
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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6 Nimmt! (suomeksi)
6 Nimmt! (suomeksi)

Wolfgang Kramer on tehnyt useita menestyspelejä, mutta tietyllä tavalla niistä suurin on kuitenkin 6 Nimmt! Mikään muu Kramerin peli ei vetoa suureen yleisöön samalla tavalla kuin 6 Nimmt!:in yksinkertainen eleganssi.

Peli on erittäin yksinkertainen. Pakka koostuu numeroista 1-104, joista kussakin on tietty määrä häränpäitä. Pelaajille jaetaan kymmenen korttia ja neljä korttia laitetaan pöydälle neljän rivin aloitukseksi. Sen jälkeen kukin pelaajista valitsee kädestään yhden kortin. Kortit paljastetaan samanaikaisesti.

Aloittaen pienimmästä kortista, kortit laitetaan pöydälle rivien jatkoksi. Korttien pelaamiseen pätee kaksi sääntöä: rivien numeroiden on kasvettava tasaisesti ja erotuksen on oltava mahdollisimman pieni. Korttia 42 ei siis saisi laittaa kortin 37 perään, jos kortti 40 on pöydällä.

Peli etenee näin, kunnes jonkun on laitettava riviin kuudes kortti. Pelin nimen mukaisesti kuudes ottaa! Pelaaja kerää rivin kortit itselleen ja laittaa pelaamansa kortin uudeksi riviksi. Korttien keräämistä pitää välttää, sillä häränpäät ovat miinuspisteitä.

Peli jatkuu, kunnes kaikki pelaajat ovat korttinsa pelanneet. Sen jälkeen pelaajat laskevat pisteensä. Peli päättyy, kunnes jollakin pelaajalla on 66 pistettä, jolloin vähiten pisteitä kerännyt pelaaja voittaa.

6 Nimmt! on erittäin helppo peli, jonka pelaaminen ei juuri muuta vaadi kuin sen, että osaa numerot 1-104. Mitä enemmän pelissä on pelaajia, sitä hauskempaa ja kaottisempaa on meno, tietysti. Tämän pelin voi esitellä kenelle tahansa, ja menestys on taattu.

Pelaajia: 2-10
Peliaika: 45 min
Ikä: 10+
Kieli: suomi, ruotsi, norja
Suunnittelija: Wolfgang Kramer

      heti saatavilla
11.90 €
Bang! (suomeksi)
Bang! (suomeksi)

Italiassa on ennenkin taidettu westernien tekeminen, eikä Bang! ole poikkeus. Pelin asetelma on yksinkertainen: sheriffi ja apulaissheriffit vastaan lainsuojattomat. Matkassa on yksi pieni mutka, sillä vain sheriffin henkilöllisyys on tiedossa pelin aluksi. Kuka on lainsuojaton, kuka taas apulaissheriffi - ja kuka on petturi, joka on yksin kaikkia vastaan?

Bang! on kuvitettu tyylikkäästi ja western-henkisesti. Peli tavoittaa hakemansa tunnelman onnistuneesti. Kortit ovat myös melko hyvälaatuisia. Roolikortit ovat tietysti tärkeä osa peliä. Valikoima riippuu pelaajamäärästä. Sheriffi ja apulaissheriffit voittavat, jos kaikki lainsuojattomat ja petturi kuolevat, lainsuojattomat voittavat jos sheriffi kuolee ja petturi voittaa, jos kaikki muut kuolevat.

Jokaisella pelaajalla on lisäksi hahmokortti, joista jokaisella on joku erikoisominaisuus. Tämä tuo peliin lisää vaihtelua, sillä hahmojen erikoisominaisuudet vaikuttavat peliin melko paljon. Ominaisuudet ovat kuitenkin tasapainoisia.

Vuoronsa aluksi pelaaja nostaa pakasta kaksi korttia. Kortteja saa pelata haluamansa määrän ja vuoron lopussa kortteja täytyy heittää pois, jos kädessä on enemmän korttia kuin terveyttä on jäljellä. Joka vuoro saa pelata yhden ampumiskortin, jolla voi ampua jotain toista pelaajaa. Normaalisti pelaajat saavat ampua vain vieressään istuvia pelaajia, mutta tehokkaammat aseet antavat lisää kantamaa.

Bang! on nokkela peli, joka toimii parhaiten suuremmilla pelaajamäärillä ja rennommalla asenteella. Peli on aika tuuripitoinen ja kaoottinen, joten peleihin vakavammin suhtautuville se voi olla liian kepeä. Peli jakaa mielipiteet tehokkaasti (pelin eliminaatioluonne ei esimerkiksi sovi kaikille), mutta jos siihen suhtautuu oikein - unohtaa strategiat ja sen sellaisen - peli voi olla erittäin hauskaa ajanvietettä.

Huom! Tämä tuote on periaatteessa kolmikielinen, Englanti, Suomi ja Ruotsi, mutta ohjeet ovat vain suomeksi ja ruotsiksi.

Pelaajamäärä: 4-7
Ikäsuositus: 10+
Peliaika: 20-40 min
Kieli: suomi, englanti, ruotsi
Suunnittelija: Emiliano Sciarra

      heti saatavilla
21.90 €
Bohnanza (suomeksi)
Bohnanza (suomeksi)

Kiinnostaisiko papujen kasvattaminen? Bohnanzan ideaa ei voi sanoa mitenkään erityisen houkuttelevaksi, mutta niinpä vain erikoisista korttipeleistään tunnettu Uwe Rosenberg on onnistunut tekemään papujen viljelemisestäkin kiinnostavaa. Bohnanza on arvostettu korttipeli, jota kaikkien pitäisi ainakin kokeilla.

