Darker Trails core setting book is highly recommended.

176 Pages
Full color Hardcover
By Kevin Ross, C.I. Werner, & Mike Mason

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45.60 €
Terror Australis (HC)
Terror Australis (HC)

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Call of Cthulhu in the Land Down Under

The driest, flattest, and smallest continent, Australia is almost as big as the continental United States, but has a fraction of the inhabitants—six million people in 1925. Beyond the settled areas, three-quarters of the land remain relatively little known until after World War Two. Seen by those in Europe and America as one of the last great wildernesses, despite decades of exploration and incursion, it remained a place that guarded its secrets.

While the ancient and primordial character of the Australian inland lures many, it is the cities in the south and east that have become centers of population. Surprisingly modern and surprisingly British in character—it is not uncommon for foreign visitors to express astonishment when they disembark from their steamer in Sydney or Melbourne and find themselves in a great metropolis with all the modern refinements of London or New York. Ever present, though, are the modern blights afflicting cities worldwide: organized crime, overcrowding, civil unrest, and uncertainty.

This unique mix of old and new—the tension between civilization and the frontier—is what makes Australia a particularly fertile 1920s setting for Call of Cthulhu. Those Keepers wishing to challenge their players with tales of gang-related squalor underpinned by ancient Mythos threats can find ample opportunity in Australia’s urban environments. Equally, investigators do not have to go too far into the Outback to become entangled in tales of stark frontier life bereft of modern conveniences of technology, underpinned by dark shadows cast by the Ctuhlhu Mythos that seem to haunt the very landscape. And for Keepers who wish to push investigators to the very limits of wilderness survival, there is no shortage of opportunities for true expeditions into places where Europeans and Americans have never set foot.

In Australia, the investigators come face-to-face with supernatural forces that have endured for longer than humanity has existed; they can attempt to step inside the ancient legends of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia in search of mystical knowledge; they can cross swords with nefarious cults intent on diabolic schemes, or challenge unwitting scientists who haplessly threaten to achieve a similar end by probing the mysteries of the Australian land.

Brining your investigators to Australia is certain to reward your gaming group. For, as soon as they have set foot upon this ancient continent, adventure, peril, and mystery abound. Whether run as an Australian campaign, a series of one-shot games, or a protracted stop over during a globe-spanning campaign, the time spent in the Land Down Under will not be wasted!

What’s In the Book?

Australian History and Geography
Covers the European exploration, from the land being a convict colony through to the Australian gold rush, and beyond to the Great War and its aftermath. We then look at the geography of the Australian continent, noting some archaeological sites and providing an overview of the differing regions and climates.

Here we focus on the history of Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders, as well as the white population, and contrast life in the urban and life in the rural environments. Special focus is given to Australian investigators, with new skills and occupations appropriate to for Aboriginal and white Australians. We round things out with brief biographies of some key Australians of the post-Great War period, who might be encountered by wandering investigators.

Resources for 1920s Australia
This chapter provides a toolkit of historical subjects, usable by Keepers, for running games in Australia. Topics include law enforcement, transport, mounting expeditions into the Outback, communications, and sources for research.

Australian Cities
Provides an in depth look at some of Australia’s key cities, including Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, and Brisbane. Maps are provide for each city, as well as details on notable mysteries or events, and suggestions concerning cults in thrall to the gods and horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos.

Known to some as “the Dreaming” or “Dreamtime,” the Alcheringa chapter focuses on how to incorporate the wisdom and learning stemming from Aboriginal cultural traditions into games, and features special rules and mechanics for running “dream quests” to gather important information to solve dire situations facing the investigators, as well as the rewards for “solving” a “Song-Line.” The stages of a Song-Line are discussed and presented with examples, such as the Story of Bigibila, which can be played as a scenario introduction to Alcheringa. Topics such as Aboriginal sorcery and artifacts are also discussed.

