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Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Dominion Expansion
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Dominion Expansion

The forces in the Cosmos have grown. New aliens have appeared, and with their arrival, the tensions between all races have never been higher. Who will reign in this crowded Cosmos? Only time will tell.

The fifth expansion for Cosmic Encounter… an expansion that goes further than ever before to acknowledge the game’s debt to its enthusiastic and imaginative community of fans!

In this fan-designed expansion, thirty new aliens blast their way onto your tabletop. Chock full of fan-favorite aliens, wacky new powers and flares, and a brand-new reward deck, Cosmic Dominion will have you and your friends competing to determine once and for all who rules the galaxy. Four new variants allow you to modify the classic Cosmic Encounter experience, and new ship markers allow players to create their very own variants.

Designed for the fans and by the fans – in conjunction with Peter Olotka, one the game’s original designers – Cosmic Dominion is a must-have for anyone hoping to explore all that the game’s cosmos has to offer!

Thirty New Aliens
Cosmic Dominion features thirty new aliens, the most an expansion has ever offered. With all the fan favorites and zany new powers among them, you’re sure to find an alien among the bunch to play as you endeavor to take over the galaxy.

From the Doppelgänger and its haunting presence to the Alchemist with its transmutative abilities, the thirty new aliens in Cosmic Dominion represent the fan community’s collective contributions and offer an assortment of unique approaches to claiming dominion over the galaxy.

You can use the Privilege of the Aristocrat to leverage your way to victory, or embrace the Pickpocket’s sneaky methods to Lift cards from your opponents. Raid fellow players when you play as the Pirate, or Discover the galaxy as the Explorer.

For more about the origins of Cosmic Dominion and the fan community’s involvement in the creation of the expansion’s thirty new alien races, we present you with a few words from Peter Olotka.

Peter Olotka on the Development of Cosmic Dominion
Cosmic Encounter has always been about breaking the rules, so it stands to reason that the game should break the rules about designing expansion sets. In this case, the rule that only the designers and publishers would create new expansion sets was broken by the Cosmic Encounter fans!

The design process took a couple of years and was organized online. Roughly eighty fans are cited in the Cosmic Dominion rules for playtesting and development, about twenty of whom are cited for Alien Design. The credits for Expansion Design and Development also go to fans: Jefferson Krogh, Bill Martinson, and Jack Reda.

In addition to new aliens, the fans decided the set should include fan updates of some of the original Eon Products aliens that were left out of the FFG version.

The design process evolved as it went along. Initially Bill Eberle, another original Cosmic Encounter designer, and I participated by adding our own ideas to the mix and critiquing the work of the fans. That process did not work. We were getting in the way and defeating the purpose of the fan set, so we bowed out and pulled our ideas out of the mix. I converted my role into a liaison between the fans and FFG.

Jeff, Bill, and Jack then buckled down and did an astonishing amount of work to wrangle a Space Ark of aliens down to thirty. They also created a considerable amount of other new content as well.

Within this new, ever-expanding universe, there will now be 165 Aliens. That makes 29,772,765 different four-player alien combinations. So unless you are the Zombie with the power of impartiality, while you are not going to play them all, you’ll never have to play the same game twice.

I want to publicly thank all of the thousands Cosmic Encounter players who in one way or another participate in this one-of-a-kind endeavor.

On behalf of the fans of Cosmic Encounter, I would also like to thank FFG CEO Christian T. Petersen, VP of Research & Design Corey Konieczka, Producer Jason Walden, and all the other good folks at Fantasy Flight Games for trusting this project to the Cosmic Encounter players!

Thoughts from the Fan Designers of Cosmic Dominion
Longtime fans of Cosmic Encounter, Jefferson Krogh, Bill Martinson, and Jack Reda took their love of the game to an unprecedented level with their work on Cosmic Dominion. Like Peter Olotka, each of them was inspired to offer some words about the process of working on this unique fan-created expansion.

Jefferson Krogh:
“I love Cosmic Encounter because I never know where it will take me, and it evokes a sense of wonder and humor that's rare in real life. Now it's taken me to where I had the chance to work with other people to help design Cosmic Encounter, and it's like the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I'm not sure how I got here, or what really happened, but I know that it's been intensely cool and mind-blowing.”

Bill Martinson:
“You'd think after all these decades of adoring fans stretching, twisting, flip-flopping, and transmogrifying the game system (which somehow remains as resilient as ever) we would've seen it all. But it's a big cosmos, and we were amazed by players' ingenuity again and again. Having so much great material to choose from made it a privilege and a pleasure to help guide it all into yet another eclectically fun, serious, whimsical, and fun expansion set for the best board game on the planet!”

