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Legions Imperialis: Questoris Knights
Legions Imperialis: Questoris Knights

3x Knights

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35.00 €
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Assault Carriers Expansion Pack
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Assault Carriers Expansion Pack

The Galactic Civil War rages on, and so do the tactical fleet battles of Star Wars: Armada. In Armada, you assume the role of fleet admiral with either the Galactic Empire or Rebel Alliance, assemble your ships, and fly to meet the enemy. The combats are big and brutal, and your strategy must balance your focus on the objective against the destruction of your enemy.

The game's rules for fleet building permit you the freedom to fly the ships that best suit your strategy, and each wave of expansions adds new options for you to pursue. Wave I allowed you to build your fleet to full strength, introducing a classic assortment of ships and starfighters, including Victory-class Star Destroyers, Nebulon-B frigates, TIE fighters, and X-wing squadrons. Wave II increased the game's scope even further, adding the Imperial-class Star Destroyer and Home One as the first large-base ships and increasing the standard fleet build to a full 400 points.

Now, even as the game's core experience remains rooted in your ability to plan your approach, command your ships, and obliterate your enemy, Wave III introduces yet another dimension to your battles. Its two expansions, the Imperial Assault Carriers Expansion Pack and the Rebel Transports Expansion Pack, introduce the "flotilla" to Armada. Treated like standard ships—with a couple of notable exceptions—flotillas come with a host of inexpensive, highly tactical abilities that allow you to coordinate your fleet more closely than ever!

Introducing the Flotilla
The flotilla enters Wave III as an all-new type of ship. Flotillas operate in most ways the same as larger ships, but because they represent multiple, smaller ships, flotillas feature two plastic ship models, instead of one. Apart from this difference, they follow the same rules as other ships, with one exception—when a flotilla would overlap or be overlapped by another ship, only the flotilla takes a facedown damage card. You do not deal a facedown damage card to the closest ship the flotilla overlapped unless that ship is also a flotilla.

Flotillas, however, do more than merely introduce a new type of ship; they also introduce a new fleet support role that you can incorporate into your fleet and games. Both of the flotillas in Wave III feature the Fleet Support upgrade icon. These upgrades are remarkable in Armada because they do less to improve the ship that bears them than they do to boost the rest of your fleet. Bolster your squadrons, repair your ships, or improve your larger ships' ability to respond to immediate threats—Fleet Support upgrades ensure that your flotillas can play a useful role in any attack plan.

Imperial Assault Carriers Expansion Pack
The popular Gozanti-class cruiser arrives to Armada in Wave III in the Imperial Assault Carriers Expansion Pack.

With just one die in their left, right, and forward battery armaments, and no dice to fire from their rear arcs, your flotilla of Gozanti-class cruisers is not going to intimidate your opponent into surrender, but only a fool would dismiss their impact. First of all, a flotilla of Imperial assault carriers comes with a fleet-point cost more comparable to your fighter squadrons than your other ships. Next, it gains a surprising measure of survivability from its scatter and evade tokens. Most important, however, is the wide range of abilities that your Gozanti-class bring to battle with its new Fleet Support upgrades.

Of the expansion's eight upgrades, half of them bear the Fleet Support icon. Unlike most upgrades, these do not add muscle to the ship that equips them, but to the other ships and squadrons in your fleet. Accordingly, you might use your Imperial assault carrier to add punch to a Bomber build by equipping a Bomber Command Center , or you might equip a Comms Net to provide critical command flexibility to your larger ships. No matter which Fleet Support upgrade it equips, your flotilla of Imperial assault carriers does more than add another piece to the puzzle; it binds those pieces together.

• An Imperial starship expansion for the popular Star Wars: Armada miniatures game
• Introduces the “flotilla” as a new type of small-base ship
• The new Fleet Support upgrade type allows you to coordinate and support your fleet
• Permits a wide range of new Imperial tactics
• Eight upgrades include four Fleet Support upgrades, plus a new commander

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24.00 €
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Light Carrier Expansion Pack
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Light Carrier Expansion Pack

Capable of acting as a mobile starfighter base over occupied worlds, the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier is an ideal garrison vessel. It can support operations even in the most primitive conditions, and it bristles with laser turrets that allow it to defend itself while its fighter craft are away on crucial missions.

The Imperial Light Carrier Expansion Pack brings the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier to your tabletop as a pre-painted, medium-base starship with six hull, three dice in its forward battery armament, and a whopping squadron value of "4."