Pelissä ei ole muita komponentteja kuin kortteja, mutta ne ovatkin sitten varsin laadukkaita. Kortit kuvaavat erilaisia papuja, joita löytyy moneen lähtöön. Eri papulaatujen harvinaisuus ja siten arvokkuus vaihtelee. Korteista löytyvä papumittari kertoo, montako kappaletta kyseistä papua tarvitaan tietyn rahamäärän saamiseen. Raha on toteutettu nokkelasti: korttien taustassa on kolikon kuva, samoja kortteja käytetään sekä rahana että kauppatavarana.

Vuoronsa aluksi jokaisen pelaajan on istutettava pellolle papu. Korttia ei saa valita, vaan se on käden ensimmäinen kortti (kädessä olevien korttien järjestystä ei saa muuttaa pelin aikana!). Peltoja on vain kaksi (kolmannen pellon voi ostaa pelin aikana) ja kullekin pellolle voi istuttaa vain yhdenlaisia papuja. Kortti on pakko pelata ja jos se ei sovi olemassaoleville pelloille, täytyy pavut myydä pellolta - oli niitä tarpeeksi tai ei.

Sen jälkeen pelaaja kääntää pakasta esiin kaksi uutta korttia. Nämä kortit pitää vuoron päätteeksi istuttaa omaan peltoon, mutta ne voi myös vaihtaa muille pelaajille. Vaihtokauppoihin voi liittää myös kädessään olevia kortteja, jolloin on mahdollista päästä eroon huonoista korteista, joita ei itse haluaisi istuttaa pellolleen - ennemmin tai myöhemmin ne on pakko, kun ne kulkevat kädessä eteenpäin. Mitä vilkkaammin käy kauppaa, sitä parempi on menestys.

Bohnanza on lähestulkoon vallankumouksellinen korttipeli. Se on todella erilainen eikä muistuta oikeastaan mitään muuta. Siksi sen oppiminenkin on hieman hankalaa. Oppimiskynnys ylittyy kuitenkin parilla pelillä ja sen jälkeen voi keskittyä raivokkaaseen kaupankäyntiin. Kaikkia kauppojen veivaaminen ei miellytä, mutta kaupankäyntihenkisemmät nauttivat takuuvarmasti.

Kaikkien kannattaa joka tapauksessa kokeilla. Bohnanza on erikoinen korttipelielämys, joka sopii hyvin myös perhepeliksi siinä missä peliharrastajille. Korttien humoristinen kuvitus tekee pelaamisesta hauskaa ja kaupankäyntihän on väistämättä erittäin sosiaalista puuhaa. Suosittelemme lämpimästi!

Pelaajamäärä: 2-7
Ikäsuositus: 12+
Peliaika: 45 min
Kieli: suomi, norja, ruotsi, tanska
Suunnittelija: Uwe Rosenberg

      heti saatavilla
21.90 €
Cosmic Encounter: 42nd Anniversary Edition
Cosmic Encounter: 42nd Anniversary Edition

Build your galactic empire in Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition!

In the far reaches of space, the aliens of the cosmos vie for control of the universe. Alliances are constantly forged and broken in the pursuit of power as starships journey from planet to planet, ready to build colonies and battle foreign powers, ensuring the survival of their people as they spread throughout the stars.

Now is the perfect time to return to Cosmic Encounter or to experience the classic game of intergalactic colonization for the first time. Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition will become the new standardized version of the game when it hits shelves in the third quarter of 2018, and it remains compatible with all existing Cosmic Encounter expansions. To see the exciting changes that await, read on!

Search the Stars
At the dawn of a forgotten age, the Precursors sought intelligent life in the cosmos, only to discover that they were alone. Feeling the weight of their solitude, they sent the seeds of life to thousands of planets in the hope that sentience would follow. But before they could see the fulfillment of their legacy, they disappeared.

Now, the species that sprung from the Precursors' efforts populate thousands of solar systems, with only the remnants of their creators’ technology to guide them. Without the guiding hand of the elder race, these aliens fall to squabbling amongst themselves and battle for supremacy over the stars. In Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition, as in previous editions of the game, you're invited to become the leader of your own unique alien species, seeking to expand the reach of your civilization across the cosmos. You will launch the spaceships of your fleet through the Hyperspace Gate to reach planets beyond your home system where, with your own cunning and a bit of luck, you just might establish a colony. If you can successfully establish five of your colonies on foreign planets, you will earn victory and your species’ supremacy will be assured!

Extraterrestrial Expansion
As you attempt to colonize beyond the reaches of your home system, you will quickly find that every planet is controlled by someone. In Cosmic Encounter, the planets you target for your colonies are determined by Destiny cards, meaning you may be sent to the home system of a loyal friend or a dire foe, and alliances can shift in an instant. If you wish to establish a colony, you must win over the ruling species, either by negotiating a peace or engaging in conflict. If you succeed, you move closer to victory, but if you fail, you risk not only falling into obscurity, but also falling into the black abyss of space!

Cosmic Encounter is a competitive social game, where diplomacy is every bit as important as numerical strategy. Once you launch your spaceships, you can ask the other players at the table for support in your campaign... but of course, they each have their own goals, and their investment may cause you more harm than good. After the attackers and defenders are declared for conflict or a peace has been negotiated, you and the ruler of your target planet each select an encounter card and play it facedown.

No encounter takes place solely between two players, of course. At this time, every player can weigh in, using their Alien Powers, Artifacts, Reinforcements, or Flares to tip the odds in one side’s favor, allowing alliances to be forged and broken between anyone who wants to be part of the action. If your fleet wins the encounter, you may establish your colony, but if you lose, your ships may be sent into the Warp, trapped until you find a chance to rescue them! The back-and-forth action, surprising moves, and treacherous backstabs of Cosmic Encounter take center stage as every species struggles for supremacy, and we'll take a much closer look at these encounters in future previews!

