Masters of the Night

Masters of the Night
51.90 €
Saatavuus: noin 2 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri
Selaa samankaltaisia/liittyviä tuotteita: Yhteistyöpeli

As you wake up from the rattling sounds of a train, you realise that you will soon arrive to a new place, destined to become either a new haven or a final grave for your family. No doubts, there will be new beginnings in this new city. But your current state is unsightly at best - forced to hide in a luggage car, within boxes full of dirt. All this is to protect your family until they can wake from their slumber. You all spent too much time dreaming. Years, maybe even decades. But now it is time to take matters back into your hands.

Play as a member of a Vampire family, just arrived after a long journey in a new, unfamiliar city. Will you survive and establish your rule? Who are the mysterious Agents trying to stop you?

Masters of the Night is a fully cooperative board game for 1 to 5 players.

1–5 Players
60–120 Min
Age: 13+

viivakoodi 8054181514537

Ares Games
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

summittainen saatavuus liikkeissä

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