VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra

VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra
22.00 €
Saatavuus: noin 31. Lokakuuta 2024
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This deck is about power and manipulation. Your vampires use their powers of Dominate to gain influence and subdue those who oppose you. They keep their motives hidden with the powers of Oblivion, seeing the darkness from the other side and coming back stronger.

For clan Lasombra, the only way to survive is to excel, to eschew sympathy and morality where it may impede the path to power. They seek more than the simple life, choosing to fight against the odds and to strive for the pinnacle of excellence. Sociopaths, counter-culturalists, and scarred survivors all find common ground in clan Lasombra.

Crypt (12)
1 Aintzane Arriaga
1 Araceli “Celia” Rivera
1 Azucena
1 Braden White
2 Gnaeus Aemilius Augustinus
1 Kamaluddin
2 María del Toro
1 Rinaldo Albizzi
2 Yewon Ong

Library (77)
1 Elysian Fields
1 Information Highway
1 Oblivion
1 Political Hunting Ground
1 Power Structure
2 Sudden Reversal
3 Villein

7 Govern the Unaligned
2 Puppet Master

1 Ancilla Empowerment
2 Camarilla’s Iron Fist
2 Expulsion
3 Kine Resources Contested
2 Parity Shift

4 Amici Noctis
4 Shadow Cast
4 Shadow Cloak
4 Stygian Shroud
2 The Sleeping Mind
4 Where the Veil Thins

4 Ominous Chorus

2 Arms of Ahriman
4 Pass Through Shadow
2 Touch of Oblivion

6 Deflection
6 Second Tradition: Domain
2 Truth in Darkness

1 reference card

The Second Inquisition and the Gehenna War resulted in instability and unease among the Lasombra clan. The Amici Noctis sent diplomatic missions to the Anarchs and the Camarilla, and found some amount of security and safety among the latter. Roughly half of the Lasombra left the Sabbat to join the Camarilla, who were keen to bolster their ranks after the departure of the Gangrel and Brujah.

For the new Lasombra pre-constructed deck, the vampires will all be Camarilla, with in-clan disciplines of Dominate, Oblivion, and Potence.

There new Lasombra will have the new discipline Oblivion instead of the old Obtenebration. The deck will have a political theme.

Sabbat Lasombra will be included in the Sabbat-themed pre-constructed decks that follow this release.

In Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition, the cosmologies of the Abyss and the Shadowlands have been merged into one, called Oblivion. The disciplines of Obtenebration and Necromancy are likewise merged into a new discipline, also called Oblivion. The Lasombra tend towards using the entropic power of Oblivion while the Hecata tend to prefer the necromantic ritual applications of it. Development of Obtenebration and Necromancy as individual disciplines comes to an end, though existing cards for those disciplines of course remain tournament legal. Oblivion in V:TES will have its own new discipline icon.

This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Each player needs a deck to play.

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VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 2
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VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 4
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 5
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 6
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 7
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 8
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 9
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 10
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 11
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 12
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 13
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 14
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 15
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 16
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 17
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 18
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 19
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 20
VTES: Fifth Edition Deck -Lasombra - kuva 21
Black Chantry Productions

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