Customize Your Conquest
Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition welcomes new players to the game of infinite possibilities with a freshly revised rulebook and a beautifully illustrated Quick-start Guide that captures the nostalgia of the original game and makes it easy for anyone to learn. The Quick-start Guide’s comic book style throws readers back to the 1970s, providing vital insight into the core rules of the game while embracing the fun of a cosmic conquest filled with wacky aliens and outrageous abilities. What's more, with the beautiful translucent ship pieces (as shown above), spreading your colonies across the galaxy has never been more stylish!

A newly discovered species joins the classic line-up of aliens. You can, of course, play as old favorites such as Mite or Remora, or you can try your hand at leading the ruthless Demon to victory. Previously only released at Cosmic Con, this species was exiled from their original galaxy for unprincipled opportunism. Now they seek cosmic vengeance, using their power to possess other players’ hands to bolster their own strength and sap others’ will to win.

In addition to this monstrous newcomer, Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition offers you new ways to customize your games with the introduction of Cosmic Combo cards. These carefully assembled cards offer a list of alien species with a brief description of their powers to create themed matchups and explore different types of games. You may find yourself among some Big Time Clubbers or Cellar Dwellers, that can be integrated into three, four, or five-player games. Every card spins a new challenge, and with these new options for customization, no two games are ever the same.

Conquer the Cosmos
The infinite possibilities of the cosmos lay before you. Forge your alliances, plan your betrayals, and expand your civilization’s reach to the farthest star.

3–5 Players
60–120 Min
Age: 12+

      loppu varastosta
90.50 €
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Dominion Expansion
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Dominion Expansion

The forces in the Cosmos have grown. New aliens have appeared, and with their arrival, the tensions between all races have never been higher. Who will reign in this crowded Cosmos? Only time will tell.

The fifth expansion for Cosmic Encounter… an expansion that goes further than ever before to acknowledge the game’s debt to its enthusiastic and imaginative community of fans!

In this fan-designed expansion, thirty new aliens blast their way onto your tabletop. Chock full of fan-favorite aliens, wacky new powers and flares, and a brand-new reward deck, Cosmic Dominion will have you and your friends competing to determine once and for all who rules the galaxy. Four new variants allow you to modify the classic Cosmic Encounter experience, and new ship markers allow players to create their very own variants.

Designed for the fans and by the fans – in conjunction with Peter Olotka, one the game’s original designers – Cosmic Dominion is a must-have for anyone hoping to explore all that the game’s cosmos has to offer!

Thirty New Aliens
Cosmic Dominion features thirty new aliens, the most an expansion has ever offered. With all the fan favorites and zany new powers among them, you’re sure to find an alien among the bunch to play as you endeavor to take over the galaxy.

From the Doppelgänger and its haunting presence to the Alchemist with its transmutative abilities, the thirty new aliens in Cosmic Dominion represent the fan community’s collective contributions and offer an assortment of unique approaches to claiming dominion over the galaxy.

You can use the Privilege of the Aristocrat to leverage your way to victory, or embrace the Pickpocket’s sneaky methods to Lift cards from your opponents. Raid fellow players when you play as the Pirate, or Discover the galaxy as the Explorer.

For more about the origins of Cosmic Dominion and the fan community’s involvement in the creation of the expansion’s thirty new alien races, we present you with a few words from Peter Olotka.

Peter Olotka on the Development of Cosmic Dominion
Cosmic Encounter has always been about breaking the rules, so it stands to reason that the game should break the rules about designing expansion sets. In this case, the rule that only the designers and publishers would create new expansion sets was broken by the Cosmic Encounter fans!

The design process took a couple of years and was organized online. Roughly eighty fans are cited in the Cosmic Dominion rules for playtesting and development, about twenty of whom are cited for Alien Design. The credits for Expansion Design and Development also go to fans: Jefferson Krogh, Bill Martinson, and Jack Reda.

In addition to new aliens, the fans decided the set should include fan updates of some of the original Eon Products aliens that were left out of the FFG version.

The design process evolved as it went along. Initially Bill Eberle, another original Cosmic Encounter designer, and I participated by adding our own ideas to the mix and critiquing the work of the fans. That process did not work. We were getting in the way and defeating the purpose of the fan set, so we bowed out and pulled our ideas out of the mix. I converted my role into a liaison between the fans and FFG.

Jeff, Bill, and Jack then buckled down and did an astonishing amount of work to wrangle a Space Ark of aliens down to thirty. They also created a considerable amount of other new content as well.

Within this new, ever-expanding universe, there will now be 165 Aliens. That makes 29,772,765 different four-player alien combinations. So unless you are the Zombie with the power of impartiality, while you are not going to play them all, you’ll never have to play the same game twice.

I want to publicly thank all of the thousands Cosmic Encounter players who in one way or another participate in this one-of-a-kind endeavor.

On behalf of the fans of Cosmic Encounter, I would also like to thank FFG CEO Christian T. Petersen, VP of Research & Design Corey Konieczka, Producer Jason Walden, and all the other good folks at Fantasy Flight Games for trusting this project to the Cosmic Encounter players!

Thoughts from the Fan Designers of Cosmic Dominion
Longtime fans of Cosmic Encounter, Jefferson Krogh, Bill Martinson, and Jack Reda took their love of the game to an unprecedented level with their work on Cosmic Dominion. Like Peter Olotka, each of them was inspired to offer some words about the process of working on this unique fan-created expansion.

Jefferson Krogh:
“I love Cosmic Encounter because I never know where it will take me, and it evokes a sense of wonder and humor that's rare in real life. Now it's taken me to where I had the chance to work with other people to help design Cosmic Encounter, and it's like the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I'm not sure how I got here, or what really happened, but I know that it's been intensely cool and mind-blowing.”

Bill Martinson:
“You'd think after all these decades of adoring fans stretching, twisting, flip-flopping, and transmogrifying the game system (which somehow remains as resilient as ever) we would've seen it all. But it's a big cosmos, and we were amazed by players' ingenuity again and again. Having so much great material to choose from made it a privilege and a pleasure to help guide it all into yet another eclectically fun, serious, whimsical, and fun expansion set for the best board game on the planet!”

