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Firestorm: Market Garden
Firestorm: Market Garden

What Is Firestorm Market Garden?
Firestorm: Market Garden allows you and your friends the opportunity to recreate the airborne assaults, armoured attacks and desperate counterattacks that were Operation Market Garden. As an update to Battlefront’s iconic Firestorm system, new airborne, Allied armour, and variable Firestorm Troop rules have been introduced to allow the course of history to be replayed in those critical days of September 1944 within the V4 system.

While the ultimate outcome of the real Operation Market Garden can’t be changed, your game’s final result is up to you. Either side can win. Generalfeldmarschall Model could once again rally his beleaguered German troops and halt the Allied advance through Holland, or you could keep the fires lit under XXX Corps and make the 64-mile (100km) trip from Eindhoven to Arnhem in the three days allotted, break through the German defences and end the war by Christmas.

This week we wanted to give you a basic primer on Firestorm: Market Garden and the Firestorm Campaign system in general for those people who have never played a Firestorm system before.

Why Play a Campaign?
Campaigns provide a way for playing lots of games that affect a bigger result. They allow everyone to get together and engage in multiple battles towards an overall goal. A good campaign integrates your local group in a common format enabling every player to know exactly when to arrive and what army to bring to support their team’s objectives. The campaign scenarios in Firestorm: Market Garden provides you with all the operational and tactical decisions faced by the actual generals who led the various formations in the British 21st Army Group and Army Group B. Each battle you fight affects the overall campaign and each general relies on your combat capability to lead their army to victory.

In Firestorm: Market Garden you can recreate parachute assaults, armoured counterattacks, and house-to-house fighting, always remembering to capture or hold the bridges. Participating in your club’s campaign provides everyone with a focused effort to improve their gaming environment, enhance their overall playing experience, and provide a structure to build and play new armies and new tables while participating in a new gaming experience.

How does it Work?
Each campaign runs for five Campaign Turns. The generals in charge of each side will allocate air missions, redeploy and reinforce their army, and set up the battle plan. Their battlefield commanders then take over, fighting battles to capture areas, take towns, secure bridges and destroy enemy forces. Every battle fought changes the situation. Troops will advance and fall back, be captured or destroyed.

The five-turn campaign makes it a realistic commitment for both the organiser and the players. Many campaigns drag on, and eventually, the players lose interest. This won’t happen in Firestorm: Market Garden as the campaign will end with a decisive outcome within five weeks (depending on how many gaming days you can play a week), or even a single weekend in a tournament-style campaign.

What happens in a Campaign Turn?
One campaign turn can usually be played each week of the campaign. A campaign turn consists of three phases: A Planning Phase, a Battle Phase, and a Strategic Phase. In the Planning Phase at the start of the turn, the Generals prepare their war plans. The Commanders then execute these war plans by playing games during the Battle Phase. There is no limit to the number of games that can be played in the Battle Phase, and each Commander can participate in as many battles as they wish. At the end of a campaign turn, both Generals reorganise their forces in the Strategic Phase to ready their Commanders for the next campaign turn. Each game of A Bridge Too Far game begins with a Strategic Phase in which only the Allied General takes part. This helps set the stage for the coming battles.

Flexibility is inherent in the Firestorm system and it allows you to tailor your campaign to your player's needs. Players can use their normal Flames Of War forces to fight battles and capture areas. In each game your player can lead a new force, reinforced by the main combat units shown on the campaign map, to respond to the situation they face. This allows them to recover from previous defeats and fight on.

While players may lose the support of main combat units on the map, having been destroyed in previous battles, they always get their core force. This has the advantage of keeping the campaign fun right up till the last battle. It is simply not possible for one side to become much stronger than the other, so every battle is winnable and every fight counts.

