
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

Haun tulokset 97 - 120 / 500

But I Like it (HC)
But I Like it (HC)

The time has come to follow award-winning cartoon journalist Joe Sacco on one of the most dangerous beats of all namely the world of rock 'n' roll. The centerpiece of the book is In the Company of "Long Hair", the early 90s graphic novelette Sacco created on the subject of his raucous European tour with the punk band the Miracle Workers. "Long Hair" appears here for the first time in an expanded version with an added 15-page section of his original sketches and notes from the time, and a bound-in CD featuring an excerpt from the Miracle Workers' live shows including a blasting version of the Iggy Pop classic "I Got a Right." As for the rest of the book: Sacco turns his pitiless pen on all strata of Rock 'n' Roll, from old rockers (two stories on the Rolling Stones) to new; from salacious gossip to how-to ("Woodstock in your Own Home"!); from portraits of typical rock creatures ("Record Producer," "The Musician Who Wanted to Save the World"; "The Rock Journalist") to self-deprecating autobiographical stories. None of these has been collected before, and over 20, done for German magazines and papers while Sacco was living in Berlin, have actually never been published at all in English and are being translated for this edition! PLUS! A 16-page section of Joe's wild live rock show posters from his days in Berlin, including both long-forgotten acts and some pretty famous ones! 120 page, color B&W 7"x10", hardcover w/CD inser

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32.50 €

Näytettä kustantajan sivuilta. Your mission, should you choose to accept it... is CANNON by the legendary Wallace Wood (Mad, EC Comics, Daredevil)! CANNON appeared every week for two and a half years in Overseas Weekly, a newspaper distributed exclusively to U.S. Military bases around the world. Uncensored by commercial editorial restrictions, Wood pulled out all the stops — producing a thrilling and salacious Cold War spy serial run amok with brutal violence and titillating sex all in an effort to boost morale and support our troops! Meet John Cannon, the perfect agent and America's exploitative answer to James Bond. Initially brainwashed by the terrifying, voluptuous, and always half naked Madame Toy to be "the perfect assassin" for the Red forces, Cannon was eventually rescued and brainwashed (again) by the CIA until he had no emotions whatsoever. Under the employ of our government’s Central Intelligence Agency, Cannon experiences action like no other agent! Undercover and under the covers, Cannon endures nude torture by beautiful women, explosive gunplay, naked catfights, bone-crunching plastic surgery, nudity, Hitler, nihilistic lovemaking, Weasel the spy, naked women, death from above, and more naked women! Take that, 007! Together with the Wallace Wood Estate, and working from newly unearthed source material, Fantagraphics Books presents the biggest, baddest, best-looking collection of CANNON, ever! SC / 292 pgs / BW / 10.75 x 7.5

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45.50 €
Celluloid (HC)
Celluloid (HC)

A woman arrives at an apartment, but her partner can’t get away from work. She is disappointed and settles in for a night alone, but finds a film projector with a reel of film loaded. The film is scratched and blurry, but she can make out a couple making love. When the film burns out, a door is revealed which leads to a misty town square... and a series of fantastical sexual encounters. But the plot doesn’t really matter. Celluloid is a rare instance (especially among Anglo-Saxons) of a top-flight cartoonist working within erotic — even pornographic, to embrace the word — parameters, with the intent of creating a genuine work of art. As the artist says: “There are so many comics about violence. I’m not entertained or amused by violence, and I’d rather not have it in my life. Sex, on the other hand, is something the vast majority of us enjoy, yet it rarely seems to be the subject of comics. Pornography is usually bland, repetitive and ugly, and, at most, ‘does the job.’ I always wanted to make a book that is pornographic, but is also, I hope, beautiful, and mysterious, and engages the mind.” Bringing to bear the astonishing range of illustrative and storytelling skills that have served him so well on his collaborations with Neil Gaiman and such solo projects as the (recently re-released) epic graphic novel Cages, Dave Mckean forges into new territory with this unique work of erotica. HC / 232 pgs / FC / 6 x 9

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45.50 €
Children of Palomar (HC)
Children of Palomar (HC)