Jack Reda:
“There are so many things to enjoy about Cosmic Encounter, and each fan brings a perspective about what he or she likes best. It was fun and rewarding to be exposed to so many varying effects, and to help shepherd everything to the end product.”

Variants in the Cosmos
In addition to its thirty new Aliens, Cosmic Dominion introduces special ship markers that allow players to enjoy a range of variant play options as they compete for control of the galaxy.

The Flagship Variant grants players the ability to add a plus three to encounters in which their flagships are involved, while the Salvage Vessel variant rewards players for involving their Salvage Vessel in encounters, allowing them to receive two rewards or draw two tech cards (if in use) and choose one to keep.

Moreover, the new special ship markers are also designed to allow players to create their own variants, and you will be encouraged to browse the different variants, as well as contribute your own, in a special ship marker variants thread that we will add later to our community forums.

Brand New Rewards
Cosmic Dominion also includes a brand new reward deck as part of one of the expansion’s new variants. This new reward deck includes several brand new types of cards, as well as more of the new cards types introduced in previous expansions.

You’ll find new Intimidate cards that may turn the tide of encounters before they begin, and Retreat cards which allow players to completely avoid conflict. Meanwhile, Rift and Kicker cards, similar to those found in the Cosmic Incursion expansion, offer a wider variety of game effects to shake up the galaxy.

• A Cosmic Encounter expansion designed by fans for fans
• Includes thirty new aliens - the most an expansion has ever offered
• Offers four new variants and the option to create and share your own with the Cosmic Encounter fan community

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30.00 €
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Eons Expansion
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Eons Expansion

The galaxy of Cosmic Encounter, like most galaxies, is constantly changing. Just when you think you’ve explored every corner of it and met most of its aliens, you turn around to find that a new star system has just materialized, full of new species with astonishing, wildly unique customs. You’ve learned that when interacting with a strange alien for the first time, its best not to reveal all of your hand at once. If you want to establish colonies in these recently-formed parts of the galaxy, you’ll have to be conceal your true intentions, negotiate with cunning, and be careful not to put your foot into cross-cultural quicksand—or into your mouth.

Cosmic Eons, an upcoming expansion for Cosmic Encounter, introduces new aliens with abilities unlike any you’ve dealt with so far, but it doesn’t stop there. This expansion features the Hidden Alliances variant, which enables you and your opponents to reveal simultaneously whose side you’re on. With this simple mechanical twist, Cosmic Eons promises not just to open up a new part of the galaxy, but to change how you play the game.

Keep Your Plans Close
In Cosmic Encounter, you have to make friends if you want to establish as many colonies as possible. That doesn’t mean you should trust all your friends, or even stick with them for the whole game. The Hidden Alliances variant makes it possible to engage in all sorts of discussions about whose side to take in the encounter, then only reveal your true intentions at the possible last moment.

When using this variant (which works best with at least four players), you have an alliance dial that shows exactly how many ships you will commit to which side—if you want to get involved in the encounter at all. Once you and your opponents are finished discussing alliances and have determined what they want to do, you place their dials facedown until everyone has made a decision. Then, all at once, you reveal your plans. This simple adjustment creates lots of opportunities for persuasion, deceit, and betrayal, as well as adding another element of suspense to the game.

Keep Your Friends and Enemies Closer
Of course, not all the aliens in the galaxy are your friends. Some may be your enemies, and most will likely switch back and forth between the two. In Cosmic Eons you’ll discover a new genus of aliens that can keep closer tabs on (and has greater power over) both friends and enemies than any aliens before. These are the six aliens able to dole out Essence cards.

Essence cards work slightly differently for each alien, but generally as an alien who has them you can, once per turn, give one out to another alien of your choice. The Essence card then affects the behavior of the alien that you gave it to, perhaps by preventing them from doing something, perhaps by encouraging them toward an action, perhaps by penalizing or rewarding something they’ve done. The Sheriff, for example, can hand out Tickets which force other players to pay fines for certain infractions, such as Loitering, Vagrancy, or Littering. Similarly, the Nanny can give a Consequence to an alien she thinks is likely to behave badly. The Assistant earns rewards for helping out other players by, say, tidying up their Messy Colonies when they ask her to.

Aliens with Essence cards are just a few of those who appear in Cosmic Eons. If you’d rather not hand out Tickets and just want everyone to get along, you can play the Bleeding Heart, who compels players to negotiate rather than fight. The Coward also doesn’t like fighting. He runs away from encounters and earns a reward for each ship the opposing player threatened the Coward with. Or you might be the Moocher, who doesn’t actually have any planets, so he is forced to camp out on couches across the galaxy.

Infinite Possibilities
Cosmic Encounter has always been a game of infinite possibilities. Cosmic Eons allows you to explore more of that infinitude than ever before and interact with the aliens you meet in two entirely new ways. You never know who or what you're going to encounter, and whether they'll deserve a Ticket or just some friendly Help along the way.

• An expansion for the classic game Cosmic Encounter
• Designed by original Cosmic Encounter creators Bill Eberle, Peter Olotka, and Greg Olotka
• Thirty new playable aliens join the game
• New Hidden Alliances variant adds suspense and opportunities for bluffing
• Essence Cards enable some aliens to hamper or enhance others’ abilities

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38.50 €
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Storm Expansion
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Storm Expansion

Across the vast expanse of the cosmos, strange quakes and startling explosions make the galaxy an even more dangerous place to wage war. New alien races are making themselves known in the interstellar clash for control. Set up space stations to boost your skills, then prepare for galactic disturbances and more epic encounters than ever before.

This new addition sets the galaxy trembling as twenty-five new alien races come zipping through the cosmos. Guard yourself against the sticky-fingered Swindler, and stand in awe of the massive appetite of the Mouth.