The Mythos in Australia
Here, the book looks at the dark conspiracies and taint of the Cthulhu Mythos upon the Australian soil, with particular reference to the legacy of the Great Race, the Flying Polyps, and to the elusive and mysteries Sand Dwellers. A range of Mythos cults are presented, ready for the Keeper to incorporate into games, as well as featuring some of the other Mythos monsters that could be found lurking in dark shadows.

The book is rounded out with two large scenarios and appendices.

Long Way From Home: the investigators look into a series of odd and unexplained meteor showers and are drawn into a web of intrigue involving some ancient foes. Presented as a sandbox with multiple entry points, the scenario features a range of plots and encounters set in the remote region of Paralana.

Black Water, White Death: sought-after papers concerning Australia’s convict history lead the investigators to Tasmania and to a dark mystery to terrify the dreams of all concerned. What begins as a simple matter of attending an auction ends with terror and a cosmic threat.

Gathered in the appendices are some of Australia’s deadly wildlife, with game profiles provided for their use in games, as well as timelines covering Australia, and recommended further reading and viewing.

In Australia, investigators will come face-to-face with supernatural forces that have endured for longer than humanity has existed. It is a land of adventure, danger, and ageless wisdom—a perfect for setting for Call of Cthulhu!

Requires the Call of Cthulhu Keeper’s Rulebook (7th edition) to play, and is optionally usable with Pulp Cthulhu.

Edited by Mike Mason

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57.60 €
Time to Harvest (HC)
Time to Harvest (HC)

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Death and Discovery in the Vermont Hills!

In 1929, a student died during an expedition in the Vermont Hills. One year later, the Miskatonic University sent another team on the same expedition...

It's time to harvest.

What's Inside?
First released as a six-scenario Organized Play series, A Time to Harvest is available now for the first time in a complete and updated tome. The campaign is compatible with both Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu rules.

Into The Hills...
Set in the picturesque state of Vermont at the beginning of the 1930s, A Time to Harvest is a six-part campaign centered on the valley surrounding the sleeping town of Cobb's Corners. A wellspring of resources for the Keeper, the book includes a full suit of player handouts, maps, and details on the key locations preparing you for both the events of the campaign, as well as giving you plenty of information to write your own scenarios set in 1920s Vermont.

Cobb's Corners
A small town nestled in a bountiful valley, Cobb's Corners is a key location in A Time to Harvest. The book details the Vermont town, helping you bring it to life at the tabletop, and to give the setting for your games of Call of Cthulhu a rich, lived-in feeling.

A Wellspring of Investigators
A Time To Harvest contains new rules and advice for creating student investigators. Additionally, there is information on incorporating existing characters into the campaign by bringing in your investigators that have cut their teeth in other scenarios for Call of Cthulhu.

The book includes 10 pre-generated investigators, giving new and eager players everything they need to jump right into the mystery of Cobb's Corners.

Authors: Brian M. Sammons, Glynn Owen Barrass, Mike Mason, Lynne Hardy

336 pages

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60.00 €
Unspeakable Oath 18
Unspeakable Oath 18

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The infamous magazine of Cthulhu Mythos gaming returns!

The Unspeakable Oath is a quarterly magazine dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games that are based on the Cthulhu Mythos -the creations of horror author H.P. Lovecraft, the writers who inspired him, and the writers who followed him.

Created and published by game designers, writers and artists who love Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every issue provides ideas, inspiration, tools and techniques to make your games more horrific than ever.