This flexibility applies to your players as well as their forces. While fielding an Allied or German force is nice from a historical viewpoint, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have one, as you can fight with any force you have. Nor is the size of your force an issue. You can play big or small battles or anything in between. You can even swap sides if you want to (although turning traitor can mark you as a target for your former allies!). All that matters is that you are playing games, contributing to the campaign’s outcome, and having fun.

Firestorm Tokens
The main playing pieces on the map board are the Firestorm Troops representing the main combat units that fought in Holland during Operation Market Garden. The Firestorm Troops in an area represent the main combat forces in that area. Not all units are represented as Firestorm Troops, and an area that has no Firestorm Troops is not devoid of combat troops. Units that are not represented by Firestorm Troops, such as the many infantry, security, anti-aircraft, and artillery battalions that took part in the battle, may supplement the basic Firestorm Troops. Firestorm Troops provide the combat power found in front-line areas. To show this, a player fighting in an area with Firestorm Troops will receive a bonus for each type of Firestorm troop fighting in the battle area.

What role can I play?
There are three kinds of positions to be filled in Firestorm: Market Garden; the Commanders, the Generals, and the Organiser. The campaign rules are separated into three parts corresponding to these three roles.

Lots of Commanders
The majority of players in Firestorm: Market Garden are Commanders. They are the ones actually fighting the Flames of War battles to decide the campaign outcome. Commanders play their games of Flames Of War during the Battle Phase.

Two Generals
Each side has a General whose main job is to be in charge of strategy. The General confers with their Commanders and devises a war plan in the Planning Phase. The Commanders execute this war plan during the Battle Phase. Once the Commanders have fought and decided all of their Flames of War games during a Battle Phase, the two Generals redeploy and reinforce their armies during the Strategic Phase to ready their army for the next campaign turn. Once the Generals have finished their planning, they may step into a Commander’s role during the Battle Phase and fight battles themselves. They then step back into the General’s role during the Strategic Phase.

One Organiser
Every campaign has an Organiser to set it up and make sure that everything runs smoothly. An Organiser may choose to play in the campaign if they wish, or they may simply be the owner of a local gaming store where the campaign is being played. The Organiser’s chief responsibilities include selecting the scenario that will be played, arranging a suitable venue for the campaign, and recruiting as many Commanders as possible. The Organiser section also includes plenty of good advice to assist them in running a very successful campaign.

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40.00 €
Flames of War Rule Book, 2nd Edition (HC)
Flames of War Rule Book, 2nd Edition (HC)

With a thunderous crash another shell smashes into the wall above you, showering your trench with rubble. Looking around, your entire position resembles a cauldron of fire—every roof ablaze, black smoke billowing into the night sky. As the echo of the blast dies away the crack of rifle fire breaks out, and an ominous clanking and rumbling…

Suddenly, out of the flames roars a Tiger tank!

Leaping from your trench you run forwards. ‘Bazooka! Bazooka, now!’ Even as the din swallows your shouting, you see a trooper levelling his Bazooka at the great beast’s tracks. It may not be enough. You are in command. Take control. What are your orders?

The world’s most popular historical miniatures game just got better!

What’s Inside
• Clearly laid out and easy to read rules with plenty of diagrams.
• New Hard Cover with stitch binding.
• Introductory guide to the Flames Of War game.
• Rules for tanks, infantry, artillery, aircraft, snipers, reconnaissance, night fighting, fortifications, street fighting, and more.
• Comprehensive movement rules, including diagrams and summeries.
• Shooting rules covering all aspects of WWII combat that are fast to play and easy to understand.
• Rules include Snipers, Flame-throwers, smoke ammuntions, infantry and vehicle weapons. • Fully revised assault rules.
• Morale and command rules.
• Artillery rules covering everything from guns, rockets and mortars.
• Completely new Aircraft rules.
• Reconnaissance rules.
• Night fighting rules.
• National characteristic rules for the US, German, British and Soviet armies.
• Play small or large battles, multi-player and multi-company games.
• 10 exciting Combat Missions detailing battlefield set-up and victory conditions!
• Fortification and street fighting rules.
• A guide to refighting famous historical battles.
• Campaign rules and a complete Anzio campaign to play.