Cosmic Storm also adds space stations, which when attached to one of your home planets, gives you additional powers to use in your encounters!

Batten Down the Hatches
Prepare for the upcoming galactic turmoil by setting up a space station on one of your home planets. This variant allows each player to draw one of ten space station cards and then attach the corresponding space station to one of their home worlds. Each of the ten stations has a unique ability that can be harnessed as long as a player has at least one ship on the planet the station is attached to.

Space station abilities like the Big Space Laser or the Alien Outpost shake up interstellar encounters, and provide even more options for players to maximize their options on their quest for galactic supremacy!

Space stations are also compatible with all previous expansion variants, so no rules have to be changed to include them.

Meet the Bulwarks
The toughness of the Bulwarks is legendary. They think nothing of facing overwhelming odds or throwing themselves into the thick of battle, knowing they have the ability to endure nearly any hardship. The Bulwarks can also be as thick-headed as they are thick-skinned.

The Bulwarks are just one of twenty-five new alien races bursting into the galaxy and entering the chase to become ruler of the cosmos. Incredibly tough and strong, the Bulwarks are widely known for their Resilience, a power which allows them to withstand even the most brutal battles.

With the help of this power, any time a Bulwark would lose ships to the warp, they can reduce the number of ships lost to one, making them incredibly difficult to defeat.

Brace yourself for the upcoming Cosmic Storm! Equip your home world with a space station, choose your alien race, and prepare for the strange and exciting altercations that can only occur in Cosmic Encounter!

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36.50 €
Doom: The Board Game
Doom: The Board Game

A completely redesigned tactical combat experience for two to five players based on Bethesda’s blockbuster video game, DOOM.

Glory Kill your way to victory as one of the Union Aerospace Corporation’s elite marines or grab control of the legions of demons threatening to take over the complex. Each side of DOOM’s asymmetrical gameplay introduces an entirely unique way to play, whether you're struggling to save Mars from being overrun by Hell’s most merciless demons or fighting to crush each marine and conquer the planet once and for all. You and up to four friends will play through a series of missions, the marines attempting to achieve a variety of objectives and the invader orchestrating a barrage of savage demon attacks against them. While the marines can respawn after death, they can only do so a set number of times before the demons claim victory over the mission, threatening not only the UAC’s operation, but the survival of humanity as a whole.

You Have Your Mission
DOOM provides two operations of six missions each for your invader and marines to battle through. Every mission takes place on a unique map and presents a different set of objectives and threat levels. The objective cards designated for each mission describe the victory conditions for both the team of marines and the invader, in addition to all associated special rules. The marine’s objectives can vary from securing the battle area to collecting valuable assets, while the invader has just one goal—to kill the marines... repeatedly.

The invader’s method of summoning demons is determined by one of three assigned threat cards—Infestation, Horde, and Assault. Portals scattered across each map designate areas where new demons will spawn from, but how those portals behave will vary depending on the threat card, throwing demons onto the map in unique ways and forcing the marines to approach each mission with a customized strategy.

Humanity’s Last Hope
Each of the four marines, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta, begin with the same special sprinting ability and equal health points, but differing classes and weapon loadouts will help each marine establish a distinctive set of strengths, abilities, and strategies. Class cards are selected at the beginning of the mission and provide your marine with unique skills, from increasing your defenses to loading your action deck with grenades.

You will also begin each mission with a ten-card action deck, featuring armor, three pistol actions, and three cards each for your marine’s designated guns. Throughout the game, you will take a number of these cards into your hand and play them as actions. Every card in your deck will give you either a main action, a bonus action, or a reaction. While main actions will deal significant damage to any advancing demons, the less powerful bonus actions may be easily chained together to execute additional unique and useful attacks, movement, or other actions. Both main and bonus actions may only be used during your activation, though your deck will also contain a reaction or two, such as your armor, which can be used to respond to an attack at any time. These cards can help you avoid damage, retaliate with an attack, or draw more cards into your hand.

Even if you are without reaction cards in-hand, you are not without defense when targeted. Whenever your marine comes under attack, you will flip one of the cards remaining in your deck. The symbol in the upper right-hand corner of the flipped card designates the strength of your defense, either limiting the damage you take, denying the attack altogether, or forcing you to take the full force of the demon’s strike. The most effective defense will often come from cards that perform less powerful actions, so every draw from your ever-cycling action deck is a thrilling gamble, whether you’re filling your hand or defending yourself.

Not only do your marines begin the game with this ten card deck, but they will also have opportunities to expand their arsenal with pickup items. The marines are only as dangerous as the weapons they wield, so your game is heavily defined by both their initial loadout and the equipment they collect. At the start of each mission, the map will be populated with health packs and weapons for the marines to find as they pursue the mission’s objective. Health packs allow the marines to recover health, and can make the difference between life and death in a dire situation. Weapons, on the other hand, expand a marine’s action deck with new, often more powerful cards than those in the starting action deck. The earlier you set out to collect these weapons, the more quickly you may be able to gain the upper hand in your fight to save humanity.

Hell Has Arrived
One player in your game of DOOM will take the invader role, commanding the legions of Hell in an attempt to terminate the UAC Marines. As the invader, you are able to spawn hordes of demons throughout the mission from portals scattered across the campaign map. Your band of relentless fighters and the way they spawn will vary depending on the threat and invasion cards designated by each mission. The threat cards mentioned earlier apply unique rules to the portals around the map and at what point you may introduce new demons, while the invasion cards, kept hidden from the marines, indicate exactly which demon types you’re able to summon. While the marines have the ability to respawn when they die, you instead summon masses of increasingly terrifying demons.

Each of the three portal tiers has two invasion groups which you may choose spawn, increasing in strength and ability as the mission progresses. Early on, you’ll be able to summon less powerful demons, such as a mob of possessed soldiers or a single armored Pinky. While both of these demons are a threat to the marines, they are less intimidating than, for example, the Mancubus or Baron of Hell. You will be able to summon these menacing monsters and others like them when the red, higher-threat portals become available to you, increasing the challenge to the marines as they draw nearer to achieving their objectives. Because the invasion cards are not available to the marines, they will also be unaware of the terrors headed their way until the demons actually spawn.