Näytettä kustantajan sivuilta. The Children of Palomar is Gilbert Hernandez's much-anticipated return to the small Central American town of Palomar, more than a decade after his last "Heartbreak Soup" story. Originally released as a three-issue magazine series titled New Tales of Old Palomar in the acclaimed international "Ignatz" format, these stories are finally collected into one handsome book. All of these stories deal with the classic characters of Palomar such as sweet Pipo, her sharp-tongue sister Carmen, sheriff Chelo, and the gang of boys who help start it all: studious Heraclio, tall and fey Israel, disfigured but goodnatured Vicente, and girl-crazy Jesús and Satch. In the first story, "Children of Palomar," mysterious, fast-moving thieves are stealing food from wherever they can grab it; Sheriff Chelo and some citizens do their best to solve this mystery, but nobody seems to be able to catch these bandits in action until Pipo puts her soccer-trained legs to work and goes after them herself. In the second, Gato, Soledad, Guero, Pintor, and Arturo go exploring a bottomless chasm and come face to face with... well, we won’t spoil the surprise. The third and last story focuses on one of Palomar’s most beloved characters, the gorgeous but troubled Tonantzín: Everybody in Palomar seems to take the supernatural with a grain of salt, but young Tonantzín is determined to uncover the mystery of the laughing baby that only appears to her, haunting her daily life. What is the baby’s link to the giant stone idols that stand outside the small town...? HC / 112 pgs / B&W / 7 x 10

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29.90 €
Complete Buddy Bradley Stories from Hate Comics 2: Buddy Does Jersey
Complete Buddy Bradley Stories from Hate Comics 2: Buddy Does Jersey

Näytettä kustantajan sivuilta. At the end of Buddy Does Seattle, with his rock-impresario career in tatters, his friends dispersed, and his career opportunities at zero, Buddy had decided to return with his tail between his legs (and his neurotic girlfriend Lisa on his hands) to his native New Jersey. Buddy Does Jersey collects all 15 issues of Hate describing the arc of Buddy's East Coast experience, including his launch as a small businessman (co-owning and running a nostalgia store with the dubious Jay) and his reintegration with his family (his sister now a harassed mom, his brother still pretty much a psycho, and his parents — well, wait and see). Also included in this volume is the shocking final fate of the exuberant Stinky — a story that caused jaws to drop in unison all around the world when it was originally released — and the riotous tale of Lisa's brief conversion to lesbianism and subsequent breakup with Buddy. Originally released in color, the stories in Buddy Does Jersey are here presented de-colorized in the pristine black and white of earlier Buddy stories, in order to better show off the crisp beauty of inker Jim Blanchard's linework. (Or as much crisp beauty as you need to delineate a row of partygoers setting fire to their own flatulence!) Buddy Does Jersey features a long introduction by Bagge describing (for the first time) how the stories in this book reflected events in his own life, and a foreword by the inheritor of Bagge's mantle of hilarious grossness, Angry Youth Comix' Johnny Ryan. 352p

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26.00 €
Complete Crumb 01: Early Years of Bitter Struggle
Complete Crumb 01: Early Years of Bitter Struggle

This long out-of-print first volume of the multiple Harvey and Eisner award- winning Complete Crumb Comics series has been one of our most demanded reprints. Now, this landmark volume of Robert Crumb’s formative years not only returns, but also boasts a major discovery not included in prior editions: a never-before-published, 60 page “home-made” Arcade comic from 1962. Growing up, Robert and his brother Charles often created their own comic books. These “home-made” editions were usually produced in editions of one. As such, many have been lost to time or private collections. What hasn’t comprises much of the first two volumes of The Complete Crumb series. Their creation continued throughout the 1950s and into the early ’60s and eventually the content of Crumb’s work gradually matured from the light-hearted, funny animal antics of earlier years to stories that flashed signals of what we now recognize as “true Crumb.” This previously undiscovered Arcade “issue,” from May, 1962, shows many flashes of where Crumb was heading (whereas Charles had all but abandoned drawing comics by the ’60s). The 17-page strip “Jim” is the most emotionally-charged work of Crumb’s young life to that point, a gentle and psychologically astute look at a boy who needs a mother, and also brimming with signs of his increasing frustration with Catholicism. It also features the first quintessential “Crumb girl,” Mabel. This volume also includes several early Fritz the Cat stories (a.k.a. “Animal Town Comics”), and the classic “Treasure Island Days” (as seen in the Crumb film) and is rounded out with other strips, diary entries and sketches that will be a treasure trove for Crumb fans, all defining work from Crumb’s formative years as a cartoonist, spanning the years 1958-1962 (when Crumb was ages 15-19) and featuring material from other “home-made” comics of the era. This is Ground Zero for a man who may well be the greatest cartoonist who ever lived. SC, 8.5x11, 136pgs, PC

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26.00 €

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