256 Page Hardback book

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45.00 €
Flames of War Rule Book, Late War 4th Edition (HC)
Flames of War Rule Book, Late War 4th Edition (HC)

Lessons from the Front FAQ PDF

Flames of War Missions Pack PDF

The Flames Of War Rulebook contains everything you need to know to begin playing Flames Of War, just add some models, dice, tape measure, and a playing surface.

The 4th Edition of Flames Of War is bigger (and smaller) than ever, with a new rulebook that is slimmer than previous editions but retains all the tactical challenges that you have come to expect from Flames Of War.

This new rulebook has slimmed down by reducing the amount of unnecessary flavour text around the rules, and by dropping large numbers of special rules in favour of just stating their effect on the relevant unit cards.

These unit cards are the other obvious change in the new version. In the new army books, every unit has a card listing its ratings such as its motivation, its skill, and how hard it is to hit, along with its speed in different circumstances, its weapons characteristics, and on the back the unit organisation, points cost, and relevant special rules. Because each card shows the scores needed for that unit to succeed in various things, we were able to replace lots of rules with simple stat changes.

Despite the shorter rulebook and easier to learn and quicker to play system, the new version retains (and in many ways enhances) the tactical depth that drew players to earlier versions of the game.

What’s Changed in the Reprinted Flames of War Rulebook?
Battlefront have just released a reprint of the Flames of War rulebook to coincide with the launch of the new Late War period. You can tell it from the original printing because it no longer has the dates 1942 - 1943 on the cover.

We took the opportunity to update a few things in the reprint, but in essence it’s exactly the same (the page numbering is identical — everything is just where it was), so there is no need to rush out and buy a new copy.

Making It Late War
The reprint has been given a late-war flavour with eight more pages of history covering 1944 and 1945, and some diagrams rephotographed with late-war models instead of the mid-war models in the original printing. The quick start guides, unit cards, and force building section now have a late-war flavour, but the content is identical.

The Artillery section has two changes. The first is that we added the Salvo Template rules from the Mid War Eastern Front books into the main part of the artillery rules. The second is that we have made it explicit that tanks don’t get a +1 bonus to their armour for being over 16”/40cm range when hit by an artillery bombardment

The Assault section has one change to how defensive fire forces tanks to fall back. Now all armoured tank teams are treated the same, regardless of their Top armour rating, so they need two tanks bailed out or destroyed to force them to fall back.

The changes to the mission sections bring the variations from the popular More Missions pdf into the core rulebook. We added the optional Battle Plans mission selector into the rulebook, and modified the way you hold objectives to match the More Missions pdf. Instead of checking if you have cleared away the enemy and hold the objective at the start of the turn, you check at the end of the turn, provided that you started the turn on the objective. We also modified Deep Reserves to reflect the differences between periods (echoing the change previously made in the Lessons From the Front FAQ) to reflect differing definitions of a battle tank over time.

To fit the Battle Plans, we removed the design notes from the back of the book, so if anyone who has the reprinted book wants to read them, we’ve put a copy of them here:

Special Rules
The first printing only had special rules for the British and Germans, with a focus on the Mid War period. We added special rules for the Americans and Soviets in the reprint, as well as rules for the limited availability of German Panzerfaust anti-tank weapons, while removing some of the specifically Mid War examples from the British and German sections. Don’t worry if you plan on playing Mid War, all the rules are in the relevant books and on the back of unit cards anyway!

In Closing
As you can see, the changes are mostly just bringing some key things from the Lessons From the Front FAQ and the More Missions pdf into the core rulebook, along with giving more examples of national special rules.

128 p.

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24.00 €
Flames of War: Colours of War 2019 (HC)
Flames of War: Colours of War 2019 (HC)

Welcome to the new edition of Colours Of War

Everything that you loved about the original version just got bigger and better, growing from 88 pages to a massive 136 page tome.

