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Star Wars Legion: Sabine Wren Operative Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Sabine Wren Operative Expansion

Born into the proud warrior culture of Mandalore, Sabine Wren carries the history of her people within the very armor she wears into battle. This history fuels her desire to see Mandalore freed from Imperial rule and returned to its former glory. As she joins the cause of the Rebellion, she can make use of her skills as a warrior and an artist to fight back against the Empire and inspire hope in all those suffering under Imperial oppression.

Similar to the Mandalorian armor worn by Boba Fett, Sabine Wren’s armor offers her several advantages in the battles of Star Wars: Legion. In addition to providing her with a measure of protection rarely seen in Rebel units, the armor’s equipped jet pack also makes Sabine highly mobile, allowing her to quickly cross the battlefield no matter what obstacles stand in her way. Once there, she can assail her foes with dual Westar-35 Blaster Pistols or turn to more devious methods to clear a path for Rebel troops.

Within the Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, you’ll find one finely detailed, easily assembled Sabine Wren miniature wading into battle, with additional customization options to match her mechanical abilities. You may outfit Sabine to dual wield her Westar-35 Blaster Pistols, or you may swap one pistol out for the legendary Darksaber. You can even choose to build Sabine wearing her helmet or with her face uncovered. No matter how you build this miniature, it offers a blank canvas for you to recreate Sabine's own artwork covering her armor or create your own.

This Operative Expansion also comes with three command cards that help you unlock her full potential, alongside a unit card fully outlining her abilities, four upgrade cards to further customize Sabine Wren to fit your battle plans, and all the tokens you need to fully integrate her into your Rebel army.

Within the Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, you’ll find one finely detailed, easily assembled Sabine Wren miniature wading into battle as well as three command cards that help you unlock her full potential. Alongside these are a unit card fully outlining her abilities, four upgrade cards allowing you to further customize Sabine Wren to fit your battle plans, and all the tokens you need to fully integrate her into your Rebel army.

* Contains a beautifully detailed, easily assembled Sabine Wren miniature with different customization options
* Choose whether your miniature enters battle with or without her helmet
* Further customize Sabine Wren by having her enter battle wielding the Darksaber or with her Westar-35 Blaster Pistols at the ready

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26.10 €
Star Wars Legion: Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion

As the Clone Wars rage on, new heroes emerge with every battle. Whether they’re a famed Jedi Knight leading their troops into battle or a simple droid relaying key intel to the rest of its army, the actions of these few could determine the outcome of the entire conflict.

The Separatist Alliance relies on its seemingly endless ranks of battle droids to secure victory in the battles of the Clone Wars. It should be no surprise, then, that still more droids are used to maintain these vast droid armies. While members of the Separatist high command like Count Dooku are plotting a galaxy-wide strategy, T-series Tactical Droids are leading the way on the ground and other droids, like the PK-series worker droid, are keeping the army up and running.

The Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion invites you to upgrade your forces with four new droids that can fill your units’ personnel slot. In addition to a T-series Tactical Droid and PK-series worker droid, you’ll also find droids that can assist in all phases of combat, including an EV-series medical droid to treat the wounds of your organic units and a Viper recon droid to collect valuable intel.

Boasting advanced processors and sophisticated programming, the T-series Tactical Droid in this expansion is particularly versatile, able to boost the reliability of individual units or even take command of CIS military forces. These droids are well-versed in common Separatist strategies, represented by the three new command cards found in this expansion and that can be deployed by any Separatist commander.

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45.20 €
Star Wars Legion: Snowtroopers Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Snowtroopers Unit Expansion

There are Rebel scum to be found on any planet in the galaxy—no world is too remote or inhospitable for them. Fortunately, the legions of the Empire are ready to pursue the Rebel Alliance wherever they try to hide. You’ll be able to begin your pursuit soon!

