Star Wars Destiny: Captain Phasma Dice Binder

Star Wars Destiny: Captain Phasma Dice Binder
18.00 6.30 €
Tuotteen alin hinta 30 päivän kuluessa ennen nykyistä alennusta oli 18.00 €.
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Show Your Style
With room for 44 dice and 44 sleeved cards, these custom Dice Binders feature some of the Star Wars galaxy’s most iconic characters while offering convenient storage and protection for your Star Wars: Destiny deck. What’s more, the binder’s plastic trays display every die individually in rows, making them easy to identify and access. All you need to do is pull the die you need as soon as your card is played!

On the outside, each binder reflects your personal style while safely maintaining the mystery of your deck and dice between games. You could impose the authority and order of Captain Phasma on your deck, displaying your dice in crisp, clean rows. Or, you might channel Jyn Erso’s rebellious streak, packing your deck full of cards that allow you to follow your own agenda. Finally, you could shoulder the hopes of the galaxy, hoping the Force will be with you as you roll the dice with Luke Skywalker. Each of these characters is an iconic part of the Star Wars saga, and their Dice Binders empower you to represent your strength, cunning, and spirit in all your games of Star Wars: Destiny.

An Elegant Solution
Star Wars: Destiny invites you to create your own dream collection of characters, vehicles, and items from throughout the saga and put them to the test in epic battles. These upcoming Dice Binders take you one step further, offering a convenient way to store and transport your favorite decks and dice.

Display the power of the First Order from the moment you first sit down at the table. The Captain Phasma Dice Binder for Star Wars: Destiny offers durable protection and organization for all the dice and cards from your favorite Destiny deck. Its plastic tray neatly arranges your dice in rows, keeping their faces visible and easy to locate, while its stunning artwork immerses you more fully in the Star Wars galaxy. With this Dice Binder, you’ll be able to channel your inner Captain Phasma, rekindling the ashes of the Empire as you play new cards and bring out new dice.

Fantasy Flight Games
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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