Jack Reda:
“There are so many things to enjoy about Cosmic Encounter, and each fan brings a perspective about what he or she likes best. It was fun and rewarding to be exposed to so many varying effects, and to help shepherd everything to the end product.”

Variants in the Cosmos
In addition to its thirty new Aliens, Cosmic Dominion introduces special ship markers that allow players to enjoy a range of variant play options as they compete for control of the galaxy.

The Flagship Variant grants players the ability to add a plus three to encounters in which their flagships are involved, while the Salvage Vessel variant rewards players for involving their Salvage Vessel in encounters, allowing them to receive two rewards or draw two tech cards (if in use) and choose one to keep.

Moreover, the new special ship markers are also designed to allow players to create their own variants, and you will be encouraged to browse the different variants, as well as contribute your own, in a special ship marker variants thread that we will add later to our community forums.

Brand New Rewards
Cosmic Dominion also includes a brand new reward deck as part of one of the expansion’s new variants. This new reward deck includes several brand new types of cards, as well as more of the new cards types introduced in previous expansions.

You’ll find new Intimidate cards that may turn the tide of encounters before they begin, and Retreat cards which allow players to completely avoid conflict. Meanwhile, Rift and Kicker cards, similar to those found in the Cosmic Incursion expansion, offer a wider variety of game effects to shake up the galaxy.

• A Cosmic Encounter expansion designed by fans for fans
• Includes thirty new aliens - the most an expansion has ever offered
• Offers four new variants and the option to create and share your own with the Cosmic Encounter fan community

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30.00 €
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Eons Expansion
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Eons Expansion

The galaxy of Cosmic Encounter, like most galaxies, is constantly changing. Just when you think you’ve explored every corner of it and met most of its aliens, you turn around to find that a new star system has just materialized, full of new species with astonishing, wildly unique customs. You’ve learned that when interacting with a strange alien for the first time, its best not to reveal all of your hand at once. If you want to establish colonies in these recently-formed parts of the galaxy, you’ll have to be conceal your true intentions, negotiate with cunning, and be careful not to put your foot into cross-cultural quicksand—or into your mouth.

Cosmic Eons, an upcoming expansion for Cosmic Encounter, introduces new aliens with abilities unlike any you’ve dealt with so far, but it doesn’t stop there. This expansion features the Hidden Alliances variant, which enables you and your opponents to reveal simultaneously whose side you’re on. With this simple mechanical twist, Cosmic Eons promises not just to open up a new part of the galaxy, but to change how you play the game.

Keep Your Plans Close
In Cosmic Encounter, you have to make friends if you want to establish as many colonies as possible. That doesn’t mean you should trust all your friends, or even stick with them for the whole game. The Hidden Alliances variant makes it possible to engage in all sorts of discussions about whose side to take in the encounter, then only reveal your true intentions at the possible last moment.

When using this variant (which works best with at least four players), you have an alliance dial that shows exactly how many ships you will commit to which side—if you want to get involved in the encounter at all. Once you and your opponents are finished discussing alliances and have determined what they want to do, you place their dials facedown until everyone has made a decision. Then, all at once, you reveal your plans. This simple adjustment creates lots of opportunities for persuasion, deceit, and betrayal, as well as adding another element of suspense to the game.

Keep Your Friends and Enemies Closer
Of course, not all the aliens in the galaxy are your friends. Some may be your enemies, and most will likely switch back and forth between the two. In Cosmic Eons you’ll discover a new genus of aliens that can keep closer tabs on (and has greater power over) both friends and enemies than any aliens before. These are the six aliens able to dole out Essence cards.

Essence cards work slightly differently for each alien, but generally as an alien who has them you can, once per turn, give one out to another alien of your choice. The Essence card then affects the behavior of the alien that you gave it to, perhaps by preventing them from doing something, perhaps by encouraging them toward an action, perhaps by penalizing or rewarding something they’ve done. The Sheriff, for example, can hand out Tickets which force other players to pay fines for certain infractions, such as Loitering, Vagrancy, or Littering. Similarly, the Nanny can give a Consequence to an alien she thinks is likely to behave badly. The Assistant earns rewards for helping out other players by, say, tidying up their Messy Colonies when they ask her to.

Aliens with Essence cards are just a few of those who appear in Cosmic Eons. If you’d rather not hand out Tickets and just want everyone to get along, you can play the Bleeding Heart, who compels players to negotiate rather than fight. The Coward also doesn’t like fighting. He runs away from encounters and earns a reward for each ship the opposing player threatened the Coward with. Or you might be the Moocher, who doesn’t actually have any planets, so he is forced to camp out on couches across the galaxy.