The Unspeakable Oath 18 includes:
* The Eye of Light and Darkness: Reviews of Trail of Cthulhu, The Day After Ragnarok, Black Wings, The Dying of St. Margaret's, New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley, Colour from the Dark, The Primal State, and Cthulhu 101.
* The Branchly Numbers Edit: A Mysterious Manuscript by Pat Harrigan.
* The Chinaman's Screen: An Arcane Artifact by Adam Gauntlett.
* The Forgotten: An Arcane Artifact by Dan Harms.
* The Art Show: A Tale of Terror by Nick Grant.
* House of Hunger: A Tale of Terror by Monte Cook.
* Mr. Popatov: A Tale of Terror by John Scott Tynes.
* Slight Return: A Tale of Terror by Pat Harrigan.
* Tales of Nephren-Ka: A history of particularly Lovecraftian pharaoh by James Haughton.
* The Chapel of Contemplation: A look at the cult behind the very first scenario for Call of Cthulhu, by Dan Harms.
* Black Sunday: A visit to the deadly heart of the Depression-era dustbowl, by George Holochwost and C.A. Suleiman.
* Dog Will Hunt: A Call of Cthulhu adventure in 1920s Cajun country, by Richard Becker.
* The Word: A Message in a Bottle by Shane Ivey.

The Unspeakable Oath 18 features art by Toren Atkinson, Dennis Detwiller and Todd Shearer, and page design by Jessica Hopkins. It was edited by Adam Crossingham, Dan Harms, Shane Ivey, James Knevitt, Greg Stolze, and John Scott Tynes.

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12.00 €
Unspeakable Oath 19
Unspeakable Oath 19

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The Unspeakable Oath is a quarterly magazine dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games that are based on the Cthulhu Mythos -the creations of horror author H.P. Lovecraft, the writers who inspired him, and the writers who followed him.

Created and published by game designers, writers and artists who love Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every issue provides ideas, inspiration, tools and techniques to make your games more horrific than ever.

The Unspeakable Oath 19 includes:
* The Dread Page of Azathoth - This issue’s foreword by editor-in-chief Shane Ivey.
* The Eye of Light and Darkness - Reviews of games, books and movies that are of special interest to Cthulhu Mythos gamers.
* Cthulhu Saves the World, reviewed by Brian Sammons.
* Death in Luxor, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* The Freeport Trilogy, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast, reviewed by Brian Sammons.
* The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu, reviewed by Brian Sammons.
* Lovecraftian Tales from the Table, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* Monsters, reviewed by Brian Sammons.
* Shadows of Yog-Sothoth, reviewed by Matthew Pook.

Tales of Terror- Short descriptions of disturbing situations, each with three possible ways the game moderator could have them unfold in play.

“Property Values,” by Adam Gauntlett—when a house is not a home but a horror.

“Sawbucks,” by Monte Cook—wealth that really is a burden.

Arcane Artifacts - Deadly objects ready to be added to your games.

“Dollars of Dagon,” by Bobby Derie—a numismatist’s dream that can quickly turn nightmare.

Mysterious Manuscripts - Tomes of forbidden knowledge, ready for play.

“Henry Darger’s Second Novel,” by Pat Harrigan—long after his death, the famous recluse again redefines “outsider art.”

“Joy Shusterman’s Basement,” by Jeffrey Moeller—in which you can learn a lot from isolation.

“The Twelfth Book of Moses,” by Adam Gauntlett—a New Age classic that would be better to stay underground.

Feature Articles:
“Bernice Cartfield,” by Greg Stolze—a modern-day occultist who’s a perfect Friendly or foil for Delta Green.

“Cheating Madness,” by Brennan Bishop—tips for livening up your trips to the mental ward.

“Paramour of Y’golonac,” by Oscar Rios—a seductive new monster.

“The Brick Kiln,” by Adam Gauntlett—a Trail of Cthulhu adventure set in rural 1930s England.

“Suited and Booted,” by Adam Gauntlett—a Call of Cthulhu adventure set in the grimy side of 1920s London.

Message in a Bottle - A short, self-contained vignette of Cthulhu Mythos horror.

“Dying Sunlight,” by David Jacobs—a glimpse at the life of a photographer who took more than pictures.

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12.00 €
Unspeakable Oath 20
Unspeakable Oath 20

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The Unspeakable Oath is an award-nominated quarterly magazine dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games that are based on the Cthulhu Mythos -the creations of horror author H.P. Lovecraft, the writers who inspired him, and the writers who followed him.