It's supported by two ship cards and a total of ten upgrades that provide a new commander, three Title upgrades, some additional offensive firepower—and the game's first dual-slot upgrade. Requiring and occupying both the Weapons Team and Offensive Retrofit upgrade slots, the Imperial Light Carrier's Boarding Troopers can wreak havoc upon an enemy's defenses, punishing anyone who flies his or her ship too close to the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier that you'd rather keep back behind your fighter screen.

The Boarding Troopers' ability to spend your opponent's defense tokens is further amplified when used in conjunction with Admiral Sloane. Whether you attack first with your squadrons and follow up with your Boarding Troopers, or visa versa, Admiral Sloane makes it possible for you to exhaust and then discard an enemy ship's full complement of defense tokens!

• An Imperial starship expansion pack for the popular Star Wars: Armada miniatures game
• The Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier is a powerful squadron support ship
• Two ship cards and ten upgrades allow you to outfit your light carrier multiple ways
• A dual-slotted Weapons Team / Offensive Retrofit upgrade allows you to disrupt your opponent’s ships with your boarding action
• Comes with all the dials, plastic, and tokens needed to bring the light cruiser to battle

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36.00 €
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack

The Imperial light cruiser is a communications and blockade ship used to help the Empire spread its domain throughout the galaxy. Quicker and more maneuverable than a Star Destroyer, the Arquitens-class light cruiser was frequently deployed to the Outer Rim to help strangle isolated rebel cells.

Of course, its speed is only one part of the threat it presents. The light cruiser is also a powerful vessel, armed with quad lasers, turbolasers, and concussion missiles. In numbers, it can menace even the largest enemy warships.

In Armada, the Imperial Light Cruiser Expansion Pack presents this ship as a fast, small-base Imperial vessel that excels at providing long-range fire support from its broadsides. In addition to its pre-painted miniature Arquitens-class light cruiser, the expansion also contains two ship cards, and eight upgrades, including the new commander Moff Jerjerrod , whose ability allows your ships to react more quickly to any asteroid fields or other obstacles they may encounter during battle. You will also find all the command dials, plastic, and tokens necessary to send your light cruiser racing around the Rebels' flanks and into a new era for Imperial tactics.

• An Imperial starship expansion for the popular Star Wars: Armada miniatures game
• Features one small-base, pre-painted Arquitens-class light cruiser
• Partners outstanding speed and maneuverability with a potent broadside armament
• The new commander Moff Jerjerrod allows your ships to respond more quickly to obstacles
• Comes with two ship cards and eight upgrades

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29.00 €
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Raider Expansion Pack
Star Wars Armada: Imperial Raider Expansion Pack

The Raider-class corvette is the Empire's response to the need for a designated antifighter vessel. The Imperial Raider Expansion Pack brings this ship’s six dual heavy laser cannons to Star Wars: Armada, where its utility against snubfighters and the disruptive effects of its ion cannon emplacements, along with the efficiency of its localized command, make it a powerful addition to any Imperial fleet. In addition to its pre-painted, small-base Raider miniature, this expansion introduces eight upgrade cards, a command dial, speed dial, and all requisite tokens.

First introduced to the world as a huge starship designed for Epic games of X-Wing, the Raider-class corvette is the Empire's response to the need for a designated anti-fighter vessel. Its six dual heavy laser cannons are more accurate against snubfighters than the turbolaser batteries of its Star Destroyer cousins, and the disruptive effects of its ion cannon emplacements, along with the efficiency of its localized command, make it a powerful addition to small strike forces.

This potent anti-fighter starship enters Armada in the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack. The second small ship for the Imperial Navy, the Raider is a quick and nimble ship that excels at dealing with pesky starfighter squadrons, but it can just as easily dart across the battlefield to pour concentrated fire into the broadside of a Rebel cruiser. Whether you field your pre-painted miniature as a Raider I-class Corvette or Raider II-class Corvette, the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack offers you plenty of ways to customize it for battle with either squadrons or capital ships. Among its eight upgrade cards, you'll find Ordnance Experts, a new commander, Quad Laser Turrets, two unique titles, and more.

Of course, as always, the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack comes with a command dial, speed dial, and all the tokens you need to enter the fray.

• An Imperial starship expansion for the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game
• Features one pre-painted, small-base Raider-class corvette miniature
• Offers Imperial fleets an excellent counter to fighter-based Rebel strategies
• Eight upgrade cards allow you to dramatically alter the way you utilize your Raider
• Comes with a command dial, speed dial, and all requisite tokens

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31.00 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Alliance Rangers Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Alliance Rangers Ally Pack

The soldiers of the Rebel Alliance are utterly devoted to the cause, willing to venture into even the most hostile terrain if it means helping to bring down the Empire. Although all of these soldiers are trained in battle, a few truly excel at guerrilla warfare and long-range attacks. These renowned snipers are known as the Alliance Rangers, and they can join your campaigns and skirmishes with the Alliance Rangers Ally Pack.