Where the marines have action decks to indicate many of their abilities, each class of demon has specific speed, range, health, attack, and special abilities indicated on their demon card. Some of these abilities are inherent and may be used at any time, while others require special Argent Power to trigger. These tokens may be collected by discarding event cards or spawning an invasion group which includes additional Argent Power. Once the tokens have been assigned to a demon type, they cannot be moved, so it is in your best interest to spend them before each demon dies, again adding difficulty for the marines as they progress.

Event cards are the invader’s equivalent of an action deck where defense and special abilities are concerned. The cards in this deck vary depending on the mission being played, and are indicated alongside objective, threat, and invasion cards. At the beginning of the status phase, before activation for all characters begins, you will draw event cards until you have six in your hand, and may then discard up to three to generate Argent Power. The cards kept in hand can be used throughout the activation phase to modify attacks, defenses, and more. The cards remaining in the event deck serve as your demons’ defense when attacked by marines.

The Glory of the Kill
One of the most unique elements of the game of DOOM is that death is viewed as more of an expected inconvenience than a total failure. Each marine will certainly leave a trail of deceased demons in their wake, but not without taking lethal damage along the way. Not only are these elite soldiers able to die, but they are expected to do so. In fact, the invader’s sole objective in any mission is to not only kill the marines, but kill them a number of times. The idea of the game is to run in, guns blazing, without fear, and then keep on running—there’s a job that needs doing here, and respawning is just part of the fun.

Fear of death has no place in this game, and it is this reckless abandon that will allow your marines to take advantage of two exceptional abilities—the Glory Kill and Telefragging. Below each demon’s health is a stagger value, signifying the amount of damage they must take before a marine can perform a Glory Kill. Once a demon has become staggered, a marine may charge into the demon's space for two movement points and dispatch them with ease. Similarly brutal is Telefragging, an action in which a marine may move from one active teleporter on the map to another. If occupied by a demon, you immediately remove that monster from the game. With that in mind, the invader player would be best served by avoiding active teleporters at all costs.

Face Your Doom
Gear up and lock down to bring the thrilling experience of Bethesda and id Software’s DOOM to the tabletop with DOOM: The Board Game. Whether you aim to charge through the mob of demons with your team in pursuit of a larger goal or flip the switch and command Hell’s death-dealing masses to slaughter the UAC’s best and brightest, a descent into the fiery pits of DOOM is sure to bring out the master combatant in you.

• Based on Bethesda Softworks’ blockbuster science fiction shooter game
• Experience the game from both invader and marine perspectives
• Customize player decks throughout missions to improve your marine
• Randomized initiative makes for unpredictable and nerve-racking activation phases
• The fast-paced struggle to survive and adapt to ever-changing battle conditions replicates the heart-pounding experience of a video game

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118.00 €
Eldritch Horror: Cities in Ruin Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Cities in Ruin Expansion

You feel it just below the surface. Something gnawing at the edge of sanity, a feeling that the steady march of machines and concrete that have come to be recognized as progress in the modern world is transient. Your visions show you a desolate future, where all that remains is dust, ash, and those who have long slumbered.

Violent earthquakes contort cities to unrecognizable ruin, unrelenting typhoons eradicate coastlines, and deep below the Earth something ancient stirs. Shudde M’ell, The Cataclysm from Below, approaches with destruction and ruin as his heralds.

Cities in Ruin sees four new investigators face the brink of madness to battle Ancient Ones, and introduces a slew of new monster and encounter cards to the world of Eldritch Horror. And what's more, new Ancient One Shudde M’ell’s presence brings a destructive twist to the game in the form of the Disaster deck.

A World in Turmoil
Shudde M’ell’s violent dreams are throwing cities around the world into a state of bedlam, and players will have to deal directly with the consequences via the new Disaster deck. If they’re lucky, an investigator may escape with some scars, if they're not, they may see a city devastated and left in ruin.

Devastation can happen in a number of different ways, and investigators must work together to prevent such catastrophes. However, they can't save everyone. When a city space becomes devastated, it has a devastation token placed over it, representing its new, and bleak, place in the world. Encounters there now take a post-apocalyptic turn that sees cityscapes turn into wastelands, and citizens looking to saviors to deliver them from eradication.

Investigators will find survivors jumping to their doom under the trance of a servant of Shudde M’ell, a milltary too petrified to fight the horrific creatures that prowl a now ruined city, or a cult preying on those who remain. Regardless of the heroics the investigators pull off, the city is still eradicated and all that remains are ashes to be protected from whatever horrors lurk in the shadows.

The Cataclysm from Below
The ancient city of G’harne was founded by the Elder Things and, in eons past, served to guard Shudde M’ell’s prison. Now it sits abandoned, its ancient warding-stones destroyed or stolen by souls too blinded by greed to understand their importance. Shudde M’ell now stirs, and the world trembles before him.

Ruin is unavoidable in a game featuring Shudde M’ell, as it even begins with Rome being wiped off the map. Your adventure is sure to include more Disasters as the doom track inches forward, terrible tragedies to the rest of the world, horrifying omens to you. Investigators will have to solve three mysteries while dealing with the Ancient One’s catastrophic outbursts if they have any hope of survival. Should they fail to stop the awakening, Shudde M’ell will roar to life, and there may not be a world left to save.

Brave Souls
With the world falling apart around them, a select few have taken it upon themselves to face the cataclysmic storm. Cities of Ruin sees four new investigators: Bob Jenkins, Rita Young, Roland Banks, and “Ashcan” Pete stand against Shudde M’ell and his waves of destruction.

