Game of Thrones LCG: SS2 -The Great Fleet Chapter Pack

Game of Thrones LCG: SS2 -The Great Fleet Chapter Pack
15.00 5.30 €
Tuotteen alin hinta 30 päivän kuluessa ennen nykyistä alennusta oli 15.00 €.
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

No House can long maintain a hold upon its lands without a strong fleet to safeguard its shores.

The Great Fleet introduces sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game that add strength and flavor to each House’s naval presence. Warships, captains, and Ironborn hoist their sails to head for battle. Furthermore, three new plots encourage battles for naval superiority and reveal some of what Martell and Targaryen hope to gain from their schemes.

• The second Chapter Pack in the new A Song of the Sea Cycle
• Continues to develop the new naval challenge mechanic
• Features new warships, captains, and Ironborn
• Includes 60 cards total; 3 copies each of 20 new cards

Additionally, The Great Fleet further establishes the naval () enhancement mechanic that allows players tremendous tactical advantages. Eight of the pack’s new characters possess the enhancement and can join a challenge as an action... even after the challenge’s attackers and defenders have been declared.

Paxter Redwyne
One of the characters appearing in The Great Fleet commands the largest fleet in Westeros. Paxter Redwyne (The Great Fleet, 21) lends his service to House Lannister as a four-cost Lord and Captain with Intrigue and Power icons, and his Power icon bears the enhancement, making him an extremely versatile attacker or defender during Power challenges.

It’s certainly no surprise that a Lord commanding the largest fleet in Westeros should be a versatile challenger during the power struggles of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Thematically, a strong fleet not only allows you to safeguard your coastline, but also ensures mobility and trade. Moreover, should you need to flex your muscles and posture a bit, a strong fleet can prove a tremendous bully stick; what it can protect and give to you, it can threaten and take away from others.

Still, no matter how large or strong the fleet, it can falter under poor guidance or prosper under a wise Captain. Paxter Redwyne’s design reflects this principle: the better you position him and his fleet, the more they aid your cause. When you win the initiative, Paxter Redwyne allows you to add two gold from the treasury to your gold pool. This makes the Lord and Captain an interesting addition to House Lannister. After all, if there’s one thing the Lannisters know, it’s how to make use of their gold. This is another theme that plays throughout A Game of Thrones: The Card Game and receives more support in The Great Fleet in the form of the Warship, Arbor Queen (The Great Fleet, 22), which can convert spare gold to great strength.

Look for Paxter Redwyne, Arbor Queen, and a host of new naval characters and Warships to contest the shores of Westeros when The Great Fleet arrives at retailers everywhere

viivakoodi 9781616615499

Fantasy Flight Games
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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