No matter how dangerous the freezing temperatures on a planet, you’ll find that your Snowtroopers are equipped to handle the killing cold with ease. Within this Unit Expansion, you’ll find seven unpainted Snowtrooper miniatures, inviting you to field these troopers as a single unit and combat the Rebellion in even the most hostile and adverse environments. Alongside these Snowtroopers, you’ll find an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to kit out your Snowtroopers for whatever you expect to face on the field of battle.

The Killing Cold
With the introduction of the Snowtroopers to your Imperial forces, any Galactic Empire commander now has options to consider when choosing the trooper corps that form the backbone of an army. In many ways, the Snowtroopers could be compared to the standard Stormtroopers, and many commanders will choose to have them fighting side-by-side. Both units feature identical upgrade slots, and are armed with standard-issue E-11 blaster rifles. You may even choose to equip your Snowtroopers with Grappling Hooks, enabling them to clamber easily, just like your Stormtroopers.

One difference is that your Snowtroopers may not be as light on their feet as a unit of Stormtroopers, since they’re weighted down by heavy, insulated armor. In fact, Snowtroopers only have a speed of one, using the shortest of Star Wars: Legion’s jointed movement tools to move across the battlefield. Still, this plodding pace gives them a chance to move carefully and deliberately. Snowtroopers boast the Steady ability, letting them make a free ranged attack after they perform a move action. You may commonly see an advancing unit of Snowtroopers that carefully takes aim, moves forward, and fires—all in a single activation.

The Snowtrooper heavy weapon upgrades form another point of distinction from standard Stormtroopers. Whereas Stormtroopers are commonly joined by troopers wielding the DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle or an HH-12 rocket launcher, Snowtroopers can specialize at targeting vehicles with the T-7 ion disruptor rifle—or use even more deadly forms of attack against unprotected infantry. After all, on planets known for their freezing cold, not many combatants have adequate protection against flames—a fact that the Empire’s flametroopers, commonly embedded in units of Snowtroopers, are all too eager to take advantage of.

Deploy to Hoth
Supplement your Imperial armies and prepare to chase the Rebellion wherever they dare to hide in the galaxy. No matter how dangerous the planet, your legions of Snowtroopers are ready for the challenge!

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39.10 €
Star Wars Legion: T-47 Airspeeder Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: T-47 Airspeeder Unit Expansion

When the Rebel Alliance first landed on Hoth, they found a cold and inhospitable planet—ill-suited to supporting life of any kind, much less hosting the secret base of a full-scale rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Still, the Rebellion survived, adapting their strategies, tactics, and equipment to deal with the oppressive environment. A crucial part of their survival was tinkering with their airspeeders to withstand the killing cold of Hoth. Soon, you’ll be able to outfit your Rebels with the same speeders!

The T-47 Airspeeder takes to the skies above your armies.
You may be battling the Empire on the frozen wastes of Hoth, or you may be fighting on the surface of any other planet, across the thousands of planets that make up the galaxy. No matter where you are, there’s always good reason for you to get a little air superiority. The T-47 Airspeeder Unit Expansion adds one T-47 airspeeder miniature to your Rebel armies. Along with the beautifully sculpted, unpainted miniature, you’ll find all the unit cards and upgrade cards that you need to make the T-47 airspeeder a crucial part of your battle for freedom.

Air Superiority
The T-47 airspeeder is a low-altitude assault speeder—perfectly suited for long-range reconnaissance and scouting in a hostile environment like Hoth, but also well suited to flying into battle. The T-47 airspeeder is the Rebellion’s first heavy unit for Star Wars: Legion, and as such, you can bring up to two of these fast-moving, dangerous repulsor vehicles into your army.

Of course, the tactics that you choose to employ with such a unit are completely up to you, but it’s easy to see some of the most powerful applications of a T-47 airspeeder on the battlefield. With a speed of 3, this airspeeder ranks among the fastest units in the game, sending this miniature racing across the battlefield at lightning speed. To add to its speed, the Speeder 2 keyword lets the T-47 fly straight over low terrain and forces it to perform a compulsory move when it activates. It’s easy to see, then, how you might choose to use the T-47 airspeeder as a strafing vehicle—racing up to the enemy front lines, firing, and then darting away once more.