Since the onset of his prophetic dreams, “Ashcan” Pete has taken on the role of the wanderer. Traveling the rails with his trusty companion, Duke, Pete has noticed the disturbing trend creeping up on the edges of society. Fires, floods, earthquakes; calamities are striking cities across the globe, and the cold-hands of desperation grip their survivors.

Except the people of Oulu.

When Pete set foot here, he found a town that didn’t give in to fear or madness, he found a people that had rebuilt after their great fire, he found a purpose. Pete reckons if he can figure out the source of all this carnage, he can help those who need it most.

Pete begins the game with Duke, a unique asset, in play. The trusty companion gives Pete a second chance at success when resolving a test with a free reroll. Additionally, the bond between Duke and Pete allows the drifter to recover one additional sanity when he performs a rest action.

What Pete lacks in influence he more than makes up for in utility, as he is able to perform an additional action while traveling along a train path, as long as the rails aren’t frozen in place by the bizarre weather patterns affecting the planet. Finally, Pete converts trash to treasure when he performs an acquire assets action; he can gain one item or trinket asset with a value less than his observation skill from the discard pile, and he'll need every item he can scrap together in the fight ahead.

The World Trembles
The sky will bleed, the earth will shake, and a few brave souls will face the Cataclysm from Below. Can you survive the devastation to come?

• The seventh expansion for the popular Eldritch Horror board game
• Four new investigators take up the fight against the Ancient Ones
• Introduces mechanics for destroying cities
• New Ancient One Shudde M’ell brings fresh monsters and encounters to the game

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39.80 €
Eldritch Horror: Dreamlands Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Dreamlands Expansion

A new expansion for Eldritch Horror!

It has been months since you saw the sunset city in a dream—towering minarets and domes, crossed by shadow and red light from the gently setting orb of fire that permanently rests outside the city. Since then, you’ve crossed these borders every night, searching for the city, hoping to set foot inside. You have seen wonders beyond compare: the sacred cats of Ulthar and the turquoise and tourmaline city of Celephaïs that rests beneath the gingko-covered slopes of Mount Aran. You have all but abandoned your waking life, eating less and less, spending more and more time asleep. But tonight is different. There, on the silvery, blade-thin horizon between wakefulness and sleep, the black ships from the moon have finally caught up to you.

Descend into a world of sleep and splendor with The Dreamlands, the latest expansion for Eldritch Horror. For the first time, you have the chance to walk upon the sweet-smelling grass of the Enchanted Wood, travel into the Underworld, or sail off the edge of the world and voyage to the moon—this expansion introduces an entirely new side board, portraying the mystical, ethereal Dreamlands. As the realm of dreams leaks into our waking world, you’ll find eight new investigators that stand united against two insidious Ancient Ones: Altach-Nacha the Dreamweaver and Hypnos, the Lord of Sleep. With a massive array of new Spells, Conditions, Assets, Adventures, Mythos cards, and encounters for every location, The Dreamlands promises adventures unmatched by anything in the waking world.

The Dreamer...
Everyone sleeps, drawn by invisible bonds to rest and heal their bodies. Yet as you rest, your mind is active, grasping at the mad, loose strands of your life and spinning them back to you in nonsensical stories. For most, dreams are an amusing diversion or a terrifying interlude—if they're remembered at all after you wake. But for a few, dreams are reflections of a life more real than the waking world.

Luke Robinson was given an unusual puzzle box by his uncle many years ago. Through that gift, he discovered the path to the Dreamlands and has spent the majority of his days traveling the land of dreams in search of adventure. From the jade streets of Celephaïs to the endless mysteries of the Enchanted Wood he wanders, unraveling the secrets of the land and the myriad dreamers who reside there. Yet an ancient chaos threatens to destroy not just the waking world but the world of his dreams as well. Luke could not care less about the Earth, but he will die before he allows the world of dreams to slip away from him.

Far more than most other investigators, Luke Robinson relates to the world through the gates that open across the globe. For a dreamer with his skills, traveling through the Dreamlands between these gates is just the work of a few hours—as an action, Luke can move to any space containing a gate that matches the current omen, potentially traveling across the world in an instant.

Luke is no great warrior, but he has little trouble slipping past the monsters in his path and crossing into other worlds. Simply by expending a focus or losing a little sanity, Luke Robinson can encounter a gate as though there were no monsters on his space. Then, once he has successfully closed the gate and safeguarded Earth for a little while longer, his Dream Box helps you by increasing his focus or helping him recover sanity. Though he may no longer call himself a native of Earth, Luke Robinson will undoubtedly do everything in his power to forestall its imminent doom, if only for the lands of dream that he loves so much.

...And the Dream
As you close your eyes to sleep, you see the stairs before you. They spiral downwards with neither walls nor railing to separate you from the soft grey abyss that surrounds you. You begin to descend, hesitantly at first, but faster as you gain confidence. There is no wind or gust of air that would threaten your footing. There are only the whispers—you should jump, you can fly, step off the edge, we will catch you…

Descending the endless stairs and passing through the Cavern of Flame while you sleep are one way to enter the world of the Dreamlands, and this can be done from anywhere in the world. Still, they are not the only path: there are many places where the boundaries between Earth and the realm of dreams may merge and spill into each other. These portals are first placed at the beginning of a game using the Dreamlands side board, and they allow free passage between our world and the Dreamlands, whether you cross the dark bridges of the Underworld, walk among the fungi forests of the moon, or set foot at last on the streets of Unknown Kadath or Dylath-Leen.

The Dreamlands are filled with wonders, but are also perilous for those who enter unprepared. Your path may take you beyond the Basalt Pillars of the West, or you may pursue a Dream-Quest that moves throughout the Dreamlands, perhaps leading you straight to the futures that spring from the Fountain of Alath-Zann.