In 2015 we completely overhauled the way we approached painting guides with Colours Of War, which proved incredibly popular, to the point where, despite being reprinted a couple of times, it has been out of stock for a couple of years now.

With that in mind, Pete approached me last year with the news that we had just signed a deal with Vallejo for them to release and supply our historical range of paints, and that we needed a new version of Colours Of War to go with it.

This led to an updated version of Colours Of War, which has been a labour of love. Not content to do anything the easy way, we decided to not just update the book, but to expand and add in all the painting, modelling, and marking guides from all the Mid-war books that we have published since the original version of Colours Of War.

Still not content, we decided to add and expand on the painting guides from all of the World War III: Team Yankee rulebooks, creating the most complete painting book we have ever made.

Whether you have never painted before or have years of experience, this book is a tool to help you get the most out of your Flames Of War and World War III: Team Yankee models. Our books have always had basic painting guides, but we have never been able to provide as much information as we would have liked until now. Working with Vallejo has opened up a massive paint range that they have been developing and refining for decades. We have scoured their paint range and come up with a collection of sets that cover all of the basic colours you need to paint your armies for the tabletop.

The Colours Of War book covers everything you need to get your army ready for gaming. There is a section covering painting techniques, as well as the theory of highlighting and shading.

The Common Features section covers painting guides for all the items which every army needs - faces, weapons, tank tracks, etc., saving space in the national sections for more specific details and information.

In the World War II section there are painting guides for Americans, Germans, British, Soviets, and Italians, consisting of painting guides, colour and marking references, and camouflage schemes.

The World War III section contains painting and marking guides for all the nations currently in Team Yankee.

The paint guides themselves are broken down into manageable step-by-step tasks, with most comprising no more than around four simple steps. This book will cover all your painting needs for both Flames Of War and Team Yankee

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20.00 €
Fortress Europe: Late War Forces, 4th Edition (HC)
Fortress Europe: Late War Forces, 4th Edition (HC)

Fortress Europe contains all the lists you need to bring your Mid War forces over to Late War. This 124pg hardback book includes lists for American, British, German and Soviet Forces.

Background on the war in Europe from January 1944 until its end in 1945.

• Build an American M4 Sherman Tank Company, M5 Stuart Tank Company, Tank Destroyer Company, Armored Rifle Company, or Rifle Company.
• Build a German Tiger Tank Company, Panther Tank Company, StuG Assault Gun Battery, Panzer III & IV Mixed Tank Company, Panzergrenadier Company, or Grenadier Company.
• Build a British Sherman Armoured Squadron, Churchill Tank Squadron, Motor Company, or Rifle Company.
• Build a Soviet T-34 or Hero T-34 Tank Battalion, KV Guards Heavy Tank Regiment, Churchill Guards Heavy Tank Regiment, M3 Lee Tank Battalion, Hero Motor Rifle Battalion, Motor Rifle Battalion, Hero Rifle Battalion, or Rifle Battalion.

Fortress Europe is the first step on the journey from the battlefields of Normandy to the ragnarok of Berlin. It is the first Late War book written specifically for the latest version of Flames Of War.

This book has three targets:
* It’s the ideal place for a beginner to start their journey, giving them a sampler from four different nations.
* It’s a great way to transition your Mid War army over to Late War.
* It gives British, Soviet, and Eastern Front German players a place to start collecting their Late War forces until they get their own campaign books.

For A Beginner Starting Their Journey
Fortress Europe is a great sampler for a beginner just starting out as it covers the big four of Late War: Americans, Germans. British, and Soviets. This gives you the chance to see the types of equipment, the levels of training, and the play style of each army before deciding which to collect. It also has the added bonus of giving you valuable insights into the opposition you’ll face on the table top!

For A Mid War Player Transitioning
If you already have a Mid War army, you can probably use a lot of it as the basis of a Late War army. Fortress Europe includes all of the Mid War troops and equipment that can make this transition. The big difference between your Mid War army and its Late War incarnation will be the points.