Because your airspeeders are so fast-moving, they’re likely to range far from your commander’s sphere of influence—potentially making it impossible for your T-47 airspeeders to receive orders. This could cripple the tactical advantage of your airspeeders—unless you planned ahead and equipped your airspeeders with Long-Range Comlinks. Issuing this upgrade card to a T-47 airspeeder means that you can always issue orders to it as though it were within range of your commander. In other words, no matter how far your T-47 airspeeders fly behind enemy lines or how fast they race across the battlfield, you’ll always be able to activate them exactly when you need to.

Long-Range Comlinks are far from the only upgrade cards included in this Unit Expansion. The T-47 airspeeder has upgrade slots for comms, a hardpoint, and a pilot, and within this expansion, you’ll find upgrade cards that give you options for each of those slots. And while the T-47 airspeeder is undeniably customizable in a mechanical, in-game sense, the miniature itself is also customizable to reflect its place in your army. This miniature comes with two distinct weapons—the AX108 “Ground Buzzer” or the Mo/DK Power Harpoon—and you can customize the T-47 airspeeder miniature based on which weapon you’ve equipped. What’s more, the airspeeder’s trademark maneuvering flaps can be assembled in an open or closed position, inviting you to bring yet another unique touch to your Rebel army.

Scramble Pilots to Their Ships!
Whether you’re fighting a desperate retreat from the Rebel base on Hoth, or you’re taking the fight to the Empire on another battlefield of the Galactic Civil War, there’s no harm in exercising your air superiority.

· A Rebel unit expansion for Star Wars: Legion
· Contains one unpainted and unassembled T-47 Airspeeder miniature to race over soldier’s heads on the battlefield
· An assortment of upgrade cards let you customize the T-47 airspeder to play however you like
· Two different gun attachments invite you to marry the appearance of your miniature with its mechanical function

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45.80 €
Star Wars Legion: Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion

Forced to the fringes of the galaxy by the relentless pursuit of the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance must establish bases on remote planets far from the gaze of Darth Vader and his feared Death Squadron. Though this might take them to barren worlds like the frigid wastes of Hoth, the Rebels often use their ingenuity to turn these less-than-ideal conditions into an advantage. Using the local fauna to bolster their forces, they can easily traverse a planet’s surface and—in some instances—even use these beasts to fight the Empire. Soon, you can bring one of the most iconic creatures from the Star Wars saga to your epic struggles of the Galactic Civil War.

Trained to expertly handle their surefooted mounts across the windswept plains of Hoth, Tauntaun Riders help the Rebellion navigate nearly any environment, scouting Imperial positions and often slowing the enemy’s advance until the rest of the Rebel army can arrive. Within this expansion, you’ll find two unique unpainted Tauntaun Rider miniatures, enough for one support unit, along with a new unit card for you to field in battle. Your tauntaun’s natural speed and defense make them useful in a number of situations, of course, and this pack also contains three upgrade cards that give you the freedom to find a role for them that fits your particular battle plan.

Snowy Swiftness
Wherever they go, members of the Rebel Alliance must remain vigilant if they wish to avoid the Empire. On a frozen planet like Hoth, a tauntaun’s ability to quickly navigate the rough, snow-choked terrain can be an invaluable asset in the Rebels’ tireless search for any signs of Imperial detection. But their effectiveness stretches far beyond their homeworld. Whether they’re charging through the snow on Hoth or navigating the rocky badlands of Tatooine, these resilient snow lizards—and those who ride them—have something to contribute to any battle.

Though they lack the top speed of the T-47 Airspeeders that joined them on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, a unit of Tauntaun Riders still moves swiftly using the speed-three movement tool. Even better, because tauntauns aren’t propelled by repulsor engines, their riders have a greater amount of control in the thick of battle. These agile beasts can make pinpoint turns even while crossing more difficult terrain, making it exceptionally hard for enemies to pin them down with blaster fire.