Created and published by game designers, writers and artists who love Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every issue provides ideas, inspiration, tools and techniques to make your games more horrific than ever.

The Unspeakable Oath 20 includes:
* The Dread Page of Azathoth This issue's foreword by editor-in-chief Shane Ivey.
* The Eye of Light and Darkness Reviews of games, books and movies that are of special interest to Cthulhu Mythos gamers. Reviewed in this issue: Musica Cthulhiana, Cthulhu's Dark Cults, Curse of the Yellow Sign Act 1, Machine Tractor Station Kharkov-37, Marble Hornets: The Complete First Season, The Watchers in the Sky, Cthulhu Invictus, Halloween Horror and Murder of Crows.
* The Plot Thickens A Tale of Terror by Adam Gauntlett.
* She Just Couldn't Stay Away A Call of Cthulhu scenario by Jeffrey Moeller.
* The Arm in the Green Box An Arcane Artifact for Delta Green by Bret Kramer.
* The Monongahela Carver Cipher A Mysterious Manuscript by Dan Harms.
* The Eye of Daoloth An Arcane Artifact by Dion Clark.
* The Assassins A fascinating historical feature by Dave Hardy with Adam Scott Glancy.
* Directive from A-Cell A Delta Green feature by Adam Scott Glancy.
* Let's Learn Aklo! A Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green by James Haughton. (Winner of the annual Delta Green Mailing List Shotgun Scenario Competition.)
* Signs Short fiction by Greg Stolze.

The Unspeakable Oath 20 features cover art by Todd Shearer, interior art by Toren Atkinson, Rob Mansperger Jr., and Bradley McDevitt, and page design by Jessica Hopkins. It's edited by Shane Ivey with Adam Crossingham, Dan Harms, Greg Stolze and John Scott Tynes.

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12.00 €
Unspeakable Oath 22
Unspeakable Oath 22

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Arc Dream Publishing is proud to present The Unspeakable Oath, a more-or-less quarterly digest of tools, scenarios, and reviews to make your Cthulhu Mythos games more terrifying than ever.

The Unspeakable Oath 22 includes:
* “The Dread Page of Azathoth,” an editor’s column. Guest columnist Kenneth Hite pays tribute to Lynn Willis.
* "The Saffron Book," a Mysterious Manuscript by Bobby Derie.
* "Malyutin's Nightmare Matryoshkas," an Arcane Artifact by Daniel R. Robichaud.
* "China Dolls: Children of Madam Yi," a new monster by Jo Kreil.
* "Die High," a scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Trail of Cthulhu, or Cthulhu Dark, by Greg Stolze.
* "The Found Phone," a Tale of Terror by Greg Stolze.
* "St. Michael's Gate," a Tale of Terror by Adam Gauntlett.
* "Starting Your Call of Cthulhu Campaign," a feature by Daniel
* "Bargain Hunting," a Tale of Terror by Adam Gauntlett.
* "Atlas of Arkham 1911," a Mysterious Manuscript by Bobby Derie.
* "Remember, Remember," a Trail of Cthulhu scenario by Adam Gauntlett.
* "Smedley House," a Tale of Terror by Ben Riggs.
* "Alphonse's Axioms for Agents," a Directive from A-Cell by Adam Scott Glancy.
* "The Thing In the Box," a Message in a Bottle by Ross Payton.

The Eye of Light and Darkness, with reviews of:
* Blood! The Roleplaying Game of Modern Horror, a game by James "Grim" Desborough, et al, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* The Book of the Smoke, a Trail of Cthulhu sourcebook by Paula Dempsey, reviewed by Chase Beck.
* Building an Elder God: A Game of Lovecraftian Construction, a game by Ben Mund, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land, a video game by Tomas Rawlins, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* The Dance in the Blood, a Trail of Cthulhu scenario by Graham Walmsley, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* Live at the Gilman House, an album by Ogham Waite and the Amphibian Jazz Band, reviewed by Brian Sammons.
* Pickman's Muse, a film directed by Robert Cappalletto, reviewed by Brian Sammons.
* Tatters of the King, a Call of Cthulhu campaign by Tim Wiseman, reviewed by Matthew Pook.
* The Whisperer in Darkness, a film directed by Sean Branney, reviewed by Brian Sammons.