They may help a small team of Rebel heroes survive among the dunes of Tatooine, or they may battle Imperial Stormtroopers under the canopy of a mighty forest, but wherever they’re deployed, the Alliance Rangers are among the most deadly long-range fighters in the game of Imperial Assault. With two blue dice and an inherent accuracy boost, Alliance Rangers can reach almost unprecedented distances with their attacks, and the Sniper ability gives them a further benefit from choosing to make their attack far from enemy reprisal. Add to that the ability to become Hidden after defeating an enemy figure, and your Alliance Rangers may pick off your opponent’s troops long before they come close enough to fire their own blasters.

This Ally Pack comes with plenty of other ways to alter your campaign missions or skirmish games as well. You may travel to the planet Ithor to assist a strike force of Alliance Rangers in silencing an Imperial recon facility. Or, you may move deep into the Nal Hutta Swamps, carrying out a covert and silent battle against another strike team in the backwaters of the Hutt homeworld. No matter which way you prefer to play, the Alliance Rangers are a powerful asset for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

• A new Ally Pack for Imperial Assault
• Introduces Alliance Rangers to your campaigns and skirmishes
• Silence an Imperial recon facility on Ithor in a brand-new campaign side mission
• New skirmish missions offer a variety of new battlefields to base your games

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21.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Alliance Smuggler Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Alliance Smuggler Ally Pack

Across the Star Wars galaxy, the Galactic Empire reigns supreme. But even the Empire cannot be everywhere or regulate everything, and so those who live outside the law make their way on the fringes of society, preying on the weak and fighting to survive for another day. Smuggle supplies and weapons for the Rebel Alliance an bring your own brand of lawlessness to Imperial Assault with the Alliance Smuggler.

The Alliance Smuggler Ally Pack isn’t directly associated with any other Imperial Assault expansions, meaning that this characters enters the game for the first time in these figure packs. Like other Ally Packs this expansion offers a sculpted plastic figure alongside a new campaign side mission and two new skirmish missions that share a map. Joined by new Agenda cards, Command cards, Deployment cards, Reward cards, and Skirmish cards, this figure introduces new tactics for your campaigns and skirmishes!

The Rebellion prefers to avoid dealing with criminals in most circumstances, but its dedicated smugglers are crucial to the continued survival of the Rebel Alliance. These smugglers carry weapons and medical supplies to beleaguered worlds, they can transport political leaders safely and quickly, and they can hold their own if pressed to fight. With the Alliance Smuggler Ally Pack, you gain a single Alliance Smuggler figure to support you in your campaigns and skirmishes.

In the skirmish game, the Alliance Smuggler is a powerful ally who can stun enemy figures or slip away from Stormtroopers and other enemies before they can pin you down with blaster fire. You might even embark on a smuggling run into your opponent’s deployment zone to gain some additional victory points! The new Smuggled Supplies Command card gives your Smuggler characters a boost when they need it most, and two new skirmish missions invite you to battle across the Mustafar Command Hub to make a critical datalink or deliver energy cells to your allies.

You may also call upon the Alliance Smugglers to join you in the campaign game with an entirely new side mission. In the Precious Cargo campaign side mission, you and your fellow heroes journey to Ryloth to recover the cargo of a tramp freighter shot down by Imperial forces. With the help of an Alliance Smuggler, you may regain the freighter’s cargo for the Rebellion and secure the services of the Alliance Smuggler for future missions. But the Empire is already on the trail of the cargo, and they’re certain to try to claim this cargo for themselves!

• A Wave IV Rebel faction figure pack for Imperial Assault
• Introduces one sculpted Alliance Smuggler figure, along with new missions and other cards
• A campaign side mission invites you to recover the cargo of a downed Rebel freighter
• Two skirmish missions challenge you to slip by your foes or engage in a smuggling run
• New Mission cards, Command cards, and Deployment cards open plenty of tactical possibilities

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15.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Bantha Rider Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Bantha Rider Villain Pack

Across the Star Wars galaxy, the Galactic Empire reigns supreme. But even the Empire cannot be everywhere or regulate everything, and so those who live outside the law make their way on the fringes of society, preying on the weak and fighting to survive for another day. Raid settlements with a Tusken Raider warband and bring your own brand of lawlessness to Imperial Assault with the Bantha Rider.