Infinite Possibilities
Cosmic Encounter has always been a game of infinite possibilities. Cosmic Eons allows you to explore more of that infinitude than ever before and interact with the aliens you meet in two entirely new ways. You never know who or what you're going to encounter, and whether they'll deserve a Ticket or just some friendly Help along the way.

• An expansion for the classic game Cosmic Encounter
• Designed by original Cosmic Encounter creators Bill Eberle, Peter Olotka, and Greg Olotka
• Thirty new playable aliens join the game
• New Hidden Alliances variant adds suspense and opportunities for bluffing
• Essence Cards enable some aliens to hamper or enhance others’ abilities

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38.50 €
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Storm Expansion
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Storm Expansion

Across the vast expanse of the cosmos, strange quakes and startling explosions make the galaxy an even more dangerous place to wage war. New alien races are making themselves known in the interstellar clash for control. Set up space stations to boost your skills, then prepare for galactic disturbances and more epic encounters than ever before.

This new addition sets the galaxy trembling as twenty-five new alien races come zipping through the cosmos. Guard yourself against the sticky-fingered Swindler, and stand in awe of the massive appetite of the Mouth.

Cosmic Storm also adds space stations, which when attached to one of your home planets, gives you additional powers to use in your encounters!

Batten Down the Hatches
Prepare for the upcoming galactic turmoil by setting up a space station on one of your home planets. This variant allows each player to draw one of ten space station cards and then attach the corresponding space station to one of their home worlds. Each of the ten stations has a unique ability that can be harnessed as long as a player has at least one ship on the planet the station is attached to.

Space station abilities like the Big Space Laser or the Alien Outpost shake up interstellar encounters, and provide even more options for players to maximize their options on their quest for galactic supremacy!

Space stations are also compatible with all previous expansion variants, so no rules have to be changed to include them.

Meet the Bulwarks
The toughness of the Bulwarks is legendary. They think nothing of facing overwhelming odds or throwing themselves into the thick of battle, knowing they have the ability to endure nearly any hardship. The Bulwarks can also be as thick-headed as they are thick-skinned.

The Bulwarks are just one of twenty-five new alien races bursting into the galaxy and entering the chase to become ruler of the cosmos. Incredibly tough and strong, the Bulwarks are widely known for their Resilience, a power which allows them to withstand even the most brutal battles.

With the help of this power, any time a Bulwark would lose ships to the warp, they can reduce the number of ships lost to one, making them incredibly difficult to defeat.

Brace yourself for the upcoming Cosmic Storm! Equip your home world with a space station, choose your alien race, and prepare for the strange and exciting altercations that can only occur in Cosmic Encounter!

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36.50 €
Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat
Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat

Useammassa FFG matossa on käytetty väriaineita jossa on EU:ssa kielletty määrä ainetta X. Mattoja ei siis saada EU:hun kunnes valmistaja saa komponenttinsa EU-kelpoisiksi.

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are split and divided by conflict—both on the open fields of battle and in the treacherous intrigues of court. For years, you’ve played out these epic power struggles on your tabletop in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, and at Gen Con 2018, we announced the coming onslaught of House Targaryen with the Mother of Dragons expansion.

Soon, you’ll be able to bring your battles over Westeros to a perfectly arranged setting with the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat.

Across the Narrow Sea
Measuring 3’ by 3’ (~90x90cm), the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat displays the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms in all their glory, along with the western coast of Essos introduced in Mother of Dragons. From the harbor of Volantis to the snowy wastes of Castle Black, the world of A Song of Ice and Fire is lovingly rendered on this premium, slip-resistant gamemat.

As you can see above, this deluxe gamemat is fully compatible with the upcoming Mother of Dragons expansion, seamlessly incorporating the continent of Essos, the dragon strength track, the Iron Bank of Braavos, House Arryn’s stronghold in the Eyrie, the fourth Westeros deck, and additions to the influence tracks—all printed onto a single thoughtfully arranged gamemat.

Whether you’re taking up arms with old allies like House Stark or House Lannister, or you’re making your bid for the Iron Throne with House Arryn and House Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat is an unmissable accessory for fans of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game.

Huom! Tuote ei mahdu pakettiautomaattiin eli toimitetaan vain normaaliin postitoimipisteeseen.

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61.80 €
Premium USA (Board Game) Chimera 57.5x89mm Sleeves (50) (Dark Orange)
Premium USA (Board Game) Chimera 57.5x89mm Sleeves (50) (Dark Orange)

57.5mm x 89mm, molemmat sivut läpinäkyvät

So what is the difference from our standard card sleeves and our premium sleeves? The standard sleeves are a great thickness and quality for protecting your games on a budget. They are sold in packs of 100 and are perfect if you want to protect your work-a-day games from sticky hands, spills and general wear and tear. Our premium sleeves are sold in a 50 pack and are 125% thicker than our standard thickness sleeves. These sleeves offer a sturdier case and stronger protection for your cards. If you have a rare or expensive game and just can't bear to have the cards looking anything but pristine, then this is the card sleeve for you!

