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Gloom: Unquiet Dead 2nd Edition
Gloom: Unquiet Dead 2nd Edition

(NOTE: The first edition release of Unquiet Dead remains in stock and is fully playable with all second edition games. The second esition only has a larger box, otherwise the contents are the same!)

In the Gloom card game, you make your eccentric family of misfits suffer the greatest tragedies possible before helping them pass on to the well-deserved respite of death. Just mix the 55 transparent cards in this set together with your copy of Gloom to add morbid new Modifiers, Events, and Untimely Deaths. Unquiet Dead also introduces Stories, Undead, and Timing Symbols.

The families of Gloom have many skeletons in their closets. In Unquiet Dead, the spooks come out to play. Mad scientists can reanimate relatives or invent invisibility. Vampires and shapeshifters can terrorize the townsfolk and go mad in the moonlight. Will you give up the ghost, or will you hold onto it?

STORIES: These cards give your families even more to fight over. Whoever claims a story gains a special benefit ... but how long can you keep it?

UNDEAD: There are seven Modifiers that allow a Character to become a supernatural creature -- a vampire, mummy, ghost, ghoul, wereduck, invisible person, or haunted portrait. These Undead Characters are both living and dead; you can still play Modifiers and Events on them, but they also count toward your Family Value and toward ending the game.

TIMING SYMBOLS: Card effects in Unquiet Dead have symbols to let you know whether a card has an Instant effect that occurs when the card is played from your hand; an Ongoing effect that lasts until it is covered by another card; or a Persistent effect that can last as long as the Character is still alive... or Undead.

Format: 55 transparent cards in a tuckbox

Designer: Keith Baker
Artist: Todd Remick

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21.60 €
Gloom: Unwelcome Guests 2nd Edition
Gloom: Unwelcome Guests 2nd Edition

An Expansion Deck for Gloom
In the Gloom card game, you make your eccentric family of misfits suffer the greatest tragedies possible before helping them pass on to the well-deserved respite of death. Just mix the 55 transparent cards in this new set together with your copy of Gloom to add morbid new Modifiers, Events, and Untimely Deaths, and a new family - the malodorous Malone mob - including The Broken Arms Hotel as a Residence card to use with the Unhappy Homes expansion. When Boils Malone brought his family overseas to "get away from the heat," he wasn't expecting quite so much rain!

Adding an extra level of strategy, new persistent effect icons on cards allow their special effects to continue to be active even if covered by another card. A persistent effect ends only when the attached character is killed.

Also inside are five Unwelcome Guest cards. Deal one or more face up to the table's center at the start of the game. Guests "follow" the card types noted on them; no matter where it currently is, a living Guest immediately moves to join the family of the character on which one of its "trigger" cards is played. All its Modifiers are moved with it, and it's considered a member of that family until it moves again. This may delay the game's end if a final play draws a Guest to the near-winner's family!

adds 1 player
ages 8 and up
55 transparent cards in a tuckbox

Designed by Keith Baker
Art by Todd Remick

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21.60 €
Grand Tribunal
Grand Tribunal

Imagine a world where myth is real -- where wizards wield magic beyond the ken of other mortals. Imagine yourself as one of these mages, dwelling in a mystical bastion with your allies and servants, unlocking secret powers and creating wonders. Every thirty-three years the Grand Tribunal is held, attracting other wizards from far and wide to show off their magical creations for the inspection and approval of the archmages. These powerful judges vote on the best, and invite the winner to join their ranks as a new archmage -- a true master of the art of magic!

Grand Tribunal is a board game for three to five players, inspired by the Ars Magica roleplaying game. In Grand Tribunal, players use Vis tokens to activate cards representing magic item types, spell categories, and resources, which they then assemble into powerful magic items. Each round, players place their votes for the item types and spell categories they're most likely to be able to play. Three times during the game -- at the periodic Tribunals -- players are presented with 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-place awards for creating magic items with item types and spell categories that match those with the most votes. The player at the end of the game with the most points based on those awards wins!

Inside the Box: game board (8" x 20") rules sheet, 6-sided die, 110 cards, 99 game pieces (24 Voting tokens, 60 Vis tokens, 1 Praeco token, 2 Tracker tokens, 4 1st-Place tokens, 4 2nd-Place tokens, 4 3rd-Place tokens)

Designed by P.R. Chase
Illustrated by Alexander Bradley

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32.50 €
Letter Head
Letter Head

Letter Head is a dynamic word-forming card game that's engaging, interactive, challenging, addictive, and above all, fun. Players create words using a special deck of cards that have letters instead of numbers and points instead of suits. Missing a crucial letter? No problem! Canny players can bluff their opponents into thinking they've got every letter they need. Social skills and "emotional intelligence" are just as important as spelling ability.