No matter what signs and wonders you may see, however, you must never forget the dread purpose that led you to this place. There are still powerful beings from beyond our world intent upon destroying humanity forever. The monstrous, spider-like creature Atlach-Nacha is ever weaving, bringing reality and the Dreamlands closer together so that she may loose the horrors of the Underworld and lead them to war. A less overt threat, but no less deadly, is Hypnos, the Lord of Sleep himself. His whispers attend every sleeping mind, slowly and carefully pushing them over the edge into madness. You must venture into the Dreamlands if you wish to defeat these Ancient Ones, yet once you go in, there’s no guarantee that you can return.

Revelation Is the Province of Dream
As you sit chained to the deck of a black galley sailing to whatever horrors await on the moon, you reflect that your dreams have led you into this place. Foolish dreams, perhaps, of defeating a creature that existed for millennia before humanity’s existence. Yet foolish or not, only your dreams can lead you free again.

• A new expansion for Eldritch Horror
• Venture into the Dreamlands with an entirely new side board
• Eight new investigators give you new ways to save the world
• Two insidious Ancient Ones seek to destroy earth in very different ways
• Plenty of new Conditions, Encounters, Adventures, Spells, Mythos cards and more give this expansion limitless variety

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76.30 €
Eldritch Horror: Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion

Join the search to stop innumerable cults worshipping a single, dreaded being in Masks of Nyarlathotep, a new expansion for Eldritch Horror from Fantasy Flight Games, inspired by the classic Call of Cthulhu roleplaying adventure! At the same time, you can experience the adventure anew in your roleplaying group with a new edition of the Masks of Nyarlathotep adventure from Chaosium that brings the definitive Call of Cthulhu roleplaying campaign into the game's seventh edition.

From this story's inception in the first edition of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, the dark horrors of Nyarlathotep have thrilled and delighted fans around the world. With this expansion, Fantasy Flight Games worked closely with our good friends at Chaosium to learn the midnight secrets and terrifying truths of one of their most famous Ancient Ones—and we're thrilled for you to experience that in Eldritch Horror and the Call of Cthulhu RPG.

The stink of charred flesh still lingers in the night air amidst a dense copse of trees. You stare numbly at the pages in your hands and try to fight off the realization that threatens to coalesce in your thoughts. Three different cults. One under the streets of London, one amongst the sands of Egypt, and now this sect just outside of Tokyo. The specifics of the horrific rituals had all been wholly different, save for one, singular detail: the mind-bending invocation that closed each of the ceremonies was exactly the same at each site. Each time, you and your compatriots had barely averted some soul-wrenching atrocity against nature. How many more groups were still chanting this terrifying phrase? Each cult had been so difficult to find, and so different from the last. None of it added up. What thing were these rites feeding and how could you follow this thing when every clue led to a new trail?

Once again, the world’s intrepid investigators must attempt to thwart the cataclysmic rise of an otherworldly Ancient One. Strange cults are gathering strength in remote corners and bustling cities all over the world. Though the cults seem to worship different gods, the investigators will find one thread that runs throughout all their evil rites: Nyarlathotep. Known as the Messenger of the Outer Gods, Nyarlathotep is the only Ancient One who still actively walks the Earth to work his will upon humanity. The investigators must stop these cults, or Nyarlathotep will gain enough strength to open the Ultimate Gate, ushering in an unthinkable doom.

Many Guises With One Goal
Nyarlathotep’s followers dot the face of the earth, opening gates and weakening the membrane between this reality and the realm of the Outer Gods. These cults of Nyarlathotep must be rooted out by undertaking new Adventures and by visiting the sites of new Mystic Ruins. Will you work to destroy the Australian Cult of the Sand Bat, or perhaps there is something to be found in the lost Yithian city of Pnakotus? The investigators will need to race to gather information and stop the influence of Nyarlathotep in each and every form he takes, but it will take careful planning if they hope to stamp out enough of his followers in time.

Nyarlathotep sows chaos, gathers followers, and then changes his face as easily as a person changes clothes. Constantly altering his form and taking on new aspects, Nyarlathotep works ceaselessly to bring the Outer Gods into our world. He has pulled his puppeteer’s strings so subtly and for so long, that there are very few that have not been affected by his fell purpose. In Masks of Nyarlathotep, each investigator bears the scars of their own unique brushes with the otherworldly in the form of new Personal Stories. Pursue an investigator’s Personal Story to gain insight into each character’s background, gain unique rewards, and stave off terrible consequences, but take care to weigh the needs of these few with the fate of the many who hang in the balance.

Gathering Strength to Stop the Chaos
The investigators will need to be well-prepared to take on the widespread threat of cultists that support Nyarlathotep by gathering new Artifacts, Unique Assets, and Spells for the journey ahead. The team will also need to be especially well-equipped when taking on the new Campaign mode of play introduced in the Masks of Nyarlathotep expansion. When taking on a Campaign, players will need to win multiple games, with consequences and benefits carrying over to the next game after each threat is sealed away from the world. If stopping any single Ancient One seems an impossible task, can the investigators possibly hope to succeed as these otherworldly beings attack one after another?

Around the world, the cultists chant on, each committed to their own goals while unwittingly worshipping one of the myriad aspects of Nyarlathotep. How many of these groups have completed their occult rites? How many more have yet to be stopped by the investigators? Find out more about the new investigators and how their pasts factor into the fight against the Messenger of the Outer Gods in our upcoming previews of Masks of Nyarlathotep!

• The newest expansion for hit adventure game Eldritch Horror
• Campaign mode provides a framework for greater challenges and an enriched narrative experience for players
• Personal Stories provide all of the Investigators with unique goals that can have great benefits or terrible consequences
• New Resource tokens allow a new way to heal and increase your chances of passing tests
• Features new Mystic Ruin cards for the first time since their introduction
• 7 new investigators and 2 new Ancient Ones, as well as new Adventures, Unique Assets, Prelude Cards, Mythos Cards, Spells, Artifacts, Assets, Epic Monsters, and more!

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71.80 €

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