There are others out there selling similar products, but ours are less expensive, higher quality, and designed to actually fit the cards snuggly. This is the ultimate card sleeve for your cards and is sure to please!

Valmistajan PDF-lista siitä kuinka monta minkin kokoista korttisuojaa eri pelit tarvitsevat löytyy täältä

Compatible with:
7 Ages: 6000 Years of Human History
Acquire (1976 version)
Apples to Apples
Arkham Horror: Black Goat
Arkham Horror: Black Goat
Arkham Horror: Dark Pharaoh
Arkham Horror: Dunwich
Arkham Horror: Innsmouth
Arkham Horror: King In Yellow
Arkham Horror: Kingsport Horror
Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica - Pegasus Expansion
Chaos In The Old World
Clue -1st Edition 1949 Classic Reproduction
Cosmic Encounter
Descent - Alter of Despair
Descent - Road to Legend
Descent - Tomb Of Ice
Descent Journeys In The Dark
Descent -Well Of Darkness
Little Grey Rabbit
Mare Nostrum
Middle Earth Quest
Modern Art (Mayfair Version)
Risk -Lord of the Rings Version
Runebound - Expansion Decks
Runebound - Frozen Wastes
Runebound - Island of Dread
Runebound - Sands of Al-Kalim
Runebound Second Edition
Set: Family Game of Visual Perception
Slide 5 (Slide Five)
Too Many Cooks
Union Pacific
US Patent 1
Witch Trial

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3.00 €


Katso pelin how to play Youtubesta.

It is a time of unrest in 1920s Europa. The ashes from the first great war still darken the snow. The capitalistic city-state known simply as “The Factory,” which fueled the war with heavily armored mechs, has closed its doors, drawing the attention of several nearby countries.

Scythe (1-5 players, 115 minutes) is a board game set in an alternate-history 1920s period. It is a time of farming and war, broken hearts and rusted gears, innovation and valor.

In Scythe, each player represents a fallen leader attempting to restore their honor and lead their faction to power in Eastern Europa. Players conquer territory, enlist new recruits, reap resources, gain villagers, build structures, and activate monstrous mechs.

Each player begins the game with different resources (strength, victory points, movement capabilities, and popularity), their choice of several faction-specific abilities, and a hidden goal. Starting positions are specially calibrated to contribute to each faction’s uniqueness and the asymmetrical nature of the game.

Scythe gives players almost complete control over their fate. Other than each player’s individual hidden objective card, the only elements of luck are encounter cards that players will draw as they interact with the citizens of newly explored lands and combat cards that give you a temporary boost in combat. Combat is also driven by choices, not luck or randomness.

Scythe uses a streamlined action-selection mechanism (no rounds or phases) to keep gameplay moving at a brisk pace and reduce downtime between turns. While there is plenty of direct conflict, there is no player elimination, nor can units be killed or destroyed.

Every part of Scythe has an aspect of engine-building to it. Players can upgrade actions to become more efficient, build structures that improve their position on the map, enlist new recruits to enhance character abilities, activate mechs to deter opponents from invading, and expand their borders to reap greater types and quantities of resources. These engine-building aspects create a sense of momentum and progress throughout the game. The order in which players improve their engine adds to the unique feel of each game, even when playing one faction multiple times.

* 1 folding mounted game board (The game board is 624x818mm, and it grows to 818x936mm with the extension, available separately.)
* 1 cardboard insert
* 2 rulebooks (regular & Automa)
* 1 quick-reference guide
* 1 achievement sheet
* 2 power dials
* 80 cardboard coins
* 8 cardboard resource multiplier tokens
*11 cardboard encounter tokens
* 6 structure bonus tiles
* 12 Plastic bags (for storage)
* 5 quick-start cards
* 23 Automa cards
* 5 riverwalk cards
* 12 factory cards
* 23 objective cards
* 28 encounter cards
* 42 combat cards
* 80 custom wooden tokens
* 20 mech miniatures
* 5 character miniatures
* 5 wooden action token pawns
* 30 wooden star tokens
* 5 faction mats
* 5 player mats
* 40 custom wooden worker meeples
* 5 wooden popularity tokens
* 5 wooden power tokens
* 20 wooden structure tokens
* 20 wooden recruit tokens
* 30 wooden tech cubes

1–5 Players
90–115 Min
Age: 14+

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102.90 €

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