But Letter Head isn't just one card game, it's an expandable game kit. Rules for fourteen additional games that can be played with the 124-card Letter Head deck are included. Games like:

* Word Slam: A raucous party game requiring a quick mind and quicker hands. Be the first to recognize a word using the shared cards and slam your word on the table before anyone else.

* Vultures: Every word you play becomes tasty carrion for the player following you to feast upon. And if you don't like your cards, you can always call for Fresh Meat.

* Red Handed: Players race desperately to earn cards they can use to catch the opposition red-handed. But beware: The more cards you collect, the more you'll be penalized if an opponent forms a word before you do.

* Seven-Letter Stud: The classic poker game with a twist: The best-scoring word wins the showdown.

* Take a Letter: A wicked variation of the old parlor game Concentration. Players must not only remember the locations of dozens of hidden cards, but must also manipulate them mentally to form words � before their opponents do.

* Letter Head Solitaire and Crosswords Solitaire: Stranded on a desert island? You can even play Letter Head by yourself!

This word game for the new millennium proves once and for all that word games aren't just for eggheads. Tired of twos, fives, and (yawn) the nine of clubs? Once you try Letter Head, you'll never be satisfied with a deck of standard playing cards again!

Design: Kristan Lawson and Herbert R. Lawson
Graphic Design: Scott Reeves and Jeff Tidball
Format: 132 cards and rulebook in a two-part box

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20.00 7.00 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 20.00
Munchkin Gloom
Munchkin Gloom

A stand-alone card game that uses the transparent gameplay of Gloom to bring the world of Munchkin to new depths of despair and misery.

Players must navigate dark dungeons, fetid fields, and terrible taverns with sad suds.

What It’s About
There are plenty of happy people in the world of Munchkin. Warriors who slay monsters, adventurers who grab loot, heroes who level up. Heck, halflings who stay at home eating pie all day.

But the world of Munchkin is also sad and benighted. A place where those very same Munchkins are all too often backstabbed by buddies, dined on by dragons, and discovered by doom ducks. Heroes delve too deep, plummet down pits, and lose their loot. And that’s before they die.

In Munchkin Gloom, players shepherd their parties through terrible travails and troublesome tribulations until — inevitably — they perish in pain.

Naturally, the most miserable fellowship wins.

Gameplay Basics
• Combines the world of Munchkin with the rules of Gloom: Death-, wealth-, and level-crazed adventurers suffer the glaives and morning stars of odious misfortune until they die, sad and alone.
• Transparent cards make it easy to keep score. The points you can see are the points in play — it’s that simple!
• Compatible with all existing Gloom games and expansions, like the Gloom core game, Cthulhu Gloom, Fairytale Gloom, and all their expansions.

Contains 110 transparent, poker-sized playing cards.

2–4 players, 60 minutes, Ages 13+.

Illustrated by John Kovalic (Dork Tower, Apples to Apples). Designed by Keith Baker (Gloom, Eberron). Published by Atlas Games (Gloom, Once Upon a Time, Lunch Money).

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36.00 €
Murder of Crows, 2nd Edition
Murder of Crows, 2nd Edition

The crows saw it all. Who died, who did it, where it happened… even how it was done. Your job is to use the cards in your hand to piece together the facts and reveal the dastardly deed... spell MURDER and you’ve won! But beware, your opponents’ goal is the same; steal their cards, counter their actions, or throw their investigation into disarray with a Wild Crow before they do it to you! At any moment a well-played card can shift the balance and seal someone's fate.

Murder of Crows is a fast-paced card game for 2-5 players. Easy-to-learn, the typical game lasts 15-20 minutes and is suitable for everyone 13 and up.

1st Edition vs. 2nd Edition
The 2nd Edition of Murder of Crows is an aesthetic upgrade to the original game. The cards are now tarot-sized, and Dungeoneer-creator Thomas Denmark’s atmospheric art has been given more space to shine. We’ve also upgraded our packaging from a tuck box to a beautiful aluminum tin, as seen with Hounded and Lost in R’lyeh. We added some reference cards, and a two-player variant, but none of the rules have changed!

Murder in the Third
Murder of Crows 2nd Edition introduces the long-awaited two-player variant, The Murdered Third! In The Murdered Third, two living players vie to reveal their MURDER first, while contending with the random flips of a non-existent (“murdered”) third player. If you own Murder of Crows 1st Edition, you don’t need to buy 2nd Edition to enjoy The Murdered Third—the rules fit on a single card, which you can download for free!

Format: One deck of 61 tarot-sized cards and a rulebook in a tin

Designers: Thomas Denmark and Eduardo Baraf
Illustrator: Thomas Denmark
Additional Graphic Design: Nicolas Gluesenkamp
Editing & Production: Michelle Nephew & Kyla McCorkle Tonding
The Murdered Third Design: Jake Tonding & Kyla McCorkle Tonding

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18.00 €

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