The Unspeakable Oath 22 is illustrated by Vicente Silvera Catalá, Matt Hansen, Robert Mansperger Jr., and Bradley McDevitt. Cover art is by Matt Hansen. It is edited by Shane Ivey with Adam Crossingham, Dan Harms, Greg Stolze and John Scott Tynes.

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12.00 €
World War Cthulhu: Covert Actions
World War Cthulhu: Covert Actions

"The summer of 74 burned hot. I remember being stood on that beach, soaked in blood, the Mediterranean sky wider than you can imagine. The smell of 630 and cypress and burning tyres. I remember turning away from the carnage we’d been ordered to wreak. I remember seeing the Others coming out of the water. I remember a voice louder than God screaming. I don’t remember anything after that."

Agents of Section 46 may be assigned almost anywhere on Earth, to carry out objectives for which they are unprepared, with minimal material support and no official sanction. They may have to perform acts that leave them psychologically scarred, consumed with self-loathing or growing ever-emptier inside, unable to maintain healthy relationships, only connecting with fellow human beings as covers or as preludes to betrayal.

They will be in regular physical danger, evading those who would arrest, torture or kill them, forced in turn to inflict pain and suffering on often-undeserving targets. And then there is the truly unpleasant side to their work…

Covert Actions is a collection of six ready-to-play scenarios for World War Cthulhu: Cold War, the 1970s espionage setting for Call of Cthulhu.

• Puddles become Lakes: A routine, if unpleasant mission to silence a nosy journalist proves more complicated than first thought
• The Forcing Move: Reality crumbles around the 1972 Reykjavik World Chess Championship
• Cadenza: The Turkish Invasion of Cyprus echoes with deep secrets and hard choices
• The Guardians of the Forest: East Timor Descends into bloodshed and atrocity, and agents find themselves forced to decide which enemy they must defeat.
• Operation Header: The Arctic holds more than abandoned Distant Early Warning listening posts.
• The Unclean: The agents are activated to investigate a death cult in Moscow. What could possibly go wrong?

Covert Actions is a 176 page softcover, with black and white interior.

Written by Chad Bowser, Matthew Dawkins, Scott Dorward, Nick Robinson, Matthew Sanderson, Ken Spencer.
Illustrated by Scott Purdy, Jon Hodgson, Sam Manley.

Covert Actions requires the World War Cthulhu: Cold War core setting book and Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition to play.

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42.00 €
World War Cthulhu: SOE Handbook
World War Cthulhu: SOE Handbook

Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle!
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The Special Operations Executive were tasked with some of the most daring and dangerous covert actions of the Second World War, from sabotaging power plants to establishing resistance cells in occupied Europe. Yet for the agents of Network N, fighting the Nazis is just one part of their war.

Drawing from real Special Operations Executive training materials and catalogues, the SOE Handbook for World War Cthulhu presents players and Keepers with a wealth of information about combat techniques, tradecraft, the ungentlemanly art of sabotage and the sometimes bizarre weapons and equipment developed for Britain's secret war. Plentiful sidebars translate these techniques and items into Call of Cthulhu game mechanics. The book is also peppered with notes from the mysterious N, steering members of his network through the added complications of applying this knowledge to battles with more eldritch foes.

The SOE Handbook also presents details of a selection of SOE training facilities and the sometimes eccentric personalities who may be encountered there. This allows the Keeper to include mission-specific training, along with the occasional side mission on home soil, as part of their campaign.

128 pages, softcover, black and white interior.

Written by Scott Dorward and Martin Dougherty, illustrated by Jon Hodgson and Scott Purdy.

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30.00 €

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