Such great speed makes tauntauns ideal for cutting through parts of the battlefield that would bog down other units to gain a superior position. Once there, the troopers riding on the tauntauns can start raining fire on opposing units with their powerful DL-44 Blaster Pistols. These blasters pack a heavy punch, but a tauntaun’s horns and hind claws can be just as effective weapons. In fact, a full-speed charge from a tauntaun can be enough to send even the most hardened Snowtroopers flying.

Seeing as they’ll likely be one of your first units to engage with enemy forces, your Tauntaun Riders can be useful far beyond simply attacking. Already trained to be in tune with their rider, with a little extra training your tauntauns can serve a variety of functions within your Rebel army. Whether they’re jamming enemy communications or relaying your orders to units in the middle of a firefight, a tauntaun’s great speed can make it a useful lynchpin in any army’s communication strategy.

On Patrol
Tauntauns may be native to the ice planet of Hoth, but they can serve the forces of the Rebellion on any planet where they're needed.

Support your Rebel armies with the two finely-detailed, beautifully-sculpted tauntaun rider miniatures found in this expansion! Two unique tauntaun riders stride across the frigid wastes of Hoth, their DL-44 blaster pistols at the ready.

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39.40 €
Star Wars Legion: TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank Unit Expansion

A light repulsor tank designed with the tactical flexibility of a starfighter, the TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank is agile and swift, making it an ideal match for the heightened acuity of Jedi Generals like Aayla Secura or Plo Koon. For a battle tank, the Saber-class can be elegant as it nimbly weaves across the battlefield, slashing entire formations with a beam cannon or ripping apart enemy armor with twin laser cannons.

While the TX-130 is surprisingly swift, this extra speed and maneuverability leaves it more vulerable to enemy attacks than similar heavy vehicles. Still, both Jedi and clones can use the Saber-class tank to great effect, and a variety of new ordnance allows Republic commanders to equip this tank with the shells that fit their exact battle plan.

Within the TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank Unit Expansion, you'll find everything you need to incorporate one of these powerful repulsor tanks into your Galactic Republic armies, beginning with an unpainted and beautifully detailed hard plastic TX-130 Saber-class Tank miniature that can be assembled with its missile pod doors open or closed. In addition to choosing how the tank's missile pods are assembled, you can also customize the look of the turret, choosing between a twin laser turret or a beam cannon turret. Finally, this turret can be manned by a Clone Trooper with either a Phase I or Phase II helmet.

On top of how it looks, you can also customize how your Saber-class tank functions in battle with ten upgrade cards that invite you to swap out its pilots, weapons, ordnance, and comms systems.

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76.30 €
Star Wars Legion: Upgrade Card Pack 1
Star Wars Legion: Upgrade Card Pack 1

Whether you enter the epic struggle between the monolithic Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance or you reenact the titanic clashes of the Clone Wars, Star Wars: Legion gives you the power to build your own custom army of iconic Star Wars characters, troopers, and vehicles. But handpicking the units you take into battle is only the first step in creating the army that plays exactly the way you want. The weapons, gear, and training your units carry into battle are just as important, and soon you’ll have access to more ways to upgrade your army than ever before.

Bringing together sixty neutral upgrade cards originally found in expansions through the Clone Wars Core Set, this pack gives you access to a wide range of upgrades no matter what faction you play. With these cards, you’re free to fine-tune your units as you see fit, building the Star Wars army that best fits your strategies.

Kitted Out
From the very beginning of Star Wars: Legion, you have had the freedom to customize your army and unlock new tactical possibilities by equipping your units with upgrade cards. As the game has expanded, so too has the pool of available upgrade cards, inviting you to further modify your armies.

While every Unit Expansion contains a variety of upgrade cards that help enhance that particular unit’s natural abilities, the Upgrade Card Pack conveniently puts a vast library of upgrade cards at your fingertips.