The Bantha Rider Villain Pack isn’t directly associated with any other Imperial Assault expansions, meaning that these characters enter the game for the first time in these figure packs. Like other Villain Packs this expansion offers a sculpted plastic figure alongside a new campaign side mission and two new skirmish missions that share a map. Joined by new Agenda cards, Command cards, Deployment cards, Reward cards, and Skirmish cards, this figure introduces new tactics for your campaigns and skirmishes!

The indigenous people of Tatooine, the Tusken Raiders, are known for their lightning-fast raids and ferocious battle tactics as they attack Tatooine’s moisture farmers. The Tusken Raiders are also known for riding out of the desert on banthas – massive, horned beasts that can easily trample those who anger them. With the Bantha Rider Villain Pack, you have the opportunity to swell the forces of the Tusken Raiders from Twin Shadows and ride a bantha into battle in Imperial Assault.

The power of a Bantha Rider can rout entire squads of lesser figures in your Imperial Assault skirmishes. While the Tusken Raider riding atop the bantha fires at select figures, you can use the Bantha itself to trample your opponent’s figures, crushing them beneath its massive feet or stampeding into a squad and destroying their formation. Six new Command cards offer plenty of tactical options to any army, but your Tusken Raiders and Bantha Riders could especially benefit from the extra movement and attacks granted by Jundland Terror. Furthermore, the new Coruscant Landfill skirmish map challenges you with two distinct missions that invite you to fully harness the massive size and power of your Bantha Riders.

You can even bring a Bantha Rider into your Imperial Assault campaigns with a new three-card Agenda set, Tusken Treachery. The Into the Wastes Agenda mission challenges the Rebel heroes to rescue a captive abducted by raiders and secure stolen data, but if they fail, the Imperial player’s forces can take advantage of Tusken Raider weaponry for the rest of the campaign! You may use the other Agenda cards in this set to bring Tusken Raiders or the Bantha Rider into a mission unexpectedly, or to ensure that even a small wound proves dangerous to the afflicted hero.

• A Wave IV Mercenary faction figure pack for Imperial Assault
• Introduces the Bantha Rider to Imperial Assault
• A new three-card Agenda set allows the Tusken Raiders to follow the heroes throughout a campaign
• Two new skirmish missions challenge you to trample your foes and unleash the fury of the Tusken Raiders
• New Mission cards, Agenda cards, Command cards, and Deployment cards open myriad tactical possibilities for both campaign and skirmish games

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24.00 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Boba Fett Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Boba Fett Villain Pack

Embark on thrilling new Imperial Assault missions with one of the galaxy’s most formidable bounty hunters: Boba Fett!

With this deadly bounty hunter at your side, you can bring Boba Fett’s fearless inventiveness and vicious skills to every mission – assuming you can afford to hire him.

Like other Villain Packs, the Boba Fett Villain Pack offers essential new cards and missions for both the campaign and skirmish games, alongside a detailed plastic figure required for fielding Boba Fett in Imperial Assault tournaments. For the skirmish game, this expansion offers new Command cards that open powerful new strategies and a new skirmish map with two unique missions. The Imperial player in a campaign game also gains access to a new side mission and a three-card Agenda set to hunt the heroes throughout the campaign.

Many bounty hunters ply their trade throughout the galaxy, chasing down and capturing their quarries. These men and women are well known as hard fighters and relentless pursuers, but even among the bounty hunters, there is one who has forged a reputation for his brutality and skill. Now, you can hire Boba Fett – the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy – for any Imperial Assault mission you may undertake.

Boba Fett is a valuable asset for any servant of the dark side. Whether you hire him for a campaign or a skirmish mission, his formidable abilities and explosive armaments make him a deadly opponent. In addition to Boba Fett’s own talents, you can also use the Soldiers for Hire agenda set to harry the heroes between missions. You can ground and attack a Rebel supply convoy on Yavin 4 in a new side mission and you can use any means necessary to take down a targeted hero during a mission.

In your skirmish games, the new skirmish upgrade and Command cards included in the Boba Fett Villain Pack can provide a crucial advantage over your opponent. With Jump Jets, for instance, you can fly across the battlefield, cutting off your target’s escape or quickly bypassing any obstacles that stand between you and a mission objective. Whether you battle through the new Imperial Space Station map or engage in another skirmish mission, this figure pack has plenty to offer to every player.

• Comes with a detailed plastic figure of the iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett, for use in your campaign and skirmishes, including Imperial Assault tournaments
• Imperial players can hunt down down the Rebel heroes in their campaign games with a new side mission and two other Agendas
• Two brand-new skirmish missions invite you to battle within an Imperial space station
• Three new Command cards invite you to employ Mandalorian tactics in your skirmishes

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19.60 €

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