While infantry are pretty much the same points in both periods, tanks get a lot cheaper, so the American M4 Sherman tank goes from 8 points each as a pretty powerful Mid War tank, to less than 4 points each as a baseline Late War tank, even with better skill! The Tiger changes even more, dropping from a hefty 29 points as the super tank of Mid War, to just 12 points as a powerful, but certainly not unbeatable, Late War tank.

At the top end though, the super tough Ferdinand tank-hunter still has exceptional armour and an exceptional gun, so its points only went down from 17 points to 13 points. At the bottom end, a patrol of three Luchs scout tanks went from 6 points to 5 points, since its function as a lightly-armed and lightly-armoured reconnaissance vehicle hasn’t really changed.

These changes make the same army play quite differently. Your M4 Sherman tank company goes from being a handful of powerful tanks to a horde, your Panther tank company moves from the realm of super tanks to become a good medium tank, and so forth. There’s a lot to learn about how to handle your force in this brave new world and a lot of fun to be had doing so.

For British and Eastern Front Players
Late War will be a journey from the beaches of Normandy to the end of the war at Berlin. It will be an exciting adventure, but like anything worthwhile, it will take time to reach our destination. So, much as we’d love to be able to give every nation and theatre exciting new books right now, someone has to wait. Meanwhile, Fortress Europe gives British, Soviet, and Eastern Front German players the opportunity to start collecting their army and get some games in while they are waiting.

What's In The Book
Fortress Europe starts with a brief history of the second half of World War Two before diving into the big four of late war: Americans, Germans. British, and Soviets. Each of these has an introduction giving you an idea of their approach to this war, a guide to their most important tanks, their force diagram, their special rules, and then an extensive list of various formations that they can field. The book ends with a comprehensive two-page basing guide telling you how all of the different infantry teams and guns are based, and a catalog of the exciting new Late War products arriving in stores near you.

124pg hardback

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24.00 €
Fortress Europe: The Intelligence Handbook for January - August 1944 (SC)
Fortress Europe: The Intelligence Handbook for January - August 1944 (SC)

This is far more than an update and represents the core late-war lists for every nation in the new format. Over two years has passed since late-war began and we have evolved how lists are presented and what goes in them. The break between the western and eastern fronts seemed an ideal time to do this and gave us a chance to not only back date the new gear that came into use on the western front but bring the Soviet force organisations into line with the series of books we have planned for them.

It is time to update Festung Europa and bring it in line with the last two years of progression that intelligence handbooks have gone through. Enter: Fortress Europe!

Fortress Europe contains the core forces that were in Festung Europa, but they have been given the modern equivalent of a makeover to bring them to that same standard as our current books.

The first major change is the organisation diagrams for choosing your company have been changed to the new style.

The second major change is that we have added in the new units that have appeared in all the handbooks from the last two years in their relative places. Now all the forces can use the new equipment, not just the divisions covered in the handbooks.

The last major difference is that we have updated the Soviet section to bring it in line with the Eastern front books as you can see in Stalin’s Onslaught.

Fortress Europe is a 160 page full colour book and will be the same price as Festung Europa. This makes it 12 pages larger than its predecessor. Due the extra space requirements from the new organisational charts, some of the lists from Festung Europa will be covered more completely in one of our future Divisional Handbooks, such as the Soviet Rota Razvedki which will be in our next Eastern Front book, Hammer and Sickle. If you keep an eye on our website you will also see some updated briefings from Festung Europa appearing over the next few months as well.

Don’t worry if your favourite list is not in the new book. Fortress Europe does not replace Festung Europa but rather updates the lists within it. The forces in Festung Europa can still be fielded as valid Flames Of War forces so you are not forced to change anything should you not want to. It is simply a matter of making clear which book your force is from as it is either one or the other.

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30.00 €

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