Within this pack, you'll find copies of the following upgrade cards:

5 Command Upgrade Cards
* 1 Aggressive Tactics
* 1 Commanding Presence
* 1 Esteemed Leader
* 1 Improvised Orders
* 1 Strict Orders

13 Comms Upgrade Cards
* 2 Comms Jammer
* 3 Comms Relay
* 3 HQ Uplink
* 3 Linked Targeting Array
* 2 Long-Range Comlink

5 Force Upgrade Cards
* 1 Battle Meditation
* 1 Force Guidance
* 1 Force Push
* 1 Force Reflexes
* 1 Saber Throw

16 Gear Upgrade Cards
* 2 Electrobinoculars
* 3 Emergency Stims
* 3 Environmental Gear
* 3 Grappling Hooks
* 3 Recon Intel
* 2 Targeting Scopes

6 Grenade Upgrade Cards
* 2 Concussion Grenades
* 2 Fragmentation Grenades
* 2 Impact Grenades

15 Training Upgrade Cards
* 3 Duck and Cover
* 3 Endurance
* 3 Hunter
* 3 Overwatch
* 3 Tenacity

Whether you play the Galactic Republic, Separatist Alliance, Galactic Empire, or Rebel Alliance, these cards help you unlock the full potential of your units, giving you the freedom to experiment with new combinations and new strategies. And, of course, every upgrade you add is another step to making your army uniquely your own.

Prepare for War
You’ve supplemented your forces with new recruits, now it’s time to make sure they head into battle with state-of-the-art gear.

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13.00 €
Star Wars Legion: Vital Assets Battlefield Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Vital Assets Battlefield Expansion

The battles of the Star Wars galaxy are rarely fought simply to gain new territory. No matter if they fight in the Clone Wars or the Galactic Civil War, the soldiers of these conflicts are called to serve in many types of missions, from tense hostage exchanges to payload deliveries to bombing runs. Soon, you’ll be able to send your troops into even more varied engagements. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Vital Assets Battlefield Expansion for Star Wars: Legion!

Wherever the battle rages, this pack adds new options to expand the scope of your Star Wars: Legion games. With sixteen finely sculpted battlefield objective miniatures as well as new battle, hostage, and supply cards, this expansion contains everything you need to enhance your battlefield and add new dimensions to your battles in a galaxy far, far away.

Defining the Battlefield
Your Star Wars: Legion battles rage on planets across the galaxy, and while your mission parameters may be clear, there’s no telling what you’ll find once your boots hit the ground. The sixteen objective miniatures you find in this expansion—including two hostages, six bombs, six crates, and two repulsor pallets—can help you create an immersive and thematic battlefiled. Whether you use these miniatures to replace your objective tokens or to simply add Star Wars flavor to your battles, the story of your battle begins to take shape before you deploy your troops with the selection of the battle cards that will define your battlefield and the conditions you’ll be playing under.

With the battle cards in the Core Set and the Clone Wars Core Set, you could be tasked with rallying an army that finds itself in disarray to intercept some valuable transmissions. With nine new battle cards that outline additional objectives, deployments, and conditions, the Vital Assets Battlefield Expansion adds even more possibilities to your games, letting you play out a wide variety of new missions.

Among the new options, you'll embark on a delicate Hostage Exchange that tasks you with securing a VIP and transporting them back to your deployment zone. Such exchanges often take place with both sides behind Fortified Positions, of course, and the barricades this condition card calls for can create plenty of cover for your troops to cover a retreating hostage.

Alternatively, the battlefield could also be littered with useful tools from a Supply Drop. This condition card introduces a new deck of sixteen supply cards that your units can draw from throughout the battle. Each of these cards provides your unit with a valuable piece of equipment that can support your operations in the field. With some Bacta Capsules, for example, a non-droid trooper unit can stay operational a little while longer. Similarly, a Field Scanner gives a unit the tactical data they need to take cover at a crucial moment.

Join the Fight
The soldiers of the Star Wars galaxy are trained and ready to fight on any planet under any conditions. Do you have what it takes to adapt to the situation and lead them to victory?

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51.70 €
Star Wars Legion: Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion (2018)
Star Wars Legion: Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion (2018)

Despite their imposing size, Wookiees are normally peaceful and proud. After years of suffering under Imperial rule, however, many Wookiees have taken to the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War as members of the Rebel Alliance. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion for Star Wars: Legion!

The Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk has seen its share of intergalactic conflict in recent decades, and the Wookiees will do whatever it takes to protect their home. Although they are a rare sight on the battlefield, Wookiees can quickly enter a berserker rage that any surviving enemies will not soon forget.

Within the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion, Rebel generals will find everything they need to add a group of Wookiees to their army as a special forces unit. Four unpainted, easily assembled miniatures show the Wookiees charging into the fray, brandishing their Ryyk Blades. In the same expansion, you'll find five unique upgrade cards to prepare the Wookiee Warriors for whatever they may face on the battlefield.

The Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion will release alongside the Chewbacca Operative Expansion in the fourth quarter of 2018, giving you the chance to bring Kashyyyk’s finest to the battles of the Galactic Civil War as they play out on your tabletop.

Relentless Assault
With their introduction into Star Wars: Legion, the Wookiee Warriors take their place alongside the Rebel Commandos as the Rebellion’s options for special forces. Standard infantry units, such as the Rebel Troopers, are more than capable of battling Imperial Stormtroopers head-on, but your battles will rarely focus solely on destroying enemy units. You’ll need specialized troops if you’re going to accomplish your objectives, and the Rebel Commandos and Wookiee Warriors present drastically different options for doing so.

Unlike the Rebel Commandos' tendency for stealthy infiltration and sabotage missions, the Wookiee Warriors prefer more direct confrontations. As you might expect, their massive strength serves them well in melee combat and their Ryyk Blades make them all the more deadly. Each Wookiee wielding these weapons contributes two black dice to a melee attack, making them ferocious opponents up close.

Ryyk Blades aren’t the only weapons Wookiees carry into battle, though. The bowcaster is a traditional Wookiee weapon, and if you’re looking to attack from a distance, a Bowcaster Wookiee heavy weapon miniature is a perfect complement to the Kashyyyk Pistols carried by standard Wookiee Warriors. This weapon helps you cut through enemy blocks and armor, but it's most effective when it’s being used within the more limited range of the Kashyyyk Pistols.

There are few who can match Wookiee Warriors in terms of raw combat strength, but perhaps their biggest contribution comes in their other natural abilities. Wookiees are strong climbers, and can easily clamber up obstacles that other species would find too treacherous. Likewise, they have no problem moving across difficult terrain, making them a unit uniquely suited to rush straight toward the nearest objective with little worry about what’s in the way.

Unleash Your Fury
The warriors of Kashyyyk are some of the most ferocious in the galaxy. Soon, they'll be able to lend their strength to your fight against tyranny in all its forms.

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38.80 €
Star Wars Legion: X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion

Unable to match the Empire’s production of military equipment, the Rebel Alliance makes do with whatever they have on hand, which often means converting civilian vehicles into weapons of war. In addition to being outfitted with stolen weaponry to support Rebel soldiers in combat, the nondescript appearance of these vehicles is often useful in avoiding capture. With an X-34 Landspeeder in your arsenal, you’ll be able to adapt one of the Star Wars saga's most iconic speeders to fit your needs on the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War.

Already a speedy craft thanks to its powerful repulsor engine, an X-34 Landspeeder becomes a threat to even the toughest Imperial opponents when driven by an experienced pilot and equipped with an assortment of weapons. The X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion adds one X-34 landspeeder miniature, complete with two unique weapon options, to your Rebel armies. Along with the beautifully sculpted, finely detailed miniature, you’ll also find a unit card and all the tokens you need to get your X-34 up and running in this expansion, as well as a range of upgrade cards to customize it to your specific battle plans.

Race into battle with the single highly detailed X-34 Landspeeder miniature included in this expanison pack! You can customize both the weapons and the crew on this landspeeder miniature, swapping in an M-45 ion blaster or a Mark II medium blaster, and bringing in crew armed with rifles or rocket launchers.

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78.30 €

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